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在经济全球化的背景下以及区域经济合作开展之际,区域和城市如何在日趋激烈的竞争中树立自己的竞争优势已成为地方发展的主题.本文以广州为例,从泛珠三角区域的视角出发,从城市竞争力的研究入手,通过深入比较分析泛珠三角中心城市的优势与不足.认清广州市在区域的实际地位,继而对影响广州城市发展的区域基础:包括城市经济基础、城市引力方向与强度、城市直接影响范围等几个方面进行分析,从中找出城市竞争力提升的制约因素,最后从区域与城市空间联动、基础设施建设、产业结构优化、景观环境建设与城市管理等方面对如何提升广州市的城市竞争力提出有针对性发展战略.  相似文献   

随着市场化、区域化、国际化的发展,广西已进入多重区域经济叠加格局之中.应对这种格局,广西城市需要提升竞争能力.整合城市关系是提升广西城市竞争力的重要条件.现阶段广西城市关系发展的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战并存,需要从多个层面进行整合,形成合力,以增强广西城市的整体竞争能力.  相似文献   

没有战略,就形不成有效合力;没有战略,就无法与外部优势对接;没有战略,就必然导致城市的衰落。  相似文献   

城市现代化和城市综合竞争力,是既有密切联系而内涵各不相同的两个概念。它们各有自己的理论前提和分析框架。尤其是城市现代化是着眼于城市自身的发展和演进,而城市综合竞争力则是与其他城市相比较而言的,城市竞争力更多地反映城市经济社会发展的质量、效率,以及城市的持续发展能力。  相似文献   

在北京建都850周年的时候,由张艺谋等知名导演和制片人参与策划、制作的电视广告片《我在北京》充分展示了北京作为国际交往大舞台的独特魅力,通过英国首相布莱尔、国际奥委会荣誉主席萨马兰奇、影坛巨星成龙等国际政要和知名人士在京的访问、参观游览活动,向世界展示了一个充满活力和具有深厚文化底蕴的北京。  相似文献   

黄振  张为  朱珺 《物流技术》2012,(9):155-157
根据相关文献的研究结果,选取了适当的区域经济相关指标,利用主成分和因子分析法,从流通视角出发为长株潭区域共7个城市的竞争力进行了排序,并针对长株潭物流业的发展提出了相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

根据相关文献的研究结果,选取了适当的区域经济相关指标,利用主成分和因子分析法,从流通视角出发为长株潭区域共7个城市的竞争力进行了排序,并针对长株潭物流业的发展提出了相关对策和建议.  相似文献   

关于城市竞争力及提升中国城市竞争力的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着知识经济兴起和中国入世,中国与世界上其他国家的竞争以及国内各地区之间的竞争成败都将取决于城市的竞争力.以城市为代表的多维空间载体正以多种复杂的方式进行着全球资源、市场、生存和发展空间与发展机会的争夺与较量,城市已经成为全球经济社会发展的焦点.中国城市发展及其竞争力增强要在研究城市发展理论和借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,通过树立经营城市的意识、明确城市地位以及加大产业集中度等多种手段或措施才能实现.  相似文献   

转型期城市竞争力提升与城市空间重构   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
城市空间重构是目前我国城市发展处于快速转型期中所出现的普遍现象,它既表现为自发的空间重组,更表现为应对竞争日益激烈的发展环境而采取的种种主动策略.在中国转型时期,城市竞争力与城市空间重构已经构成一对内在关系密切的理论与实践命题,城市空间重构已经成为提升竞争力的有效手段之一.本文在此命题基础上提出了基于空间重构提升城市竞争力的策略.  相似文献   

城市竞争力已经成为理论和实践中的一个热点问题,对影响城市竞争力的因素和如何提升城市竞争力人们也做了很多有益的探索和研究。毫无疑问,政府在推动城市竞争力提升方面有着十分重要的作用。因此本文将从政府职能的定位角度对城市竞争力的影响做出分析和思考。  相似文献   

