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中国国有企业民营化绩效研究   总被引:46,自引:6,他引:40  
本文研究中国国有企业民营化是否有效的问题。我们通过对国企民营化进程的考察来对此问题作出经验解答。根据世界银行一份对中国五个城市、覆盖六个行业的近300家国有企业(SOEs)1996—2001年间的调查数据,我们发现:(1)绩效较好的国有企业优先被民营化;(2)总体上来说,中国的民营化是富有成效的,尤其是提高了销售收入,降低了企业的成本,并最终导致企业盈利能力和生产率的大幅提高;而且在获得这些收益的同时并没有带来大规模的失业问题;(3)由民营机构控股、彻底民营化的企业比那些仍然是国有控股、部分民营化的企业绩效表现更好。  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are increasingly taking over other firms. Such domestic or transborder acquisitions are the reverse of privatizations, where SOEs are the target of private investors. The question we ask is whether, because of the specific objectives and risks faced by governments, SOEs deviate from the benchmark of deals involving private firms on both sides of the merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction. To answer this new research question, we focus on a set of firm-level characteristics of the targets and acquirers involved in the deals. We built an original dataset of 31,479 deals in 138 countries drawing from Zephyr and Orbis (Bureau Van Dijk) data. Empirical results of multinomial logit and OLS models show that deals involving SOEs are clearly different from the benchmark of private–private deals. This is mainly due to the greater assets, higher solvency ratios, broader experience of deals, and closer proximity to targets of the acquirers (both public and private) under public–private, public–public, and private–public deals compared to private–private deals.  相似文献   

This paper compares the goals that the successive Spanish governments have actually pursued (as deduced from the set of privatizations carried out over the last fifteen years) with the standard hypotheses used in economic literature to explain privatization in general. The results show that the cash-collecting goal appears as the relevant explanatory hypotheses for most of the privatizations carried out. Also, all of the state-owned firms that operated under monopoly conditions have actually been privatized but retain, at least partially, their monopoly position (they involve activities where natural monopoly features are present). This has led to establishing new regulatory rules (reregulation) and that privatization, per se, has not resulted in substantial improvements in competition.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Forty-Eighth International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 7–10, 1999, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, China has undergone tremendous economic and social change as a consequence of the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. This paper examines a key feature of this transition – the privatization of the state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) – through both a theoretical model and empirical analysis. Using newly collected primary data from a variety of sources, we study how privatization of listed SOEs affects employment, wages, profits and other aspects of economic performance at the firm level. Our major finding is that privatization results in substantial downsizing of employment, increased labour productivity and rising profitability.  相似文献   

In transition from command to market economies total privatization has proved to be impossible to achieve, and a substantial part of large enterprises are likely to remain in full or partial state ownership. Hasty privatization has in many cases even proved to be destructive. There is a need to reconsider the basic approach to transition. Contrary to conventional wisdom prevailing in mainstream economics state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are not necessarily inferior to private firms in economic efficiency. J. Kornai's soft-budget constraint is reconsidered. Two models are suggested under which SOEs may prove to be viable in the long run and serve to promote a smoother physical transition. Under Model One (which is the general case) SOEs are largely separated from the state and operate on the basis of profit maximization. Under Model Two (which applies to certain industries) different objective functions are chosen for purposes of economic efficiency. Finally, preserving SOEs is seen as an alternative means of reducing inequitable income distribution at the source where primary incomes are created.  相似文献   

Around the turn of the century, China experienced perhaps the largest labour restructuring program in the world. This paper uses a new dataset of Chinese industrial enterprises to examine what leads to downsizing, and tries to understand the effects of labour downsizing on firms’ technical efficiency, financial performance and employee wages. We find that downsizing is more prevalent in state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), and is more likely when enterprises are older, larger and have higher excess capacity. For both SOEs and private firms, downsizing is more likely when the prices of their products drop, but private firms respond more dramatically. Moreover, downsizing has serious short‐term costs in terms of total factor productivity (TFP). For mild downsizing, private firms suffer more deterioration in productivity. The distribution of surplus after downsizing is more favourable to labour in SOEs. For severe downsizing, both SOEs and private firms exhibit lower TFP growth with similar magnitudes. Our findings imply that private firms emphasize profit goals, while SOEs place a greater weight on labour protection.  相似文献   

