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经营业绩信息是反映企业盈利能力的重要指标,也是所有者考核企业投资回报水平的重要指标。在我国,对反映企业经营业绩指标的主要报表——损益表的改革经历了由搭建概念性的框架体系再充实具体内容的渐进过程。最早,在财务报表体系中,损益表(现称利润表)主要设计了利润总额、净利润等列报项目。这一阶段列报的信息并未全面反映企业综合收益,信息不完整。按照我国会计准则改革力求实现国际趋同的指导思想,2006年财政部发布《企业会计准则》,在体系中首次引入利得和损失的概念,并重新设计财务报表体系,增加了所有者  相似文献   

金未 《上海会计》2003,(8):62-62
根据《企业会计制度》及有关会计准则的要求,企业应对资产计提八项减值准备。涉及到的资产项目、计价方法及计提减值准备使用的资产备抵账户和相应的损益账户可归纳如下:资产项目 计提减值准备的方法 资产备抵账户 损益账户短期投资成本与市价孰低法短期投资跌价准备投资收益应收款项按估计坏账率计提坏账准备管理费用存货成本与可变现净值孰低存货跌价准备管理费用法长期投资账面价值与可收回金额长期投资减值准备投资收益孰低法固定资产账面价值与可收回金额固定资产减值准备营业外支出孰低法在建工程账面价值与可收回金额在建工程…  相似文献   

管新成 《上海会计》1995,(4):21-22,27
对售价金额核算企业增值税会计处理的思考湖南商业专科学校管新成增值税的施行,使实行商品售价金额核算的商业零售企业的会计核算面临一些新的问题,笔者拟对此谈些个人的看法。根据国务院颁布的《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》和财政部颁布的条例实施细则的规定,增值...  相似文献   

朱艳军 《时代金融》2008,(7):117-119
随着事业单位改革的不断深入,会计核算已提到议事日程,本文拟就经营服务性事业单位增值税业务确认、计量与记录以及纳税申报等问题阐述了自己的认识,本文认为经营服务性事业单位可分别认定为增值税一般纳税人和小规模纳税人两类,分别进行增值税应纳税额的确认与计算,并在此基础上进行核算。  相似文献   

增值税是运用税款抵扣原则计算征收的流转税,结合本人的工作实际,对一般纳税人的“应交增值税”、“未交增值税”、“增值税检查调整”三个一级科目的账处理,进行介绍,供大家参考。  相似文献   

周星 《税收征纳》2014,(1):33-35
一般纳税人应交增值税的核算是企业会计核算和历年会计职称考试的重点内容之一,尤其是视同销售行为和不得抵扣进项税额的账务处理。但因涉及项目多,学习起来比较困难,实务工作者操作起来也极易混淆出错。本文运用会计方法比较分析案例,从另一角度总结出一种简便易行、通俗易懂的实务方法,帮助财税人员和务实工作者准确掌握这一难点,并与同仁们交流。一、关于购进货物或应税劳务所支付的增值税的核算一般纳税人购进货物或应税劳务所支付或负担的增值  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展和事业单位改革的逐渐深入,经营性的经济活动在当今的事业单位中屡见不鲜。因此,应交各种税金尤其是应交增值税的核算也日渐频繁。现行《事业单位会计制度》多处对事业单位中增值税纳税义务人有关增值税的核算进行了规定。  相似文献   

企业如何改进增值税管理战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈醒 《国际融资》2011,(12):39-40
增值税在中国扮演着非常重要的角色,在政府税收收入中占1/3的比重。有关增值税的各项新规正在改变着中国增值税的处理。然而,增值税在企业中却往往成为被忽略的税种。由于属于经常性项目,且通常不会通过科目或财务报表直接表现出来,所以,企业可能会忽视这些成本。在中国,企业很少会配置专门的资源对间接税处理过程中出现的风险和成本进行...  相似文献   

Economic and equity effects on tax reporting decisions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines reporting in a tax setting for which the typical empirical findings cannot be explained either by conventional economic theory or by equity theory alone. Instead, our results show that both conventional economic forces and equity considerations play important roles in reporting decisions. We extend previous research relating perceptions of inequity to reporting decisions by demonstrating that, in the absence of perceptions of inequity, reporting decisions are consistent with the conventional economic prediction. When perceptions of exchange inequity are experimentally induced, reporting decisions are inconsistent with the conventional economic prediction, but consistent with features of actual tax reporting in the field. Further analysis demonstrates that the reason these reporting decisions are inconsistent with the economic prediction is that exchange inequity effects induce taxpayers to report less income, thereby offsetting the economic forces that provide incentive for individuals to report more income. Building on earlier work, our study offers a more comprehensive explanation for why conventional economic analysis fails to accurately predict reporting decisions in the field.  相似文献   

