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《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(2):211-222
Book reviewed in this article:
More … through quality, J. VAN ETTINGER/J. SITTIG
Inleiding tot de Statistiek, Deel I, H. RIJKEN VAN OLST
Vraagstukken over waarschjjnLjjkheidsrekening, P. J- A. KANTERS
Cyfers in Ujnen, B. VAN DER MEER en G. S. E. MANDEMA
Linear programming, D. B. YUDIN, E. G. GOL'STEIN
Mathematical Theories of traffic flow, F. A. HAIGHT
Schattingsfunkties van storingen in economische relaties, J. KOERTS
Waarschynlgkheid en statistiek, H. FREUDENTHAL
The Design of Experiments, R. A. FISHER
Inleiding in de Wiskundige Statistiek, J. MUILWUK
De invloed van tramportkosten, heffingen en restituties op handelsstromen, G. HAMMING, W. HORN, H. NEUDECKER en J. NUHUIS
Quantitative decision procedures in management and economics, deterministic theory and applications, CHARLES R. CARR and CHARLES W. HOWE
Progress in Operations Research, volume II, edited by DAVID B. HERTZ and ROGER T. EDDISON
Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering, N. H. ROBERTS
Systematische Datenverarbeitung bei der Auswertung von Versuchs- und Beobachtungs-ergebnissen, A. ADAM
Cumulative Sum Techniques, R. H. WOODWARD and P. L. GOLDSMITH
Elementary Statistics, (2e druk), PAUL G. HOEL
Principles of Medical Statistics, A. BRADFORD HILL
Introduction to the theory of statistics, A. M. MOOD and F. A. GRAYBILL
Matrix algebra for the biological sciences, (including applications in statistics), S. R. SEARLE
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1965,19(2-3):139-162
Book reviewed in this article:
Idee und Praxis der medizinische Statistik, THEODOR REICH, Verlag Hans Huber CHR.L.RüMKE
Decompositions of Probability Distributions, Yu. V. LINNIK
Studies in mathematical psychology – Edited by R. C. ATKINSON
Input-Output Relationships in Pakistan G. B. TILANUS
Adaptive Control Processes A guided tour". M. de VWES
Sampling from a graph, A. R. BLOEMENA J. WESSELS
The impact of inflation on the level of economic activity, H. S. ODEH J. B. D. DERKSEN
Inleiding tot de biostatistiek, A. L. DELAUNOIS, J. F. en C. Chr. L. RÖMKE
Analysis of variance, W. C. GUENTHER, H. de JONGE
Ergodic Theory, Proceedings of an International Symposium C. L. SCHEFFER
Strategy and Market Structure John Wiley C. L. SCHEFFER
Optimal decision rules for government and industry, H. THEIL, J. J. MEINARDI
Introduction to Statistical Inference E. S. KEEPING, D. van Nostrand J. S. CRAMER
La méthode du chemin critique, A. KAUFMANN, G. DESBAZEIIXE; NF. F. REMMEN
De beste beslissing nemen, A. R. VAN DER BURG, N. Samsom N.V. Alphen aan de Rijn J. WESSELS
Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables and Elementary Statistics, ALLEN L. ED WARDS, John Wiley & Sons, R. N. VAN HEES  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1966,20(3-4):399-414
Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability, J. NEVEU, vertaald door A. FEINSIHN, Holden-Day, San Francisco-London-Amsterdam
The Theory of Stochastic Processes, D. R. Cox and H. D. MILLER
Equilibrium, Stability and Growth - A Multi-Sectoral Analysis, MICHIO MORISHIMA
Problems for computer solution, FRED GRUENBERGER, GEORGE JAEERAY, John Wiley
Matrix Algebra for Social Scientists, PAUL HORST
Produktiebesturing en voorraadbeheer, algemene beginselen, R. N. VAN HEES en W. MONHEMIUS
Information Theory, ROBERT B. ASH, Interscience publishers, John Wiley & Sons
Principles of Statistics, M. G. BULMER, Oliver and Boyd
Basic Statistics: a primer for the biomedical sciences, OLIVE JEAN DUNN, John Wiley and Sons
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND
Statistical Tables for biological, agricultural and medical research, R. A. FISHER and F. YATES
Inleiding tot de statistiek, Deel I, derde herziene en uitgebreide druk; Deel II, tweede opnieuw bewerkte en uitgebreide druk
Introduction to statistics and correlation, CELESTE MCCOLLOUGH and LOCHE VAN ATTA
Inequalities on Distribution functions, H. J. GODWIN
Fifty challenging problems in probability, with solutions
