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中国传统文化元素是东方文化的一处独特景观和宝贵财富,它题材广泛、内含丰富、形式多样、历史悠久,是其他艺术形式难以替代的,近些年在设计领域受到前所未有的重视和应用。本文分析了中国元素及网站UI等相关概念,基于现代数码技术与理论,以具体网站动画创作为蓝本,探究中国传统艺术与现代网站UI设计的相互融合以及具象背后的审美根源,以此继承传统文化艺术的精髓和推动数字技术的革新和发展。  相似文献   

王秀杰 《商》2014,(2):131-131
相对于传统的平面设计,网页作为一种传播信息的新栽体,使得信息的传播更加丰富多样,给人们的学习、生活、工作带来了极大的方便。随着人们文化水平的逐步提高,人们对网页的界面设计提出了更高的要求,这就为设计者提供了新的设计领域和设计课题。  相似文献   

董春 《商业文化》2020,(10):90-93
中国动画很早之前就已经出现在了人们的视野中,大致起源于20世纪中期.具有丰厚的文化底蕴和十分鲜明的中国特色。它的诞生为中华民族的传统文化赋予了崭新的生命力,使中华民族传统文化以更加多样的展现形式.进入世界各国人民的视线中.让越来越多的人了解到中华民族传统文化的魅力.也让更多的人喜欢上了传统文化。本文致力于对中华民族传统文化的研究.进而寻找中华民族传统文化与现代动画设计的融合点.  相似文献   

论老年人手机的界面设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴莉莹  占维 《消费导刊》2010,(5):195-195
本文从社会现状入手探讨了老年人视觉、触觉和听觉等特性,进而对老年人手机的外型、屏幕、颜色等产品界面进行了分析。提出了设计方法对老年人手机的界面设计具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着广告的发展,中国元素越来越受到广告界的认识和青睐。文章对中国传统元素在现代广告设计中的应用进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

中国传统元素融入于现代家具设计是传承中国传统文化、提高家具产品附加值与市场竞争力的有效途径,越来越受到人们的重视。本文在介绍中国传统元素内涵的基础上,采用文献研究法,分析了中国传统元素在现代家具设计中的应用表现,在归纳其现有应用表现形式及方式的同时,为未来如何进一步促进传统元素在现代家具设计中的应用指明了方向。  相似文献   

陈丽红 《品牌》2011,(7):129+140
现代包装设计作为现代设计中的一个重要组成部分,它是一门以文化为本位、以生活为基础、以现代为导向的设计学科.用现代的设计手法表现传统文化,用现代设计语言反映传统文化,这是我国向现代化包装迈进的必经途径.  相似文献   

陈龙 《现代商业》2008,(11):268
借鉴和弘扬中国传统元素并不是不求甚解、不理渊源的单纯模仿.在设计中关注传统文化的遗产,在继承的同时把握现代平面设计中的各种影响因素,才能使平面设计有一个稳固的根基.  相似文献   

在中国的平面设计的领域中,想要做到与世界平面设计相融合发展,就必须将中国的民族传统文化与世界的现代化设计相融合,使现代的平面设计中,既能展现出现代的美学特点,同时更能体现中国古老的传统文化艺术.  相似文献   

传统图形与现代设计元素的融合中国文化发展的必然趋势.利用设计符号学挖掘图形设计中更多的应用价值,使与现代设计元素融合后的传统图形的意义传达的更加准确和广泛,为中国传统符号的再设计注入新的生命,也使得中国传统图形在现代交流沟通与发展中得以继续传承和演变.  相似文献   

针对多功能海事卫星电话的结构特点,提出了详细的设计流程。按照所提出的设计流 程,分别对该产品的结构总体设计、造型设计和详细的结构设计进行了论述。设计的多功能 海事卫星电话在结构上具有以下特点:电话主机可水平360°范围内自由旋转,可前后90°范 围内自由俯仰调节;话筒组件也能够根据用户使用要求和使用习惯进行前后俯仰角的自由调 节。  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and attitude of university students towards mobile phone use while driving. The present study was conducted at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Five hundred and ninety-three participants were recruited for this study. Attitude, consequences and their involvement in various reckless behaviours pertaining to the use of mobile phone while driving were checked by a questionnaire. Overall, the majority of the respondents (90%) use a mobile phone while driving. About half of the participants had experienced consequences regarding texting while driving and had engaged in reckless behaviour. The majority of the students of Faculty of Medicine, Engineering Sciences, Earth Sciences, Administration and Economics and Orientation Classes were more frequently texting while driving (p < .001). The unmarried students were more often texting while driving as compared to married (p < .001). Overall, the majority of the respondents use the mobile phone while driving.  相似文献   