Regions have gained a position at the forefront of the economic development policy agenda. However, the regional approach to economic strategy remains contested. This paper tests the extent to which regional policy in less competitive regions is accounting for issues relating to entrepreneurship and enterprise development as a tool for improving regional competitiveness. It does so by examining policies undertaken by the UK Labour government 1997–2010, drawing on interviews with policy makers and an analysis of relevant policy documents. This paper finds that entrepreneurship policy at the regional level is multidimensional, with policies broadly ranging from those that are either economically or socially driven. Although there is a considerable policy activity in these areas across less competitive regions, enterprise policy making remains relatively undifferentiated across the regions. There are a number of evolutions in regional policy occurring, especially a shift from policies relating to the facilitation of clusters to those focused on developing regional innovation ecosystems. It is found that regional policy makers are under pressure to measure short-term outputs at the expense of long-term nurturing. The paper also finds that there is a tension between using enterprise policy as a tool for improving regional competitiveness or for addressing economic and social disadvantage.  相似文献   

城市竞争力的结构与内涵   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
李怀建  刘鸿钧 《城市问题》2003,(2):14-15,21
本文将波特的竞争力“钻石”体系理论应用于城市竞争力研究并提出城市竞争力理论模型 ,通过相关因素解析 ,概述出提高城市竞争力的路径  相似文献   

陈薇  李晶 《企业技术开发》2010,29(5):110-111
文章通过对我国零售企业在跨国采购中的竞争力分析和建议来研究中国的跨国采购市场的现状。  相似文献   

烟台构建休闲型城市的优势及对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
论述了烟台构建休闲型城市的独特优势 ,提出烟台应培育现代化的休闲理念 ,创造国际化的休闲环境 ,完善标准化的休闲设施 ,推广个性化的休闲服务 ,树立“休闲型”城市的国际化形象  相似文献   

沪深京穗城市竞争力比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在倪鹏飞关于城市竞争力最新研究的基础上 ,对沪深京穗四城市竞争力进行比较分析 ,找出各城市的优势和劣势 ,提出了相应的改进措施 ,为各城市提升城市竞争力提供决策依据。  相似文献   

High-speed rail (HSR) has greatly promoted cross-regional economic activities, but few studies have been conducted from the perspective of urban network externalities (UNEs). Based on data from China from 2008 to 2019, this paper constructs an HSR operation network model to study the impact of the network position (NP) on urban agglomeration economies (UAEs) by jointly employing network and econometric analysis methods. The findings suggest the following: (1) Improvements to NP significantly enhance UAEs. Improving the comprehensive NP by 1% will increase urban output per capita by 193.5–226.8 RMB. The findings hold under several robustness tests. (2) The NP's facilitation of growth in UAEs is reflected mainly in national core cities, while the impact of peripheral cities reflects a “∽-shaped” curve as their distance from each nearest neighboring core city changes. (3) From the temporal-dynamic perspective, the NP's impact on UAEs appeared one year before the HSR line was opened and was fully realized three years after the opening of the HSR. (4) Investment agglomeration and expansions in borrowed size are the main mediating mechanisms whereby NP facilitates UAEs.  相似文献   

空间规划策略与城市竞争力提升——以南京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于城市竞争力视角对城市空间组织进行了重新解读和深入分析,从竞争资源、竞争载体、竞争实践三个方面论证了卓越的城市空间架构是提升城市竞争力的关键.从都市圈、市域、都市发展区、主城四个层面对南京城市空间影响其城市竞争力的发展格局进行了总体评析,并在此基础上以城市竞争力为导向,建构了未来南京城市空间发展的策略框架.  相似文献   

The shrinking mining city: urban dynamics and contested territory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shrinking mining cities — once prosperous settlements servicing a mining site or a system of mining sites — are characterized by long-term population and/or economic decline. Many of these towns experience periods of growth and shrinkage, mirroring the ebbs and flows of international mineral markets which determine the fortunes of the dominant mining corporation upon which each of these towns heavily depends. This dependence on one main industry produces a parallel development in the fluctuations of both workforce and population. Thus, the strategies of the main company in these towns can, to a great extent, determine future developments and have a great impact on urban management plans. Climate conditions, knowledge, education and health services, as well as transportation links, are important factors that have impacted on lifestyles in mining cities, but it is the parallel development with the private sector operators (often a single corporation) that constitutes the distinctive feature of these cities and that ultimately defines their shrinkage. This article discusses shrinking mining cities in capitalist economies, the factors underpinning their development, and some of the planning and community challenges faced by these cities in Australia, Canada, Japan and Mexico.  相似文献   

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