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国外生态城市的开发模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态城市是一个国家实现可持续发展的必然选择,通过介绍国外主要生态城市实践的案例,深入分析并探究了国外生态城市的主要开发模式及其成功经验。  相似文献   

本文基于对可持续发展现存问题的分析及所承担的任务和我国城市居民面临的环境资源状况,提出了生态城市建设的必要性和迫切性以及相关的政策和建议.  相似文献   

本文探讨了生态城市的内涵,分析说明我国城市生态存在的问题,并提出了怎样建设生态城市.以期推动我国城市生态化和生态城市建设工作的开展。  相似文献   

闫东 《乡镇论坛》2008,(35):28-29
国外农业行业协会有两种模式:一是以美国为代表的“民管”模式。这种模式中政府只负责产业政策导向和市场环境建设,而不参与协会的组建、人员安排和经费的资助。协会工作体现出相当强的主动性和灵活性。美国联邦政府只从税收上进行管理,其他政府部门对行业协会等社团无管理权,只有资助或不资助的权利。二是以德国和日本为代表的“政社共管”模式。这些国家的行业协会分为“民办”和“官办”两种,但以民办为主。其特点是“双向”服务,即同时为农户和政府服务。政府的行业管理内容主要是:  相似文献   

生态城市建设及其指标体系   总被引:57,自引:1,他引:57  
生态城市是未来城市发展的新趋势。本文在国内外生态城市理论研究及实践的基础上阐述了对生态城市内涵的理解 ,探讨了建设生态城市的指标体系及其衡量标准等问题 ,并使用所设计的指标体系对广州市生态化水平进行了现状评价。  相似文献   

城市政府在生态城市建设中的主导作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高度工业化与城市化进程的加快 ,生态城市建设倍受关注。城市政府应发挥其独特功能 ,加强在城市战略调整、规划制定和建设管理三环节上的主导作用 ,促进生态城市理想的实现  相似文献   

把城市化战略和可持续发展战略结合起来,建设生态城市,对于我国全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

刘波 《价值工程》2010,29(14):142-143
随着世界经济的发展和城市人口的增加,城市环境问题严重阻碍了城市可持续发展。"生态城市"本质应是能量资源节用低耗再生创造、环境生态去污自净循环更新、城市的自然化生态与生态化的现代人居城市有机融合;而经济、社会、人文、地理、气候、环境、资源一定程度的和谐是生态城市构建的基础前提条件和良性反馈对象。构建"城市森林"是生态城市的实现路径,具有重大战略意义。  相似文献   

生态城市指的是城市发展与生态平衡相得益彰,城市、社会和环境协调发展,人与自然和谐相处、良性互支的城市发展模式和目标,近年来,我国许多大中城市都提出要把生态城市作为城市发展目标,并进行了长远规划和实实在在的行动。  相似文献   

本文围绕新余市当前的生态环境状况,作了认真地分析,提出了新余市建设生态城市的可行性依据及所面临的矛盾,以及建设新余生态城市思路.  相似文献   

国外大都市郊区旅游空间模型研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
吴承忠  韩光辉 《城市问题》2003,(6):68-71,45
运用系统分析的方法 ,论证了郊区旅游是大都市旅游圈的重要组成部分。对国外大都市旅游圈一般模型即盖恩 (Gunn)的四环带旅游模型作了深化性的研究 ,并提出了特殊的模型 :海港型大都市半环带旅游模型  相似文献   

Political culture and foreign direct investment: The case of Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Does the political culture of an area have any impact on the foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs)? This question is difficult to address empirically, as locations differ in many dimensions. We therefore address this question by examining MNC investment location decisions with regard to different regions within a single country. The country we examine is Italy, which exhibits one of the highest levels of variation with regard to the political culture of its geographical regions. We find that political culture as represented by the pattern of support for political parties at different points on the political spectrum has a significant impact on the MNC investment location decision. Thus, in choosing between locations on a short list, where economic and financial location factors are roughly similar, political culture can have a determining influence. In the case of Italy, a Center-right orientation is conducive to MNC FDI, while a Center-left orientation is not. A Far-left orientation is found to have a very negative effect on FDI.  相似文献   

