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国有企业是国民经济命脉,在我国的经济社会中扮演着重要角色,国有企业发展至今,其用工制度也发生了很大变化,但是受到很多历史遗留的主客观因素影响,国有企业用工制度改革中依然面临很多困难,存在各种各样的问题。在我国市场经济体制不断发展的过程中,国有企业面临着越来越激烈的竞争局势,国有企业要保持自身的发展优势,就必须解决好企业用工中存在的突出问题,通过多元化的劳动用工形式,盘活企业经济,不断优化企业劳动用工结构,促进国有企业人力资源潜力挖掘,减少劳务纠纷,降低用工成本和风险,这是确保国有企业可持续发展的必然要求。本文就目前国有企业多元劳动用工形式进行介绍,分析国有企业多元化劳动用工带来的一些问题,并探究国有企业多元化劳动用工形式优化管理的有效对策。  相似文献   

劳务派遣作为比较年轻的用工方式,对促进就业起到了积极作用。由于编制和工资总额的限制,我国的国有企业选择了劳务派遣用工方式,推动了企业的发展;但在用工过程中也产生了诸多纠纷和问题,如无法充分保障劳务派遣劳动者的合法权益、不能充分发挥劳务派遣灵活用工的作用等。因此,文章提出了相关建议,充分发挥劳务派遣对国有企业用工科学化的推动作用,使国有企业的劳务派遣用工最终顺利退回到“临时性、辅助性、替代性”的地位。  相似文献   

张琳  迟亮 《北方经贸》2013,(3):139-140
针对即将出台的《中华人民共和国劳动合同法修正案》,目前劳务派遣用工最为广泛的国有企业该如何应对,优化用工方式,提升用工体系价值,有效降低劳动用工风险是本文集中探讨的问题。  相似文献   

面对新的用工环境以及现代企业制度逐步建立,国有企业采取了更为灵活的用工方式,但同时员工关系越来越复杂,如何实现有效的员工关系管理充分利用人力资源成为国有企业的一个重要课题。分析了国有企业多元化用工方式下员工关系的特点及存在的问题,并对根据贡献度与合作性及其特点建立了一个二维矩阵,对多元化用工形式下的员工进行分类,针对不同类型员工提出了相应的员工关系管理模式。  相似文献   

三十多年的改革之路,使国有企业用工制度基本完成了从计划用工到市场用工、从固定工制转向劳动合同制的转变。但是由于改革的不彻底,国有企业普遍实行"双轨制"用工制度,它也是国有移动公司典型的用工形式。由此在员工管理方面存在诸多问题,如:派遣工转正受到公司严格制约;员工奖励方式单一,达不到激励效果;优秀员工离职率高等。本文根据调研的实际情况,分析了某移动通信公司在员工管理中存在的问题,并提出了相关的管理对策。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,国有企业普遍实行以效率为导向的多元用工制制度,多元用工制员工成为助推国有企业发展的重要力量。然而,由于国有企业"体制"内外员工待遇的差距,多元用工制员工的工作价值观呈现出工作目的纯契约化、工作自主性不高、工作态度较差、同事关系紧张等特点。文章基于多元用工制员工工作价值观新特点,指出薪酬激励、工作激励、情感激励、企业文化激励新路径,以期为国有企业多元用工制员工管理提供新思路。  相似文献   

对处于成熟发展期的大型国企而言,用工总量控制已成为其发展的战略性问题。本文以大型国有企业用工总量控制为论题,通过对用工总量控制实施背景及其影响因素进行分析,提出应对措施,以期有所裨益。  相似文献   

刘慧 《现代商业》2012,(32):175-176
劳务派遣作为一种新型的劳动关系,近两年在我国发展很快,受众多用工单位追捧,尤其是部分国有企业在人员编制和工资总额受限时,普遍采用劳务派遣这种灵活的用工形式。劳务派遣可以降低人力资源管理成本、提高核心竞争力,也有利于满足一部分劳动者的就业愿望,但企业劳务派遣员工比例过大,简单使用劳务派遣员工,无法改变同工不同酬、劳动者职业发展受限等问题。本文以国有企业为例,分析国有企业现阶段劳务派遣制度存在的问题,并从用人单位、劳动者、法规制度等多角度提出合理化建议完善国有企业劳务派遣制度。  相似文献   

在建立现代企业制度和国有企业改革过程中,完善和规范劳动合同制,深化企业用工制度乃是改革的内容之一。从实践看,采用劳动合同确立劳动关系的用工方式,既保证了劳动者和企业双方的合法权益,又有利于企业自主权的落实和劳动者自主选择职业。在劳动合同执行过程中尚存在这样那样的问题,必须加强劳动法律法规的管理,加大劳动执法力度,加快企业用工制度的改革步伐。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,劳动法规日臻完善,企业的用工环境也在发生变化,劳动用工风险防控对企业影响重大。文章阐述了国有企业劳动用工的主要法律风险及防范对策,探讨了劳动用工风险防控的核心理念。  相似文献   

