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通过建立扩展的Solow模型,计算安徽省水利投入对经济增长的贡献。结果表明,安徽省水利投入对国民经济增长的拉动作用较大,对经济产出的贡献率在10%左右,说明水利投入在国民经济发展中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国9大流域水利投入占用产出表的编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次提出了中国9大流域水利投入占用产出模型及中国9大流域水利投入占用产出表的编制方法。中国9大流域水利投入占用产出表反映了国民经济各部门对水利部门的资金、劳动力和各种商品及劳务的投入数量;反映了GDP增长与水利投资增加之间的关系;反映了流域水利建设对经济发展的拉动作用和保障作用。应用中国9大流域水利投入占用产出表计算了9大流域的用水系数、全部生产用水及工业用水的影子价格,提出了投资对增加值的后向总效应和后向净效应的概念及其计算方法,并计算了水利基建投资对国民经济的后向总效应和后向净效应。  相似文献   

科学评价水利投入对国民经济的拉动效应,对于指导水利基础设施的投资方向及提升水利投资效益无疑具有重要的现实意义。在分析水利投入与国民经济相关性的基础上,采用C-D生产函数,通过弹性分析模型计算了湖南省水利投入对GDP增长的贡献。计算结果表明,表明水利基建投资与GDP呈强相关性,水利作为公益性基础设施,是国民经济的重要支撑和保障;1950—2018年,湖南省水利投入对GDP的贡献为3385.749亿元,平均每亿元水利投入拉动GDP增长1.51亿元,多年平均贡献为49.069亿元,促进GDP平均增长率为2.93%;应进一步加大水利基建投入,促进国民经济快速高质量发展。  相似文献   

以水利投入为主线,通过建立扩展的Solow生产函数以及灰色关联度,对江苏省1996~2007年水利投入和产出情况进行了定量分析,结果表明:江苏省水利投入与国民经济投入产出关系密切,对经济增长影响显著,对拉动全省国民经济的发展有重大贡献,但是对经济增长的作用存在一定时滞,对经济增长的贡献率有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

长江流域片水利投资后向效应经济分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1999年长江流域片51个部门水利投入占用产出表和局部闭技术定量计算了水利投资的后向效应,包括水利投资对国民经济总产值、国内生产总值以及对各部门总产值、增加值的效应;提出了更科学的投资净效应概念和计算方法,并给出了相应计算结果。  相似文献   

以分析治淮70年水利经济社会效益为目标,对水利投入及防洪、除涝治渍治碱、供水等工程经济效益参数、计算方法及社会效益开展分析研究,利用费用效益评价等方法对江苏省治淮70年水利经济效益计算成果进行评价。研究结果表明,70年来江苏省淮河流域总体减灾兴利能力不断提高,充分发挥了水利在国民经济和社会发展中的基础作用。提出了加强水利统计工作、深化效益分析方法研究及加大水利投入等对策与建议。  相似文献   

水利投入与国民经济发展适应关系分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在调查分析水利投入构成及其特点,国内外水利投入占国民经济发展指标比例的基础上,提出了水利投入与国民经济发展相应适的关系指标及其数值,并提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

安徽省水利投入有效性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍DEA模型的相关理论基础,并应用DEA模型分析水利投入的有效性。以安徽省为例,应用DEA模型分析水利投入对经济增长的拉动作用。结果表明,安徽省水利行业规模效益基本上处于不变或递减状态;一半左右年份的效率达到了投入产出的最好效果,另一半左右年份的投入产出效率趋于DEA有效。  相似文献   

浅谈扩大水利投入的途径和措施康福贵(海河水利委员会)1水利投入不足是水利行业存在的一个突出问题水利作为国民经济的基础产业,其发展远远落后于国民经济的发展,水利工程建设严重滞后。有些水利工程质量标准低,病险工程也不少,江湖防洪能力严重不足,洪水灾害仍是...  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济环境下加大我国水利投入的对策陈庆秋(华北水利水电学院)1充分利用财政信用融资手段,筹集国家对水利产业的投资资金在当前社会主义市场经济环境下,我国水利投资主体呈现多元化,水利建设资金的筹措体现出多渠道化的特点。但因水利是国民经济的基础产...  相似文献   

This note analyses the design of agri‐environmental schemes for risk‐averse producers whose input usage is only observable by costly monitoring. The scheme penalises producers in proportion to input use in excess of a quota. A striking result is that if the scheme is designed in such a way that producers always comply with the quota, risk aversion is not relevant in determining the level of input use.  相似文献   