Advances in game theory, M. DRESHER, L. S. SHAPLEY, A. W. TUCKER
Nonlinear and dynamic programming, G. HADLEY
Elementary Applied Statistics: for students in the Behavioral Science, LINTON C. FREEMAN
De input-output-analyse binnen de onderneming, P. A. VERHEYEN
Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics, NIELS ARLEY and K. RANDER BUCH
De eerste ontmoeting tussen de wiskunde en de sociale wetenschappen, H. FKEUDENTHAL, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen
Dynamic programming in chemical engineering and process control, S. M. ROBERTS
Allgemeine Methodenlehre der Statistik H, Höhere Methoden unter besonderer Berücksichti-gung der Anwendungen in Naturwissenschaft  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Sociai Psychoology of Work . By M ichael A rgyle
Perceptions of Work . By H. B eynon and R. M. B lackburn
The Receding Ideal . By G. D. N ewbould and A. S. J ackson
Six Approaches to the Person . By R alph R uddock
Mathematics for Managers . By A. F letcher and G. C larke
Modern Mathematics . By K. W illiams
Calculus – A Short Course . By M ichael G emignani
Winkler on Marketing Planning . By J ohn W inkler
Planning for Products and Markets . By D ouglas W. F oster
Marketing Management . By H arper W. B oyd J r . and W illiam F. M assy
Integrated Marketing . By B. G. S. J ames
Marketing Logistics and distribution Planning . Ed. by M artin C hristopher and G ordon W ills
How To Do Business in Branded Goods . By E ric A. G. M organ
Profit From Figures; A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods . By C yril J. A nson
Statistical Analysis for Business; A Conceptual Approach . By L ee H. S mith and D onald R. W illiams
Statistical Methods for Business Decisions . By C harles T. C lark and L awrence L. S chkade
Sources of Economic and Business Statistics . By Bernard Edwards
Guidance, Selection and Training - Ideas and Applications . By P eter C. M orea
Managing the Training Function - U sing Instructional Technology and Systems Concepts . By C hristopher G ane
Performance Appraisal in Management . By M. R. W illiams
Management Controls in Action . By W illiam M urray
Productivity Committee Development Division 1970
Personal and Organkational Effectiveness . By R ichard H acon
The Reality of Organisations . By R osemary S tewart
Organisational Desip . By P eter A. C lark
The Study of Organisations . By D avid D unkerley
The Applicability of Organisationaal Sociology . By C hris A rgyris  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(2):129-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(4):321-331
Book reviewed in this article:
Basic Statistics, D ick A. L eabo
Total Positivity, Vol. 1, S. K arlin
Wahrseheinlichkeitstheorie und Crundzüge der Masztheorie, H. B auer . W. de Gruyter & Co
Statistical Methods, G eorge W. S nedecor and W illiam G. C ochran
Graphical Rational Patterns. A New Approach to Graphical Presentation of Statistics, R oberto B achi
Kleine Statistiek, T. S chut
Introduction to Statistical Procedures: with Computer Exercises, P aul R. L ohnes and W illiam W. C ooley
Normal centroids, medians and scorn for ordinal data, F. N. D avid
Einführung in die Unternehmensforschung I en II, R. H enn und H. P. K ünzi
Kapitalbildung, Wettbewerb und ökonomisches Wachstum, M. N eumann
Mathematische Propädeutik für Wirtschaftswissenschafler. I. Lineaire Algebra, W olfgang W etzel , H orst S karabis und P eter N aeve
Introduction to Linear Models and the Design and Analysis of Experiments, W. M endenhall
Introduction to Technological Economics, D uncan D avies and C allum M c C arthy
Biometrie; Grundzüge biologisch-mediziniher Statistik, L uigi C avalli -S forza  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Statistica Neerlandica》1970,24(2):99-108
Book reviewed in this article:
A dictionary and bibliography of discrete distributions, G. P. P atil and S. W. J oshi
Introduction to Business Statistics, G. H adley
Methoden van onderzoek, M. L. W ijvekate
Geprogrammeerde Instructie Wiskunde, W. F. van R aaij .
