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战略性新兴产业是中国特有的概念,与发达国家优先发展的高新技术产业有异曲同工之处,其内在基调就是强调技术创新。随着中国战略性新兴产业发展实践的炙手可热,相关领域的研究也层出不穷,西方着眼于资本市场和创新的关系研究由来已久,国内学者相对来说偏重于应用研究和政策研究,对于资本市场发展和战略性新兴产业成长的内在机理研究不够透彻,没有文献系统分析广义资本市场如何促进战略性新兴产业发展。本文围绕资本市场和创新、资本市场与战略性新兴产业成长的关系,对国内外有关理论文献进行了初步的梳理和归纳,希望能为国内学者深入研究资本市场发展和战略性新兴产业成长有所裨益。  相似文献   

当市场经营环境发生改变后,关系营销成为目前学者研究和企业实践的热门话题。统治市场营销领域40多年的基于交易营销的市场营销的基本研究范式,会被交易营销替代吗?本文从理论基础,创新度,实践的可行性方面,对该话题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

投资组合理论一直是金融研究的重要领域,在理论上一直有新的理论或观点出现。人们也在不断研究检验各种理论在实际市场中的应用。我国也有许多学者对投资组合理论在我国市场的应用做了很多研究检验,但主要是从某些侧面来研究检验Markowize的均值方差理论、CAPM理论和APT等理论,对于一些较新出现的理论则相对较难看到相关的实证研究。这些学者的研究对资产组合理论在我国证券市场的应用有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文从梳理胜任特征模型的起源入手,论述了胜任特征模型在国内外研究状况和最新进展,通过对比分析两种招聘机制,设计出了基于胜任特征招聘机制的流程,对胜任特征理论在招聘领域的研究具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

张利 《北方经贸》2014,(6):179-180
随着企业多元化战略的兴起以及并购重组的频繁,内部资本市场成为国内外学术界一个新兴的研究领域。西方发达国家的学者对此进行了卓有成效的研究并取得了大量可借鉴的成果,但是国内学者对内部资本市场的研究仍然处于起步阶段,主要是借鉴西方学者的研究,与中国特有的经济社会背景结合不紧密。基于此,本文对国内外学者在该领域的研究成果进行较为系统的回顾与总结,并结合我国新型加转轨的特殊背景展望未来研究的领域,推动我国关于内部资本市场的研究。  相似文献   

魏巧梭 《商》2014,(26):49-49
本文通过对中外学者对农村土地流转问题在理论、流转模式、流转动因及法律法规上的研究进行归纳和总结,并提出自己的观点。农村土地流转的理论研究综述一、国外学者对农村土地流转的理论研究早在17世纪西方经济学家威廉·配第、亚当·斯密等就开始关注土地问题,初步形成了地租理论。19世纪马克思和恩格斯创立了系统的地租理论,论述了"地租是土地所有权在经济上的实现形式"。  相似文献   

国外的城市化进程起步较早,目前的城市化率已经稳定在较高的水平上,由此带动了乡村旅游市场的兴起,国外已经有大批的学者着重研究乡村旅游。中国乡村旅游研究起步较晚,尚未形成系统的研究成果。研究领域主要关注概念的定义以及是否会带来一定的社会效益。可以看出,乡村旅游在概念的定义上呈现出多样化和复杂的特征。本文对此进行探讨并提出相应策略。  相似文献   

体育作为生活方式的一部分,越来越多的学者和营销者们重新认识到这一本源,认为发展体育产业、做体育产业市场最终还要落实在生活方式上面。本文通过对我国体育产业、生活方式理论、生活方式营销等方面进行文献回顾,阐述了生活方式营销在体育产业领域研究的必要性。通过研究体育消费者生活方式成因与生活方式类型,重新为我国体育产业市场进行了生活方式类型梳理,并提出了不同类型市场的营销定位方向,最终构建了一个基于生活方式的我国体育产业营销模型用于帮助营销者们理解生活方式对体育产业市场的影响机理,以及指导他们在体育产业市场的营销实践。  相似文献   

