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This paper investigates whether simple term premium estimation techniques provide potential for return enhancement and interest rate predictability. Using short-term US government securities, during 1959—93, it is demonstrated that utilization of such knowledge allows investors to enhance returns on fixed income portfolios, provided that other than money market alternatives can be considered as potential repositories of funds. In addition, such knowledge yielded short-term interest rate predictions that were weakly superior to other methodologies, including the naive no-change forecast, except during the volatile early 1980s.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the variance risk premium (VRP), defined as the difference between risk-neutral and physical expected variances, has strong predictive power for the excess stock market return, and this predictability peaks at 3- to 6-month prediction horizons. However, little research presents empirical evidences for Chinese stock market due to the absence of option market. Under general equilibrium asset pricing framework, this article estimates time-varying VRP using the Chinese stock market data. We find that the estimated VRP predicts the excess Chinese stock market return, and this forecasting power is stronger at 4- and 5-month horizons, which is consistent with the findings of existing literature.  相似文献   

Previous empirical evidence suggests that stock return volatility expectations change over time, but the existing models of time-varying variance lack a theoretical structure that is rigorously linked to the efficient markets dividend discount model. This paper develops and tests such a model. The conditional forecast variance of the return on the stock market portfolio is expressed as a linear combination of the adjusted conditional forecast variance of the interest rate and the dividend growth rate. An empirical test using the implied variance of the S&P 100 index option provides evidence that supports the model's predictions.  相似文献   

It is common to use the average excess return of equities over bonds estimated over long time periods as an expected equity risk premium on the grounds that going back far enough covers most possible economic scenarios. But although this data is useful in guiding the exercise of judgment, it cannot substitute for judgment. Adding more years of data to the near century of Canadian stock and bond returns that inform today's estimate of the equity risk premium will not produce a “random walk” for a simple reason: the historic bond series is the result of a specific historic monetary policy. This is particularly true of and important for the case of Canada, where today's very low current bond yields reflect the emergence of the Canadian dollar as a reserve currency as well as the impact of unconventional monetary policy elsewhere. After analyzing the historic record of the Canadian equity risk premium and noting the need for adjustments when this premium is applied to the current anomalously low Canadian long‐term bond yields, the author reaches the following conclusions:
  • The historic Canadian equity risk premium is approximately 5.0% (based on arithmetic returns), which is slightly lower than the roughly 6.0% value for the U.S.
  • The historic equity risk premium has not been constant because of obvious changes in the Canadian bond market. To some extent, the huge cycle in which bond yields began their increase from the 4.0% level starting in 1957, when markets were liberalized, and then fell back to the 4.0% level in 2007‐2008 completed an adjustment to changes in fiscal versus monetary policy. However, in 2016, average long Canada bond yields dropped to an anomalously low 1.8%, which is below the long‐term inflation target of the Bank of Canada, and have barely recovered since. It is difficult to view this as an equilibrium rate determined by private investors.
  • Of the drop in bond yields, about 0.50% is unique to Government of Canada bonds as they became attractive to sovereign investors as a rare AAA‐rated issuer.
  • Using an indicator variable for the post‐2010 years, a simple regression analysis indicates that current long Canada bond yields should be about 2.75% higher but for the recent changes. And for 2018, this means that the 2.35% average long Canada bond yield should have been about 5.0%. Apart from the impact of higher government deficits, this is consistent with average yields before the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Adding an adjusted 5.0% long Canada bond yield to the historic equity risk premium in Canada of 4.50% gives 9.50% for the cost of the overall equity market or, given the Bank of Canada's target inflation rate of 2.0%, a real equity return of 7.5%, both slightly higher than the long‐run averages.
In sum, the conventional practice of adding a historic market risk premium to the current low Canada long bond yields would impart a sharp downward bias to current equity cost estimates; use of this method would not be appropriate until long Canada bond yields increase to at least the 4.0% level.  相似文献   

