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陈功 《投资北京》2013,(5):28-29
财政支出增加、赤字扩大、地方财政趋紧等问题,都会对2013年的政府财政筹划提出挑战日前国务院提请十二届全国人大一次会议审议的《关于2012年中央和地方预算执行情况与2013年中央和  相似文献   

伴随着全球化经济发展脚步的加快,我国对外开放水平也在提升。"闭门造车"的经济发展模式已经不再适合当今经济发展的趋势,充分的利用国内外两个经济市场,提高生产效率,优化资源配置,扩展新的开发空间,始终坚持"引进来"与"走出去"的基本国策。在经济全球化发展的大环境下,我国企业迎来了"走出去"的发展机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

周程 《国际融资》2005,(3):10-16
当人们还纠缠在国有资产流失以及如何面对宏观调控时,长江商学院的项兵院长始终将目光聚焦在我国企业如何应对经济全球化的挑战上。“我国民族企业如不充分整合世界现有资源,我们就可能又一次失去战略性的机会,这也可能是我们最后的一次机会!”未来中国经济在全球化进程中处于什么位置?未来中国的企业要走怎样的道路?带着种种疑问,本刊记者采访了长江商学院院长项兵教授  相似文献   

经济金融全球化下中国银行业面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪80年代开始,特别是近10年来,随着国际贸易和资本流动规模的不断扩大,现代信息技术的广泛应用,世界各国经济金融联系的不断增强,经济金融全球化的趋势越来越明显,越来越成为一种世界性的潮流。  相似文献   

颜易 《国际融资》2013,(6):33-34
德国明讯银行第三届全球年会在北京召开。此次年会的主题为"跨境担保品的管理——合作创造价值",亚洲开发银行风险管理部风险管理专家张冬冬先生就"担保品管理的风险管控"做了主题演讲,对不断变化的新形势下担保品管理所面临的发展与挑战,他这样分析  相似文献   

We consider the relation between the volatility implied in an option's price and the subsequently realized volatility. Earlier studies on stock index options have found biases and inefficiencies in implied volatility as a forecast of future volatility. More recently, Christensen and Prabhala find that implied volatility in at-the-money one-month OEX call options on the S&P 100 index in fact is an unbiased and efficient forecast of ex-post realized index volatility after the 1987 stock market crash. In this paper, the robustness of the unbiasedness and efficiency result is extended to a more recent period covering April 1993 to February 1997. As a new contribution, implied volatility is constructed as a trade weighted average of implied volatilities from both in-the-money and out-of-the-money options and both puts and calls. We run a horse race between implied call, implied put, and historical return volatility. Several robustness checks, including a new simultaneous equation approach, underscore our conclusion, that implied volatility is an efficient forecast of realized return volatility.  相似文献   

王雪  杜征征 《银行家》2007,(8):57-59
启动QDⅡ更多是一种制度创新的尝试,QDⅡ必将对国内的居民、金融机构、资本市场和监管部门带来深远影响。但与此同时,我们必须要做一些事情,如警示投资中的风险,引导投资者进行合理的资产配置,规范金融机构的行为,并适时调整和完善有关监管政策。  相似文献   

This article summarizes a new 1996-97 report from the World Resources Institute, the UN Environmental Program, the UN Development Program, and the World Bank, which describes a future with increased levels of urbanization that were reshaping the physical and social environment. Urbanization increased economic growth and environmental degradation. By the year 2000, 50% of the world population will live in urban areas. Cities are the center of economic activity. Consumption is the highest in cities. Cities produce the most pollution and waste. Three issues are particularly crucial to survival: the water supply, sanitation, and water resource management. Neglect of these and other environmental issues is likely to have important consequences in both developing and developed countries. The greatest growth in urban areas is occurring in developing countries. Cities in developing countries have huge populations living in poverty. The poor in either rural or urban areas are confronted with lack of access to clean water, to sanitation, and to housing. There is overcrowding and exposure to industrial wastes and air pollution. There is a need for policy reform, stronger institutions, and enlightened political leadership. Cities need to improve their environment and to strengthen local government and implement poverty reduction programs. Reform of urban policies must be accompanied by effective urban governance. Community-based approaches are essential. Broad-based support is needed for changes in strategies and practices and for attainment of a more sustainable environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the origin, nature and intellectual character of the frameworks being used by the various critics of the public accounting profession. The paper looks at three major questions: (1) what are the frameworks critics are using to hold the profession accountable? (2) What does the response of the profession tell us about how it perceives the problem? (3) Where is the current mode of response likely to lead the profession? Our analysis identifies two different frameworks that underlie the criticism being directed at the profession. We label these the “rational scientist” and “humanist-philosopher” viewpoints. These frameworks differ in the way in which they approach intersubjective phenomena. The differences are especially sharp on the notion objectivity. The profession, thus, is caught between the crossfire of these views and is in the difficult position of responding to a set of critical standards for which there exists no consensual framework. Unfortunately, they seem to be moving more toward the “rational-scientist” position of objectivity which is likely to compound their difficulties.  相似文献   

2003年9月2日,中国金融信息化发展论坛在北京展览馆报告厅再次成功举行。自2000年首次亮相以来,该论坛到2003年已经是第四届了。和以往3届论坛相比,此次论坛的“主色调”可以用一个“变”字来概括。随着加入WTO之后竞争压力的日益迫近,国内金融行业的监管环境和市场环境在变,竞争对手在变,金融产业在变,业务产品在变,管理理念也在变。各位发言人在“聚焦行业热点,关注科技动态”的主旋律下,从各个角度提出了自己对“变”的认识和准备。本刊将其中的5篇主题演讲整理成文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The new productivity challenge   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
"The single greatest challenge facing managers in the developed countries of the world is to raise the productivity of knowledge and service workers," writes Peter F. Drucker in "The New Productivity Challenge." Productivity, says Drucker, ultimately defeated Karl Marx; it gave common laborers the chance to earn the wages of skilled workers. Now five distinct steps will raise the productivity of knowledge and service workers--and not only stimulate new economic growth but also defuse rising social tensions.  相似文献   

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