众所周知,国内外众多学者都把IPO作为研究主题,进行广泛研究,而IPO溢价是我国股票市场甚至发达国家成熟的资本市场上都普遍存在的异象之一。本文对国内外IPO溢价影响因素的主要理论和研究进行了详细的综述,并根据我国国情发现首日市场回报率、市盈率、中签率、换手率都对IPO溢价率有不同程度、不同方向的影响,同时由于我国监管机构的存在政府干预,承销商声誉对IPO溢价影响不大。最后,本文根据相关理论及实际经验,提出了一些意见和建议,以促进我国资本市场持续、稳定和健康发展。  相似文献   

郑帆 《中国报业》2014,(2):74-75
2011年8月,"走转改"活动拉开帷幕,经过两年多的实践,在我国社会的改革创新和对国际民生的关注等领域收到了显著成效,这是对我国新闻媒介发展的实践探索,也是与党服务为民指导思想的辩证统一,将最原始生态的题材融入到新闻宣传报道之中,提升了基层群众对新闻的关注度,更符合新闻宣传的设计初衷,同样,为新闻从业者指明了工作的方向。实践证明,这种新闻理论的探索是必要且可行的。文章从以人为本、创新驱动、把握规律等三个方面,对"走转改"中新闻理论的实践探索进行剖析。  相似文献   

The Nobel prize in economics in 2012 was awarded to Lloyd S. Shapley and Alvin E. Roth for “the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design” (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). The prize honours Lloyd Shapley’s theoretical foundations of the theory of stable allocations (in particular the celebrated deferred-acceptance algorithm) as well as the theoretical and practical contributions to the design of matching markets by Al Roth. As prices do not play their usual role in equating supply and demand, market failure is widespread (congestion, unravelling, lack of thickness). The actual design of two-sided matching markets, such as school choice, labour markets and kidney exchange, relies on both theory as well as on empirical investigations of the market and its rules.  相似文献   

公有制与市场经济的关系经历了一个从对立到统一的发展过程。马克思从纯公有制经济关系和社会化大生产出发,得出了公有制与市场经济相对立的结论。西方学者也对此褒贬不一。邓小平在中国社会主义的实践中创立了社会主义市场经济的全新理论,实现了公有制与市场经济的统一。本市场经济和公有制的兼容问题是随着马克思主义实践的发展而不断发展的,具有与时俱进的实践意义。  相似文献   

Ongoing debate surrounds the relative importance of theory and practice within supply chain research. Some contend that strong theory is central to knowledge advancement and its application to practice should be a secondary concern. Others argue that emphasizing theory moves the field away from its applied roots and the concerns of managers. We transcend this debate by proposing that theory and practice are separate dimensions rather than opposing concerns. Research projects can thus be strong in terms of both theory and practice, weak on both, or strong on one and weak on the other. We propose that placement within the first category requires scholars to devise research that is AIM—actionable (i.e., it provides a basis for making changes), insightful (it provides new ideas on important issues), and measurable (its effects can be quantitatively assessed). The impact of such research is magnified or dampened by the degree to which scholars achieve theoretical contextualization (i.e., adjusting the theory to reflect the setting under investigation) and theoretical calibration (i.e., alignment between theory and methods). Because “AIMing high” can deliver strong value for both scholars and managers, we encourage scholars, editors, and reviewers to embrace it in the development and evaluation of research.  相似文献   

Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) have recently witnessed remarkable growth driven by their holistic business model. The key differentiator of IFIs is their Shari’a-based business proposition which often requires some financial sacrifices, e.g. being ethical, responsible and philanthropic. It also requires them to refrain from investments in tobacco, alcohol, pornography or earning interest. For IFIs’ sponsors and managers, however, the key motivational factor for entering the Islamic financial market is not the achievement of Shari’a objectives through the holistic business model, but rather the urge to tap this highly profitable market where customers are inclined to pay a premium for Shari’a compliance. In order for IFIs to be accepted by the market, their financial instruments need to be approved by Shari’a scholars, known for their integrity and expertise in Shari’a. One can therefore expect potential tensions between IFIs’ managers and Shari’a scholars. The purpose of this research is to probe the hidden struggle between managers and Shari’a scholars in pursuit of their respective objectives. The study investigates this phenomenon using grounded theory as a methodological framework based on data collected from three IFIs from two countries. The findings reveal that Shari’a scholars and managers of IFIs have divergent objectives, which creates incongruence of objectives at the strategic level. The findings illustrate the tension and latent struggle for Shari’a compliance, which has been termed as ‘Fatwa Repositioning’ resulting in four possible consequences: deep, reasonable, minimum and superficial Shari’a compliance. Fatwa Repositioning is the core category of this study, which exhibits how managers and Shari’a scholars struggle to position the Shari’a compliance of their institutions so as to best serve their respective objectives. Interestingly, Shari’a scholars are seemingly not always in control of what they are supposed to be controlling, i.e. Shari’a compliance.  相似文献   

Explanatory Design Theory   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Design, design research, and design science have received increasing attention lately. This has led to a more scientific focus on design that then has made it timely to reconsider our definitions of the design theory concept. Many scholars in Information Systems assume a design theory requires a complex and elaborate structure. While this structure has appeal for its completeness and complexity, it has led scholars to criticize simplicity and elegance in design science theories that fail to demonstrate the “required” elements. Such criticisms lead to questions about whether design theory can be considered theory at all.  相似文献   

中国股市收益与经济增长背离现象的协整性检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瑞泽 《商业研究》2006,(12):92-94
近年来很多专家学者已经注意到了中国股市收益与经济增长相背离的现象,并将这种现象称之为“股经背离”。应用计量经济学中的协整理论,对我国股市收益与经济增长的关系进行实证分析,结果表明,代表虚拟经济的股市和代表实体经济的经济增长之间并不具有长期的均衡关系,从而用计量经济学的方法进一步证实了“股经背离”现象的存在。  相似文献   


Organisational ambidexterity is an important topic in management research having grown meteorically over the past 17 years. Yet, very few studies in marketing examine organisational ambidexterity. Where studies do exist, seldom do they do justice to its theoretical richness and complexity. This complexity is a significant hurdle for scholars and managers alike, but theory and practice on organisational ambidexterity can benefit substantively from the input of scholars outside the realm of management. This paper provides scholars and managers with a detailed analyses, documentary and corpus of reference material documenting the development, definition, theoretical assumptions and conceptual treatment, measurement and empirical findings to do with organisational ambidexterity. Drawing on this detailed analysis, the paper identifies the burning research questions marketing scholars should give urgent attention to advance theory and practice on organisational ambidexterity.  相似文献   

目前,我国饭店业管理者相关理论修养不足,职业能力弱,难以全面胜任经理人角色的现状是不争的事实。扭转这一现状的对策是:充分发展社会主义市场经济;基于饭店行业的属性特征进行教育培养;按照饭店职业能力的要求设计相关教程;在实践中不断提升自身的职业能力。  相似文献   

“Natural rate theory” — the application of the efficient market hypothesis to labour markets — has guided economic policy since the 1970s and laid the foundations for the design of major European institutions in the 1990s. Unfettered markets were declared to be stable, and consequently public policies and regulations were regarded as distortions. This led to a division of labour in which central banks were responsible only for price stability, governments for labour market reforms and unions for low wages. The European discussion focused almost exclusively on labour market reforms to reduce unemployment. Against the background of the recent dramatic drop in economic activity, this paper confronts natural rate theory with actual economic trends and argues that the predictions of the theory hardly fit the facts.  相似文献   

Using an experimental repeated-measures design (n=240), this study examines the level of felt embarrassment and repatronage intentions in relation to 13 embarrassing service encounters. The manipulation of two independent variables, i.e. embarrassment source (i.e., service provider, others present and consumer) and embarrassment stimuli (violations of privacy, awkward acts, forgetfulness/error, image appropriateness and criticism) are represented by 13 hypothetical scenarios included in a self-report survey. The findings have relevance for theory and practice and provide direction for future research in this area.  相似文献   

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