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玩具的消费对象是儿童,玩具安全与儿童的身心健康息息相关.我国玩具安全标准(GB6675)的前言部分指出:“符合本标准的要求,并不意味着就可解除父母和教育者在儿童使用玩具时照料他们的责任“,这也就是儿童行为的随意性而引来一个玩具安全标准中极其重要的基本原则.因此,对儿童使用玩具的指导工作不容忽视,而玩具安全性的问题自然也应引起父母和教育方的关注.玩具的安全性,即要考虑到儿童在“正当使用“(Normal use)下的玩具安全性,又要考虑到儿童在“不当使用“(合理而可预见情况下的不当使用,reasonable foreseeable abuse)下的玩具安全性,这是消费者群体--儿童的特性所决定了的.……  相似文献   

近几年,我国玩具业发展迅速,已经成为生产和消费大国。但是在质监部门多次组织的监督抽查中,玩具产品质量的合格率都不容乐观,儿童在使用玩具过程中受到劣质玩具伤害的事件也时有发生。为切实保证玩具的安全卫生,保障儿童身心健康,国家质检总局、国家认监委推出了玩具强制性认证制度(以下简称玩具“3C”),制度规定自2007年6月1日起,玩具产品未获得3C证书和未加施3C标志的,不得出厂、销售、进口或在其他经营活动中使用。  相似文献   

正玩具是儿童消费、娱乐和开发智力的重要产品,由于儿童在成长过程中,其皮肤的敏感性以及对外界的危险、危害缺乏防范意识,在使用玩具时极易受到意外伤害,如机械性挤夹、高温烫伤等伤害。为保障儿童玩具的安全与质量,保护儿童的人身健康安全,国家标准委组织专家对GB6675-2003《国家玩具安全技术规范》进行了全面修订,将原标准进行了拆分,参照ISO 8124《玩具安  相似文献   

玩具是儿童成长中的重要伙伴,儿童在日常生活中时时与玩具为伴,玩具产品的质量问题对儿童身心安全的影响是巨大的。为保护儿童的身心健康和使用安全,促进玩具业的健康发展,国家质检总局对玩具产品质量进行了国家监督抽查,共抽查了福建、广东、浙江、江苏、上海等5个省市108家企业生产的120种产品,产品抽样合格率为80.8%。  相似文献   

香港新版玩具及儿童产品安全条例10月生效不久前,香港特区政府发布《2015年玩具及儿童产品安全条例(公告)》,正式宣布对现行玩具及儿童产品安全条例相关规定进行修订,新版条例将于10月1日开始生效。据悉,该条例要求在当地的玩具及指定儿童产品的制造、进口或供应,必须符合所列的安全标准要求。据悉,本次新条例涉及了指定的玩具及婴儿奶嘴、家用双层床、家用儿童安全护栏、家用儿童小床、高脚椅、儿童画、游戏围栏和轮式儿童车等8类儿童产品。根据要求,任何人不得制造、进口或  相似文献   

儿童是家庭的希望、国家的未来,因此,为保护14岁以下儿童在玩耍玩具时的健康安全,除毛绒玩具外,国家对塑胶玩具、金属玩具、弹射玩具、娃娃玩具、电玩具等五类产品实施3C强制认证。从2007年6月1日起,未获得强制性产品认证证书和未加施中国强制性认证标志的,不得出厂、销售、进口或在其他经营活动中使用。该举措的推出,有力地促进了生产、经销企业对产品质量的重视。  相似文献   

正近年来,我国玩具消费量保持高速增长,进口量也不断增加,据统计,我国近5年检验检疫机构受理报检并检验的进口玩具货值约11.3亿美元,年均进口增长率32.9%左右。然而儿童的自我保护能力弱,在玩耍玩具的过程中,玩具中有潜在危害的部件或物质可通过吞咽、咀嚼、舔食、吸入等方式对儿童身心健康造成严重危害。进口玩具质量总体较好,但也存在质量问题,部分产品的  相似文献   