造成国有、私营企业绩效差异的一个很重要原因是二者生产效率的巨大差异。造成国有、私营企业生产效率巨大差异的主要原因是国有企业不能解雇工人的劳动用工制度。国有企业的目标多元化要求其必须对稳定社会就业承担责任,即不能解雇工人,但这给国有企业对工人的管理激励带来很大困难,造成生产效率低下的严重后果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT*: This paper examines the privatization experiences in Austria. Nationalized industries historically played a great role in Austria. Mainly for budgetary reasons a far reaching privatization was rapidly effected, the state holding company acting as the privatization agency. In privatization decisions not only micro-economic but also macro-economic and structural aspects had been considered, such as the impact on national research and development, employment perspectives and market structures, all this being of special relevance for privatization projects in small countries. From the point of view of both the privatized enterprises and the economy as a whole, privatization in Austria has been successful. Privatizations also had a strong impact on Austrian capital markets: 90 per cent of privatizations were carried out on the stock exchange. In 1995 30 per cent of the turnover of the Vienna stock exchange was accounted for by shares of private enterprises.  相似文献   

In this paper the impact of privatization on macroeconomic performance in the United Kingdom is tested using quarterly data from 1979 to 1999. Privatization proceeds have been included in a simple analytical framework dealing with both demand and supply-side of the economy. Multivariate cointegration techniques have been used in order to consider the nonstationarity of the time series involved. The empirical results show that privatizations have no long-run effects on output in the UK. This result is consistent with microeconomic evidence that shows that in the UK ownership change per se had little impact on long term productivity trends. Moreover it is found that privatization proceeds have contributed to sustaining public expenditures.  相似文献   

竞争、产权、公司治理三大理论的相对重要性及交互关系   总被引:42,自引:3,他引:42  
对于国有企业与民营企业间的绩效差异,文献一般从三个理论角度进行研究:竞争、产权与公司治理。但是我们认为其中的各种观点都只强调了某一个方面而忽略了其他方面。本文采用世界银行对中国5大城市7个行业的700多家公司在1996—2001年运营情况的调查数据,分别从单因素效应、多因素效应以及它们之间的相互作用三个方面,对以上三个理论的相对重要性进行了实证研究。研究发现:(1)当分别对各单个因素进行考察时,各因素都对样本公司绩效有积极影响。然而当对这些因素进行综合考察时,我们发现产权结构与公司治理作用相对重要,而竞争效应则不甚显著;(2)在产权与公司治理,以及产权与竞争之间,存在着某种程度的替代性;(3)非国有企业在某些治理机制方面比国有企业显示出特定的优势,但另一方面市场竞争对于国有企业绩效影响大于对非国有企业的影响。研究表明,现有的理论观点都有其片面性,对企业绩效的全面的研究需要将三个理论体系结合起来进行综合考察。我们的研究将对中国正在推行的民营化浪潮,以及改善公司治理和完善市场竞争,都具有重要的政策指导意义。  相似文献   

Electricity sectors in both developed and developing countries have been subject to restructuring to introduce private capital and increase competition. Although the effects of such reforms in a number of the developed economies are now well documented, the experience of developing countries is much less well researched. This paper provides an econometric assessment of the effects of privatization, competition and regulation on the performance of the electricity generation industry using panel data for 36 developing and transitional countries, over the period 1985–2003. The study identifies the impact of these reforms on generating capacity, electricity generated, labor productivity in the generating sector and capacity utilization. The main conclusions are that on their own privatization and regulation (PR) do not lead to obvious gains in economic performance, though there are some positive interaction effects. By contrast, introducing competition does seem to be effective in stimulating performance improvements.   相似文献   

We use firm‐level data to analyze male–female wage discrimination in China's industry. We find that there is a significant negative association between wages and the share of female workers in a firm's labour force. However, we also find that the marginal productivity of female workers is significantly lower than that of male workers. Comparing wage gaps and productivity gaps between men and women, we notice an intriguing contrast between state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) and private firms. The wage gap is smaller than the productivity gap in SOEs, while the converse is true for private firms. These results suggest that women in the state sector receive wage premiums, whereas women in the private sector face wage discrimination.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the SOEs privatization events in China, our research looks to identify the causal effect of political connections on corporate financial constraints. In a difference-in-differences framework, we demonstrate that after the transfer of control from state to private owners, privatized SOEs hoard more cash, save more cash from incremental cash flow, and exhibit higher cash flow sensitivity of investment.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, foreign direct investment flowed into Latin America at an unprecedented rate. Capital inflows associated with privatizations and private mergers and acquisitions (M&As) rose steeply. Drawing on original firm–level transactions data, this article examines the extent to which UK enterprises participated in the Latin American privatization and private M&A boom. The authors conclude that, relative to their counterparts in many other major industrial countries, UK enterprises adopted a cautious stance, largely eschewing privatization opportunities and concentrating M&A activities on relatively few operations, sectors and countries, in order to strengthen product and market positions. Moreover, the strategic logic guiding the most important corporate acquisitions centred on gaining access to domestic markets rather than attempting to create global export platforms.  相似文献   

