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This paper applies the Feldstein-Horioka criterion, that is, the role of savings-investment correlations, to assess the degree of financial integration in the European Community. We establish a link between the Feldstein-Horioka criterion and three other criteria for financial integration: the covered, uncovered, and real interest parity condition. Subsequently, we evaluate the Feldstein-Horioka criterion for financial integration on the basis of its underlying assumptions. The paper performs both cross-section and time-series analyses of savings-investment correlations. The time-series analysis relies on the concept of cointegration. Our major finding is that the Feldstein-Horioka criterion—contrary to what is usually found in world financial markets—is able to explain an increasing degree of financial integration in the European Community.Symbols S gross national savings - I gross domestic investment - C total private and government final consumption expenditure - M import of goods and services - X export of goods and services - Y gross domestic product - CA current account of the balance of payments - GNP gross national product - NCT net current transfers from the rest of the world - NFI net factor income from the rest of the world - FCF gross fixed capital formation - ST increase in stocks - Sp gross national savings by the private sector - Sg gross national savings by the public sector - Ip gross domestic investment by the private sector - Ig gross domestic investment by the government sector - corrected for a nonzero value of the statistical discrepancy  相似文献   

Inforum models have been built and used in a number of countries including the USA, Russia, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom2, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam and perhaps others. They make extensive use of econometrics and input-output analysis to describe the functioning of an economy not only at a macroeconomic level but also at the level of individual products and industries. I want to record–somewhat autobiographically—the beginnings of these models, outline their evolution, defend them and other econometric models against the sweeping Lucas critique, and mention some of the fads in economics and modeling which have been avoided for good reason.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain the motivation for the growth of regulation of the Australian financial sector and banking in particular. It will be argued that the pace and direction of the growth of the regulatory apparatus from the 1930s until the 1980s was set by concerns of governments about macro–economic issues rather than issues affecting the financial sector per se. The drivers of regulatory change over the last two decades of the century reflect new concerns about the efficiency and underlying stability of financial markets, and equity issues.  相似文献   

李昭  于承 《特区经济》2005,(5):198-199
完善的金融监管体系应是一个包括政府监管、金融机构内部控制、行业自律3个层次的立体监管体系。目前我国的金融监管体系存在的问题是:政府监管效率不高,金融机构内部控制不完善,行业自律能力极其薄弱。政府监管方面,保监会、证监会、银监会几大金融监管当局各自独立,实行分业经营下的分业监管制度。另一方面,加入世贸带来的影响是巨大的。分业监管体制将受到混业经营世界大趋势的冲击,中资金融机构自律能力也面临挑战。  相似文献   

张贵友 《特区经济》2007,224(9):247-248
本论文首先探讨了开发性金融的涵义,继而对开发性金融研究进行了综述;在简要论述融资难已成为县域经济发展的重要制约因素这一论断的基础上,论文对开发性金融推动县域经济发展作了逻辑判断。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the evolution of the industrial economies in the 1960s, with particular attention to the factors which gave rise to the economic crisis of recent years. The effects of this international economic instability on the developing economies is then considered, especially the weakening of their balance-of-payments position which has increased their dependence on external finance. The author indicates that the developing countries' growing reliance on credits from private international banks gives cause for concern and he proceeds to make some suggestions for other mechanisms of development financing.  相似文献   

美国金融危机对我国金融创新及金融监管的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重分析美国金融危机爆发和升级背景下金融创新与金融监管相互交织、演化、作用的基本机理,阐明"金融创新——金融监管—金融再创新——金融再监管"这一动态的发展过程,通过实例说明及理论分析,提出我国开展金融创新活动和进行金融监管的政策建议。  相似文献   