在儿童不断成长的过程中,玩具扮演着非常重要的作用,它可以通过不同的手段来帮助儿童来认知事物.而随着信息时代的到来,各种高科技以及人工智能开始融入到玩具中来,这也使得单一功能古老的玩具已经不能满足人们的需求.如何设计出符合儿童需求的智能玩具,交互性就显得尤为重要了.换句话说交互性也就是为孩子搭建一个满足儿童行为,同时能够让家长满意的交互的平台.  相似文献   

一、富有潜力的玩具大市场玩具是儿童的宠物和开启其智慧之门的钥匙。玩具工业被誉为“长青工业”,玩具市场已经冲破历史上形成的“六一”、“国庆”、“春节”三大节日旺季的常规,如今销售已是“四季常青”无淡季的蓬勃景象。我国有儿童三亿八千万,80%在农村,如果每个农村儿童年均购买20元玩具,就需60亿元左右;城市儿  相似文献   

《玩具安全测试及法规》2007年09月(第一版)出版 推荐理由 儿童由于认知力的不足而不懂得对自身的保护,如果玩具设计不当,会危及儿童安全和影响儿童的健康发育。由于玩具涉及儿童的安全,为了保护儿童健康,世界各国对于玩具均制定有严格的法律法规,对玩具产品要求达到安全方面的技术指标进行具体的规定,同时配合以玩具产品市场准入制度来加强对玩具产品的监管。  相似文献   

Little is known about why parents choose kin-provided child care and less is known about how kin-provided child care is related to other forms of in-kind support from relatives close-at-hand. Previous models of the choice of kin-provided child care assumed that the presence of other forms of in-kind support from relatives nearby was inconsequential to estimating effects of economic and demographic factors on the decision to use kin-provided child care. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of the Class of 1972, this study shows that this assumption is incorrect because use of kin-provided child care and intrafamily in-kind resource exchanges are interrelated. When the association between use of kin-provided child care and the presence of other family in-kind exchanges is ignored, the study shows that estimated effects for income, the price of child care, and maternal characteristics are underestimated. The findings provide a better understanding of why parents choose kin-provided child care by confirming that this decision is a part of a larger set of parental decisions about involvement in resource exchanges within extended families. My findings support recent child care bills aiming to increase parental choice of child care provider, broaden the definition of a provider to include non-coresident relatives, and expand price subsidies for kin-provided child care.  相似文献   

We develop and estimate a model of the informal and formal employment decisions of American noncustodial fathers who have never married the mother of their child, as well as the paternity establishment decisions of the mothers. Fathers may evade child support payment through informal child support payments to induce the mother not to cooperate with the child support authorities or through underground work. To estimate the model, we use data drawn from the Fragile Families dataset and a discrete model of no work, part-time work and full-time work in both sectors, as well as paternal child support payment. Simulation results indicate that an increase in the order amount leads to small but statistically significant decreases in formal child support, as well as an increase in underground work.  相似文献   

In many countries, babies born to women in prison stay in prison with their mother and very young children may accompany their mothers in prison. Among these countries, Iran is one of those we do not have enough information about its prisoners especially mothers who have child(ren). This study aims to investigate imprisoned mother–child interaction by a qualitative method, Grounded Theory, in Iran. Two main questions of this research are: how is the interaction of mother–child in prison? What are the consequences of this interaction? Participants of this study comprised of 14 imprisoned mothers who were on leave, Iran. Being a mother and living with a child was the criterion of selecting the participants. All of the participants were in a separated unit. Data analysis yielded six categories and a core category. The categories are: “child as an emotional support of the mother; child as centre, prison as periphery; hope and will to favored future; mother unit as a family; rehabilitation; the other side of the coin: perceived risk for children.” Core category of the study is “imprisoned mother–child interactions: learning to live by hope and fear.”  相似文献   

