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一、转变城建投资管理的职能 当前河北省秦皇岛市的基础设施建设投融资运行体制中所存在的主要顽疾在于,秦皇岛市政府以及以下的各层级政府没有正确定位自己的在整体性管理位置.以资本市场和市场运行作为最主要的融资渠道,是创新城市基础设施建设投融资体制、实现投资主体多元的关键.妥善处理秦皇岛市政府(以及下层级各政府)与城建投资项目负责人之间关系.为此,政府必须改革现行体制、更新观念,转变、创新政府职能.政府由完全投资者转变为部分投资者、组织者、管理者和经营者.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的发展和行政区划的变更与调整,我国新设立了一些城市,基础设施薄弱是这些新建城市普遍存在的问题.因此,探讨新建城市的城建投融资问题具有理论与应用两个方面的重要意义.本文以广西防城港市为例,分析了其城建投融资的模式,提出了一些解决新兴城市城建投融资问题的建议.  相似文献   

王建国 《上海会计》2010,(11):37-38,35
地方政府投融资平台,是指由地方政府成立的以投资、融资为主要经营业务的公司,一般是指由政府出资或由政府通过划拨土地、房产、股权、公用设施、规费等资产注资形成的城市建设投资、城建开发、城建资产经营类似的公司。2008年下半年以来,由于一些平台公司不切实际,管控不严,大量超贷,举债融资规模迅速膨胀,引起了中央政府的高度关注。  相似文献   

随着国内城市建设的大规模兴起,面对巨额的城建资金,地方政府也采用了各种各样的融资方式,城投公司最为常见.但是,目前的城市建设投融资模式仍然存在很多问题,例如主体地位缺失、渠道单一等等,本文结合某城建项目,提出了对以城投公司为主体的城市建设投融资模式的改进策略.  相似文献   

地方政府投融资平台一般是指地方政府为了融资用于城市基础设施的投资建设,所组建的城市建设投资公司、城建开发公司、城建资产经营公司等各种不同类型的公司,这些公司通过地方政府所划拨的土地等资产组建一个资产和现金流大致可以达到融资标准的公司,必要时再辅之以财政补贴等作为还款承诺,重点将融入的资金投入市政建设、公用事业等项目。  相似文献   

从20世纪中叶开始,政府投融资发展越来越快,政府越来越注意到投融资平台的重要性。近年来,我国政府投融资主要投资方向为我国的基础建设和公用事业,这些基础建设是经济发展的基础,但是这些投资项目都存在项目期长,资金耗用大等特点,因此很难由个人投资者完成投资。我国的政府投融资较国外的投融资起步较晚,在发展的过程中暴露出不少的问题,比如投融资主体和方式往往是一个平台公司完成难免会发生融资资金管理不规范的现象,加大了地方政府投融资平台的财务风险。所以,如何有效防范政府投融资债务风险,完善政府投融资机制,对我国地方政府投融资的研究具有举足轻重的意义。因此,本文首先从政府投融资理论角度出发,阐述了其相关理论,然后介绍我国地方政府投融资存在的主要问题,最后提出笔者自己对于完善地方政府投融资机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

唐晓春 《会计师》2021,(8):69-70
地方政府投融资平台公司对地方政府的城市和公共设施建设、生态环境建设与保护、经济社会的发展发挥着极其重要的作用.笔者试分析地方政府投融资平台公司的融资、工程建设、投资项目等几个方面存在的风险和审计要点,通过加强审计监督,防范各项风险,使得地方政府投融资平台公司更好地服务于地方经济发展,同时加快自身市场化转型升级的步伐.  相似文献   

唐晓春 《会计师》2021,(8):69-70
地方政府投融资平台公司对地方政府的城市和公共设施建设、生态环境建设与保护、经济社会的发展发挥着极其重要的作用.笔者试分析地方政府投融资平台公司的融资、工程建设、投资项目等几个方面存在的风险和审计要点,通过加强审计监督,防范各项风险,使得地方政府投融资平台公司更好地服务于地方经济发展,同时加快自身市场化转型升级的步伐.  相似文献   

