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在当前全球一体化背景下,金融危机对世界上绝大多数经济体都产生了较大的影响。当前,国际金融危机远未结束,全球经济复苏步履维艰,国际金融跌宕起伏,贸易保护主义抬头,外需疲软。国内外严峻形势和宏观市场环境导致金融机构业务经营难度和风险管控的难度不断增大,中国金融业的发展无疑将面临非常巨大的挑战,许多中国金融企业核心竞争力不强,管理水平不高,创新能力不足等仍然是普遍的问题。应对金融危机,应健全风险管理系统,贷后个人信用风险处置系统,贷中个人信用状况监控系统,完善个人资信档案登记制度和个人资信调查制度,完善信用管理系统。  相似文献   

本文将Helpman et al.(2004)的异质性企业模型框架拓展至服务贸易领域,并引入金融危机影响,分析了金融危机对微观企业服务贸易二元边际的影响机制。在此基础上,本文选取2000-2013年全球42个国家服务产业层面的出口数据作为研究样本,采用HMR两阶段引力模型,就金融危机对服务出口的边际效应进行实证检验。研究结果表明,金融危机的发生会显著降低各国服务出口的广延边际,但对集约边际的影响则是不确定的。发达出口国集约边际在金融危机期间显著增加,发展中出口国集约边际则没有显著变化。分组检验结果表明,金融危机对服务出口的边际影响存在明显的国别差异和行业差异。  相似文献   

In recent years, the debate about the role of the Public Institutions in the fields of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development has gained momentum. Nevertheless, the ambiguity of the latter concepts makes it difficult both to measure them and to estimate the impact that the different public initiatives may have on them. In this sense, the present research has the aim to design a fuzzy logic-based methodology applied to the evaluation of the above-mentioned processes in relation to the state-aid policies for the European industry. Regarding the study contour, the European Union state aids seems not to have introduced important changes leading to socially responsible results and, therefore, favourable for the sustainable development generated by the European manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

金融危机对我国物流业的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由美国次贷危机引发的金融风暴,已导致全球经济严重衰退,对于以外贸物流行业为主的企业造成了越来越大的压力.物流行业的业务量明显下滑,全球航线运价和运输量持续下降,大量空箱堆集在各国港口码头,欧洲和美洲航线的物流业务量已经下降到50%以下.许多航海运输,航空运输,铁路运输,汽车运输等物流企业面临破产.我国物流业应创新发展理念,注重科学发展;加强行业整合,多元化经营规避风险;大力培养和引进物流高端人才;注重自身发展,提高核心竞争力;同时商业银行应为物流企业提供专业的融资产品.  相似文献   

<正>据报道,受金融危机影响,越南卷烟消费者的卷烟消费档次和数量都已经发生明显变化。作为占全球1/3烟民数量的烟草消费大国——中国,在金融危机的影响下,卷烟消费状况会有什么样的变化呢?  相似文献   

作为国家政策性金融机构、我国船舶融资领域的先行者和引领者.中国进出口银行在船舶融资方面的举措几乎成为业界的风向标.在全国政协第十一届三次会议期间.全国政协委员、中国进出口银行行长李若谷在接受本刊记者采访时表示.将继续对中国船舶工业给予支持.发挥好金融服务的作用。  相似文献   

This study assesses the impacts of the recent global financial crisis on the relative attractiveness of 125 countries between 2007 2011. Using a strategic model of international expansion that quantifies incorporates countries’ market potential (population size, gross domestic product [GDP] growth, per capita GDP), market risks (economic, political, legal, regulatory), distance (cultural, geographic), it confirms that some countries have become significantly less attractive (Ireland, Greece, Japan, etc.), while others have become much more attractive (Taiwan, Korea, etc.) as expansion markets for international companies. This study underscores the need for a strategic approach to international expansion decisions. The model can be used by business executives as a risk management tool in international expansion decision making. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

欧洲主权债务危机及其对中欧贸易的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着希腊主权债务危机的爆发,整个欧元区乃至全球又一次地笼罩在经济危机的阴影下。由于欧元体制等问题,使得希腊的债务危机逐渐演变成为欧元区债务危机,其对全球金融市场和主要经济体都产生了重大的影响。本文首先阐述欧债危机产生的背景和原因,进而分析欧债危机对中欧贸易的主要影响,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

The global financial tsunami has swept the automobile industry and put major auto markets in the world at stake.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心,研究老龄产业的发展不能不研究金融对其支持的地位、作用和策略.在论述金融支持老龄产业发展的重要性和迫切性的基础上,分析了我国老龄产业发展所面临的主要金融约束,并就金融业支持老龄产业发展提出了对策思路.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心,研究老龄产业的发展不能不研究金融对其支持的地位、作用和策略.在论述金融支持老龄产业发展的重要性和迫切性的基础上,分析了我国老龄产业发展所面临的主要金融约束,并就金融业支持老龄产业发展提出了对策思路.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the recent financial crisis (2008–2009) on the relation between a firm’s risk and social performance (SP) using a sample of non-financial U.S. firms covering the period 1991–2012. We find that the relation between SP and risk is significantly different in the crisis period (post-crisis period) compared to the pre-crisis period. SP reduces volatility during the financial crisis. The risk reduction potential of SP is mainly due to the strengths component of SP. Since the relation of risk is stronger with SP strengths than SP concerns, this implies an asymmetric relation between these SP components and a firm’s risk. Specifically, strengths act as a risk reduction tool during an adverse economic environment.  相似文献   

