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This article develops the concept of market-focused strategic flexibility. It begins with a review of the historical perspectives of strategic flexibility. To support the conceptualization, the authors offer a theoretical schema that considers market-focused strategic flexibility as conceptually rooted in capabilities theory, resource-based views of the firm, and options. With the conceptualization in place, the authors propose an integrative model that explicates the mediating role of market-focused strategic flexibility in marketing strategy frameworks. Propositions are developed relating market-driven and driving orientations to market-focused strategic flexibility with consideration for how turbulent macro environments modify the relationship. In addition, the authors offer propositions regarding outcomes of market-focused strategic flexibility under conditions of macro environmental turbulence. Jean L. Johnson is an associate professor of marketing at Washington State University. Her research includes partnering capabilities development in, and management of, interfirm relationships and management of international strategic alliances. Her research appears in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of International Business Studies, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing. She serves on the editorial boards of theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and reviews for others. She spent several years in the advertising industry and has lived, taught, and conducted research in France and Japan. Ruby Pui-Wan Lee is a doctoral candidate in the marketing department at Washington State University. Her areas of research include interfirm relationships marketing strategy, and international marketing. She has presented papers at major conferences. In addition, her research has appeared in the theJournal of Advertising Research and theJournal of International Consumer Marketing. Amit Saini is a doctoral candidate in marketing at Washington State University. He conducts research in the area of marketing strategy implementation, technology-marketing interface, e-commerce strategy, and customer relationship management. He has presented papers at major conferences, and his research appears in theAmerican Marketing Association—Marketing Educator's Conference Proceedings. His industry experience includes sales management and quantitative market research. Bianca Grohmann is an assistant professor in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. She received her Ph.D. from Washington State University in 2002. Her research focuses on consumer behavior issues such as gift giving, selfprophecy, and consumer response to sensory stimuli in purchase situations. She has made numerous presentations at major conferences such as those of the Association for Consumer Research and the Society for Consumer Psychology.  相似文献   

Deshpandé and Webster have identified the linkage between corporate culture and innovation adoption as an important industrial marketing topic. In the present study, this relationship is examined by both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The linear regression model, which depicts the corporate culture of adaptive companies attempting to survive in a competitive international environment, demonstrates that corporate culture is predictive of technology adoption. Qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews supplement quantitative results. The divergent cultures and survival modes for innovative and noninnovative companies are presented. Theoretical and methodological implications for marketing research are discussed, and management implications for industrial marketers are presented. Benefits of juxtaposing qualitative/quantitative methods are illustrated. She completed her doctorate at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her current research interest centers on innovation adoption, poststructuralism, and marketing ethics.  相似文献   

Prior research on impulse buying focuses mostly on goods, ignoring its incidence in services despite growing evidence about the prevalence of impulsive behaviors across diverse consumption contexts. This paper introduces an integrative conceptual framework to study impulse buying in both goods and services by using perceived risk as a focal construct in the impulse buying process and reports findings from two empirical studies. The first study uses a mall-intercept survey to show that perceived risk is lower and likelihood of impulse buying is greater for services with higher tangible (vs. intangible) attributes and higher search (vs. experience and credence) properties. The second study uses a lab-experiment to show significant differences in the influence of three relevant consumer traits (consumer impulsiveness, optimum stimulation level, and self-monitoring) on the level of perceived risk and impulsiveness in purchase decisions for six different services with varying levels of attributes (tangible vs. intangible) and evaluation properties (search, experience, and credence). Overall, the two studies provide substantial evidence of the presence of impulse buying in services and useful insights for researchers and services marketers.  相似文献   

我国上市公司不良资产测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以我国沪市A股2006年底620家上市公司的财务报表资料为样本,通过对财务指标信息类模型的研究,设计了反映企业综合能力的10个指标,借助主成分分析法,同时借鉴阿尔曼多元Z值判定模型的分析思路,建立了我国上司公司不良资产的测评模型——G值模型。研究结果表明:我国沪市A股上市公司不良资产率应控制在[-1.667%,1.785%]范围内。  相似文献   