按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

The number of older people is growing globally and therefore there is an implication for providing products and services to facilitate access to nutritious food, considered fundamental for maintaining health and independence. Historically, older consumers have been unattractive to marketers, however improved finances and lifestyles indicate the “grey pound” has the potential to become lucrative. This exploratory research seeks to identify the current expectation of Scottish older consumers in relation to the products and services available in the supermarket and food retailers. A questionnaire was distributed to participants aged over 50 years in Scotland to voice the opinion of the older consumer in relation to shopping experience and availability of product. The results support previous research indicating the improved lifestyles of older consumers, demonstrating that previous perceptions of older people as impoverished and immobile are not representative of this group. This study contributes to the demand for more information on older consumers׳ food shopping habits and preference in Scotland. It attempts to provide useful recommendations for supermarkets and food retailers in fulfilling the needs of this rising consumer segment. This research concludes that supermarkets could improve access to both products and services to meet the demand from this growing segment of society, through better understanding of their requirements in terms of customer service, shopping experience, product size, price, access and mobility.  相似文献   

《Journal Of African Business》2013,14(1-2):119-137

The paper analyzes the operations of the multinational conglomerates so as to determine the impact of their operations on the Nigerian economy, and especially on the manufacturing sector. It also investigated the possible problems hindering their operations. In an attempt to accomplish these objectives, we employed both survey and investigative research methods using regression modeling and estimation. The analysis of the secondary evidence indicates that, generally, the investment activities of conglomerates are found to positively and significantly relate to the output performance of the manufacturing sector of the Nigerian economy. The primary data analysis confirms this finding. On the other hand, they are seen to exploit natural resources and the workforce to the detriment of the country, and by repatriating all available funds and profits to overseas economies, the economy is starved of needed funds. However, their positive contributions to the Nigerian economy were seen to outweigh their negative contributions. This is particularly true of the manufacturing sector. Two perennial problems confronting the conglomerates in their investment activities relate to environmental hostilities and communal disturbances/social upheavals. Other problems relate to political risks, instability and impasse, and unstable economic climate.  相似文献   

Several theoretical approaches have been put forth to predict and explain the effects of teleconferencing technologies. One approach is to examine the functions of nonverbal signals and to make predictions based on the fact that different teleconferencing technologies allow nonverbal communication to different extents. One of the functions of nonverbal signals is to allow the listener to provide feedback to the speaker in a communication. Prior research has shown that such feedback enhances listener comprehension. In this study, it was hypothesized that different teleconferencing technologies would allow different levels of feedback based on their ability to accommodate nonverbal signals, and this in turn would affect comprehension. An experimental study was conducted to compare comprehension, feedback, and satisfaction in telephone and computer conferencing. The study confirmed that comprehension and speaker satisfaction are related to feedback, but failed to show a relationship between listener satisfaction and feedback. No difference in comprehension, listener, or speaker satisfaction was observed across teleconferencing technologies. Role-related differences were observed between the speaker and the listener. It is suggested that the effects of teleconferencing technologies can be mapped systematically by examining each of the functions of nonverbal signals, one at a time.  相似文献   

In our earlier paper, we drew upon Franz Kafka’s literary writings to attend to the repressive sides of the State and markets and their impact on subaltern positions. Moreover, we pointed to some of the key limitations in the theories of the base of the pyramid and subsistence marketplace. In this paper, responding to the commentaries, we clarify some doubts, provide correctives to misinterpretations and further develop the broad theoretical argument we made in our earlier paper. In response to Viswanathan’s commentary, we specifically clarify the role of neoliberal ideology as it impels discourse of subsistence markets. Moreover, as a corrective to Karnani’s reading, we explain the limitations of the State, markets and private enterprises in alleviating poverty in India. Through these clarifications, we ask scholars to attend to systemic features of the current political economy that create poverty and call for an imagination beyond the current capitalist zeitgeist to empower the subaltern.  相似文献   

协调贸易与发展的温尼伯原则促进WTO将环境措施融入了多边贸易体系之中。2001年WTO多哈部长级会议上,各方一致同意就贸易与环境议题进行谈判,力图实现贸易、环境与发展“三赢”的局面。我国作为WTO成员国,必须实施贸易与环境相互协调的外贸可持续发展战略,充分利用WTO多边贸易协议,支持环境项目;调整产业结构,加快发展第三产业;提倡集约化经营战略和循环经济发展模式,发展技术型产品,替代资源型产品的出口;内部化环境成本,促进贸易与环境和谐统一发展;实施绿色产品战略,推行环境标志认证;利用WTO争端解决机制解决贸易纠纷,以实现贸易和环境的相互协调,实现传统经济增长和发展模式向可持续发展模式的转变  相似文献   

