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唐毅 《中国西部》2007,(1):103-113
刚一踏上遂宁这片土地,我就感受到了这里的古朴之风,那是一种博大深厚的文化底蕴溢漫在山水之间的灵气。遂宁地处四川中部,自东汉置县之始,历为州、府、郡治所和专员公署驻地,素有“川中重镇”之称。就我所到过的城市,还没有见过像遂宁这样,被一首千年相传的民谣装点得如此婀娜多姿。  相似文献   

中国加入世贸3年后的今天,民营经济的发展面临着新的挑战。为深入贯彻党的十六大、十六届三中全会和省委十一届四次、五次全会精神,加快推动民营经济新飞跃,促进浙江省经济社会持续快速健康发展,浙江省民营经济研究会、浙江省民营经济研究中心对浙江省规模以上民营企业的生产运  相似文献   

本文分析了义乌小商品市场目前所面临的挑战与问题,根据挑战与问题,对外部条件的提供、内部市场的发展及中介组织的进一步完善提出了相应的对策,使义乌这类批发市场的发展朝着规范化、现代化管理的方向迈步。  相似文献   

This paper considers the commodity prices–factor prices relation in models with more factors than consumption goods. Under some simple factor substitutability assumptions, many results in the   n  ×  n   cases have counterparts in the   l  ×  n   cases. The proportional price changes of the "middle factors" will be trapped between those of the "extreme factors". A weak and a strong Stolper–Samuelson theorem can also be proven. If the numbers of goods and perfectly complementary factors are equal and the production functions have the nested constant elasticity of substitution form, two of the complementary factors would have the most extreme relative price changes, regardless of the factor intensities.  相似文献   

银行“抢钱”,美国不敌中国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈克明 《新财经》2010,(9):108-110
美国的银行也有名目繁多的服务项目,但中美金融体制差异很大,所以,两者之间的可比性并不强。中国的银行存在的最根本的问题是垄断,这与国外的银行利润主要来源于高效优质的各种服务收费有着巨大不同。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the role of aggregate variables in the transmission from international stock price developments to individual domestic stock prices in a small open stock market. In particular, a theoretical and econometric model is used to determine whether international aggregate product market developments explain observed differences in foreign dependence among individual Belgian stocks. The results suggest that, except for the stocks of some internationally oriented companies, expected international production is not the most important explanatory variable and that an estimation model of aggregate fundamentals explains only part of individual stock price adjustments.  相似文献   

One theory of insurance markets suggests that entering insurers expect incumbent insurers to react to the entry of new products, offering a combination of products where, breaking even, one makes positive economic profits and the other makes a loss. This theory is extended to include moral hazard, in which the magnitude of the loss depends on insurance coverage, and a stylized model of managed care. With moral hazard, cross-subsidization is still predicted. In contrast to prior results, the coverage for the highest risk individuals will vary with the portion of high-risk individuals in the market. The inclusion of managed care as a signaling instrument does not disrupt cross-product subsidization. These theoretical predictions are discussed in light of the absence of empirical support to date and in light of other factors that might limit or enhance an insurer's ability to subsidize across products.  相似文献   

赵晓 《新财经》2007,(9):22-24
作者认为,基督教文明提供了一种社会资本,为市场经济提供运行的制度结构,保证其能平滑、良性地运行。中国市场经济需要建立在更加稳固的信仰与文化的基石上  相似文献   

2007年是中国资本市场大发展的一年,这一年,中国资本市场规模首度超过GDP,成为全球第四大资本市场;这一年,中国资本市场成为全球最大的IPO市场;这一年,中国居民理财意识觉醒,投资者账户超过1亿户;这一年,机构投资者规模迅速扩大,成为资本市场上最重要的投资者;这一年,新产品和新规则不断推出。在2008年,中国资本市场还有什么可以期待,还有哪些事情将在中国资本市场上产生重大影响呢?  相似文献   

所谓的圈钱,简单地讲,就是把不属于自己的钱,通过某些貌似合法的手段掏到自己袋中。由于这种行为在方式上和传统违法犯罪中的盗窃、抢劫、诈骗存在明显区别,因此,业界将它们统  相似文献   