近年来有学者提出“中国金融创新”假说,之后有人甚至把“我国商业银行的创新”的观点作为定论写进教材。本文沿制度分析的路径,得出中国至今尚未出现金融创新的结论。因为任何一种创新活动的形成,都暗含一个最基本的条件,即需要一个创新主体,这个创新主体即是经济组织的产权主体。只有这个产权主体才是创新的“内在因素”。金融创新只有以清晰的且人格化的产权主体这样的“内在因素”为前提,才能在外部环境的刺激下,获得创新的原动力。本文认为迄今为止我国包括商业银行改革在内的金融改革,实际上全是由政府效用函数所牵引的政府行为。我国商业银行受产权制度的制约,尚未真正成为创新主体,金融改革的最大不足,也在于企图避开商业银行产权制度的改革,而商业银行产权制度的合理安排恰恰是金融创新的先决条件。  相似文献   

随着科技发展、经济全球化和市场不确定性风险的增大,技术和产品的生命周期越来越短,技术创新正在成为企业未来增长的主要源泉。在激烈的市场竞争当中,基于横向联盟技术创新模式和纵向联盟技术创新模式边界的补缺联盟技术合作创新模式,因其研发和掌握了涉及关键领域的核心技术,可以随时整合在产业链相同节点或在产业链上下游节点之间的企业资源。  相似文献   

工程管理专业毕业设计系统一体化模式的创新性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对工程管理专业特点,强调了毕业设计在工程管理专业教学中的重要作用,在分析现有毕业设计模式基础上,围绕人才培养目标提出了工程管理专业毕业设计系统一体化模式,从三个方面论述了系统一体化毕业设计模式的创新性,展示了工程管理专业毕业设计探索与实践的新途径.  相似文献   

自主创新需要高风险投入且资金数量较大,传统的金融机构与金融产品对技术创新并不适应,租赁凭借其筹融资、资源配置、风险管理、项目选择和信息处理等功能,均能对企业自主创新提供支持,无论从政府还是从供货商和承租人的视角,均可看到租赁对企业自主创新的巨大作用.  相似文献   

Innovation serves as a foundation for sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, it is no surprise that firms seek to build an innovation base—a reservoir of inventions, ideas, and discoveries that serve as a platform for their innovation efforts. One approach for building an innovation base is acquisitions, though extant research reveals an equivocal verdict on whether acquisitions influence post-acquisition inventions. In this research, the authors focus on type of acquisition, acquisition behavior over time, and invention characteristics to investigate how acquisition behavior influences post-acquisition inventions. Analysis of 352 firms across five industries and 17 years reveals that firms who make acquisitions produce a stronger innovation base than those who make no acquisitions. Moreover, comparing effects across vertical and horizontal acquisitions, results indicate that the acquiring firm’s knowledge breadth plays an important role in determining which type of acquisition behavior generates the strongest influence on a firm’s innovation base.  相似文献   

在后金融危机时代的激烈市场竞争和国家政策的支持下,我国商业银行在注重风险的前提下应深入探索多元化经营模式.随着十二五规划在各地的陆续布局,地方项目建设依然成为发展主要动力,但却不得不面临窘迫的财务困境.在这样的背景下商业银行可结合地方项目建设和自身业务结构进行业务模式的创新,建立以项目公司为中心的综合业务架构.该业务模...  相似文献   

加强知识产权保护工作是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要战略方向,因此,系统评估城市知识产权政策的创新效应,对于加快建设知识产权强国和创新型国家具有重要意义.以国家知识产权示范城市认定作为准自然实验,基于2006-2018年中国沪深A股上市公司的专利数据,采用双重差分法考察城市知识产权战略对企业创新的影响效应.研究发现:(1)知识产权示范城市政策促进了企业专利数量扩张,同时还提升了企业专利质量,具有明显的"增量提质"效应;(2)知识产权示范城市政策的创新效应促进了发明专利和实用新型专利授权数量的提升,且主要集中于非国有企业、高竞争强度和易被反向工程行业以及普通地级市;(3)知识产权示范城市政策的创新效应具有非线性特征,呈现出先增强后减弱的倒"U"型趋势;(4)知识产权示范城市政策能够通过增加企业研发投入、改善人力资本结构以及提升专利价值,进而对企业创新产生积极影响.研究结论揭示了城市知识产权战略对企业创新的促进作用,为扩大知识产权示范城市建设成果、加快知识产权强国建设、推动经济高质量发展提供经验参考.  相似文献   

