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Comparable worth advocates assume that the relation between earnings and percentage female in an occupation is due to crowding or other forms of discrimination. An alternative explanation is that the relation stems from women freely choosing different occupations. Using longitudinal data to control for time-invariant omitted variables, as well as cross-sectional data (for comparison with previous research), we find that although men's estimated penalty is not reduced, the percentage female penalty falls substantially for women and is not statistically significant. These results imply that estimates of the percentage female effect based on cross-sectional data may be inflated for women–except for those with intermittent labor force participation. This group does experience a sizeable penalty for working in female-dominated occupations. Hence, a comparable worth policy would most likely benefit women with discontinuous employment.  相似文献   

Employment grows about 4 percentage points per year more slowly in union than in nonunion plants. This first examination of union employment effects at the plant level suggests that unionized plants face substantial competitive pressure. As much as 61 percent of the decline in the present unionized may be accounted for by slower employment growth in union plants  相似文献   

Factor analysis of the three-digit census industry characteristics data for mining, construction, manufacturing, and communication, transportation, and public utilities reveals a sharp core-periphery dichotomy in industrial structure. Regression analysis of four different measures of employment stability over four different time periods supports the contention that the circumstances of employment in core industries foster employment stability. These results are quite robust, holding for various different measures of employment stability and phases of the business cycle. They constitute strong evidence of the existence of industrial dualism and of its importance for theories of labor turnover and unemployment and for policies aimed at promoting employment stability.  相似文献   

现有的经济增长理论对自然资源重视和分析不够深入,时经济增长可持续条件的研究忽视了自然资源的贡献。文章认为,探讨经济有效增长问题的出发点和立足点就在于重新认识自然资源,必须重视自然资源这一经济增长的基础变量,考虑自然资源约束。  相似文献   

Unions and Employment Growth: The Canadian Experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using panel data from the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey, the union effect on employment growth is examined. In line with previous North American findings, private sector unions are found to slow employment growth by approximately 2.2 percent per annum. This study is modeled after two recent articles published in this journal; one using the Australian Workplace and Industrial Relations Survey and a subsequent article using the British Workplace and Industrial/Employee Relations Survey.  相似文献   

This study adds to the small empirical literature on the impact unions have on employment growth using data from Australia. Unlike previous studies, the data used are from a panel of firms surveyed at two points in time rather than a single cross section. The results indicate a negative union effect on employment in private-sector firms of about 2.5 percent per annum that, despite the very different institutional framework that prevails in Australia, is consistent with results obtained with North American data.  相似文献   

Sequential analyses of the major workplace data sets available to British researchers—the cross-sectional Workplace Industrial/Employee Relations Surveys (WIRS/WERS)—have revealed shifts in some previously well-established associations between union presence and firm performance, so much so in fact that it has become conventional to speak of a pronounced reduction in the "disadvantages of British unionism." One finding that seems to have persisted in cross section, however, is the negative effect of unions on employment growth. Following on a recent study in this Journal, we reexamine the issue using employment data from a panel of firms surveyed at two points in time rather than a single cross section. We report similar evidence of employment retardation in union regimes. On the other hand, the new data also suggest that some other unfavorable union effects may be longer-standing than previously reported.  相似文献   

樊元  胡磊 《工业技术经济》2012,31(8):140-145
通过构建VAR模型对我国第三产业发展与就业增长的关系进行了实证研究。协整分析表明第三产业与就业增长之间存在着长期协同互动关系。VAR模型及脉冲响应函数的动态分析表明我国第三产业发展表现为相互促进的累积过程;劳动力投入是影响第三产业发展的重要因素,就业人数的增长对第三产业发展有巨大的推动作用;第三产业具有很大的就业吸纳空间。最后根据就业吸纳弹性来阐明第三产业发展对劳动力的吸纳能力并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

就业弹性的变化趋势研究   总被引:83,自引:0,他引:83  
通过分析中国就业弹性变化趋势和特点,产业结构变化与就业以及劳动力价格变化与就业等之间的关系,本文尝试回答经济增长能否创造出足够多的就业机会,经济增长和就业之间的关系将呈现怎样的发展趋势等问题,同时,根据对就业弹性变化趋势的研究,文章在最后还简要分析了WTO的就业效应。  相似文献   

The Suburban Housing Market: Effects of City and Suburban Employment Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a data set of over 88,000 housing sales, we find that city employment growth has a significant positive effect on suburban house values; this effect is largest for housing closest to the central business district and declines with increasing distance from it. City employment growth has a negative effect on the rate of suburban house construction; the magnitude of the effect increases with distance. Suburban employment growth has little aggregate effect on house prices, and there is less variation by distance. Suburban growth has a significant effect on construction rates, especially at locations near the urban fringe.  相似文献   