Mathematical models of arms control and disarmament, T. L. S aaty
Principles of Demography, D onald J. B ogue
Statistical Selection of Business Strategies, J ohn F orester
Convergence of Probability Measures, P atrick B illingsley
Combinatorial identities, J. R iordan
Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences, D. D. B ugg - M. A. H enderson - K. H olden -P. J. L und .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Price Theory and Price Control. By M. A. C. van M eerhaeghe
Introduction to Price Theory. By M icha G isser
Price Theory and Applications in Business Administration . By W. D avid M axwell
Personnel Management. Ed. by D. E. M c F arla
Minpower Planning - The Management of Human Resources . By G arexh S tainer
Training in Industry & Commerce. By E. J. S inger
T-Groups - A Survey of Research. Ed. by C. L. C ooper and I. L. M angham
Motivation and Control in Organizations. Ed . by G. W. D alton and P. R. L awrence
Organizational Structure and Design. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and J. W. L orsch
Organisational Change and Development. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and L. E. G reiner
Writers on Organisatons . By D. S. P ugh , D. J. H ickson and C. R. H inings
The Management of Northern Ireland Industy . By J ames B ates and M aeve B ell
Civil Engineering Management . By J ames M. A ntill  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Convex transformations of random variables, W. R. VAN ZWET
Hypothesis Testing Problems with the Alternative Restricted by a Number of Inequalities, W. SCHAAFSMA
Stochastic Processes, E. PARZEN, Holden-Day
Applied Queueing Theory, A. M. LEE, MacMillan
Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, edited by R. L. GRAVES and PH. WOLFE
Exercises in probability and statistics, N. A. RAHMAN
Die Monte-Carlo-Methode und ihre Verwirklichung mit elektronische Oigitalrechner, N. P. BusLENKO and J. A. SCHREIDER, B. G. Teubner
Monte Carlo Methods, J. M. HAMMERSLEY and D. C. HANDSCOMB
The art of simulation, K. D. TOCHER
Entscheidungskriterien bei Risiko, H. SCHNEEWEISS
Numerical models of economic development, A. QAYUM  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1968,22(2):141-149
Book reviewed in this article: Statistiek voor S.P.D., H. J. A. v. D. POST The advanced theory of statistics (Vol. 3), M. G. KENDALL and A. STUART Handbook of tables for probability and statistics, W. H. BEYER The Theory of Probability, B. W. GNEDENKO Elements of Nonparametric Statistics, GOTTFRIED E. NOETHER Elementary Probability, EDWARD O. THORP, Wiley The Design and Analysis of Scientific Experiments, K. C. PENG Scientific inventory management, JOSEPH BUCHAN and ERNEST KOENIGSBERG Time-dependent Results in Storage Theory, N. V. PRABHU Introduction to Operations Research, F. S. HILLIER and G. J. LIEBERMAN Proceedings IBM Scientific computing symposium; Simulation Models and Gaming, IBM Data Processing Division Spatial dispersion of economic activity, H. C. Bos Monopolistic Competition, technical progress and income distribution, J. G. M. HILHORST Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, R. D. MASON, R. D. Irwin De Genormaliseerde Methode van Werkclassiflcatie als Meetinstrument, A. HAZEWINKEL, J. B. Wolters  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1973,27(3):133-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistics: a guide to the unknown, J udith M. T anur en F rederick M osteller , W illiam H. K ruskal , R ichard F. L ink , R ichard S. P ieters , G erald R. R ising
Practical Exercises in Probability and Statistics, N.A. Rahman
Families of Frequency Distributions, J. K. O rd
Les phéomènes énomiquea interrégionaux en Belgiquel
The logit tramformation, W. D. A shton .
Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications, C. R adhakrishna R ao and Sum K umar M itra
Ehcyclopedie van de Bedrijfseeonomie (deel VI): Mathematische Analyse en Statistiek, prof. dr. A bram M ey (hoofdredacteur), B.G. F. BULJS, prof. dr. J. S. C ramer , prof.dr. J. K oerts , prof. dr. H. R uken van O m , prof. dr. P. A. V erheijen , prof. dr. P. de W orn (redacteuren).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
The Small Group . By Robert T. Golembiewski
Handbook of Small Group Research . By A. Paul Hare
Working with Groups . By Josephine Klein
Learning to Work in Groups . By Matthew B. Miles
The Small Group . By Michael S. Olmsted
Designing for Production . By B. W. Niebel and E. N. Baldwin
Organization for Production . By E. S. Roscoe
The Management of Production . By J. D. Radford and D. B. Richardson
Casebooks in Production Management: Basic Problems, Concepts and Techniques . By Arch R. Dooley
On Thinking Statistically . By M. B. Brodie
Cases in Management Statistics . By Norbert
Management Accountancy . By J. Batty
Accounting . By M. Moonitz and L. H. Jordan.
Accounting Principles . By A. D. Braden and R. G. Allyn
Accounting Principles and Practice . By S. Hall
Accounting Step by Step . By R. G. A. Boland
Control Accounting by Function . By A. Dixon
Period Planning & Budgetary Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Cost Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Efficient Accounting Methods . By H. F. Wilson
An Introduction to Business Computer Programming . By T. W. McRae
Management Standards for Data Processing . By Dick H. Brandon
System Design for Computer Application . By H. N. Laden and T. R. Gildersleeve
Executive Decision Making in Business and Government . By Marion B. Folsom
The Art of Leadership . By S. W. Roskill
Network Analysis . By J. Battersby
An Introduction to Critical Path Analysis . By K. G. Lockyer
Schedule, Cost and Profit with PERT . by R. W. Miller
PERT/CPM . By Stires and Murphy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Convex transformations of random variables, W. R. VAN ZWET Hypothesis Testing Problems with the Alternative Restricted by a Number of Inequalities, W. SCHAAFSMA Stochastic Processes, E. PARZEN, Holden-Day Applied Queueing Theory, A. M. LEE, MacMillan Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, edited by R. L. GRAVES and PH. WOLFE Exercises in probability and statistics, N. A. RAHMAN Die Monte-Carlo-Methode und ihre Verwirklichung mit elektronische Oigitalrechner, N. P. BusLENKO and J. A. SCHREIDER, B. G. Teubner Monte Carlo Methods, J. M. HAMMERSLEY and D. C. HANDSCOMB The art of simulation, K. D. TOCHER Entscheidungskriterien bei Risiko, H. SCHNEEWEISS Numerical models of economic development, A. QAYUM  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(2):172-178
Book reviewed in this article:
Mathematical Spectrum
De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen.
Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani .
Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin.
Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill .
Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff .
Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode .
Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov .
Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson .
Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster .
Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg .
Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl .
Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin .
Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss .
Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot .  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
FINANCE Financial Reporting in Japan . By R obert J. B allon , I wao T omita and H ajime U sami
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Developing Social Skills in Managers, Advances in Group Training . Edited by C ary L. C ooper
Social Psychology of Collective Bargaining and Negotiation . By J effrey Z. R ubin and B ert R. B rown
Trade Unions and Pressure Group Politics . By T imothy C. M ay
ECONOMICS Theoy of the Firm . By M. A. Crew
Theory of the Firm . By C. J. H awkins
The Theoy of the Firm . By P. J. C urwen
Modern Managerial Economics . By B. L owes and J. R. S parkes
Managerial Economics . By P. J. C urwen
Introduction to Process Economics . By F. A. H olland , F. A. W atson and J. K. W ilkinson
An Introductiun to Industrial Economics . By P. J. D evine , R. M. J ones , N. L ee and W. J. T yson
Industrial Organization . By K. D. G eorge
The Strategy and Structure of British Enterprise . By D. F. C hannon
The Economic System . By S. L etchford
Economic Policy . By P. J. C urwen and A. H. F owler
An Introduction to Applied Economics . By G. D ouglas V aughan
Disequilibrium Economics . By J. van D oorn
STRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS OF ORGANIZATION Effective Behavior in Organizations . By A. R. C ohen et al .
