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中国重汽重组大齿。国内首款14挡重型变速器在东风下线,一汽解放重型自动变速器载货车交付用户……一时间,国内重卡变速器市场风云变幻,而目前仍占有绝对市场份额的法士特显得有点沉默。"法士特在重卡变速器市场上的占有率已经接近90%。"法士特相关负责人告诉《商用汽车新闻》记者:"面对其他  相似文献   

又见“水土不服论”.又见“使用环境不好论”。日前,因在中国台湾地区被召回,大众DSG风波再起。据悉,大众已决定不再在中国大陆市场投放搭载干式双离合变速器的产品;而据说,大众不在中国大陆市场召回DSG的原因,是因为“问题并不是技术缺陷,而是干式双离合变速器在中国市场上水土不服,是中国市场使用环境不好”  相似文献   

各项经营指标连续11年名列中国齿轮行业第一,重型变速器产销量连续8年稳居世界第一,变速器市场保有量超过500万台,国内市场占有率超过70%……尽管拥有如此炫目的成就,法士特掌舵者李大开奔并不满意。他冲记者摇摇头:“法士特目前不算成功。我们对成功的定义是,不仅要将产品卖到欧美等发达国家,并且还要占有一席之地!”  相似文献   

油价持续飙升,油耗成为人们关注的焦点。汽车能否节油,除了看发动机,还要看与发动机相匹配的其他总成是否具有节油的特性,而变速器就是关键所在。作为车辆之动脉,变速器的重要性不言而喻。 5月22日,《商用汽车新闻》记者在北京新发地市场走访数名重卡司机后发现,他们在买车过程中也将变速器作为优先考虑的要素,并注重选择节油性能好的变速器。  相似文献   

黄蓓蕾 《汽车观察》2012,(10):26-28
A=Automotive Observer F=Ferit K ü c ü kay A:A:CTI在欧洲已经独具盛名,为何这次会在中国召开?传动行业目前在国内外的发展情况? F:中国自2009年已成为世界最大的汽车市场,工信部预计到2020年中国汽车保有量将超过两亿.作为动力系的核心部分以及驱动的关键因素,传动行业在快速增长的中国汽车市场中拥有巨大的发展潜力.中国齿轮专业协会统计结果显示,汽车变速器市场规模越来越大,预计到2015年国内汽车变速器市场需求将达1000亿元以上.  相似文献   

在非公路市场和客车市场取得成功后,卡车市场将成为艾里逊变速器下一个进军的目标。  相似文献   

在本届北京车展,大齿集团推出了6款最新研制的同步器变速器,其中包括12挡节油王变速器、16挡节油王变速器以及中轻型6挡变速器,意欲在商用车变速器市场争得更大的市场份额。在目前的中重型车市场,与竞争对手相比,  相似文献   

对中国卡车用户来说,AMT还相对陌生。但是在美国和欧洲,AMT早已在卡车领域得到广泛应用。随着国内重卡高端化趋势渐浓,AMT在中国的发展步伐必将持续加快。AMT优势突出AMT中文全称为"电控机械自动变速器",是在传统干式离合器和手动齿轮变速器基础上加装微机控制的自动变速系统。目前国内市场上,一汽解放、中国重汽等企业已推出了AMT配置的重卡车型。除此之外,国内重型变速器企业也在积极研发AMT产品。  相似文献   

在重卡零部件中,发动机、变速器、车桥是三大核心件。伴随着2010年重卡市场的井喷,发动机资源的短缺没让重卡企业的老总们少操心,那么变速器、车桥的供应又如何?能让他们放心吗?  相似文献   

6月26日,采埃孚(ZF)传动技术(杭州)有限公司的开业,意味着采埃孚重型变速器在中国登陆,也意味着陕西法士特的垄断地位受到挑战。杭州采埃孚产量不大决心不小在重卡市场,采埃孚是姗姗来迟者。它在中国市场外观察了数年,才最终决定在杭州建重型变速器工厂,生产先进的带同步器的16挡卡车变速器。采埃孚(杭州)的产能是3.5万台,今年的销量目标为1千台。“我们对自己的产品是很有信心的,我们的变速器舒适性、安全性和耐用性,在全世界都首屈一指。”采埃孚(杭州)公司总经理约阿西姆·霍茨纳表现出德国人的自信。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the joint pricing and procurement of fashion products in the existence of clearance markets. It is assumed that the expected regular season demand is a linear decreasing function of the price and the end of period excess inventory is sold at a known discounted price in a clearance market where the demand is a random variable that follows a general distribution. It is shown that the expected profit function is unimodal and the optimal procurement quantity and price can be found from the first order conditions. Existence of a clearance market increases the profit, price, and the procurement quantity. In order to prove this, the optimal procurement and pricing policy of a price-setting retailer who does not have a clearance market is provided. As opposed to the literature, it is shown that the expected profit function of this problem is unimodal as well. A numerical study demonstrating the magnitude of the increase in profit, procurement quantity, and price is reported.  相似文献   

When corporate planning has been tried by a number of organizations a number of difficulties have arisen. These are often a consequence of the planning system itself and the manner of its introduction to the organization. A new approach is described in this paper by which planning is introduced in stages. Each is a logical development of the previous one but each makes a reasonable demand on the staff and there is time to ensure that the data needed at each stage by the staff is available. Furthermore, the staff contribute to the development of the planning system which, at each stage in its evolution, is adapted to their needs. Having thus described the introduction and evolution of a planning system in an organization, a later paper will review how the technical function of a company can link into it.  相似文献   

The Equal Life Group Plan (E.L.G.).is the ultimate refinement of the straight-line method of depreciation-rate determination. The straight-line method is designed to spread the cost of property as equally as possible year by year over its useful life. As usually interpreted, this means that an average depreciation rate is intended to be used throughout the life of a group of property units. The trend has been toward more and more groups, until now a group is often a vintage group, i.e., the property of a given class installed in one year.

