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黄良杰  刘官生 《理财》2001,(7):17-18
一、问题的提出所谓合并会计报表审计,是指注册会计师依法接受委托,按照独立审计准则的要求,对被审计单位的合并会计报表实施必要的审计程序,获取充分、适当的审计证据,并对合并会计报表发表审计意见。随着我国市场经济的发展,企业规模越来越大,走集团化发展道路的越来越多。依据我国相关法律、法规的规定,许多集团公司应该编制合并会计报表。因而,在注册会计师面前就存在一个问题──如何进行合并会计报表审计。从近年合并会计报表审计来看,在规范其审计程序与方法等方面还存在着诸多难点,并且有部分会计师事务所和注册会计师对…  相似文献   

费名琦 《上海会计》1998,(10):39-40
合并会计报表的真正意义在于使合并会计报表的使用者可以对企业集团整体的财务状况、资金情况、经营成果、偿债能力、获利能力和发展前景等有一个比较客观、公正的评价。因此在对合并会计报表进行初步审计的基础上,注册会计师需要审计企业集团内部应予合并抵消的项目是否...  相似文献   

林炳发 《理财》2003,(7):4-5
做好合并会计报表审计的若干建议 根据企业集团领导人员任期经济责任审计工作中遇到的编制合并会计报表方面存在的诸种问题,为了客观公正地评价企业集团领导人员的任期经济责任,节约审计时间,提高审计质量和审计效率,建议审计机关审计人员在进行企业集团合并报表审计时,注意解决好以下几个方面的问题: 一、要求未编制合并会计报表的企业  相似文献   

谈合并会计报表的审计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雯 《会计师》2010,(1):77-79
<正>合并会计报表审计是指注册会计师依法接受委托,按照独立审计准则的要求,对被审计单位的合并会计报表实施必要的审计程序,获取充分、适当的审计证据,并对合并会计报表发表审计意见。随着资本的流动,企业收购兼并、参股控股活动日益频繁,合并会计报表  相似文献   

在对集团公司年度会计报表审计时,当子公司的会计报表金额审定后,就可以对合并会计报表进行审计了。对于以前年度一直存续的子公司,企业编制合并报表一般不容易出错,编制方法也相对简单:合并会计报表的合并期间是一个完整的会计年度,企业把经审计的单体报表项目和金额过入合并工作底稿。在上一年度合并抵销分录的基础上,依据本年度会计业务的新变化,对上年度的合并抵销分录进行适当修改后,替换成本年度的内容和金额,合并会计报表就可以顺利编制完成了。  相似文献   

试论合并会计报表上海机动车辆汽车配件公司张敏智《企业会计准则》第六十三条规定:“企业对外投资如占被投资企业资本总额半数以上,或者实质上拥有被投资企业控制权的,应当编制合并会计报表。”本文拟就合并会计报表的业务,谈谈粗浅的认识。一、企业合并与合并形式企...  相似文献   

本文主要分为两个部分,合并会计报表常用方法,合并会计表与个别会计报表的关系.  相似文献   

李梦娇 《中国外资》2011,(22):111-111
本文主要分为两个部分,合并会计报表常用方法,合并会计表与个别会计报表的关系。  相似文献   

公司间资产交易主要包括母公司和子公司之间、子公司相互之间发生的存货交易和固定资产交易。由于合并会计报表是以企业集团作为会计主体,并在个别会计报表的基础上通过抵销处理而后编制的,因此,公司间资产交易对个别会计报表的影响,必须抵销。但按我国《合并会计报表...  相似文献   

浅议医院会计报表审计风险评估与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述医院会计报表审计中运用风险评估的必要性,通过对医院会计报表审计风险的组成要素及其相互关系的研究,揭示如何对医院会计报表审计风险进行评估和控制,最后归纳分析医院会计报表审计风险的总体应对策略。  相似文献   