The Value Premium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The value anomaly arises naturally in the neoclassical framework with rational expectations. Costly reversibility and countercyclical price of risk cause assets in place to be harder to reduce, and hence are riskier than growth options especially in bad times when the price of risk is high. By linking risk and expected returns to economic primitives, such as tastes and technology, my model generates many empirical regularities in the cross‐section of returns; it also yields an array of new refutable hypotheses providing fresh directions for future empirical research.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asset pricing implications of industrial pollution. A long-short portfolio constructed from firms with high versus low toxic emission intensity within an industry generates an average annual return of 4.42%, which remains significant after controlling for risk factors. This pollution premium cannot be explained by existing systematic risks, investor preferences, market sentiment, political connections, or corporate governance. We propose and model a new systematic risk related to environmental policy uncertainty. We use the growth in environmental litigation penalties to measure regime change risk and find that it helps price the cross section of emission portfolios' returns.  相似文献   

The Equity Premium   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We estimate the equity premium using dividend and earnings growth rates to measure the expected rate of capital gain. Our estimates for 1951 to 2000, 2.55 percent and 4.32 percent, are much lower than the equity premium produced by the average stock return, 7.43 percent. Our evidence suggests that the high average return for 1951 to 2000 is due to a decline in discount rates that produces a large unexpected capital gain. Our main conclusion is that the average stock return of the last half-century is a lot higher than expected.  相似文献   

This paper uses a novel dataset to analyze the return to direct investments in private firms by pension funds. We have two key findings. First, direct investments in private firms have underperformed public equity by 392 basis points per annum under conservative risk adjustments. Second, initial mispricing, due to over‐optimism or misperceived risk, and subsequent low capital gains seem to explain the gap in returns to private firms. Overall, these findings complement the finding of Moskowitz and Vissing‐Jørgensen (2002) of low returns on entrepreneurial investments and provide new insight into the existence of what they call the private equity premium puzzle: Even professional investors with well‐diversified portfolios like pension funds seem to get a poor risk‐return tradeoff from investing directly in private firms.  相似文献   

在财产保险中,如果保险金额超过了保险标的的保险价值,就被认定为超额保险.按照现行的法律规定,超额保险的超额部分是无效的.但投保人已经就此超额部分支付了保险费,那么在此超额部分无效以后,这部分保险费如何处理?在现行的法规中对此规定不详,因此,笔者查阅大量资料,结合十几年保险理论的教学经验,目的在于探讨超额保险超额部分保险费的退费问题,希望能够对保险市场的健康发展略尽绵薄之力.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how globalization is reflected in asset prices. We use shipping costs to measure firms' exposure to globalization. Firms in low shipping cost industries carry a 7% risk premium, suggesting that their cash flows covary negatively with investors' marginal utility. We find that the premium emanates from the risk of displacement of least efficient firms triggered by import competition. These findings suggest that foreign productivity shocks are associated with times when consumption is dear for investors. We discuss conditions under which a standard model of trade with asset prices can rationalize this puzzle.  相似文献   

We establish that CEOs of companies experiencing volatile industry conditions are more likely to be dismissed. At the same time, accounting for various other factors, industry risk is unlikely to be associated with CEO compensation other than through dismissal risk. Using this identification strategy, we document that CEO turnover risk is significantly positively associated with compensation. This finding is important because job‐risk‐compensating wage differentials arise naturally in competitive labor markets. By contrast, the evidence rejects an entrenchment model according to which powerful CEOs have lower job risk and at the same time secure higher compensation.  相似文献   

鉴于国债期限溢价与股权溢价之间的相关关系具有时变性特征,本文运用BEKK-MGARCH、ADCC-MGARCH等模型从条件相关系数角度考察国债期限溢价与股权溢价之间的动态相关性。经验分析结果发现,在描述两者的相关性动态变化方面,考虑非对称性的ADCC-MGARCH模型优于BEKK-MGARCH模型;尽管国债期限溢价与股权溢价之间的条件相关系数大小在短期内会发生变动,但是条件相关系数在正负符号上却保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