Among historians it has become customary to acknowledge that children have always worked. That is, before industrialization children worked, but their work was not deemed a social problem. With industrialization, however, child labor came to be condemned as morally repugnant, economically foolhardy, and socially destructive. Reform efforts were mobilized and, after protracted struggle, children were effectively dispelled from the mines, mills, and factories. Problem solved-or at least we wished to think so. Unfortunately, the US accommodation with child labor was incomplete, and so, child labor persists in pockets of American society. In recent years there has been a growing recognition that many children work, and do so at very young ages. Not only have children always worked, but they continue to do so today.This essay assesses residual child labor problems in the US today. It asks why, when the US made its accommodation to child labor in mines, mills, and factories, we failed to adequately address child labor in other sectors, thus paving the way for continued problems in agriculture, street trades, sweatshops, and elsewhere in our economy.  相似文献   

Existing empirical research on child overweight derives mainly from North America and points at rising maternal employment as an explanation for the increasing trend in child weight. These results cannot be replicated in Denmark, where an increase in maternal work hours does not increase the likelihood of weight problems for their children. This paper tests four possible explanations for this difference: (1) the effect of maternal employment on child obesity is heterogeneous and varies according to the country's weight distribution; (2) the quality of child care is on average higher in Denmark; (3) the counterfactual care provided by Danish mothers is of lower quality; and (4) Danish fathers contribute significantly to their children's health. This paper finds evidence consistent with the hypotheses that Danish child care and fathers play a significant role in explaining the absence of a significant relationship between maternal work hours and children's overweight status.  相似文献   

Recent events have focused attention on international labor standards, with some special attention being paid to child labor. The diverse forms of child labor are often merged into one: a stereotype of "children sewing Nikes," although the situation varies widely from that model. Certain forms of child labor are not substitutable by adult labor; others are more appropriately modeled as a form of apprenticeship. A simple family utility function helps elucidate the reasons. The ultimate purpose of the paper is to challenge the policy ambiguity—we cannot tell whether restrictions on child labor are good or bad—that was a result in Basu and Van's earlier (1998) modeling of child labor  相似文献   

With the rapid social and economic changes in China, increasing attention has been paid to issues related to child care, such as maternal work and child care, child care support sources, and work-family conflict. But the change in women’s and men’s child care time in the last decade remains under-researched. I use cross-sectional data from the 2004–2011 China Health and Nutrition Survey and linear decomposition regression techniques to examine the mechanisms generating structural change in child care time for men and women. I find that overall women’s child care time is slightly decreasing because the contributions of intra-cohort change and cohort replacement are offsetting one another. However, men’s childcare time is increasing during the same time period because of processes of intra-cohort change. Trends in women’s childcare time indicate a positive but small cohort replacement effect, whereas men’s childcare time is largely impacted by a positive intra-cohort change effect. These results highlight the mechanisms through which the gendered division of childcare time inside Chinese families has been shifting in the direction of increasing egalitarianism from 2004 to 2011.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of survey measurement error on the empirical relationship between child mental health and personal and family characteristics, and between child mental health and educational progress. Our contribution is to use unique UK survey data that contain (potentially biased) assessments of each child's mental state from three observers (parent, teacher and child), together with expert (quasi‐)diagnoses, using an assumption of optimal diagnostic behaviour to adjust for reporting bias. We use three alternative restrictions to identify the effect of mental disorders on educational progress. Maternal education and mental health, family income and major adverse life events are all significant in explaining child mental health, and child mental health is found to have a large influence on educational progress. Our preferred estimate is that a one‐standard‐deviation reduction in ‘true’ latent child mental health leads to a 2‐ to 5‐month loss in educational progress. We also find a strong tendency for observers to understate the problems of older children and adolescents compared to expert diagnosis. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Applied Econometrics published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the scale properties in the operation of child care institutions. The main issue is whether or not there exists a technically optimal scale of operation. Our results, based on a homothetic production function model and data from a sample of Norwegian child care institutions, suggest that a technically optimal scale does exist. This confirms some of the results recently obtained for US child care institutions.  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing number of authors have turned their attention to the question of why children work. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the more recent theoretical and empirical research into the topic of child labour, and to illustrate the fact that no one factor on its own can account for the phenomenon of child labour. Therefore, policies aimed at eradicating child labour will need to address the broad range of underlying factors that contribute to the incidence of child labour, such as poverty, market imperfections and access to education.  相似文献   

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