2014年7月4日,《国家外汇管理局关于境内居民通过特殊目的公司境外投融资及返程投资外汇管理有关问题的通知》的出台,进一步便利了境内居民通过特殊目的公司境外投融资及返程投资所涉及的跨境资本交易,切实服务实体经济,有力推动了跨境资本和金融交易的可兑换的进程.本文结合2014年外商投资企业外汇年报申报情况,对湖南省返程投资企业投资进行状况进行了简要探析,并提出了相应的管理思路.  相似文献   

作为经济体制改革和投融资体制改革的产物,国有投资企业为推动我国国民经济和社会发展做出了重要贡献.目前,随着社会经济的转型和经济体制改革的深化,政府逐渐取消财政拨款,以及政府基金的支持在逐年萎缩,国有投资企业也存在着许多亟待解决的问题.其中,国有投资企业投融资方面的问题尤为突出.本文在对我国国有投资企业在投资、融资方面的难点问题进行分析的基础上,针对性地提出改革建议.希望对促进我国国有投资企业健康发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

This paper examines the related problems of the capitalization and financial performance of the railway companies in the inter-war period. It examines the critics' view that the railways were over-capitalized, and places the debate in context by analysing the dividend and accounting policies of the companies and the consequences for investment. It also examines the conflicting views of railway management and shareholders over capital expenditure. The paper concludes that the railways were both financially over-capitalized and physically under-capitalized, and so faced very serious financial problems that were incapable of resolution within the existing ownership structure.  相似文献   

Previous research asserts that companies that choose accounting methods more familiar to investors reduce information asymmetry and increase credibility of their financial statements to those investors, thereby attracting higher levels of foreign investment. This study examines the variation in accounting policies associated with institutional investment in Australian equity. The results suggest that large US institutional holdings in Australian companies are associated with American Depositary Receipt listing and, incrementally, choice of accounting methods that conform to US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Although making accounting choices in compliance with US GAAP is significantly associated with higher levels of institutional ownership in a statistical sense, examination of the specific differences in accounting choices suggests that the differences in informational content are relatively minor.  相似文献   

近几年中国上市公司对内部控制监管要求的意识和了解有所增强。但是,并没有相应地加大其对实施内部控制机制的投入。鉴于企业内部控制的建立和实施情况,当前我国企业在实施内部控制的时候,应当重点加强以财务报告内部控制为主线的相关标准建设,首先实现财务报告目标,待会计信息系统达到内部控制的要求后,再创造实现其他目标。  相似文献   

建造合同收入确认几乎是所有建筑业上市公司披露的关键审计事项之一,而新收入准则将现行的收入和建造合同两项准则纳入统一的收入确认模型,这无疑给建筑企业财务核算带来巨大的影响,对事务所承接的建筑类企业审计提出了新的要求和挑战。本文首先阐述新收入准则下建筑企业的会计核算变化,再结合《企业会计准则第14号—收入》和建筑业特点提出注册会计师对建筑企业收入确认审计的重点,以期给相关人员提供一定的参考,为审计风险控制提供新思路。  相似文献   

This paper describes and explains how investment analysts deal with changes in accounting policies. The extent to which analysts appear to be fixated on accounting figures is examined using their reports about companies that adopted accounting changes in their financial statements. Sixteen accounting policy changes were identified and divided into four categories and a distinction was made between strong and weak levels of fixation. Consideration is given to the level of fixation of investment analysts that can be explained by the extent of disclosure concerning the accounting change, the moment the accounting change is announced for the first time, the nature of the accounting change and the type of employer. The level of disclosure and the nature of accounting change are important determinants of fixation. Furthermore, it appears that financial journalists explain accounting changes and their effects on accounting figures more extensively than investment analysts employed by banks or firms of stockbrokers. This study focuses on investment reports in practice in a Dutch context, in contrast to previous research conducted in experimental settings.  相似文献   