乔建惠 《特区经济》2005,(5):196-197
根据萨缪尔森对垄断的定义,“垄断”是“单一的出售者完全控制某一产业”。而在马克思的政治经济学中将“垄断”描述为“少数资本主义大企业联合起来,控制和独占一个或几个部门的产品生产和销售市场”。可见,“垄断”既是指独占市场的状态,又是指排斥与限制竞争以达到独占市场状态的行为过程。  相似文献   

以携手建设创新型国家为主题的第十届科技活动周开幕式于5月15日在北京首都博物馆举行,在此后的一周时间里,全国各地将同期举行丰富多彩的群众性科技活动。中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东出席了科技活动周开幕式。  相似文献   

This paper provides a new account of the recovery from the Great Depression in the second quarter of 1933. Our argument is that President Roosevelt established a new macroeconomic policy regime shortly after his inauguration in March 1933 that altered expectations and stimulated investment. The key to this change was Roosevelt's devaluation of the dollar and the resulting rise in farm prices and incomes. Hoover had been a financial conservative, adhering to the gold standard, a strong dollar, and fiscal orthodoxy. Roosevelt broke with this ideology, devaluing the dollar within 6 weeks of his inauguration, promoting the New Deal, and championing the virtues of inflation. The devaluation of the dollar was the single biggest signal that the iron grip of the gold standard had been broken. The New Deal emerged in the course of 1933 and reinforced the change in regime symbolized by devaluation.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2000,11(1):79-97
The auction principles, clearance, settlement, and depository (CSD) facilities of the Chinese stock market are described. An autoregressive model is found to characterize the time series properties of stock returns and volatility in the Shanghai market reasonably well. The extremely high volatility of the market is explained well by its lagged volatilities along with trading volumes. Further scrutiny reveals that trading volumes and volatility are endogenous in a vector autoregressive process (VAR) system for the Shanghai Composite Index (SHCI). Foreign shares are found to behave differently from domestic shares in several respects.  相似文献   

提出问题的背景 纵观我国债券市场发展的轨迹,可以发现,中国债券市场的发展历程充满了曲折和波澜.20世纪80年代中后期,我国早期的债券市场从实物券场外柜台交易起步.90年代初,以上海证券交易所成立为代表,出现了集中交易.在实物券托管结算系统出现风险后转变为记账式债券,90年代中期,国债期货交易如火如荼,在风险高度集中,防范不及的情况下,上交所发生了"3.27"事件.叫停国债期货交易后,场内债券交易开始趋向低迷.1997年6月,银行间债券市场应运而生,我国场外债券市场开始成型.  相似文献   

南京市农业旅游市场需求分析与市场定位研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以南京农业旅游市场为例,分析了影响南京农业旅游市场需求的各主要因素,探讨了南京农业旅游的市场定位,并就农业旅游开发应注意的问题,提出了若干合理化建议。  相似文献   

商品市场价值贬值是作者目睹市场上许多商品的竞争能力由盛到衰过程而提出的新的概念 ,并对其贬值的原因从商品本身、消费者本身、竞争环境、信息传播这四个方面作了较全面深入的分析 ,同时也给出了相应的对策 ,以便政府、企业借鉴。  相似文献   

信息不对称下旅游市场博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和红  叶民强 《特区经济》2006,(4):224-225
目前,在我国旅游市场中产品提供者和消费者双方处于高度的信息不对称状态,这必将引起旅游市场中消费者的逆向选择和供给者的道德风险,从而影响旅游产品质量的提高,进而阻碍旅游业的长远发展。本文对信息不对称下旅游产品提供者和消费者的博弈过程进行了分析,并提出了提高旅游产品质量的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of product liability costs on R&D with asymmetric information. When the product is defective, both the consumer and producer share the resulting losses. This paper explores the impacts of liability costs on the firm’s R&D decisions in three information structures: full information; hidden information; and hidden information and hidden action. It is found that the effects differ across information structures. This paper also compares the equilibrium amounts of R&D and social welfare levels across three cases. Equilibrium R&D is smaller than the socially optimal level for each information structure.  相似文献   

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