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实施农村最低生活保障制度的实践与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立和实施农村居民最低生活保障制度,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必要前提.在扎实推进社会主义新农村建设中如何使农村弱势群体尽快走出困境,是摆在各级财政部门面前的重要课题.对此,河北省平泉县做出了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是“十一五”规划《建议》中最引人注目的亮点之一。新农村建设是一个系统工程,既有发展农村经济的内容,又有发展农村社会事业的内容:既有农村综合改革的内容,又有农村精神文明建设的内容,而加快培育新的农村金融组织,构建新的金融体系,推动农村经济的快速发展则是建设新农村的重大课题。 当前我国的农村金融是个什么状况,未来的农村新金融应是一个什么面貌,自然成了许多人关注的焦点。本刊这期策划邀请了几位对此颇有研究的有识之士漫谈看法,虽是见仁见智,却对广大读者不无启迪之义。[编者按]  相似文献   

中国农村合作医疗保险制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
完善的农村医疗保障体系,是提高农村居民卫生与健康水平,有效保护农村生产力,促进农村经济发展和社会稳定的重要保证。由于历史和现实的诸多原因,目前我国的农村医疗保障体系还十分薄弱,大部分农民得不到切实可靠的健康医疗保障,一些地方甚至还出现了农民因病致贫,因病返贫的现  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是我国的一项长期战略任务。在这个过程中,金融发挥着重要的作用。据估算,新农村建设需要投入20万亿元左右。解决这个资金缺口.需要加大政府投入,需要”三农”增加积累,更需要通过金融渠道来动员和筹集社会资金。因此,如何充分发挥金融服务对农村发展的支撑作用,解决好”钱从哪里来,用到哪里去”的问题,是推进社会主义新农村建设中的一项重要任务,也是农村金融面临的重大理论和实践课题。  相似文献   

加强农村会计管理 促进新农村建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新农村建设是我国国民经济和社会发展的战略目标。农村会计管理工作关系到新农村建设的开展,同时也是新农村建设的一项重要内容。分析我国现行农村会计管理体制存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

十七届三中全会通过了《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,核心是深入贯彻落实科学发展观,加快社会主义新农村建设。金融在支农中具有战略作用。而银行卡作为金融的重要组成部分,在便利农民工汇款、方便农民生活、提升农村金融服务水平、实现农民与金融的共赢将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

中国农村社会保障制度建设:成就与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快农村社会保障制度建设,是促进农业和农村发展、改善农民基本生活、大力推进社会主义新农村建设的内在要求,对于统筹城乡经济社会发展、加快构建社会主义和谐社会和全面建设小康社会都具有非常重要的战略意  相似文献   

2008年底,银监会发布《关于调整放宽农村地区银行业金融机构准入政策更好支持社会主义新农村建设的若干意见》,鼓励银行业金融机构到农村地区设立分支机构,并在6个省(区)进行试点,这预示着中国农村经济的发展将开启一个新的时代。那么在将近一年的时间里,村镇银行的工作开展的怎样?取得了哪些经验?如何看待非金融企业参股村镇银行?汇丰银行为何青睐中国的农村市场?为此,我们策划了一组有关村镇银行发展的系列报道。想告诉读者的是,尽管村镇银行在中国起步较晚,外资银行也只有汇丰一家"进村",但是我们相信,村镇银行必将为中国农村金融的发展带来积极的影响。  相似文献   

建立农村最低生活保障制度是当前构建和谐社会主义新农村的重要内容,事关我国全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的实现。2006年7月,江西省彭泽县为建立覆盖全县30万农村居民最低生活保障制度,县财政部门积极协助有关部门认真做好农村低保“三级核查、三级评审、三榜公示”等工作,并对资金实行“一卡通”发放。其问,财政投入由2005年60.4万元增加到2008年705万元,  相似文献   

农村市场是农村经济的重要组成部分,对整个国民经济的正常运转产生极其重要的影响。与农村市场密切相关的是农村居民消费需求,农村居民消费需求旺盛与否,直接影响农村市场兴衰。本文从吉林省德惠市农村居民消费的现状和影响农村市场的因素等方面,研究探索农村居民消费需求与农村市场之间的规律性关系,从而为新农村建设,活跃和振兴农村市场提出一些建议。  相似文献   

This article discusses the circumstances under which federal law preempts state law regulating self-insured plans. In particular, the author describes four recent cases in which ERISA preemption was challenged, including relevant issues of debate and conclusions. The article points out that the decisions that result from such cases are contributing to the guidelines that states are developing to regulate ERISA plans.  相似文献   