Many accounting and finance studies investigate the time-series properties of historical accounting records from corporate financial statements. Some of them have recognized the potential benefits of using disaggregated monthly accounting records. Disaggregated data are beneficial because one can use more data points within a relatively short period of time, thus reducing the chance of structural change. The added data points and reduction of the number of variables needed to accommodate potential structural changes can enhance the statistical power of any subsequent analysis. The use of disaggregated data may also improve the predictive ability of time-series analytic approaches. In order to systematically assess various financial indicators and investigate the effects of different organizational characteristics, a large number of monthly statements with certain predetermined characteristics are desirable. However, such statements are not readily available. At best, monthly statements can be obtained from a few volunteer companies. Under this circumstance, simulation of controlled financial statements seems to be a reasonable solution. This research explores a methodology for simulating complete monthly financial statements based on actual company quarterly financial statements. The methodology incorporates the interrelationships among accounting numbers and the effects of exogenous variables. To test the empirical validity and whether the monthly results derived from the quarterly data can accurately track the real monthly figures, we compare the results simulated by the proposed method and those generated by a naive random walk model. We test both complete financial statements for three companies and sales statistics from the retail industry. The results of both tests demonstrate the superiority of the method proposed by this study over a naive random walk model. The proposed simulation method provides an opportunity for researchers to examine the time-series properties of financial statement elements by using the monthly data of a large number of companies. In addition, the simulation approach allows researchers to perform cross sectional comparisons on companies with different characteristics (e.g., sales behavior patterns and degrees of stability) in their financial and economic activities. Moreover, it enables the researchers to manipulate some of these characteristics to test various hypotheses.  相似文献   

Paul E. Holt   《Accounting Forum》2004,28(2):159-165
Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States usually require that companies which own more than 50% of the voting stock of foreign corporations prepare consolidated financial statements. The foreign financial statements must be recast into US GAAP and the foreign currency financial statements must be translated into US dollars. Alternative methods of translating foreign currency have major impacts on consolidated financial statements and on the behavior of management. Further, foreign subsidiary financial statements which are recast into US GAAP are less useful than the originals, and US users cannot analyze them without reference to the foreign environment. The interests of financial statement users are better served by alternative presentations of foreign currency denominated accounts rather than by consolidation.  相似文献   

以财务报表重述公司为研究对象,考察财务报表重述公司年报审计质量。结果表明:财务报表重述的幅度对非标审计意见的出具有显著的影响力;初始差错年和报表重述年,注册会计师都能在一定程度上识别上市公司的盈余管理动机,并在审计意见中有所反映;审计师任期和对财务报表重述公司出具非标审计意见之间没有显著的相关性;事务所规模和非标审计意见的相关性并不显著,结论没有支持大事务所更有可能对重述公司出具非标审计意见。  相似文献   

2011年9月5日,中国注册会计师协会与香港会计师公会在香港签署审计准则持续等效联合声明,确认新修订的内地审计准则与香港审计准则实现持续等效。财政部副部长、中国注册会计师协会会长李勇和香港会计师公会会长蔡永忠出席签字仪式并发表讲话。中国注册会计师协会副会长兼秘书长陈毓圭与香港会计师公会行政总裁张智媛作为双方代表  相似文献   

The audit of financial statements is a complex and highly specialized process. Digitalization and the increasing automation of transaction processing create new challenges for auditors who carry out those audits. New data analysis techniques offer the opportunity to improve the auditing of financial statements and to overcome the limitations of traditional audit procedures when faced with increasingly large amounts of financially relevant transactions that are processed automatically or semi-automatically by computer systems. This study discusses process mining as a novel data analysis technique which has been receiving increased attention in the audit practice. Process mining makes it possible to analyse business processes in an automated manner. This study investigates how process mining can be integrated into contemporary audits by reviewing the relevant audit standards and incorporating the results from a field study. It demonstrates the feasibility of embodying process mining within financial statement audits in accordance with contemporary audit standards and generally accepted audit practices. Implementation of process mining increases the reliability of the audit conclusions and improves the robustness of audit evidence by replacing manual audit procedures. Process mining as novel data mining technique provides auditors the means to keep pace with current technological developments and challenges.  相似文献   