The success of a new product launch critically depends on an engaged and dedicated sales force. Salespeople who are involved in a new product launch must overcome significant uncertainty associated with the new product's performance, which can affect success expectations and, in turn, sales effort for the new product. Moreover, success expectations may drop in the first few months of the launch period, due to initial negative market feedback or general decline in sales force enthusiasm. Diminished expectations may start a vicious circle effect where lower success expectations for the new product lead to lower sales effort that, in turn, leads to lower performance, which further lowers expectations, and so on. Based on insights from attribution‐expectancy theory, this study investigates two distinct mechanisms to counteract the potential downward spiral in success expectations and sales effort devoted to a new product. Specifically, this research examines the role of financial incentives and salespersons' long‐term orientation in creating and maintaining high new product success expectations and sales effort during a new product launch. To investigate how the effect of these factors changes over time, success expectations and sales effort are examined across two critical points in time: the start of a new product launch and at completion of the first sales cycle. To test the model empirically, the North American sales force (n = 129) of a business unit of a global firm is surveyed longitudinally during the launch of a new line of industrial products. The data are analyzed using a partial least squares model. The results show that initial success expectations have a significant effect on sales effort later in the launch, and that this relationship is mediated by success expectations later in the launch. Success expectations and sales effort early in the launch are also shown to impact the perceived attractiveness of the financial incentives offered, but this does not translate into higher success expectations or sales effort at the end of the launch. In contrast, the long‐term orientation of salespersons is key to maintaining higher success expectations and sales effort at the end of the launch.  相似文献   

Scholars have given increased attention to organizational networks as an important component of technological innovation. Although a significant body of research has examined the implications of organizational networks on knowledge diffusion, researchers know little about the impacts that diverse network interlocks have on corporate innovation outputs. To address this gap in the literature, this article draws upon insights from organizational learning and social network theory and argues that interlocked networks affect corporate innovation. Further, interlocks differ in terms of both the heterogeneity of tied‐to firms—ties created through shared board directors—and the directors who create these ties. Accordingly, this study proposes that more diverse interlocks will have a greater impact on corporate technological exploration. To test this proposal, data from multiple sources were analyzed, including historical records of board appointments and data on technological innovations from U.S. public companies. Empirical results from generalized estimating equations suggest that the industrial diversity of interlocked firms increases the likelihood of technological exploration. Moreover, interlocks with R&D‐intensive firms are more important for technological exploration than those created by firms that do not invest heavily in R&D. There is no empirical evidence demonstrating that the ratio of interlocks created by directors with output‐oriented experience enhances technological exploration. Overall, this research reveals that diversity of leader‐created board interlocks can be an important mechanism for fostering corporate entrepreneurial activities such as technological exploration.  相似文献   

Using two British microeconomic data sets, this paper reports the following. (1) Union firms experienced faster productivity growth during 1980–4, but there was no difference in performance in 1975–9, or 1985–6. So unions do not necessarily reduce productivity growth. It is also unlikely that the above pattern can be explained by changes in union legislation. (2) Unionism appears to have no significant effect on in vestment, once one allows for the effects of differential productivity growth. (3) Wages in union and non-union firms are equally responsive to changes in the capital–labour ratio. (4) Contrary to what is often alleged, unionism per se does not reduce employment growth. Instead, the negative correlation observed in 1980–4 probably arises from a significant reform of working practices in unionized firms during 1980–4.  相似文献   

中国30年经济增长与就业:构建灵活安全的劳动力市场   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
运用宏观统计数据,本文首先回答了中国经济增长是否创造就业的问题.通过分阶段分析经济增长对就业的拉动效应.文章认为中国经济增长是一种创造了大量就业的增长;本文第二部分分析劳动供求关系的最新变化及其演变趋势.认为劳动供求关系正在发生根本性转变。但中国尚没有步入劳动力短缺时代.在今后20年左右的时间内仍然拥有充足的劳动供给;本文第三部分讨论了当前劳动力市场所面临的主要问题,认为结构性矛盾突出、就业非正规化严重、初次收入分配扭曲等问题突出:第四部分为结论,提出构建安全灵活劳动力市场的概念和设想。  相似文献   

本文基于2001~2020年省级面板数据实证检验了智能化发展对中国就业结构的影响,结果表明:智能化发展整体上促进中国就业,在第一产业减少就业,在第二产业和第三产业增加就业。工资水平较高的地区和智能化水平较高的地区,智能化对第二产业就业的创造效应不再显著。最后根据研究结论提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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