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建湖县审计局走在了前面。之所以这样说,是因为我们从这模式的构造及实施过程中看到了两点重要内容:一是选择做事者以资格论不以资历论,二是颠覆惯例的决断力。某件事情由谁来做,先检验一下想做事情者具备不具备资格,这的确很有必要。然而,这个原本没有什么错的思路却在实践中时常为我们带来疑惑,比如,建湖县审计局在实施这个模式以前,由于按科室分配任务,致使有的业务科室“吃不饱”,有的却“吃不了”;有些知识面狭窄的干部缺乏危机感、创造性,而具备潜能的年轻干部却很难有当主审、挑重担、展才干的锻炼机会;等等。也就是说,人力资源短缺…  相似文献   

杨高翔 《价值工程》2011,30(29):193-193
主要讨论了当被积函数为幂函数与三角函数的乘积、被积函数是幂函数与反三角函数乘积、被积函数是幂函数与对数函数、被积函数是幂函数与指数函数乘积、被积函数是指数函数与三角函数乘积时四种情况下,如何具体的应用分部积分法,使学生更好的接受分部积分法的思想。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2020,44(4):9-12
  • ▀ A no-trade-deal Brexit would result in UK GDP being 1ppt lower than our baseline forecast at the end of 2022. Increased trade frictions and a negative reaction from financial markets would more than offset looser policy settings.
  • ▀ Even if an FTA is agreed, trade between the UK and EU will be subject to new customs and regulatory trade barriers. If a trade deal is not agreed, tariffs will also be levied on UK-EU trade, while non-tariff barriers are likely to be higher.
  • ▀ A no-trade-deal outcome would almost certainly see the BoE undertake further quantitative easing. A further, temporary, loosening of fiscal policy would also be likely, with higher government investment an obvious option.

In the name of equality there has been a widespread sacrifice of quality, not least in education. Dr Marks, a polytechnic lecturer in physics, assesses the damage to academic standards in the emergint practice of overassisting candidates by the Council for National Academic Awards and, in particular, the Polytechnic of North London.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a learning algorithm that allows for imitation in recursive dynamic games. The Kiyotaki–Wright model of money is a well-known example of such decision environments. In this context, learning by experience has been studied before. Here, we introduce imitation as an additional channel for learning. In numerical simulations, we observe that the presence of imitation either speeds up social convergence to the theoretical Markov–Nash equilibrium or leads every agent of the same type to the same mode of suboptimal behavior. We observe an increase in the probability of convergence to equilibrium, as the incentives for optimal play become more pronounced.  相似文献   

From experience, fund-raisers become more efficient solicitors. This paper offers a full characterization of the optimal solicitation strategy when there are learning economies. The characterization is recursive, and does not require equilibrium computations. Our main results are that (1) the fund-raiser may now solicit a “ net free-rider”—a donor whose contribution falls below the marginal solicitation cost; (2) the number of solicitations is non-monotonic in the learning rate; and (3) a solicitation technology with high overhead but low marginal costs is likely to be optimal if income distribution in the population is relatively homogenous. The complementary case with a decreasing returns to scale technology is also considered.  相似文献   

Modern discipline is not punishment, but a shaper of behavior; it requires rules to be reviewed periodically against objectives to see if they are still productive in changing conditions and it allows the exceptional performer who is achieving exceptional results to be treated with far greater tolerance when it comes to violations.  相似文献   

There is more to be lost through management's not doing its proper job than from encroachment from labor or government. When a manager abdicates his responsibilities, the result is a lack of balance in management style.  相似文献   

“我们在从化煞费苦心打造一个绿色环保的生态居住区,就是为了将来不留下任何遗憾。”广州家化置业有限公司总经理张亚强与记者交谈时表示,从化最有魅力的资源是温泉,而资源是不可再生的,是无法复制的,我们要利用好这一资源,发展温泉地产,从细节入手打造一个温泉地产精品,希望十年二十年以后再回头看这个项目不脸红。  相似文献   

促进以创业带动就业,通过创业增加更多的就业岗位,是我国当前和今后就业工作的主旋律,但目前仍面临着人们创业意识不强、创业资金缺乏、创业人才缺乏、创业成本偏高、创业扶持政策体系和公共创业服务体系不健全、创业发展环境不够宽松等问题。因此,必须进一步强化各级政府促进创业工作的职责,加大政策扶持力度,优化创业环境,激励广大劳动者的创业激情,充分调动人们创业的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

严文复 《房地产导刊》2012,(10):47-49,46
沈阳正处于一个重大历史发展机遇时期,城市建设也处于一个快速发展的新阶段。沈阳在增强城市实力、提升城市魅力的同时,也面临诸如城乡统筹、中心城市功能以及城市交通条件仍待加强和提升等方面的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a class of implementation mechanisms for exchange economies, calleddemand mechanisms. Each agent “demands” a consumption bundle, and equilibria are situations where each agent receives the bundle he asked for. A simple necessary and sufficient condition for implementation by a demand mechanism is derived.  相似文献   

在进行市场定位过程中,需要有差异化的产品作为保证,提供合适的产品给目标顾客。实现产品差异化的方法有很多,本文结合中国企业实际情况,试图从其他方法的不足之处入手,以顾客需求为准绳,变革营销组合,用服务实现产品差异化。  相似文献   

Watlow Electric Manufacturing, Hannibal, Missouri, uses a fully integrated MRP system with three-way match accounting. We have approximately 8,000 purchased parts and purchase in excess of $5 million of raw material annually. The vast majority of parts are custom to the heating element industry; the balance of the parts are customer specific. Production is similar to a glorified job-shop, more specialized than standard products.  相似文献   


本文通过欺骗与合作的成本比较探讨如何与合作伙伴建立一种双赢的合作关系.我们的结论是,合作比欺骗能给双方带来更大的利益.  相似文献   

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