For risk-averting agents, risks alter production decisions while the existence of institutions to insure against adverse states of nature will likely restore decisions toward levels under risk neutrality. In this article, conditions are identified on a stochastic technology to test   Hrn 0,≤  : that risk averters choose smaller input levels than risk neutral agents, and   Hra 0,≤  : that an increase in risk aversion reduces input use. A robust statistical method to test for dominance is adapted to stochastic production relations. It is found that   Hrn 0,≤  is likely true for nitrogen application on Iowa corn. Weaker evidence is found in favor of   Hra 0,≤  .  相似文献   

A subsidy on a single input is compared with an output subsidy as a means of stimulating output, and the conditions under which the single input subsidy is (a) more treasury cost-effective and (b) overall the more socially efficient measure, are explored. Rationalisations for input subsidies, particularly fertiliser subsidies, are examined in the light of the results.  相似文献   

In this study, scale elasticity and optimal size of the Swedish sawmill industry is investigated. An input distance function is used to compute scale elasticity. The result of the study shows that the average scale elasticity is above 1, indicating existence of economies of scale in the industry. By comparing the size of the average input - output vectors with the inefficiency adjusted input vector and the output vector for scale efficient units, we could see that, in general, there are gains to be made by expansion. However, some units may gain from becoming smaller.  相似文献   

A generalized maximum entropy approach is adapted to empirically estimate crop-specific production technologies in Chinese agriculture. Despite a modest behavioral assumption about equal marginal returns of nonland inputs among crops, this method does not require price information, which is usually distorted in a centrally planned economy such as China. A multi-output technology for Chinese agriculture is estimated and input allocations for each province are recovered simultaneously. The estimated multi-output production technology and input allocations imply that China may have greater grain production potentials than previously thought.  相似文献   

Various environmental policies have been proposed to control agricultural runoff of nutrients and pesticides. The impacts of these policies on input use are complicated because of the various sources of uncertainty farmers face and the precise nature of farmers' risk attitude. A risk–averse farmer's response to changed profit , input , and output taxes under output price and production uncertainty is examined. The impact of these policies on input use depends on the form of production uncertainty, risk–input relationships, risk attitudes, and degrees of output price and production uncertainty. These results have implications for the design and implementation of environmental and other production–related policies.  相似文献   

The objectives of dairy processing cooperatives differ from those of investor‐owned firms (IOFs). However, the literature usually assumes the same performance measures for cooperatives vis‐a‐vis IOFs. This study compares the performance of dairy cooperatives and IOFs in major European dairy producing countries. A traditional input oriented approach is used and two alternative approaches are used to account for the differential objectives of cooperatives. Cooperatives’ performance differs across the two approaches from being outperformed by IOFs using the input oriented approach to outperforming them when using an approach that is more in line with cooperatives’ objectives.  相似文献   

A model of adverse selection and moral hazard in agri‐environmental schemes is developed based on the input quota mechanism of Moxey et al. (Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 50, (1999) pp. 187–202) and Ozanne et al. (European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 28, (2001) pp. 329–347), rather than the input charge mechanism of White (Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 53, (2002) pp. 353–360), but the variable fine of the latter rather than the fixed fine assumed by Ozanne et al. (European Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 28, (2001) pp. 329–347) is used. Incentive‐compatible contracts, including the optimal probabilities of detection (and, therefore, monitoring frequencies and costs) for more and less efficient farmers, are identified. It is shown that the input charge and input quota approaches lead to identical outcomes – in terms of abatement levels, compensation payments, monitoring costs and probabilities of detection – confirming the equivalence of input quotas and input charges under asymmetric information. It is also shown that the optimal contracts are independent of the risk preferences of farmers with regard to being caught cheating.  相似文献   

Competition, Externalities, and Input Substituting Technologies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The period 1997–2000 saw a rapid global consolidation of crop seed companies. The emerging companies are applying genetic engineering to exploit complementarities and substitutabilities between seed and other crop inputs. This article develops a model of competing technologies where one substitutes for a conventional input. A monopolist may cross-subsidize a technology that substitutes for an input in order to price discriminate between user types. In duopoly, a socially excessive or insufficient share of acres may be subject to an input substituting technology. Welfare improving regulations are identified in the case where a technology substitutes for an externality generating input.  相似文献   

The size of the insurance and wealth effects of a change in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for arable crops is estimated. The impact of price uncertainty is accounted for in the specific decision-making structure of the European Union (EU) arable crop producers under nonlinear mean-variance risk preferences. A system of output supply, input demand, and land allocation equations is estimated on a sample of Italian specialized arable crop farms. The simulation of the impact of the recent reforms confirms that farmers' output responses are consistently affected by the size of the insurance and wealth effects.  相似文献   

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