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“打车没零钱?可以使用支付宝哟,亲!”在杭州、成都、青岛、嘉兴等多个城市启动“支付宝打车”业务后,春城昆明也加入了小微支付的“尝鲜”行列。日前,在昆明市的7200多辆出租车中,悄然出现了10辆可以刷卡的的士。乘客搭乘这些的士后,不用再准备零钱,拿出银联卡,在车内的POS机上轻轻划过,10秒钟即可轻松完成支付交易。  相似文献   

随着银行卡联网通用网络的普及,银行卡应用离我们越来越近了。在银联建设之初,银行卡多出现在高档场合,属于“白领专利”,而今,银行卡已经“屈尊”走进街头便利店,走进百姓的口袋,成为生活必备。  相似文献   

近几年.北京、上海、广州、南京等数十个城市陆续试点推广使用银行卡、交通卡等支付工具刷卡打车,以方便市民出行,不过效果并不理想。而今年12月初,支付宝联合出租车公司在北京大规模推广支付宝钱包打车业务.并给出史无前例的优惠力度,给出租车支付方式带来新的变革。这会不会也将成为出租车领域非现金支付方式的一种未来发展趋势呢?支付宝打车对出租车刷量支付方式的推广有哪些冲击呢?根据这几种非现金支付工具的用户拥有群体、使用的安全与便捷性以及司机体验等方面,探究出租车领域未来付费方式的发展方向。  相似文献   

从天津市客管办获悉,该市已经全面启动客运出租汽车计价器刷卡终端免费安装工作,已经为1000辆客运出租汽车完成了设备安装。今后,市民乘坐出租汽车时可以像乘坐公交、地铁一样刷卡结算,方便快捷。市客管办相关负责人介绍,此次免费安装的刷卡终端采用GPRS无线数据上传的方式,实现刷卡交易数据的自动。  相似文献   

金融系统无线POS集中接入方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线POS通过GPRS/CDMA 1X无线通信手段,极大地方便了持卡人,改善了持卡环境,有力地推动了银行卡业务的发展.本文概述了无线POS系统在金融系统使用的设计思路和方案,展望了无线POS应用的发展方向.  相似文献   

前言 随着城市信息化进程的加快,刷卡消费环境日益完善,市民刷卡消费的习惯逐渐养成,银行卡刷卡消费比例的高低已经成为城市文明和现代化程度的一个标志。信用卡、POS机和信息技术的大规模使用,给商户和广大用户都带来了电子货币消费的便利性,但目前在全国各大商场和超市内随处可见的POS机,大多数是通过电话线联结形式进行通信,移动性差,不灵活,限制了某些领域刷卡消费业务的发展。于是,CDPD无线POS应运而生。  相似文献   

近年来,随着银行卡业务的迅速发展,在刷卡消费日益成为方便服务普通百姓的重要支付手段的同时,也为商家降低了现金收付、保管的成本与风险,但部分超市存在POS机刷卡设定最低消费额现象,当引起金融监管部门关注。  相似文献   

随着现代银行卡电子支付的发展,顾客持卡消费的比例越来越大,在加油站等领域的应用趋势也将越来越明显使用银行卡支付对加快石油公司的资金回笼和周转有很大好处,并且可以避免现金、油票和记账等现行传统支付方式的弊端和不便;此外还可以为加油客户提供更安全、更舒适的交易环境,这也是各加油站的现实要求。  相似文献   

为加快金融IC卡小额快速支付功能的推广及受理市场的建设,中国银联云南分公司与昆明市出租车管理处、交通银行云南省分行联手推出了出租车受理银行卡项目。2012年11月15日,出租车受理银行卡项目正式试点运行。市民可在出租车上使用银联卡通过非接触式闪付、接触式IC卡、磁条卡刷卡三种方式进行出租车费的支付结算。试点效果良好,省内各大主流媒体争相报道,在社会上形成了一定的反响。  相似文献   

