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南北贸易中产品种数变化与国际贸易摩擦 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文扩展了保罗·萨缪尔逊提出的国际贸易摩擦的静态理论模型,运用赫尔普曼(1993)和Fujiwarw(2004)分析南北贸易的理论与方法,提出了解释南北国际贸易摩擦的动态模型,并运用相关统计资料,对动态模型的基本结论进行了实证分析。 相似文献
现有理论重点关注国际贸易的基础、结构及结果,而忽视了对国际贸易主体在哪里、为什么在那里以及国际贸易服务由谁提供、为什么由其提供的国际贸易空间嵌入方式研究。文章运用新兴古典经济学的理论分析框架,揭示了内生比较优势、交易效率对国际贸易买卖双方劳动分工结构的演进,进而对国际贸易方式变迁作用机理及影响路径。研究发现,内生比较优势与交易效率优势的动态变化是国际贸易买卖双方选择劳动分工模式的根本动力,分工模式的演进伴随着国际贸易方式由独立式向嵌入式演进的初期萌芽、形成发展到全面拓展跃迁。更为重要的是这一过程不仅具有优化资源配置效应,而且具有缩小贸易各方收入差距的分配效应。充分发挥和利用内生比较优势与交易效率优势是推动特大型市场集聚区向全球网货中心、贸易中心及信息发布中心升级的有效路径。 相似文献
This paper analyses the relationship between markups and international trade at the firm level using a large sample of French manufacturing firms for the period 1995–2007. In particular, the paper investigates the effect of increasing import competition from China on firms' price–cost margins and the way in which exporting interacts with this effect. The results show robust evidence that firms in more direct competition with Chinese imports decrease their markups. However, firms that become exporters experience a smaller reduction in their price–cost margins. Consistent with these findings, the results also show that firms facing tougher competition from China are more likely to start exporting to avoid such competitive pressures. 相似文献
在描述长江三角洲制造业省际贸易和国际贸易发展的基础上,利用江苏、浙江、上海三省市2002-2007年的投入产出表,实证检验了省际贸易和国际贸易对经济增长的影响.研究结果表明:省际贸易和国际贸易都对经济增长产生了正面影响,但省际贸易的经济增长效应要大于国际贸易,而且省际贸易和国际贸易对低技术行业的经济增长效应要大于高技术行业. 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(2-3):31-42
Abstract This study examines the effects of product innovativeness and trade show strategy on trade show performance. Based on a sample from the information technology industry in Taiwan, the results show that companies marketing innovative products focus on the trust and relationship building toward visitors and trade show organizers. In addition, information communication and relationship building strategies toward visitors affect perceived trade show performance. Finally, product innovativeness has a direct effect on perceived trade show performance in addition to the effect through trade show strategies. 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(2):65-91
Abstract Striking the right balance of adaptation of the international catalog mix may be the key to profitability. U.S. catalog firms, new to international markets, have less experience in adapting than firms in more globalized industries. The literature on international marketing strategy adaptation reveals that this decision depends on the environment, industry, market, product, and characteristics of the firm. This paper examines the influence of market similarity, type of business and the firm's international experience on international catalog adaptation, and explores the effects of catalog adaptation on a firm's performance. We hypothesize that the greater the market similarity, the less likely it is that firms will adjust their catalog. We also argue than adaptation is greater for consumer catalogs than for business-to-business catalogs. A third hypothesis is that more internationally experienced firms will adapt more and a final hypothesis is that a greater degree of adaptation will increase the international catalog performance. The results did not support the association of international catalog adjustment and market similarity, experience, and type of catalog. Findings are mixed both on catalog adaptations and firm performance. We found that some but not all adaptations in the catalog lead to improved performance. We speculate that U.S. catalog firms are making adaptations to reduce the costs of international marketing operations. This cost reduction strategy may not necessarily lead to profitability, thereby discouraging other firms from entering international markets. 相似文献
进出口产品的显性比较优势与工业经济的协动性关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过分析各类进出口产品的显性比较优势指数特征,构造显性比较优势指数与工业经济的协动性关系模型,进一步揭示劳动密集型和资金技术密集型的显性比较优、劣势波动对工业经济的冲击效果和比较优势陷阱的表现。 相似文献
商品贸易、要素流动与贸易投资一体化 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
国际贸易和对外直接投资(FDI)是国际经济分工的两种基本形态,传统的贸易理论完全否认国际要素流动的存在.所以国际贸易理论和对外直接投资理论形成了不同的分析框架。但国际经济实践表明,国际贸易和要素流动(资本流动)可以普遍发生于各国之间,目前国际贸易和对外直接投资呈现一体化趋势。研究认为国际间要素流动是国际分工的最一般形式,商品贸易是“要素集”的跨国流动,是要素流动的特殊形态。最后,对贸易与投资的相互转化关系进行初步探讨。 相似文献
