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The concept of tourism‐led socio‐economic development is neither new nor peculiar to South Africa. This study draws on the international experience of the Malindi‐Mombasa coastal development corridor in Kenya, the Goa Coast of India, the Kulu Valley and Bhutan in the Himalayas, the Gambia, Dominica, Belize and the Maldives. It assesses the results achieved in these tourism programmes against the strategic objectives of those South African SDIs that place a heavy emphasis on the country's tourism potential. The SDIs, as described elsewhere in this collection, represent a new paradigm adopted by the South African government, aimed at moving away from a protected and isolated approach to economic development, towards one in which international competitiveness, regional cooperation and a more diversified ownership base are paramount. The key objectives of the tourism‐led development corridors, including the Wild Coast and Lubombo SDIs, are to generate sustainable economic growth and development; generate sustainable long‐term employment creation; maximise the extent to which private sector investment and lending can be mobilised into the process; change the ownership base of the industry so that people previously excluded from the mainstream of the economy by discriminatory practices can play a meaningful role as workers, managers and owners of new tourism enterprises; and to exploit the opportunities that arise from new tourism and ecotourism developments for the creation of upstream and downstream business opportunities, especially small businesses owned by previously marginalised groups.  相似文献   

Conventional mass tourism shortcomings have facilitated the origin of alternative forms of tourism such as community-based tourism (CBT). Lately, another form of tourism known as ‘Albergo Diffuso’ (AD) has also been mentioned as a possible strategy to revive depressed specific local contexts, such as townships, villages and small towns. This article’s aim is twofold: first to contextualise the concept of AD in the South African milieu and secondly to investigate the possible relationship and role that CBT and AD could have. In this context, specific characteristics and similarities between CBT and AD are explored. The article’s main contribution concerns the exploration of the AD concept as an alternative form of tourism related to local community development. This is the first time that this concept has been presented in a South African context.  相似文献   

Unemployment has been identified as one of the main problems confronting South Africa. Recently, in order to improve rural infrastructure and create employment, several pilot projects of rural road construction have been initiated in South Africa. In such a context it is considered that attention should be drawn to a pilot project carried out some time ago in Botswana to examine the potential of labour‐intensive methods in the construction and maintenance of rural roads.

The main conclusion of the pilot project was that labour‐intensive methods were viable, although attention had to be paid to several critical factors. In 1982, following its evaluation of the pilot project, the Government of Botswana decided that over the next five years the technical and organisational methods developed during the pilot project should be replicated throughout Botswana.

After a brief survey of the background to the project, the paper summarises several important features of the pilot project and its main findings. The paper closes with some comments on the implications of this pilot project for those currently underway in South Africa.  相似文献   

In South Africa, the advocacy of urban agriculture as a means of improving the plight of the urban poor has been a major theme in the literature since the early 1990s. Ironically, the criticism of that advocacy has almost as long a history. To elucidate these two themes, this paper investigates the evidence on which the advocacy is based, outlines the criticism of the advocacy, and analyses the responses to the criticism. It suggests that continued advocacy in the face of disconfirming evidence is misplaced and calls for greater caution. It observes that responses to the criticism have been weak and concludes that continued advocacy and continued criticism, in parallel, hamper debate. Unless there is engagement between the advocates and the critics, not only will the field of urban agriculture suffer, but so will the urban poor.  相似文献   

This article tests empirically the interaction between land tenure security and agricultural productivity in small‐scale agriculture in Zimbabwe. Data for the analysis were gathered during April and August of 1995 by means of an interview survey of farmers in the small‐scale commercial sector, communal area and Model A resettlement area of Zimbabwe. Two‐stage least squares regression estimates reveal that land tenure security has a positive and significant influence on investment incentives and agricultural productivity in the sample. This result has two important implications for proposed land reforms in South .. Africa. Firstly, the result lends support to the notion that indigenous tenure institutions in communal areas of South Africa are a constraint on agricultural development. Secondly, it is clear that a national land redistribution policy must be accompanied by innovative tenure institutions which facilitate economic interaction and internalise externalities on land resettled by individuals and groups. This is particularly important in South Africa where groups of up to 300 families are being settled on commercial farms under a group ownership model.  相似文献   

This paper hopes to show that the states have come to play an increasingly important role in the growth of NGOs by strategically utilizing their policy tools, including the use of funding, which has an important implications on the relationship between the state and NGOs. Coupled with the dominant state power in the society and NGOs’ relative lack of bargaining power, the imbalance in the relationship between the state and the NGOs has become a serious problem. This is largely due to the tradition of the state‐led industrialization in Korea that places a heavy emphasis on the government's role in the society.  相似文献   

In most household surveys, headship is not defined by objective criteria but is self-identified by respondents. The first part of this article examines whether self-reported heads in South Africa are those household members in whom more control over decision-making is vested. Although the head is typically found to be the oldest household member, there is also a strong relationship between headship and the highest income-earner in the household. Furthermore, heads have final say over decisions even when they do not earn the most income. This is the case particularly in households headed by women. The second part of the article evaluates whether the gender of the head provides a useful marker for distinguishing between household types and their access to resources. Female- and male-headed households are not homogeneous groupings, and male-headed households are not equally advantaged. However, female-headed households in South Africa on average contain fewer income-earners, whose income is also lower, than male-headed households. Overall, therefore, households headed by women are considerably more likely to be economically vulnerable.  相似文献   

A logit model is used to examine the extent of liquidity constraints relative to other constraints inhibiting small‐scale farming in KwaZulu‐Natal. These other constraints include poor access to land, labour and information, and high transaction costs. Data for the analysis were sourced from two rural districts in the former KwaZulu. The results suggest that liquidity is important, while imperfect land markets, information costs and high transaction costs are also significant inhibiting factors. Investments in literacy and language skills, vocational training, and business and financial management skills may improve income opportunities for rural people and hence enhance their ability to invest, save and borrow. Better roads, telecommunications and legal institutions are also required to realise the full benefit of investment in extension and credit services.  相似文献   