We examine and analyze the post-privatization corporate governance of a sample of 52 newly privatized Egyptian firms over a period of 10 years, from 1995 to 2005. We look at the ownership structure that results from privatization and its evolution; the determinants of private ownership concentration; and the impact of private ownership concentration, identity and board composition on firm performance. We find that the state gives up control over time to the private sector, but still controls, on average, more than 35% of these firms. We also document a trend in private ownership concentration over time, mostly to the benefit of foreign investors. Firm size, sales growth, industry affiliation, and timing and method of privatization seem to play a key role in determining private ownership concentration. Ownership concentration and ownership identity, in particular foreign investors, prove to have a positive impact on firm performance, while employee ownership concentration has a negative one. The higher proportion of outside directors and the change in the board composition following privatization have a positive effect on firm performance. These results could have some important policy implications where private ownership by foreign investors seems to add more value to firms, while selling state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to employees is not recommended. Also, the state is highly advised to relinquish control and allow for changes in the board of directors following privatization as changing ownership, per se, might not have a positive impact on firm performance unless it is coupled with a new management style.  相似文献   

The history of privatization, first under the Margaret Thatcher Governments from 1979 to 1990 and then under the two John Major Governments between 1990 and 1997, has been extensively researched. However, there has been relatively little attention paid to the privatization policies of the Labour Governments between May 1997 and May 2010. Despite Labour opposing each of the Conservatives’ privatizations during the 1980s and 1990s, privatization continued after 1997 and especially in the form of PFI schemes. The study provides a comprehensive review of privatization under Labour Governments and confirms that there was a remarkable degree of policy continuity after 1997 with some privatizations postponed by the Conservatives completed under Labour. The paper draws on official reports and documents. It also draws on records that I was given access to as the UK Government's Official Historian of Privatization.  相似文献   

Estimating the public–private sector earnings differentials in Serbia from 1995 until 2008 this paper finds significant changes at the mean and across the earnings distribution. The results show that the average public sector pay gap was negative at early stages of economic transition but grew to be positive during large‐scale privatizations. The paper uses different sources of data and adopts a number of statistical procedures, including a novel instrument to infer the likelihood of changes in the individual public sector status due to privatization.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how government corruption shapes state-owned enterprises' (SOEs) privatization. To establish causality, we exploit a natural experiment (i.e., the investigations of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection) to document that SOEs significantly deepen privatization after the crackdown on corruption. Further evidence demonstrates two plausible mechanisms driving our findings. Specifically, anti-corruption campaign: 1) accelerates privatization process by curbing the underpricing transfers to state entities and encouraging the normal transfers to private entities or individuals; and 2) by reducing managers' incentives to maintain the dominance of state ownership for expropriation through the discretion of perk consumption. Moreover, our findings are particularly pronounced for SOEs located in areas with high levels of social trust, government intervention, and less information asymmetry.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new version of the Auerbach–Kotlikoff model to consider alternative ways to privatize the U.S. Social Security System. The new model incorporates intra- and intergenerational heterogeneity and is closely calibrated to U.S. fiscal institutions. Three privatization issues are considered: financing the transition, participation rules, and progressivity. As shown, Social Security's privatization can substantially raise long-run living standards. But these gains come at the cost of welfare losses to transition generations and take a long time to materialize. The long-run poor have much to gain from privatization even absent an explicit redistribution mechanism. Finally, privatizations that give initial workers the option of remaining in the current system have particularly low transition costs and particularly favorable macroeconomic consequences. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D9, E6.  相似文献   

M. McKenzie 《Applied economics》2013,45(15):1953-1967
The impact of privatization on economic growth has been little investigated relative to disaggregated approaches. A growth accounting framework is used here to investigate the impact of privatization on growth for the Australian economy. The contribution of public capital to the private sector and whether the growth process is endogenous or Solow is evaluated. Separate measures of public and private capital are computed in order to estimate their impacts with labour on Australian gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the period 1960 to 2003. A simple growth rates version is found preferred by stationarity and other tests. Labour growth appears to strongly positively influence the growth of GDP. In contrast, public capital growth has no statistically significant effect on GDP growth, or on private capital productivity. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the coefficients of the growth equation are the same before and during privatization.  相似文献   

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