A generation ago, the field of business ethics largely abandoned analyzing the broader issue of social justice to focus upon more micro concerns. Donaldson applied the social contract tradition of Locke and Rawls to the ethics of management decision-making, and with Dunfee, has advanced this project ever since. Current events suggest that if the field is to remain relevant it needs to return to examining social and economic fairness, and␣Rawl’s approach to social contracting suggests a way to start. First, however, the field needs to discard the weaker and counterproductive aspects of its Lockean legacy: Locke’s hostility to government activism and his indifference with regard to outcomes for the bulk of society. Donaldson’s and Dunfee’s social contracting approach is not suited to, nor was it designed to, analyze or resolve broad issues of social and economic justice. Their postulated network of communities upon which they rely is problematic in a number of ways, and while they take the legal and political status quo into account, their method does not deal with the historical reality that, as the economic and social environment changes, promoting greater justice requires new and sometimes coercive government interventions. Rawls’s work, however, does acknowledge the historically demonstrable necessity of using the power of government to help to achieve desirable social outcomes. While he rejected Mill’s methodology, Rawls was inspired by the earlier philosopher’s concerns for social justice at a time of major economic change. The field would do well to follow the example of both men in this respect. Richard Marens is an Assistant Professor in Management at California State University, Sacramento. He has published articles on shareholder activism, management history, employee ownership, corporate law, and the evolution of Catholic Social Teaching. He is currently researching the social role of finance from both historical and contemporary perspectives.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine how the website quality affects the intention of digital library users to use the website by considering factors of user's attitudes, online co-creation experiences, and electronic word-of-mouth. The statistical population of the research is composed of the users of Astan Qods Razavi digital library, which is one of the oldest digital libraries in Iran. Data was collected from 402 participants who use the library and analyzed in SPSS and PLS softwares. Construct validity was assessed and confirmed using convergent validity and divergent validity. Data reliability was assessed and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The research confirms that website quality affects the attitudes of users towards the website and their intention to participate in online co-creation and eWOM. The effects of user's attitudes to the online co-creation experience, eWOM, and intention to use the library, as well as the effects of the online co-creation experience and eWOM on the intention to use the digital library were also confirmed. Considering the results of the research, it is recommended to digital libraries to provide an efficient user-friendly website designed to increase user participation and establish close contact with them and in this way increase their intention to use digital library services.  相似文献   

The Stakeholder Model Refined   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The popularity of the stakeholder model has been achieved thanks to its powerful visual scheme and its very simplicity. Stakeholder management has become an important tool to transfer ethics to management practice and strategy. Nevertheless, legitimate criticism continues to insist on clarification and emphasises on the perfectible nature of the model. Here, rather than building on the discussion from a philosophical or theoretical point of view, a different and innovative approach has been chosen: the analysis will return to the origin of stakeholder theory and will keep the graphical framework firmly in perspective. It will confront the stakeholder model’s graphical representation to the discussion on stakeholder definition, stakeholder identification and categorisation, to re-centre the debate to the strategic origin of the stakeholder model. The ambiguity and the vagueness of the stakeholder concept are discussed from managerial and legal approaches. The impacts of two major shortcomings of the popular stakeholder framework are examined: the boundaries and the level of the firm’s environment, and the ambivalent position of pressure groups and regulators. Working pragmatically, with a focus on the managerial and organisational perspective, an attempt is made to clarify the categorisations and classifications by introducing new terminology with a distinction between stakeholders, stakewatchers and stakekeepers. The analysis will finally lead to a proposed upgraded and refined version of the stakeholder model, with incremental ameliorations close to Freeman’s original model and a return of focus to its essence, the managerial implications in a strategic approach.  相似文献   

In the coming years, the new EU Regulation on Novel Food is likely to facilitate the development of a niche market for insects and insect‐based ingredients in many European countries. In this research, the aim is to explore the relationship between willingness to try (WTT) and behavior of eating insects, where the independent variables are food neophobia, sensory property expectations, and previous consumption. In total, 88 Italian participants took part in the study. The food neophobia scale (FNS) was constructed using 9 of the 10 items from the original FNS, and a Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to test the research hypotheses. The results show that males are more open to trying insects than females, and food neophobia is negatively correlated with the willingness to eat insects. Findings also indicate that the first exposure to insects positively increases consumers’ sensory property expectations. Intention to try is a strong predictor of the behavior of eating insects. People who scored lower on the FNS were more likely to try (intention) and consequently eat insects (behavior). These findings enhance knowledge about factors which could lead to lower levels of negative prejudice and greater willingness to taste edible insects among Western consumers. Finally, some marketing implications are discussed, like the need of information campaigns to emphasize positive sensory attributes of edible insects to increase the WTT this unfamiliar food.  相似文献   

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