Most studies of the tourism–development nexus in developing countries tend to focus on short-term and monetary tourism effects, while understating non-monetary and longer-term effects of tourism on local and regional development. Although less tangible and weakly understood, non-monetary and/or long-term tourism effects can both reinforce and undermine short-term and monetary tourism effects. This article analyses how tourism stimulates local entrepreneurship and small enterprise development, and to what extent these small enterprises fuel non-monetary aspects of regional development. Evidence from career pathways of different types of local entrepreneurs in western Uganda suggests that tourism can enlarge peoples’ capabilities, awareness and assets to control their own well-being. This study indicates that tourism can act as a catalyst for small enterprise development in the local economy without inducing major skills’ leakages.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2002,13(4):419-429
Historical data of economic development suggest a Kuznets–Williamson type of relationship between economic growth and income disparity. Using China's provincial data, we first try to determine to what extent such a relationship is valid in the urban–rural disparity context. Next, we identify some factors other than economic growth that might have affected urban–rural disparity. In particular, we calculate and compare the inter-sector gross allocation effect (GAE) at the provincial level to discern the impact of labor mobility and allocative efficiency on urban–rural disparity. We also try to evaluate the contribution of local governance to urban–rural disparity by looking into regional differences in effectiveness of economic growth to raise local standard of living. Policy implications of the findings are discussed in the light of China's institutional reforms and development strategies.  相似文献   

Various commentators recently drew attention to the expenditure and financing of the independent and self‐governing national states in Southern Africa. The inference has been drawn that this expenditure appears wasteful and ineffective and constitutes little more than a costly political luxury.

This article makes an attempt at evaluating government expenditure in the national states in terms of the type and level of expenditure, its benefit incidence, as well as its efficiency.

Expenditure of the governments of the national states is largely on collective or social goods and services and therefore of the type widely expected to be provided by governments. Since the benefit incidence of this expenditure is not confined within the borders of the national states, but spills over into South Africa, government expenditure by these states benefits the common integrated economic system of Southern Africa.

With regard to the levels of expenditure, indications are that expenditure in many instances is too low. Increased expenditure in some categories might well show significantly increasing returns.  相似文献   

Historically, the economic growth in Central Africa, compared to all the other areas of the developing countries, was the most deficient between 1965 and 1985. During the 80's and 90's, the existing discomfort signs were gradually transformed into economic crisis. The objective of the present study is to find out determining factors, which were significantly influencing this crisis.  相似文献   

Historical research on the race between education and technology has focused on the West but barely touched upon ‘the rest’. A new occupational wage database for 50 African and Asian economies allows us to compare long-run patterns in skill premiums across the colonial and post-colonial eras (c. 1870–2010). Our data reveal three major patterns. First, skilled labour was considerably more expensive in colonial Africa and Asia than in pre-industrial Europe. Second, skill premiums were distinctly higher in Africa than in Asia. Third, in both regions, skill premiums fell dramatically over the course of the twentieth century, ultimately converging to levels long observed in the West. Our paper takes a first step to explain both the origins of the Africa–Asia gap and the drivers of global skill premium convergence, paying special attention to the colonial context that shaped demand, supply, and labour market institutions.  相似文献   

Small farms, which have maintained flexibility throughout history, have long existed in China and the so‐called “family household system as a cooperative organization” comprehensively playing a diverse socio‐economic function has developed. In addition, trust derived from a unique environment based on a village structure where a few families dwell not to mention “everyone knows each other well” has also become institutionalized. In this setting, a complex and multi‐dimensional property rights could have developed. Moreover, the Confucian order, historically institutionalized in China, has differentiated the respective roles of the public from the private and the center from the local through a network intertwined by relationships (guanxi‐based network), allowing them to be relatively autonomous from each other (embedded autonomy). This institutional tradition of the Chinese society has re‐emerged with the coming of the reform age. The reform reintroduced the revival of the traditional family household, as a cooperative unit for the insiders and, at the same time, as a competitive unit against the outsiders; and its renewed close relationship with the local governments have given birth to the township‐village enterprises. Based on reforms of this nature, which have occurred from the bottom and approved by the center state ex post, China was able to experience the implementation a new form of transition to capitalism, i.e., rural industrialization. In this process, China's guana‐based township‐village enterprises were able to secure the fitness to react to market competition despite their collective ownership nature.  相似文献   

This study examines employment discrimination by race and gender in 1997–2016 by employing a sample that represents the labour force (excluding informal sector workers, agricultural workers, domestic workers, self-employed and employers) aged between 15 and 65 years. Probit models are conducted to estimate labour force participation, employment and occupational attainment likelihoods. This is followed by the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition, and the results indicate that the unexplained component of the white–African employment probability gap reveals a downward trend in absolute terms in 2002–2014, but in relative terms it still accounts for about 50% of the gap in 2016. The unexplained component is most dominant in the male–female employment gap decomposition. While these results suggest that employment discrimination (unexplained component) against Africans and females remains serious, the improvement of education and skills level of the workseekers (explained component) from the previously disadvantaged groups remain crucial to improve their employment prospects.  相似文献   

This article is based on research that was carried out to design financial management strategies for emerging farmers, and examines the financing problems anticipated for the beneficiaries of land reform in the Free State province. Discussions focus on criteria for detecting impending financial problems, in particular liquidity problems, and are based on the analysis of data gathered from emerging farmers by means of interviews and a questionnaire.  相似文献   

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