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最近听闻一家在内地堪称“指标性”的直销企业,在依法获得直销牌照之后,凭借其良好的企业形象和在行业中的代表性地位,成功地吸引了众多直销员加盟,然而,当直销员人数大幅上升之际,企业的市场业绩却并未表现得与其一致。这一现象对向来迷信于市场团队数量的直销企业来说,不得不引起关注和重视。[第一段]  相似文献   

逸风 《全国商情》2007,(2):84-85
直销看起来很美,做起来却很难,尤其是这段直销行业的低潮时期,更是让不少的直销员感到迷惑,直销到底怎么做?直销员到底该销售什么? 笔者把直销的销售分为几个层次,直销员要了解并实践这几个层次,在实战中不断累积和总结经验,随着销售功力和层次的不断提高,就能径情直遂,在直销行业里闯出一片属于自己的天空。[编者按]  相似文献   

《直销管理条例》颁布以来,中国直销业的命运发生了改变。新形势下,直销企业以及直销专营店如何转型?如何调整?直销法规给他们带来了多大的影响?又带来了哪些转变? 一些直销企业相关负责人表示: “具有法律身份的店主,比个人身份的直销员更有底气,也更让消费者放心”。  相似文献   

几乎所有迈入直销行业的直销员,都有一个共同的感受:“决定从事直销的初衷不完全是为了赚钱,主要是自我的人生价值在这里得以实现。”有道是:“三流的直销员卖产品,二流的直销员卖自己,一流的直销员卖情绪。”“人们购买的永远是情绪”,因此,作为一位合格的直销员就必须练就过硬的“金口才”,只有这样才可以驾驭消费者的情绪,使之成为你产品的爱用者或合作伙伴。如何练就直销金口才,使自己成为受人尊敬的“职业直销人”,就需要“内练一口气,谓之‘德’;外练筋骨皮,谓之‘道’。”根据笔者16年的直销培训师生涯,就如何练就直销金口才这一话题在这里与大家共同分享心得。  相似文献   

胡开俊 《全国商情》2009,(11):78-79
笔者在四川省工商局直销监管处工作期间,经常接到基层执法单位和一些直销员关于直销员超出核准的直销区域开展直销活动如何定性处理的咨询电话。针对这一点,其实《直销管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)及《直销行业服务网点设立管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)已经有比较明确的规定,但市场上为什么还有这样的疑问呢?  相似文献   

谈到推动2007年中国直销文化成长的力量,有一点是不得不被提及的,那就是在中国本土的直销员队伍中各种系统文化的出现和逐渐普及。与直销企业不同,这是一种真正“平民化”的文化,它诞生并成长于最普通的直销员群体,并且在这个群体中发挥作用,因而从某种意义上讲,与企业文化相比,它将所谓的“人性”反映得更为直接和直白,并且其建设的成功与失败,  相似文献   

郝欣 《全国商情》2007,(12):18-19
2007年,中国直销行业的从业人员,绝大多数在内心里都有了些微妙的变化,这些变化促使着他们重新做出选择。而另一方面,中国直销市场形势的变化、企业的变化,也在客观上加快了直销员重新进行选择的速度。  相似文献   

刘庆 《全国商情》2007,(5):12-15
中国直销行业需要成长,但这种成长必须建立在全体直销员的共同成长之上。经过17年的发展,中国直销员队伍尽管已经有了明显的成长,但又衍生出许多新的需求与矛盾。而这些问题,在一定程度上决定着中国直销行业发展的速度与方向。[编者按]  相似文献   

自直销正式进入中国大陆后,我们经常说直销是从传统商业零售方式中分离出来的一种新型商业销售模式,它使产品销售渠道扁平化,减少了中间环节,节省广告费用,能实现生产者、直销员和消费者三赢的格局。但很多消费者都表示,直销产品价格太高,以至于一般收入的人群不能成为直销产品的忠实消费者。那么,直销产品价格为什么这么高?  相似文献   