国际贸易理论的演进逻辑:贸易动因、贸易结构和贸易结果 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国际贸易理论历经古典贸易理论、新古典贸易理论、新贸易理论、新兴古典贸易理论和新新贸易理论五个阶段,主要回答三个基本问题:贸易动因、贸易结构和贸易结果。依据不同的假设,贸易理论对影响贸易的边界条件的解释各不相同,对贸易动因解释也不相同;贸易结构从行业间贸易、行业内贸易发展为企业间贸易,国际贸易正在向全球化下的企业分工演变;贸易结果是国际贸易得以持续展开的效果,生产力提升是最终的结果。基于三个基本问题,比较各种国际贸易理论,揭示各种国际贸易理论的局限性,并做出评价。 相似文献
存在产品垂直差异和产品内分工的贸易模型可以更为深刻地考察南北贸易的模式及影响因素。其中,生产技术仍然是决定生产分工格局的重要决定因素,当其他条件保持不变时,如果南方生产技术水平提高,其将扩大生产范围,在保持生产原有质量产品的情况下,向更高质量产品的生产领域进军。而北方发生技术进步时,其生产范围将缩小,抛弃低质量产品的生产,专攻高质量产品的生产。当两国分别在不同的生产阶段发生技术进步时,基本变化趋势是使本国发生技术进步的生产阶段趋向高质量产品的生产。 相似文献
Despite large potential economic gains, bilateral and multilateral negotiations focusing on liberalisation of migration have not shared the high profile of international trade negotiations and agreements. Migration and trade have been traditionally viewed rather separately and the relevance of the many, and complex, interdependencies has been given remarkably little attention in the literature to date. In this article, we focus on the two‐way interaction between international migration and agreements designed to enhance cross‐border trade and investment. Liberalisation of international trade in services and in the movement of people potentially offers much greater economic gains than liberalisation of remaining barriers to goods trade. However, progress within multilateral frameworks is fraught with difficulty. The World Trade Organization’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) has yielded little real progress so far and negotiations within more flexible unilateral and bilateral frameworks are likely to be more successful in liberalising the movement of labour. We discuss a range of specific examples, focusing particularly on the interesting case of New Zealand. We find that trade agreements are increasingly including agreements on migration, though typically favouring temporary migration and involving numerically modest quotas. We conclude that migration regulatory frameworks are likely to be further and more strongly linked to trade and investment agreements in the future, particularly given changing economic and demographic forces. The primary focus of migration policies may nonetheless remain different from that of trade policies. While further migration liberalisation is likely to be through bilateral and regional agreements, it will be important to try to lock in the gains of such agreements, while simultaneously working to consolidating these in a way that will help to facilitate future multilateral agreement. 相似文献
国际贸易与国际劳工标准 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国际贸易和劳工标准并无必然的联系,但提出国际贸易引入劳工标准或者劳工标准介入国际贸易已有很长的历史。在经济全球化的形势下,西方国家更是出于贸易保护主义的目的,要求国际贸易同劳工标准挂钩,并在世贸组织的规则里写入以核心劳工标准为主要内容的“社会条款”,设置“劳动壁垒”。显而易见,我国入世后面临着劳动标准国际化的挑战。本文在总结国际劳工标准的由来和发展的基础上,比较我国劳动标准同国际劳工标准的差别和原因,试就当今国际劳工领域和贸易领域里的这个热点问题,作一些具体的分析和探讨。 相似文献
刍议国际贸易中的贸易报复 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
20世纪 90年代后,随着经济全球化的发展,国际贸易领域中的争端和冲突日益增多,许多国家为了维护自己的经济利益,开始越来越多地采取贸易报复。目前,贸易报复已成为制约国际贸易发展的重要障碍之一,而要减少各国之间的贸易报复,首先需要真正地认识贸易报复。 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(3):451-467
Determination of the merchandize assortment is an important decision for retailers since the composition and depth of the product mix greatly impact both unit sales and costs. This paper considers how Probabilistic Selling (PS), an emerging marketing strategy, impacts the type and number of products a retailer should carry. We find that adopting PS can alter the optimal number of products (i.e., encourage the retailer to offer more or fewer products), depending on demand- and supply-side factors. Furthermore, introducing probabilistic goods sometimes increases the optimal degree of product differentiation and sometimes reduces it. Specifically, less differentiated products are warranted if there are either few or many consumers with extreme tastes, but more differentiation is needed otherwise. Our analysis reveals that PS can serve either as a substitute to new product introduction (because it enables a retailer to serve a diverse market at a lower cost) or as a complement to new product introduction (since, under PS, a new product enables a retailer to offer additional probabilistic goods that utilize this new product as one of its components). In sum, our results indicate that a retailer must adjust its merchandize assortment appropriately in order to fully benefit from probabilistic selling. 相似文献