In the current study, we examine audit report lags (ARLs) among a large sample of Belgian non-profit organisations (NPOs). Doing so, we (i) add to the very recent, but rapidly growing literature on financial reporting and auditing in the non-profit sector; and (ii) test the generalisability of findings regarding the ARL from the for-profit sector to the non-profit sector. We note that ARLs for Belgian NPOs are substantially larger than those reported in prior studies based on for-profit firms, which can be explained by differences in reporting incentives (e.g. the absence of capital markets pressures). In addition to determinants of the ARL that have been identified in prior studies based on for-profit firms (e.g. auditor business risk), we find that also the way of funding the organisation (i.e. the degree of reliance upon donations and/or grants) and its specific area of activity are significantly related to the ARL. The requirement of an external financial statement audit (together with new accounting and financial reporting requirements) for Belgian NPOs was only recently introduced (i.e. from 2006 onwards). We do not observe a decrease in ARLs in the two years after the introduction of the new legal obligations.  相似文献   

作为外部治理机制的审计是公司信息披露质量的重要保证,目前法规对上市公司中期财务报告的审计并无强制性法规要求,许多上市公司选择中期财务报表自愿审计,其行为是一种主动传递信息的过程。本文通过对我国上市公司2007至2010年证券市场自愿中报审计的经验数据分析,对公司自愿中报审计的动机和市场反应进行了实证研究。研究发现:公司中期财务报表自愿审计与公司的成长性和公司规模显著相关,且公司的财务状况和股权性质对公司的自愿审计有一定影响;同时,市场对上市公司中期财务报告自愿审计行为有一定的正面反应,但这种反应效力不足,且持续力较低。  相似文献   

The fact that auditors are paid by the companies they audit creates an inherent conflict of interest. We analyze how the provision of financial statements insurance could eliminate this conflict of interest and properly align the incentives of auditors with those of shareholders. We first show that when the benefits to obtaining funding are sufficiently large, the existing legal and regulatory regime governing financial reporting (and auditing) results in low quality financial statements. Consequently, the financial statements of firms are misleading and firms that yield a low rate‐of‐return (low fundamental value) are over‐funded relative to firms characterized by a high rate‐of‐return (high fundamental value). We present a mechanism whereby companies would purchase financial statements insurance that provides coverage to investors against losses suffered as a result of misrepresentation in financial reports. The insurance premia that companies pay for the coverage would be publicized. The insurers appoint and pay the auditors who attest to the accuracy of the financial statements of the prospective insurance clients. For a given level of coverage firms announcing lower premia would distinguish themselves in the eyes of the investors as companies with higher quality financial statements relative to those with higher premia. Every company would be eager to pay lower premia (for a given level of coverage) resulting in a flight to high audit quality. As a result, when financial statements insurance is available and the insurer hires the auditor, capital is provided to the most efficient firms.  相似文献   

This study investigates bank loan officers' use of financial information and reports, in particular, cash flow information and the statement of cash flow (SCF), in making lending decisions. Subjects were drawn from four groups of frequent users of financial reports-bank loan officers, auditors, financial analysts and accounting academics. Each subject was presented with the annual reports of two loan applicant companies to make two independent lending decisions based on the information provided. The SCF of one of the companies was presented in the direct format, while the other was presented in the indirect format. The indirect format of SCF was used as a surrogate for the funds flow statement. Results show that, while cash flow was the second most used financial information, the majority of the subjects obtained this information from financial statements other than the SCF, notably, the balance sheet. In terms of financial report usage, notes to the financial statements, rather than the SCF, was most frequently used. No subject made use of the incremental information provided in the SCF presented in the direct format. The results suggest that loan officers do not use the cash flow information provided by the SCF, but rely on the accounting information provided in the FFS and accrual-based financial reports.  相似文献   

Financial statement audits are mandated in most countries, thus making it difficult to distinguish between auditing driven by private incentives versus that driven by regulation. Who would ask for an audit, and how would its quality be assessed in the absence of regulation? Many private companies in Canada get their financial statements audited even though the law does not require it. In this field study, we conduct interviews to discover reasons for demanding an audit, and criteria used to assess their quality. Our study reveals that both internal stakeholders (management, boards, and employees) as well as external stakeholders (customers, banks, and private equity firms) request audits. Users evaluate audit quality based on a variety of criteria such as the auditor's accounting expertise, the absence of errors, the fees involved, risk assessments offered, allocation of effort, internal control, and general business advice. Implications for audit regulations are discussed.  相似文献   

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