Behavior in Organizations . By L. W. P orter et al.
Organization Design . By D erek N ewman
Organization and Bureaucracy . By N icos P. M ouzelis
ORGANIZATION The Government of Business . By R. E. T homas
The Sociology of Organizations . By A ngela B owey
A Critical Introduction to Organization Theory . By B runo L ussato
Readings in Organizations . Edited by J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly
Organizations . By J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(3):181-189
Book reviewed in this article:
Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff .
Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen.
Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter .
Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington.
New Developments in Survey Sampling.
The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen .
Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius .
On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan .
Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance .
Order Statistics, H. A. D avid .
Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton .
Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad .
Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(3):253-262
Book reviewed in this article:
Distribution-free statistical tests, J. V. B radley
A nonparametric Introduction to Statistics, C. H. K raft and C. van E eden
Stationary Random Processes, Yu. A. R ozanov
Sampling Theory, R aj
Faktorenanalyse, eine systematische Einführung für Psychologen, Mediziner, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwisseaschaftler, K. Ü berla
Stationary and related stochastic processes, H. C ramer and M. R. L eadbetter
Bibliography of Statistical Literature (Pre-1940, with supplements to the volumes for 1940–49 and 1950–58), M aurice G. K endall and A lison G. D oig
Programmeren van computers in ALGOL 60, een geprogrammeerde instructie, A D irkzwager en G. C. van der V eer
Wiskundige Propaedeuse vmr Economisten, 3e druk, J. H. C. L isman
Structural models: an introduction to the theory of directed graphs, F. H arary , R. Z. N orman en D. C artwright  相似文献   

Reviews in this article
R eed M ichael , R ichard B utler . Redirections in Organizational Analysis
J ohnston , J oseph S., J r. and Associates. Educating Managers: Executive Effectiveness Through Liberal Learning
H ickson , D avid J. B utler , R ichard J., G rey , D avid M allory , J effrey R., and W ilson , D avid C. Top Decisions: Strategic Decision Making in Organizations
M ansfield , R oger. and G erry J ohnson . Company Strategy and Organisational Design
D avies , A. Industrial Relations and New Technology
J acobi , O., J essop , B., K astendiek , H., and R egini , M. (Eds.), Technological Change, Rationalisation and Industrial Relations  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(4):459-468
Book reviewed in this article:
Analysing Qualitative Data, A. E. Maxwell, Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics, Methuen
Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States 1870–1950, E. S. Lee, A. R. Miller, C. P. Brainerd, R. A. Easterlin, S. Kuznets, D. S. Thomas
The Ownership of Major Consumer Durables, J. S. Cramer
Elementaire Statistiek, L. A. van Wijk, J. B. Wolters
Elementary Statistics, P. G. Hoel
The passage problem for a stationary Markov chain, J. H. B. Kemperman, Statistical Research Monographs, Volume 1
An introduction to Statistical Communication Theory, D. Middleton
An Introduction to infinitely many variates, E. A. Robinson, Grifin's Statistical Monographs and Courses
Queues, D. R. Cox en W. L. Smith, Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Combination of One-sided Statistical Tests , J. O osterhoff .
Probability Models with Business Applications , R. C. Shook, H. J. H ighland and E. H. H ighland .
Handbook of Nonparametric Statistics , III (Analysis of Variance) by J onh E. W alsh .
Mathematik für Mediziner und Biologen , G. F uchs .
Nonparametric Statistics , J. H ájek .
Sampling Inspection and Quality Control , G. B. W etherill .  相似文献   

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