If one average rate is applied to a vintage throughout its life span, only a part of the cost of short-lived units will be recovered during their lives. The shortage is made up during the life of the surviving units, but it is not fully made up until the year when the last surviving unit of the vintage is retired. What this means is that the depreciation reserve never reaches a ratio to plant in service as the age-to-life ratio of the plant.

The E.L.G. plan is designed to overcome this difficulty. Basically, it is a procedure which has the effect of charging to operations the cost of short-lived units during their life, and of longer-lived units during their life. In short, the cost of each unit is charged to operations during its expected life. Thus the depreciation reserve at all times should have a ratio to plant investment equal to the age-to-life ratio of existing plant.

In practice, the E.L.G. depreciation rate for a vintage of plant is determined very easily if studies are available which provide a sound basis for estimating the age of distribution of retirements for a vintage of plant. Such a distribution means that the vintage is divided into groups, as many groups as there are years expected for the life of the longest-lived unit in the vintage. This breakdown, of course, is statistical, because no one knows which units will have each of these lives-- but the percentage falling into each age group can be estimated accurately enough for this purpose. The depreciation rate for the vintage is simply the summation of the products of these percentages and their respective component depreciation rates. The rate for each component is the reciprocal of its life, modified, if necessary, by its expected net salvage.  相似文献   

Modeling the response capability of a production system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This work is aimed at investigating the impact of labor flexibility and machine flexibility in the response capability of a production system in the clothing industry. To do this the response capability of a production system is modeled as a function of different flexibilities. From this model a 32 factorial experimental design is configured, which is implemented in the Arena 7.01 simulation language. The results show greater importance of machine flexibility compared to labor flexibility for the types of variability studied, and the performance of a production system when a high level of flexibility is used is similar to that in which a medium level is used.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to suggest a quantitative method for analyzing the innovation risk from both technological and an economic point of view as a contribution to the strategic evaluation and planning process. Specifically the method provides a predictive evaluation of the probability of the commercial success of technological breakthroughs.
The method is a quantification of the qualitative method originally developed by White and Graham. It consists of a stepwise process in which the benefits of a technology are classified under four major headings: inventive merit, embodiment merit, market merit, and operational merit. Within each heading, the target technology is evaluated by pairwise comparison with alternative technologies, using a Saaty-type procedure. The decision-maker can conduct a sensitivity analysis and the evaluation can be made collaborative by using a group of judges.
The methodology which is computerized is described in some detail. Its use is illustrated by applying it to an hypothetical project in the field of information retrieval in which CD-ROM is compared with three alternative technologies.  相似文献   

经济系统的资源位凹集模型及其政策含义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文首先论述了“系统经济,整合为王”的基本思想;在此基础上提出了经济系统的资源位凹集模型把经济系统的实际资源位结构构造成凹集是整合在所有权意义上不属于自己的资源的必要条件,这为如何发展系统经济指明了方向;根据这个模型,推广了国际贸易理论的Heckscher-Ohlin定理,提出了如何应对经济全球化和如何在国际分工中获得最大的国家利益的对策性建议和必须进行的观念转变;最后,在对科斯企业理论进行认真分析的基础上,提出了企业凹集模型,进一步指出在系统经济条件下,整合资源的能力是企业家的核心能力的新理念。  相似文献   

论中国世界工厂及其对策   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目前,中国正在迅速成为世界工厂。不过,当前“中国世界工厂”乃是中国迅速成为跨国公司“世界性生产基地”的同意语,中国离真正世界工厂还道路漫长,要建立真正意义上的世界工厂,必须以划时代的新技术革命为基础,把自身工业化和引进工业化结合起来,实现自身工业化和引进工业化的时代发展,这既是中国世界工厂的捷径,也是中国世界工厂的新发展道路。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the common though ethically problematic practice of suppliers providing gifts and other benefits to buyers in a business-to-business context. It is argued that contrary to the claim that the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable practices is blurred when there is a focus on developing mutually beneficial, long-term relationships between suppliers and their business customers, there is a straightforward decision making procedure that can be applied. Central to this decision making procedure is the concept of a conflict of interest. While all organisations have very good reasons to address the issue of gifts and benefits, in a relationship marketing context there is even more reason to do so.  相似文献   

本文以普通花键滚刀为例,从理论上分析了滚刀法向齿形检测剖面。通过分析并进行计算得出:同一滚刀基本蜗杆,节圆柱上不同螺旋线的法剖面截形有明显差别;如果以齿纹中点法剖面作为齿形检测和设计剖面,用平面啮合法设计花键滚刀时,则齿形误差最小。  相似文献   

This article takes the view that BPR in the dominant form in which it is presently characterised, is a re-expression of industrial age classical administration. As such it is oblivious of organization as a political entity or as a set of 'human resources' . What is needed is a new model of BPR for the information age.  相似文献   

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