The Value Premium and the CAPM   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine (1) how value premiums vary with firm size, (2) whether the CAPM explains value premiums, and (3) whether, in general, average returns compensate β in the way predicted by the CAPM. Loughran's (1997) evidence for a weak value premium among large firms is special to 1963 to 1995, U.S. stocks, and the book‐to‐market value‐growth indicator. Ang and Chen's (2005) evidence that the CAPM can explain U.S. value premiums is special to 1926 to 1963. The CAPM's more general problem is that variation in β unrelated to size and the value‐growth characteristic goes unrewarded throughout 1926 to 2004.  相似文献   

The Equity Premium and Structural Breaks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A long return history is useful in estimating the current equity premium even if the historical distribution has experienced structural breaks. The long series helps not only if the timing of breaks is uncertain but also if one believes that large shifts in the premium are unlikely or that the premium is associated, in part, with volatility. Our framework incorporates these features along with a belief that prices are likely to move opposite to contemporaneous shifts in the premium. The estimated premium since 1834 fluctuates between 4 and 6 percent and exhibits its sharpest drop in the last decade.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Numerous studies have documented the failure of the static and conditional capital asset pricing models to explain the difference in returns between value and growth stocks. This paper examines the post-1963 value premium by employing a model that captures the time-varying total risk of the value-minus-growth portfolios. Our results show that the time-series of value premia is strongly and positively correlated with its volatility. This conclusion is robust to the criterion used to sort stocks into value and growth portfolios and to the country under review (the US and the UK). Our paper is consistent with evidence on the possible role of idiosyncratic risk in explaining equity returns, and also with a separate strand of literature concerning the relative lack of reversibility of value firms' investment decisions.  相似文献   

This study, using a direct measure of the wage growth rate within firms, examines the value premium in relation to human capital. The results suggest that the dispersion in wage growth in value and growth stocks explains a large portion of the differences in stock returns. It appears that value stocks are less exposed to shocks in rents to human capital. Differences in labor force characteristics among value and growth stocks also proved to be an important factor in determining both the impact of future changes in labor income growth rate and firm value. The present findings are understood to mean that the ability of investors to forecast the dispersion in wage growth in firms is limited.  相似文献   

论专业化保证保险费率机构的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理定价是保险经营的必要前提,而我国现行费率体制并未充分考虑到保证保险风险性质的特殊性和费率厘定的复杂性,这也成为我国保证保险市场费率不合理的制度根源.借鉴美国经验,改革现行费率体制,构建专业化的保证保险费率厘定和咨询机构,是推动我国保证保险市场费率走向合理化的必要途径.  相似文献   

The development of organized markets for speculative-grade corporate debt has provided financial researchers with an opportunity to examine the pricing of default risk. By incorporating previous work on the default experience of low-rated corporate debt, this paper presents an introduction to risk-neutral models of risky-bond pricing and uses these to examine the relationship between the default premium embodied in bond yields and actual default rates. The contribution of macroeconomic information to the default premium is also examined. The author finds that holders of low-grade bonds have, on average, been compensated for losses due to default.  相似文献   


The equity risk premium (ERP) is an essential building block of the market value of risk. In theory, the collective action of all investors results in an equilibrium expectation for the return on the market portfolio excess of the risk-free return, the ERP. The ability of the valuation actuary to choose a sensible value for the ERP, whether as a required input to capital asset pricing model valuation, or any of its descendants, is as important as choosing risk-free rates and risk relatives (betas) to the ERP for the asset at hand.

The historical realized ERP for the stock market appears to be at odds with pricing theory parameters for risk aversion. Since 1985, there has been a constant stream of research, each of which reviews theories of estimating market returns, examines historical data periods, or both. Those ERP value estimates vary widely from about ?1% to about 9%, based on a geometric or arithmetic averaging, short or long horizons, short- or long-run expectations, unconditional or conditional distributions, domestic or international data, data periods, and real or nominal returns.

This paper examines the principal strains of the recent research on the ERP and catalogues the empirical values of the ERP implied by that research. In addition, the paper supplies several time series analyses of the standard Ibbotson Associates 1926–2002 ERP data using short Treasuries for the risk-free rate. Recommendations for ERP values to use in common actuarial valuation problems also are offered.  相似文献   

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