利用2008年新《劳动合同法》实施这一具有准自然实验性质的外生政策,以边际劳动生产率为分组变量,运用双重差分的方法,考察了劳动保护对企业创新的影响。研究表明:《劳动合同法》实施后,劳动保护的增强使得低劳动生产率的企业创新显著下降,这种"去芜存菁"的抑制效应在国有企业与民营企业中均存在,但动态趋势变化存在长期和短期的差异;进一步研究发现,劳动保护政策随着市场竞争的减弱、法治治理的改善和薪酬负担的加重,抑制了国有企业的创新,而民营企业受到的抑制效果较弱。研究结论丰富和拓展了中国制度背景下法与创新的文献,并为政策制定提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This paper uses an institutional perspective to analyze Peter Drucker's contributions to management, marketing and marketing strategy. Drucker recognizes the importance of institutions in society. Further, his work reflects a variety of institutional views from sociology, economics and marketing. Drucker uses a form of comparative institutional analysis for evaluating both management and strategy issues. At the heart of each institutional comparison is the customer and the value created for the customer by the organization. Institutional comparisons help managers understand how the organization can create customers by adjusting its customer value proposition. Drucker influences marketers by focusing on how the organization's values are used to develop the organization's customer value proposition. Further, it is shown that the organization's values and its customer value propositions are manifested in its transaction rules, termed marketing institutions. Based on Drucker's work, a framework for comparing marketing institutions is introduced: the value leadership framework.
Jeffrey P. WallmanEmail:

Testing the social involvement model in an energy conservation context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study tests Webster’s Social Involvement Model in the realm of energy conservation. An energy conservation index (ECI) is developed and serves as the dependent variable, while sociopsychological, attitudinal and demographic measures comprise the independent variables. Rather than being upscale and socially responsible, those scoring high on the ECI are socioeconomically down-scale.  相似文献   

探讨G·贝克尔的"家庭生产函数"如何从传统效用理论中拓展而来.传统理论在解释消费行为"动态不一致"时存在很大的局限性,作者对此讨论了两种解决思路,从而引出G·贝克尔的解决思路,提出新"新的效用函数";随后具体对这个新函数进行了说明,强调效用是"生产"出来这一与从不同的观点,在此基础上揭示新的效用函数转化为"家庭生产函数"的逻辑线索.  相似文献   

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Generating and maintaining consumers’ engagement in online brand communities is critical for marketing managers to enhance relationships and gain...  相似文献   

通过对参保情况的实地调查,认为以"粮食换保障"的参保模式可以成为粮食主产区社保扩面的一条可供选择的路径。另外,考虑到市场风险与政策因素的影响,文章对实施"粮食换保障"的具体实施方案进行了系统的论证,并提出相应的预警措施。  相似文献   

基于扩展的技术接受理论模型,运用结构方程模型,测度了消费者对农产品可追溯体系接受意愿的影响因素,并对理论模型进行了检验。实证结果表明,感知有用性是影响消费者对农产品可追溯体系接受态度的关键因子;感知障碍性是农产品可追溯体系发展的主要障碍;感知易用性和感知障碍性显著影响了消费者对农产品可追溯体系的接受态度以及使用意愿;健康意识对消费者对农产品可追溯体系的接受态度也具有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

失地农民社会养老保险模式--北京市通州区实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过政策分析与北京市通州区的实证研究,为实施失地农民社会养老保险方案的可行性论证提供了具体的研究模式,特别是通过编制符合当地人口特征的国民生命表,利用各种精算模型从理论与方法上为有条件地方的失地农民养老保险制度的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

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