甄刚 《全国商情》2009,(11):81-81
无论时空怎样变换,直销企业、直销专卖店、团队领导人和直销员都要和业绩打交道,各自的利润、效益和佣金都与业绩息息相关。以往衡量直销的业绩水平采用的方法,都是以同比(即与去年同期相比的意思)和环比(即与上月情况对比)做比较,但同比、环比受突发事件等不确定因素的影响很大,由前后两期的同比和环比数据为根据很难预测下一期的业绩,  相似文献   

在国家海关税收优惠政策的执行过程中,针对一些免税企业逃避海关监管,倒卖减免税商品所形成的寻租行为,本文运用完全信息静态博弈和不完全信息动态博弈的分析工具,通过对博弈的参与双方———海关和免税企业最优均衡策略的讨论,得出结论:1.免税企业逃避监管,非法倒卖寻租的概率和海关监管成本呈正相关关系,和本身所享受的已减免关税与进口环节税之和呈负相关关系;2.海关监管的概率与寻租企业倒卖减免税货物牟利所支付成本负相关,与免税进口的先进设备所带来的利润负相关;3.海关的实际监管技术水平愈高、查验率愈高,则免税企业倒卖免税商品的行为收益就愈少,积极性就愈低。  相似文献   

Far too few companies with a personal selling force utilize a scientific framework to aid in solving their tactical selling problems. While this approach is used somewhat in other functional areas of the business, personal selling is by-passed. The purpose of this article is to investigate the major decision-making areas a sales manager must act upon and to provide tools to enable him to make rational decisions through the framework of models. Hopefully, the following models will provide the sales manager with more effectiveness in 1) dealing with sales force problems, and 2) attainment of the company's sales objectives. At the very least, exposure to this framework will motivate the sales manager and salesmen to think of the various factors and their functional relationship as they affect the selling effort of the company.  相似文献   

医改之后,对医药营销来说,一个最大的改变就是营销渠道的改变,即医院在医药企业促销活动中的重要程度将减弱,药店取代医院成为药品的重要销售终端。医药营销实际上是和消费者面对面的营销。新形势下,医药企业营销渠道将发生以下变化:首先,营销渠道由纵深型向扁平型转变,即医药企业在选择分销渠道时由选择进货批量大、频率低的大型分销商,向分布零散、进货频繁但数量小的中小型分销商,甚至是零售终端过渡,也就是渠道的重心由高向低转移。其次,医药企业对产品分销流通的渠道定位更准确,市场成熟的大众性普药继续走批发分销渠道。渠道建设成功后还要从不同的方面来进行渠道管理。  相似文献   

This article examines whether the public image of the selling job as perceived by direct salespeople has an impact on their tendency to remain active or become inactive in that selling job. Relationships among job image, job satisfaction, and job performance are also investigated. Salespeople with more negative perceptions of the public image of their job were found to have lower job satisfaction and to be more prone to inactivity, though the strength of these relationships varies somewhat between high and low performers. Implications are provided for researchers and sales managers.  相似文献   

Sales control systems represent an important managerial tool in directing the sales force for desired organizational objectives. However, the majority of prior sales control research has focused only on the main effects of sales control systems without explicitly considering their interactive effects and associated intervening mechanisms. Drawing on job demands–resources theory, the authors theorize differential interactive effects of outcome control, activity control, and capability control on job engagement (i.e., adaptive selling behavior and selling effort) and job stress (i.e., role ambiguity and role conflict), which subsequently affect salesperson performance. Empirical results using a sample of industrial salespeople find that (1) outcome control and capability control have positive interactive effects on adaptive selling behavior and selling effort while suppressing role conflict, (2) activity control and capability control have a negative interactive effect on role ambiguity, and (3) outcome control and activity control have a positive interactive effect on selling effort but negative interactive effects on adaptive selling behavior and role clarity. These results indicate that sales control researchers can benefit from considering the complex interactive effects of various control styles as well as the intervening processes, which provide a more refined understanding of this important managerial tool.  相似文献   

入世后我国旅行社在市场竞争主体、旅游人才、客源市场以及销售渠道等营销环境上出现变化,我国旅行社应注重实行体制改革、品牌营销、产品组合、横向联合体模式、一对一营销、销售渠道扩展、服务营销、旅行社人才策略等主要营销策略。  相似文献   