A practical guide to social networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saying that networks are important is stating the obvious. But harnessing the power of these seemingly invisible groups to achieve organizational goals is an elusive undertaking. Most efforts to promote collaboration are haphazard and built on the implicit philosophy that more connectivity is better. In truth, networks create relational demands that sap people's time and energy and can bog down entire organizations. It's crucial for executives to learn how to promote connectivity only where it benefits an organization or individual and to decrease unnecessary connections. In this article, the authors introduce three types of social networks, each of which delivers unique value. The customized response network excels at framing the ambiguous problems involved in innovation. Strategy consulting firms and new-product development groups rely on this format. By contrast, surgical teams and law firms rely mostly on the modular response network, which works best when components of the problem are known but the sequence of those components in the solution is unknown. And the routine response network is best suited for organizations like call centers, where the problems and solutions are fairly predictable but collaboration is still needed. Executives shouldn't simply hope that collaboration will spontaneously occur in the right places atthe right times in their organization. They need to develop a strategic, nuanced view of collaboration, and they must take steps to ensure that their companies support the types of social networks that best fit their goals. Drawing on examples from Novartis, the FAA, and Sallie Mae, the authors offer managers the tools they need to determine which network will deliver the best results for their organizations and which strategic investments will nurture the right degree of connectivity.  相似文献   

Large organizations are by nature complex, but over the years new business challenges--globalization, innovative technologies, and regulations, to name a few--have conspired to add layer upon layer of complexity to corporate structure and management. Organizations have become increasingly ungovernable and unwieldy: Performance is declining, accountability is unclear, decision rights are muddy, and data are crunched repeatedly, often with no clear purpose in mind. To avoid frustration and inefficiency, executives need to systematically attack the causes of complexity in their companies. Ashkenas and his partners at Robert H. Schaffer & Associates have worked with dozens of firms to help them develop strategies for simplifying. In this article, the author details the elements of a simplicity-minded strategy: Streamline the structure; prune products, services, and features; build disciplined processes; and improve managerial habits. ConAgra Foods' experience illustrates how one company turned itself around through careful execution of a simplicity strategy. The packaged-food supplier had become enormously successful by acquiring well-known brands and then allowing them to operate autonomously, evolving into a $14 billion organization with more than 100 brands, a food services business, and a commodity trading operation. ConAgra, however, had no common method for reporting, tracking, or analyzing results. Over time, therefore, it became a highly unwieldy enterprise, riddled with inefficiencies and unable to communicate adequately with investors and other stakeholders. When CEO Gary Rodkin came on board, in 2005, he invested in a series of initiatives to combat complexity. The tactic not only made life easier for customers and employees but also saved millions of dollars in costs. This article has an online interactive questionnaire that can help you assess your own company's level of complexity.  相似文献   

随着全球货币条件的持续宽松,加强流动性管理已成为全球宏观经济管理中的一个突出问题。文章从多个角度衡量了我国宏观经济的流动性状况,从国内外两个背景分析了我国宏观经济流动性增加的原因,并从完善央行与公众沟通策略、利用数量型货币政策工具回收流动性、拓宽直接融资渠道等角度,提出加强流动性管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

Let's face it, to lead is to live dangerously. While leadership is often viewed as an exciting and glamorous endeavor, one in which you inspire others to follow you through good times and bad, such a portrayal ignores leadership's dark side: the inevitable attempts to take you out of the game. This is particularly true when a leader must steer an organization through difficult change. When the status quo is upset, people feel a sense of profound loss and dashed expectations. They may need to undergo a period of feeling incompetent or disloyal. It's no wonder they resist the change and often try to eliminate its visible agent. This "survival guide" offers a number of techniques--relatively straightforward in concept but difficult to execute--for protecting yourself as you lead such a change initiative. Adapted from the book Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Leading (Harvard Business School Press, 2002), the article has two main parts. The first looks outward, offering tactical advice about relating to your organization and the people in it. It is designed to protect you from those who would push you aside before you complete your initiatives. The second looks inward, focusing on your own needs and vulnerabilities. It is designed to keep you from bringing yourself down. The hard truth is that it is not possible to experience the rewards and joys of leadership without experiencing the pain as well. But staying in the game and bearing that pain is worth it, not only for the positive changes you can make in the lives of others but also for the meaning it gives your own.  相似文献   

财政部于2014年5月正式推出地方政府自发自还债券试点。自发自还债券试点可谓地方政府市场化融资的标志性事件,试点省市将成为独立的举债主体,须主动适应市场规则,接受市场检验,此次试点具有里程碑意义。但同时也要看到,目前包括自发自还债券融资在内的地方政府各类举债行为,还欠缺完善的制度保障。文章回顾了地方政府债券市场融资的模式变迁,在梳理地方政府融资现有制度的基础上,分析了地方政府融资相关制度存在的问题,就构建并完善我国地方政府债券的制度体系提出相关建议。  相似文献   

我国资本市场的税收政策应该以合理投资导向、倡导长期投资、抑制短期投机、保护中小投资者的利益为政策取向,建立起多层次、多环节、协调征管、体现公平的复合资本市场税制。  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(5):476-480
Quantitative financial modelling seems to employ both the language and techniques of physics, but how similar are the two disciplines? Emanuel Derman comments on the practice of financial modelling and the environment in which it is done.  相似文献   

对我国农村小额再保险机制建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小额保险为发展农村小额信贷、满足农村资金需求提供了保障。然而,承办农村小额保险的公司却无法承受农业经济发展中天然的高风险,小额再保险在农村的实施势在必行。本文分析了我国农村引入小额再保险的重要意义,指出当前我国小额再保险发展面临的障碍,并提出了小额再保险建设的具体建议。  相似文献   

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