U.S. GAAP has increasingly become an influence on accounting practices in other countries, even aside from those traditionally considered under direct U.S. influence. The change arises from the large number of U.S. accounting standards, non-U.S. companies listing on U.S. stock exchanges, and the amount of U.S. direct investment abroad. As the impact of U.S. GAAP varies across countries, it may affect international accounting harmony. This idea is tested by examining the level of international harmony for eleven accounting measurement policies in matched pairs of large companies from Australia and the U.K., two countries with historically strong cultural and economic links. It is argued that, in recent decades, accounting practice in Australia, more so than in the U.K., has become increasingly U.S.-oriented. The concepts of harmony of Tay and Parker (1990) and Archer et al . (1996) are employed. International harmony is measured by the between-country C index and chi-square test; national harmony by van der Tas's (1988) H index. While considerable national harmony is found in the U.K. for seven and in Australia for five accounting policies, there is considerable or complete international harmony for only three policies. Evidence is presented of the influence of U.S. GAAP as one factor explaining the poor degree of U.K./Australia international harmony. Australian companies appear to follow U.S. GAAP to a greater extent than do U.K. companies. The state of partial harmony thus existing restricts international comparability of accounting reports and may cause problems for regulators.  相似文献   

我国城市基础设施投融资体制改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于财力不足,我国城市基础设施长期滞后于经济发展.现行基础设施投融资体制存在资金来源渠道有限、城市建设投资主体单一、建设和管理体制落后、法制法规建设滞后等问题.借鉴国外经验,今后我们应该实现投资主体多元化,加快政府职能转变和国有企业改革的步伐,加强决策管理,加快法制建设,探讨多渠道的融资方式.  相似文献   

FAS 133, the rule that governs accounting for derivatives, has been controversial since its inception. Besides being expensive to implement and maintain, the rules often cause accounting treatment to diverge markedly from economic reality, making financial statements less transparent and less useful. For example, by marking to market only one side of what are in fact two‐sided (hedged) positions, FAS 133 often introduces artificial volatility into earnings and, in so doing, discourages companies from hedging. How should companies tackle financial disclosure and balance the economic and accounting effects of hedging? This article recommends that companies make economically sensible hedging decisions and then present two sets of earnings numbers to the investment community: (1) the first prepared and audited in strict accordance with GAAP; and (2) a supplemental calculation showing what earnings would have been had the firm qualified for hedge accounting treatment. This kind of supplemental disclosure should be viewed by companies as an opportunity to explain to their investors, creditors, and counterparties how they conceptualize, measure, and manage risk.  相似文献   

上市公司于2001年1月1日起开始执行新的企业会计制度,新的会计制度与原会计制度相比最显著的变化就是在原来四项资产减值准备计提的基础上又增加四项减值准备。这八项减值准备的计提,充分体现了谨慎性原则对历史成本原则的修正,目的是为了挤出上市公司资产中的水分,保护所有者和债权人的利益,从而化解其投资风险。通过对吉林省上市公司八项资产减值准备计提情况的分析,可以反映出吉林省上市公司利用减值准备进行盈余管理的实际情况。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on the cross-sectional relationship between firm-specific variables and management's choice of accounting policies by examining four key accounting-policy disclosures in the 2000/2001 annual reports of 442 listed companies in the Asia Pacific region. The dependent variable is the composite measure for the income increasing (decreasing) accounting-policy choice tendency.The results show that firm-specific variables linked to Costly Contracting Theory partially explain management's choice of accounting policies. Companies that pursue income-increasing accounting techniques are characterized by lower financial leverage, lower level of ownership concentration, and higher investment opportunity sets. This finding holds true when country and industry control variables are not considered. When the control variables are included, the CCT variables are less a factor and instead country of reporting provides the strongest explanation for company managers' choice of accounting policies. Indonesian companies utilize the most income-decreasing accounting technique.  相似文献   

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