The author starts with a review of past thinking on the process of growth, and the steady movement from the use of highly aggregated macro-growth models to highly disaggregated micro-models with a multiplicity of possible sources of growth. The identification of the most appropriate source of growth can best be carried out by cost-benefit analysis. He then examines the economics of policymaking in the less-developed countries, in the light of his earlier look at models of growth, and explores the application of the cost-benefit approach to the theory of effective protection and for economic planning, including in the later issues of income distribution and basic needs. While he finds that the gains from using cost-benefit analysis have been very great for microeconomic policy in the developing countries, the economic profession has not been as successful in deriving lessons for macro-policy in the light of the cost-benefit approach; and much more can be done in the macroeconomic area with this approach.  相似文献   

刘伟 《特区经济》2011,(7):49-50
金融海啸给中国经济带来了严重的影响,而以外向型经济为主的东莞经济也受到了沉重的打击,东莞的金融业也受到了影响,存在着巨大的金融风险,本文通过对东莞金融发展及其存在的金融风险进行分析,旨在为东莞金融的未来发展提供一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

国际财务公司的发展趋势及对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李独奇 《特区经济》2008,(11):101-102
本文系统分析了在经济金融全球化背景下国际财务公司的发展趋势,认为集约化金融服务、信用型信贷服务、投行型理财顾问与专业化金融产品是其主要特点,并结合我国财务公司发展现状及存在的问题,针对我国财务公司的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

马胜  张瑞琰 《特区经济》2004,(10):194-194
一、积极财政政策可持续性问题的涵义 我国近年来实施的积极财政政策实质上是扩张性的财政政策,其运用是以财政支出规模的扩大为前提的,结果是直接导致了财政赤字的增长和国债发行量的增加。一般而言,弥补财政赤字的方式主要有3种:一是运用历年结余;二是发行国债;三是向中央银行透支或借款。尽管我国财政在改革开放后一直都以实现预算平衡为目标,但实际上,在这20年间,只有1978年(10.17亿元)、1981年(37.38亿元)和1985年(0.57亿元)3年出现了规模不大的财政盈余。由于国家法律规定财政不允许向中央银行借款,这样在无历年结余可以动用的情况下,政府就只能通过向社会借款(即发行国债)的方式来弥补赤字。所以,目前积极财政政策的可持续性问题实际上是针对当前财政政策的实施所可能带来的政府债务风险提出来的,它实质上是一个财政风险的控制问题。  相似文献   

汪群 《特区经济》2007,225(10):277-279
为了更好地解释和预测财务主体的实际决策行为,财务学研究者们发展了一个新的研究范式:行为财务。本文在已有的理论基础上,提出行为财务理论和方法的发展导向,着重论述行为财务理论在公司理财中的应用,并进一步指出在我国研究行为财务理论的实践意义。  相似文献   

Over the past five decades, Taiwan has achieved rapid economic development. Correspondingly, Taiwan’s financial system has been gradually transformed from a controlled system into a liberalized one, from a state banking system into a private banking one, and from an inward investment system into an outward investment one. In the financial market, the interest rate and foreign exchange rate have always been completely determined by market forces. As for capital movements, there are no controls on trade-related capital transactions. Only inward investment in stock markets is still subject to a ceiling imposed by the Central Bank. Financial institutions are gradually being liberalized, although the process is rather slow. Many private banks have been established since 1991, creating a competitive situation in the banking sector. Since the financial crisis broke out in East Asia, Taiwan has suffered less from its impact because its economic fundamentals are comparatively sound. However, it will still take a considerable amount of time before Taiwan’s financial system is fully liberalized.  相似文献   

朱疆 《特区经济》2006,(1):37-38
在新世纪深圳面临着新的金融环境。本文通过分析,指出在新形式下深圳需要在地方政府的推动下,整合地方资源组建区域性金融控股公司,并提出了若干实施建议。  相似文献   

何伟民 《特区经济》2010,(11):159-160
本文在简述经济发展方式转变战略意义的基础上,分析了开发性金融推进经济发展方式转变的必要性,继而围绕开发性金融的优势提出了开发性金融推进经济发展方式转变的具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper provides reasoning for the important role played by interregional transaction flows in the development of regional economy, presents procedures for estimating the industrial and territorial-geographic structure of interregional ties, and forms prospective objectives and tasks in the interregional cooperation.  相似文献   

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