陈帆 《华南金融电脑》2005,13(7):100-100
演讲纲要:太极公司及金融事业本部介绍;支付类平台的应用及现状分析;广东省农信支付结算系统介绍;未来支付平台在金融行业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

林刚 《上海金融》2008,(1):72-75
第三方付费在人身保险业务中已成为一种行业做法,本文试从第三方付费的定义及其范围入手,分析其成因、法律行为的性质、后果,并探讨了法律对第三方付费的禁止或限制性的规定及其适用性。  相似文献   

不用排长队,只要在自动售票机中插入银行卡,简单操作后,世博门票就顺利到手.在上海世博园,成千上万的游人亲身体验了自助终端的魅力.而打造这一便捷支付平台的主角,就是联迪商用.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of mobile payment on the adoption and use of traditional payment instruments such as cash, checks, and credit, debit and prepaid cards at the point of sale (POS). Data are from a 2012 representative survey on consumer payment choice in the United States. Using discrete-choice random utility models to simulate consumer behavior, the estimation provides two major findings. First, mobile payment does not replace physical payment cards, but is likely to substitute for paper-based payment methods such as cash and checks at the adoption stage. Second, mobile payment does not statistically significantly influence the choice of payment means at the POS in terms of usage. However, there is suggestive evidence that it is complementary to card payments and a substitute for paper-based payment instruments. The findings highlight the potential social welfare gains of mobile payment and provide key insights into challenging issues for the private industry sector. This paper furthermore offers novel evidence on the impact of mobile payment on the use and adoption of existing payment instruments and contributes to the literature on consumer payment choice.  相似文献   

手机支付:电子支付的新宠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的飞速发展,计算机技术和通信技术已经实现了长足的发展。特别是无线通信技术与计算机技术的日益融合,使人们感受到电脑越来越"小"了,  相似文献   

我国商业保险公司由于出租车行业风险高而不愿承保其风险,而出租车行业因为商业车险的费率高、理赔慢等原因不愿投保,造成了出租车行业风险管理的空白。本文基于北京市出租车行业的风险管理与保险问卷调查,分析了北京市出租车行业的发展现状及存在的问题,探讨了我国出租车行业建立专属保险制度的必要性及可行性。  相似文献   

The effects of a recent Swedish child-care fee reform are compared with those of an alternative reform, increased child benefits. The fee reform implied considerably decreased fees and was intended to increase both labor supply among parents and their economic well-being. We estimate labor supply effects using a discrete choice labor supply model, and simulate behavioral responses to the changes. We find positive, but small, effects on labor supply from reduced fees, while increased child benefits would make single mothers decrease their labor supply. On the other hand, increased child benefits would make income distribution more equal. We make a social welfare comparison and conclude that for plausible values of inequality aversion, the alternative reform would have been preferred to the implemented fee reform. The views expressed in the paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Swedish Ministry of Finance.  相似文献   

现代化支付系统建成而电子联行停止运行后,我国金融业的清算结构发生了革命性的变化。其中之一是,新的支付系统设置了清算窗口时间,便于清算账户余额不足的直接参与者筹措资金。清算窗口时间是支付系统为直接参与者提供的流动性管理手段之一,是大额支付系统在日终处理前为清算账户余额不足的直接参与者预留一段时间筹措资金的业务状态。  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically analyze the factors affecting the cross section of mutual fund fee dispersion. In the context of equity mutual funds, fee dispersion stems primarily from the heterogeneity of products, clienteles and production functions. However, the relevant theory predicts that search costs can also generate fee dispersion. By controlling for observable sources of heterogeneity, we find that fee dispersion decreases with fund size and age, as well as with the amount of assets under management of the investment company. In addition, we find lower levels of fee dispersion for funds that charge marketing and distribution fees. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that these factors are a proxy for some unobserved source of heterogeneity, our results are also consistent with the theoretical prediction that search costs positively affect fee dispersion.  相似文献   

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