The global financial tsunami has swept the automobile industry and put major auto markets in the world at stake.The Ameri- can market is now between the beetle and the block,with both General Motors and Chrysler on the verge of reshuffling.The European market has seen a plunge in both car production and sales in many countries.Several big auto companies in Japan have suffered a slump in car sales both at home and abroad.China's economy is inevitably affected,on a relatively small  相似文献   

我国寿险业在这次金融危机中受到一定影响,但没有造成全局性、系统性风险。金融危机对我国寿险业来说是一个调整契机:业务结构调整应当突出寿险业作为提供风险管理和风险保障者安身立命的行业特性,引导行业首先要保持和发挥自身的行业特性,重回寿险业独立的核心价值定位;避免降息对利差损造成的风险;积极改变投资策略,减少资本市场风险带来的收益波动;加强监管,避免系统性风险。  相似文献   

金融危机对中国出口贸易的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国次贷危机引发金融危机,金融危机导致世界经济整体下滑。短期内,外部需求萎缩、国际原材料价格上涨和人民币升值导致的企业出口成本上升、国外银行信贷紧缩导致的国内企业资金周转能力下降以及贸易保护主义抬头等因素使得中国出口贸易增速明显下降。从中长期来看,外需明显萎缩是影响中国出口贸易增长的主要因素,预计2009年中国出口贸易增速将降为3.2%左右。  相似文献   

受国际金融危机影响.国际造船市场从2008年9月份开始骤然转入低迷状态.船东的订船热情大减.世界新船成交处于停滞状态。在新船订单大幅减少.船东撤单日益增多的情况下.金融危机对世界造船业的影响开始日益显现。作为当今世界造船业巨头之一的日本造船业正面临着自亚洲金融危机以来最严峻的考验。  相似文献   

长期以来,欧洲汽车市场产生了明显的分界线.几乎每一个制造商都在某一个特殊领域都有其专长:有些公司集中生产中小型大众化汽车,而宝马或梅塞德斯和奔驰这样的品牌在顶级车市场上独领风骚.但在90年代后期,随着全球一体化进程的加快,几乎所有欧洲汽车制造商都发现自己已陷入险境.现在的形势很明显:如果他们不通过合并或战略联盟的手段来占领世界各主要汽车市场某些份额的话,那么企业的独立性将危在旦夕.  相似文献   

世界金融危机使IT行业不可避免地受到了侵袭,IT市场萎缩低迷的状况也传导至IT产业链后端的蚌埠IT市场。在这种困难的情形下,蚌埠市地方政府应该为蚌埠市的中小IT企业制定有效的银企对接政策。加大对中小高科技企业的挟持力度,帮助开辟向IT中小企业贷款的绿色通道;银行方面应该加强主动服务意识,在国家增加信贷规模的情况下,可以降低对成长中和规范化运作的中小IT企业的审核标准,多形式、多途径的放大贷款量;上游厂商需要维护和帮助蚌埠的IT商家,进一步使渠道扁平化,制定相应策略应对变化,提高整个市场的运营效率和降低成本,从而有效的促进产品销量的提高;同时蚌埠市的IT企业应提高信客户的能力,加强县域渠道建设,创新业务模式,加强合作和行业自律。避免企业间的恶性竞争。  相似文献   

This paper examines the global financial crisis (GFC) and its impact on Australian banking risk. An augmented market model is developed to identify changes in listed Australian bank systematic risk in relation to three key events: the GFC's start in August 2007, the market downturn in Australian and global share markets in January 2008, and the announcement of Australia's Deposit and Wholesale Funding Guarantee (DWFG) scheme on 12 October 2008. The study also examines changes in bank systemic risk during these event periods. The Australian market offers a unique opportunity to observe the impact of the introduction of the DWFG in that it lacked any explicit deposit insurance prior to the crisis. Initially, the crisis period had little impact on bank systematic risk while bank systemic risk increased considerably. The share market downturn caused a marked increase in both systematic and systemic risks for Australia's major internationally connected banks followed by a reduction in both systematic and systemic risks with the introduction of the guarantee scheme for all Australian banks.  相似文献   

由关国的次贷危机演变成的全球金融危机造成了全球经济的严重衰退,然而,以美国为主的很多国家违背了WTO所倡导的自由贸易原则,纷纷采取了贸易保护主义。通过分析在金融危机下贸易保护主义的再度抬头及其新的特点,当前的贸易保护主义对我国对外贸易的影响,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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