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信用是最根本的社会关系,是整个市场赖以生存和发展的基石。市场经济是一种信用经济,没有信用,市场经济就无法维系。随着我国加入WTO步伐的加快,必须采取切实有效的措施整治我国的信用环境,使之适合国际间经济交流的需要,对我国经济发展和社会进步具有重大的作用,这是摆在我们面前的现实任务。 相似文献
新所得税会计准则的实施给企业的会计人员带来了多方面的挑战,本文分析了新所得税会计准则对会计人员职业判断能力的挑战。在此基础上,提出培养会计人员素质、完善支撑环境、加强外部监督等应对挑战的措施。 相似文献
入世,上海中小企业如何抓住机遇来应对挑战 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文在分析加入WTO对中小企业利与弊的基础上,针对企业的现状及发展 中面临的突出难题,借鉴国外的先进经验与发展模式,来探索其如何依托上海作为 中国经济中心的地位和知识经济发展战略,走出一条都市型发展的道路。 相似文献
李尚文 《江苏对外经贸论坛》2009,(3):54-58
受国际金融危机严重影响,吴江三外工作也受到很大冲击,但全市上下各级都采取措施应对挑战迎难而上。现将外资,外经,吴江经济开发区1—5月各项指标分析汇报如下: 相似文献
文化是历史的积淀。杭州博斯实业有限公司是一家年轻的公司,对于一家创办历史不长的企业来说,要拥有自己的特色文化,相当的难。然而,当你走进这家企业,你就会被一种浓浓的文化气氛包围。 相似文献
开放经济下的贸易安全:内涵、挑战与应对思路 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着我国完善开放型经济体系和经济全球化的深入推进,各国的体制机制、发展水平以及世界经济等的变化将给我国贸易安全带来新挑战。调整外贸战略和转变外贸增长方式维护我国的贸易安全,带动国内生产效率的提高,促进我国经济又好又快发展,需要有长远的战略思维,不仅要制定和执行好国际经济政策,提高政府的带动效率,完善外贸发展的促进和支持体系,而且要在国际社会牢牢把握对我国维护贸易安全起关键作用的战略资源。 相似文献
Chang-Dae Ham 《国际广告杂志》2017,36(4):632-658
This study explores how consumers cope with a computer technology-driven persuasion tactic called online behavioral advertising (OBA). By tracking consumers’ online behaviors, OBA delivers highly tailored advertising messages to individual consumers, giving rise to serious privacy concerns due to their covert nature. Integrating the persuasion knowledge model and the protection motivation theory, we employed a survey method (N = 442) to examine how consumers cope with OBA based on their persuasion knowledge, cognitive appraisal, and cognitive processing variables. The results reveal that persuasion knowledge was indirectly associated with coping behavior of ad avoidance throughout cognitive appraisal process (perceived risks; perceived benefits; self-efficacy). Privacy concerns partially mediated such associations with ad avoidance. Interestingly, cognitive processing variables (reactance; perceived personalization) were significantly associated with ad avoidance without being related to persuasion knowledge. The implications for theoretical, managerial, and social contributions are discussed. 相似文献
Three studies tested the hypothesis that people may turn to materialism when they face uncertainties in modern life. Study 1 showed that anomie and self‐doubt are significant predictors of materialistic orientations; other plausible antecedents have less predictive value. In Study 2, participants experiencing chronic self‐doubt showed a higher level of materialism if they were primed to experience doubt and insecurity. In Study 3, participants with chronic perceptions of anomie showed a higher level of materialism if they were primed with the concept of normlessness. Together, these three studies show that some people turn to materialism when they experience uncertainty within the self (self‐doubt) or perceive uncertainty relating to society (anomie). © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
市场竞争国际化使我国企业面临严峻挑战.有资料表明,国外反倾销给我国出口带来的损失累计已超过100亿美元.如墨西哥就曾对我国10余种商品进行过倾销立案调查,对这些商品加征的反倾销税最高达1050%,带有明显的歧视性.与此同时,外国产品却在我国大肆进行倾销,每年至少给我国造成上百亿元人民币的损失,尤其是我国的造纸、钢铁、化工原料、纺织、机电等产业蒙受的损失更为严重. 相似文献
商船三井(MOL)、日本邮船(NYK)和川崎汽船(KLINE)是日本三大航运公司,也是在世界上颇有影响力的航运公司。在全球金融风暴的冲击之下,世界经济严重下滑。国际航运市场进入极度不景气状态,航运费率大幅下挫,受此影响,这三家航运公司的经营状况出现相当程度恶化。因此。采取适当的措施应对危机成为了当务之急。于是,他们对原来的经营规划作出适当调整,另外,还通过加速老旧船舶拆解、闲置运力等措施应对危机。 相似文献
贸易摩擦高发期中国之对策研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着中国国际贸易地位的提高和出口竞争力的增强,以及国际上贸易保护主义的抬头,中国与主要贸易国发生的贸易摩擦越来越多,企业遭受的损失越来越大。贸易摩擦的增加不仅成为影响中国外贸出口的重要问题,俨然成为后WTO时代我国对外开放的重大问题,也逐渐成为中国对外经贸研究的重要领域。本文通过对中国面临的贸易摩擦的现状、特点和原因的分析,对中国如何应对贸易摩擦进行了一些探讨。 相似文献
Recognizing that firms cannot avoid interacting with others, this research investigates how firms cope with technological change by managing resource interaction in a network setting. The paper is based on a longitudinal case study utilizing a focal net perspective to explore technological change in the optical media recording industry. The findings show that the development of AMI ability (the ability to acquire, mobilize and integrate resources) is a crucial mechanism for managing technological change successfully. Exercising AMI ability is a dynamic relationship management process and involves establishing, developing, ending, and reactivating business relationships, and illustrates the importance of network competence. 相似文献
Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China is launching a string of promotional events this year aimed at Russia, its biggest trade partner last year.[第一段] 相似文献
The goal of this article is to explore the role that shame and embarrassment play within an organization boundary‐spanning context. For a sample of 458 salespeople selling financial services, measures are developed and hypotheses are tested concerning the effects of shame and embarrassment. The results suggest that the tendency to experience shame and embarrassment in personal selling leads to protective reactions (e.g., avoidance behaviors), and these, in turn, negatively impact performance (e.g., sales volume and quality of sales interaction). Hypotheses are tested on fitting and validation samples, both for salespeople focusing on prospecting tasks and salespeople focusing on relationship building. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献