杨虎斌 《企业技术开发》2004,23(12):26-27,38
文章指出随着“企业信息化工程”的推行,信息技术在我国企业中越来越受到重视,文章通过分析企业实施ERP失败的多种原因,归纳提出了做好5项基础工作,即Process、People、Practice、Product、Partnership,确保企业成功实施ERP的观点。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework to understand the impact of foreign bank entry on the access to and the price of credit for different types of firms. A major point of departure from the previous literature is that incumbents’ information about firms is endogenous in the model; previous screenings and lending relations of incumbents determine which type(s) of firms they can identify. I show that incumbents’ information is negatively correlated with the quality of borrowers. Moreover, although a priori entrants have a comparative advantage in lending to transparent firms, previous lending relations of incumbents might reverse this relation. In particular, given that transparent firms are the only type screened before the entry and therefore they are the only type distinguishable by incumbents, entrants might have a comparative advantage in lending to opaque firms. The analysis provides new insights into the inconclusive evidence of the literature regarding entrants’ credit allocation.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了快速发展,已成为拉动地方经济发展的重要力量。但是,自2008年的国际金融危机以来,中小企业发展遭遇到了前所未有的困难。为了使广大中小企业迅速摆脱危机的影响,本文提出要大力借鉴国外经验,不断完善政府对中小企业的支持体系建设;强化金融支持,缓解中小企业融资困难;加大税收优惠力度,大力扶持中小企业;实行推定课税,降低中小企业税收负担;推行特别财政政策等举措,使中小企业实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

城市生态系统的评价在生态城市规划中的应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过两个实例来说明不同的城市生态系统评价方法在生态城市规划中的应用。在天津市生态足迹研究中,计算得知全市2003年人均生态足迹和生态承载力分别为2.12公顷/人和0.33公顷/人,生态赤字高达1.79公顷/人,因此在其生态城市建设规划中提出了相应的能源和生物资源高效利用措施;在石家庄市生态系统健康评价中,评价了其2001年~2005年的生态系统健康水平。结果表明,生态系统在2001年处于病态,在后4年内处于亚健康状态。规划中提出了使生态系统向着健康有利方向发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Necmi K.   《Socio》2006,40(4):275-296
We develop foreign bank technical, cost and profit efficiency models for particular application with data envelopment analysis (DEA). Key motivations for the paper are (a) the often-observed practice of choosing inputs and outputs where the selection process is poorly explained and linkages to theory are unclear, and (b) foreign bank productivity analysis, which has been neglected in DEA banking literature. The main aim is to demonstrate a process grounded in finance and banking theories for developing bank efficiency models, which can bring comparability and direction to empirical productivity studies. We expect this paper to foster empirical bank productivity studies.  相似文献   

Mixed oligopoly, foreign firms, and location choice   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
We investigate a mixed market in which a state-owned, welfare-maximizing public firm competes against n domestic private firms and m foreign private firms which are all profit-maximizing. A circular city model with quantity-setting competition is employed. We find that the equilibrium location pattern depends on m. All private firms agglomerate in the unique equilibrium if m is zero or one. Two foreign firms induce differentiation between domestic and foreign private firms. More than two foreign firms yield differentiation among the foreign firms. Regardless of n and m, agglomeration of all domestic private firms appears in equilibrium. We provide several conditions in which eliminating the public firm from the market enhances social welfare. We extend the basic model and investigate three issues concerning multiple public firms, inefficiency of the public firm, and entries by private firms. We obtain some additional implications of welfare and equilibrium locations.  相似文献   

乐山绿心环形生态城市规划与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐山市在1987年城市总体规划中规划了"城市绿心",在近20年的城市发展中,通过严格的规划实践和管理,实现了"绿心环形城市"布局,形成了"山水中的城市,城市中的森林"特色,取得了良好的社会、经济和环境效应,成为生态型城市规划的范例.论文着重从规划管理者角度阐述乐山"城市绿心"的理论建立和发展、现状特点和评析、综合效益和效应等理论和实践.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate price fluctuations of yen-dollar exchange rate using the high-frequency data recorded in the electronic broking system for seven-year period. The distribution of quote price changes has symmetric fat-tails approximated by a power law; however, that of deal price is asymmetrical. The autocorrelation function and diffusion of price changes indicate that quote price exhibits anti-correlation feature in short time scale, whereas deal price is essentially uncorrelated. The bid-ask spread shows power-law distribution and long range temporal correlations similar to that observed in absoute price changes.   相似文献   

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