While flow has been researched extensively in computer-mediated environments, it has been scarcely researched in the mobile interface context. Specifically, we have virtually no knowledge about what concrete traits of mobile interfaces (as opposed to user perceptions) encourage the flow state. Flow has been associated with many positive outcomes in human-computer interactions, making it vital for practitioners and scholars to understand the traits of mobile interfaces that encourage flow. Therefore, we synthesize the results of a literature search and a modified Delphi study to develop an inventory of traits and perceptions that can promote the flow experience. We provide initial evidence for the predictive validity of our inventory through a survey study which demonstrates that composite ratings of the inventory traits are positively associated with the flow state, which in turn, leads to compulsive usage and technostress. In doing so, this paper also extends flow research by exploring the potential negative outcomes of flow in the mobile interface context.  相似文献   

佩戴丝巾总给人上了年纪、比较老派的印象.潮人们却把丝巾重新搭配,打造出更加前卫的造型.艺术丝巾设计就是如此,拥有柔软丝滑的质感,高品质的制作工艺,创意百变的花纹,令人赞叹的色彩搭配,以及传奇的神秘故事,你会拒绝拥有它的诱感吗?中国深厚的文化背景,将是取之不竭用之不尽的设计源泉.  相似文献   

平面设计是利用视觉图像、符号来传达意图的设计形式,由于表现方式限于于平面,只通过视觉认知传达,因此有一定的局限性,但并不是说平面设计所表达的内容会因此减少和单薄,相反,在有限的表达方式下却能传达出丰富多彩,变幻莫测的意义.如果完全背离传统艺术形式,一味模仿西方的现代艺术,惟西方现代艺术马首是瞻,简单地挪用西方现代艺术形式,将使我们的艺术丧失民族的个性.  相似文献   

The use of cell phone is a significant source of driver distraction. Phone use while driving can impair a number of factors critical for safe driving which can cause serious traffic safety problems. The objective of this paper was to investigate the frequency of using cell phones while driving in Iran's roads through an observational survey with a random sample of drivers, to recognize contributing factors to cell phone usage and to understand the magnitude of the problem. A total of 1794 observations were collected from 12 sites at controlled intersections, entrance and exit points of highways. The cell phone use rate among drivers (talking or texting) was estimated at 10% which is significantly higher than that in other countries such as Australia, USA and Canada. Rate of cell phone use among younger drivers (14.15%) was higher in comparison with other groups. In order to identify factors affecting cell phone use while driving, a binary logit model is estimated. Variables which significantly contribute to the rate of using cell phone were found to be the age of driver, number of passengers, presence of kids under the age of 8, time of observation, vehicle price and type of car.  相似文献   

石俊 《北方经贸》2014,(12):50-52
从20世纪后半期开始,印刷术时代没落,随之而来的是电视、广播、互联网乃至手机媒体的蒸蒸日上。以手机为代表的新媒体开始以全时、全速、全域、全民的特点充斥在快速成长的青少年生活中,青少年作为主流文化消费者在文化消费中所表现出来追求时尚、注重体验、忽略发展性消费的特点在一定程度上对传统文化家庭的消费决策产生影响。这种影响从根本上不可逆转地改变了传统家庭交流方式,家长被青少年感染,变身孩童化大人,青少年在相对自由的环境中真正得到了身份认同。由此看来,青少年的流行风格与传统家庭文化的碰撞,技术的发展和创新有利于推动传统文化机制的现代化创新。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the exterior of a clothing store for store entry intentions of potential female recreational and task-oriented clothing customers. First, we analyse the proposed exterior elements of a clothing store that are preferred and affect the willingness to enter the store. Second, we investigate the impact of the most significant exterior elements (e.g. the crowdedness of the store entry and the creative complexity of the composition of the window display) on the entry intentions for recreational and task-oriented potential female shoppers from a self- and other decision perspective. Overall, the results show that task-oriented female clothing shoppers have a higher store entry intention when the store entry is less crowded, and the window display has a creative complex composition. Recreational female clothing shoppers, on the other hand, prefer crowded complex window displays.  相似文献   

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