塑造新时期税收文化的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文英 《涉外税务》2004,(6):42-44
化是一个国家、单位或企业在长期实践中所凝结起来的一种氛围、价值观、人文精神、经营境界和广大员工所认同的道德规范和行为方式。文化是一种力,是凝聚力、激励力、约束力、导向力、纽带力、辐射力的总和。税收文化建设要注意三个结合1.税收文化建设要注重形式与内容的有机结  相似文献   

We examine value added tax (VAT) non-compliance in the European Union (EU) car market. This issue is of paramount importance because of the loss of VAT revenue, the profound distortion of market mechanisms, and the dangerous variety of fraudulent schemes employed. In addition to the usual VAT fraudulent schemes on intra-community trade, the special regimes, and the different regulations for the sale of motor vehicles in the EU member states per se, favour non-compliance in the car market. Non-compliance also takes advantage of the lack of adequate and prompt information exchange among the tax administrations of different countries and, within each country, between the tax administrations and their departments responsible for motor vehicles. We highlight the fact that the current measures are insufficient to fight VAT non-compliance and that the new rules proposed in the ‘definitive VAT system’ are inadequate to control the proliferation of scams in the car market. Accordingly, we suggest more substantial measures: well-targeted and prompt cross-checks through archives and databases, and the monitoring of their effectiveness; electronic invoices; real-time exchanges of information between the different tax and transport authorities; and increased harmonisation of the special VAT schemes that aim to eliminate one of the most exploited opportunities for illicit gain, to the detriment of the EU member states.  相似文献   

International Tax and Public Finance - A growing body of economics literature shows that multinational corporations (MNCs) shift their profits to tax havens. We contribute to this evidence by...  相似文献   

Fernandez [2004b. The value of tax shields is not equal to the present value of tax shields. Journal of Financial Economics 73, 145–165] argues that the present value effect of the tax saving on debt cannot be calculated as simply the present value of the tax shields associated with interest. This contradicts standard results in the literature. It implies that, even though the capital market is complete, value-additivity is violated. As a consequence, adjusted present value formulae of a standard sort cannot be used. Also, Fernandez's argument implies that the value of the tax saving differs from conventional estimates by a considerable amount. We reconcile Fernandez's results with standard valuation formulae for the tax saving from debt. We show that, as one would expect, the value of the debt tax saving is the present value of the tax savings from interest. The apparent violation of value-additivity in the Fernandez paper comes from mixing the Miles and Ezzell and Miller and Modigliani leverage policies.  相似文献   

We investigate the economic trade-offs managers face due to conflicting incentives to report high financial statement book income and, at the same time, report low taxable income. Our setting involves Houston clients of Arthur Andersen (AA), who have been shown to exhibit a culture of aggressive financial reporting. Using our sample of AA Houston clients, we test two competing theories: (1) firms which have a culture of aggressive financial reporting are also aggressive in their tax reporting, versus (2) firms which are willing to pay real dollars (taxes) to report higher financial statement earnings. We do not find support for either theory. Instead, our findings suggest a middle-ground: firms may exhibit a culture of aggressive financial reporting without impacting their relative tax reporting. Our findings not only shed light on the intersection of financial and tax reporting, but they also add to the extant literature involving the culture of AA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to investigate the tax ramifications of AA’s culture of aggressive financial reporting.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether increasing the level of tax enforcement can potentially offset the primary cost of a reduction in the level of book‐tax conformity (BTC) following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption – increased tax avoidance. We find that after the decrease in BTC and the concomitant increase in tax enforcement that followed IFRS adoption in Israel, tax avoidance declined significantly. Our results imply that one of the primary costs of reducing BTC can be avoided. Moreover, the results suggest that rather than one strict regulatory approach to deal with reporting manipulations, a combination of trust and control is more effective and less radical.  相似文献   

Flexible benefits, or "flex," is a strategic human resources solution that can give companies a truly competitive edge in winning the global war for talent and containing costs. Several companies in Asia plan to implement flex in the next few years, and a number of emerging best practices in flexible benefits design are being developed. This article discusses the many advantages of flex, flex best practices emerging across Asia, and important considerations for employers when designing flexible benefits. Finally, the author shows how one global company in Singapore found flex to be an effective differentiator for attracting and retaining talent as well as helping manage employee health care costs.  相似文献   

This study extends prior research on the willingness of firms to significantly decrease their corporate taxes. It specifically examines the associations between corporate tax avoidance and the reported significant uncertainty of a firm’s tax position, the tax expertise and tax affiliations of its directors, and the performance-based remuneration incentives of its key management personnel. Based on a dataset of 200 publicly listed Australian firms over the 2006–2010 period (1000 firm years), we find that the reported uncertainty of a firm’s tax position, the tax expertise of its directors, and the performance-based remuneration incentives of its key management personnel are significantly positively associated with tax avoidance. Conversely, firms with board members who have at least one tax-related affiliation are significantly negatively associated with tax avoidance.  相似文献   

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