Personal selling and sales management: A relationship marketing perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors examine how the practice of personal selling and sales management is changing as a result of the increased attention on long-term, buyer-seller relationships and identify some implications of these changes. Changes in the traditional personal selling and sales management activities are needed to support the emergence of the part-nering role for salespeople. For salespeople in the part-nering role, the personal selling shifts from a focus on influencing buyer behavior to managing the conflict inherent in buyer-seller relationships. The emphasis on building relationships rather than making short-term sales and the use of sales teams dictates changes in the way firms select, train, evaluate, and compensate salespeople and members of sales teams. In this article, the authors have suggested some issues concerning the emerging partnering role for salespeople that deserve the attention of scholars interested in personal selling and sales management research. Barton A. Weitz is the J. C. Penney Eminent Scholar Chair in Retail Management at the Warrington College of Business Administration at the University of Florida. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and his research interests are in the areas of personal selling effectiveness, salesperson motivation, and channel relationships. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, andAdministrative Science Quarterly. He has coauthored two textbooks,Selling: Building Relationships andRetail Management. Kevin D. Bradford is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. His research interests include issues in buyerseller relationships and increasing salesperson effectiveness.  相似文献   

文章就我国企业在绿色产品营销上的消费市场分析、产品定价策略、分销渠道选择、产品促销等方面的难点进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

Past research on student's attitudes toward personal selling have generally concluded that students have misconceptions about sales. An interesting issue, but one that has not yet been explored, is whether students' perceptions of selling are different from salespeople's perceptions. This paper reports the results of a study that examined the differences between salespeople's and students' perceptions of a sales job. In addition, several managerial implications for developing sales recruiting messages are discussed. The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge an anonymous reviewer for his/her helpful suggestions on an earlier draft of this article and the Sales and Marketing Executives Club of Dallas for its personal support of this project.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to determine how inexperienced sales representatives (rookies) interpret and respond to their sales failure situations. The authors studied 296 rookie financial services sales representatives'performance attributions for a previous unsuccessful sales interaction and their intended behaviors for a future, similar selling situation. This provided the authors the opportunity to compare their results with Dixon, Spiro and Jamil's (2001) findings for experienced sales representatives (veterans). In the event of a sales failure, rookies'responses do not parallel those of veterans. The results suggest that rookies are likely to engage in several inappropriate behaviors in response to failed sales encounters. Implications for managers and directions for future research are discussed. Andrea L. Dixon (Andrea. Dixon@uc.edu) (Ph.D., Indiana University) is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Cincinnati. Her research focuses on selling behaviors, team selling, integrating technology and personal selling, and the role of developmental relationships in enhancing creativity and productivity in the sales division. The primary focus of her research is improving the performance of sales representatives and the sales organization or unit. She has published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Marketing, and theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. She currently serves on the editorial review boards of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. Dixon is the vice chair for conference programming of the Selling and Sales Management Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association. Rosann L. Spiro (spiro@ indiana.edu), Ph. D., is a professor of marketing and chairperson of the Marketing Department at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, where she teaches Sales Management, Personal Selling, International Marketing, Business-to-Business Marketing Strategy, and Managerial Research in Marketing. Her research interests focus on sales strategy, sales management, and personal selling. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Business, and theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. She currently serves on the editorial review boards of theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management andMarketing Management. She is also a coauthor of a leading sales management text,Management of a Sales Force (11 th ed.). She formerly served as the chairperson of the Board of the American Marketing Association. Curtently she serves on an Advisory Board for the Univted States Bureau of Census and is the chair of the Selling and Sales Management Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association. Lukas P. Forbes (Lukas.Forbes@wku.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing in the Gordon Ford College of Business at Western Kentucky University. He received his B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point, his M.B.A. from worcester Polytechnic Institute, and is completing his Ph.D. at the University of Kentucky. His research interests include personal selling, services, and product development. He has previously published in the American Marketing Association Educators and Frontiers in Services conference proceedings.  相似文献   

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