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Cheryl Payer 《Food Policy》1980,5(1):65-68
The real meaning of the new emphasis of the World Bank on lending to the ‘small farmer’ is an attack on the self-provisioning peasantry aimed at forcing them into closer participation in the market economy. This aim is sometimes achieved forcibly, as in settlement projects, and sometimes through manipulation of price relationships or through a change in tenure systems to create a private market in land. In all cases, credit is the chief instrument used -institutional credit as well as private usury can lead to debt peonage. 相似文献
Anthony Newstead 《Telecommunications Policy》1977,1(2):158-162
Telecom 2000 explores the implications of the growing interaction between telecommunications and society. The author outlines the main findings concerning Australia's social and economic future, the possible directions of telecommunications, and the policies and strategies recommended to guide its development through the coming decades. 相似文献
Jerry B. Eckert 《Food Policy》1983,8(1):76-80
Lesotho is a small independent nation completely surrounded by South Africa. Of its 33000 km2, 87% is peaks and high mountain pastures, leaving only one km2 of arable land for each 325 people. Low yields on limited arable land leave the country serious food deficit. Production shortfalls are overcome with large commercial imports and substantial concessional food aid. Commercial imports through retail channels are financed by migrant remittances. Nearly half of the male labour force work in South Africa. Their repatriated wages contribute 40% of gross national income and 63% of rural household income.1 Thus consumer markets are relatively well monetized and 55% of migrant remittances is spent on food.2 相似文献
Paddy Bowman 《Food Policy》1980,5(1):70-71
In 1968 a Congressional subcommittee and The Field Foundation reported that hunger and malnutrition were a way of life for ten to fifteen million people in the USA. The report shocked many Americans. The Children's Foundation was borne out of that study and for the past ten years has fought to feed hungry children and their families in the USA by using the food assistance programmes authorized by Congress and administered by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 相似文献
F.M. Galante 《Telecommunications Policy》1983,7(3):190-191
Interim EUTELSAT was established in 1977 as the provisional organization for the operation of commercial satellite telecommunications systems for the European region. EUTELSAT's definitive statute is expected to come into force at the beginning of 1984. This article looks at the objectives of EUTELSAT and considers the organization's role as a regional operator within the context of a global satellite communications system. 相似文献
左手洽购3Com,右手又在拥抱赛门铁克,左右手同时出击的华为,在与跨国公司进行的商业游戏中显得游刃有余,华为究竟意欲何为呢?赛门铁克和3Com都是美国公司,而北美市场一直都是华为觊觎已久但又是不得门而入的世外桃源,尽管联合贝恩资本洽购3Com未果,但是华为和赛门铁克的合作却已经拉开序幕。无论最终会与赛门铁克和3Com这两大跨国公司形成什么样的战略关系,华为始终是这场利益互换游戏中的主导者。而且,当市场不断为华为增加筹码,竞合游戏的天平自然而然就会向华为倾斜。在和跨国公司的反复竞合中,我们看到的是华为日益惊人的商业驾驭能力和市场掌控能力。 相似文献
左手洽购3Com,右手又在拥抱赛门铁克,左右手同时出击的华为,在与跨国公司进行的商业游戏中显得游刃有余,华为究竟意欲何为呢?赛门铁克和3Com都是美国公司,而北美市场一直都是华为觊觎已久但又是不得门而入的世外桃源,尽管联合贝恩资本洽购3Com未果,但是华为和赛门铁克的合作却已经拉开序幕。无论最终会与赛门铁克和3Com这两大跨国公司形成什么样的战略关系,华为始终是这场利益互换游戏中的主导者。而且,当市场不断为华为增加筹码,竞合游戏的天平自然而然就会向华为倾斜。在和跨国公司的反复竞合中,我们看到的是华为日益惊人的商业驾驭能力和市场掌控能力。 相似文献
G.O.I. Abalu 《Food Policy》1982,7(3):247-256
It has been predicted that the most difficult food problems in the world during the next decade will occur in the African continent as a whole and particularly in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This article looks at the common characteristics of and differences between African countries, economy, socio-political conditions, agriculture and agricultural policies. Major problems of low agricultural production, increasing levels of poverty and high levels of food dependence are discussed, and policies to alleviate them put forward. 相似文献
全球天然气水合物资源量巨大,但不同评估方法的评价结果差异巨大,不能作为商业性开采的基础.在国际油气价格低迷的背景下,天然气水合物商业开采尚不具有成本优势.在天然气水合物开采方面,美国、日本等为处于领先地位的国家,我国经过20多年的努力,后来居上,发展迅猛.2017年5月我国在南海神狐海域的天然气水合物开采获得重大突破,实现连续生产1个月以上,标志着我国天然气水合物开采已经达到“技术上可行”,成为第一个实现在海域天然气水合物试开采且能够连续稳产的国家.它是继美国“页岩气革命”之后由我国引领的新一轮“天然气水合物革命”,有望推动整个世界能源利用格局的改变.我国应从战略高度加快天然气水合物的相关科学研究,抢占相关科技制高点,但由于天然气水合物开采或引发温室气体排放剧增、不可控的海(陆)地质灾害和生态变化等,需要更加冷静地思考. 相似文献
近年来,全球天然气市场陷入低迷,LNG市场供过于求,各油气公司纷纷压缩或取消上游投资.在此背景下,埃克森美孚公司逆势而上,收购巴布亚新几内亚InterOil公司及其天然气资产,充分体现了大型国际石油公司在市场压力下坚持长期发展规划、坚守行业领导地位的战略选择.从中长期来看,全球天然气市场发展前景仍然十分广阔,提高天然气消费比重是中国推进能源革命、优化能源结构、实现绿色低碳发展的必然选择.中国能源企业应借鉴国际大石油公司的发展经验,积极把握市场趋势,坚定推进长期战略,巩固市场领导地位,在短期压力下继续发展天然气业务,为实现困难过后的跨越式发展奠定基础. 相似文献
金控公司以股权为纽带,持有两家以上金融企业的控股股权,且一般不从事具体经营业务.中国金融业实行分业经营和分业监管,导致金控公司在管理上面临分业经营与统一管理、业务协同与企业文化、关联交易与市场定价、考核标准与薪酬体系四个方面的矛盾.金控公司的管理应尊重金融业务的特点和行业发展与管理规律,从股东立场出发,致力于在所属金融企业建立完善的法人治理结构,以保证金控公司能够较好地行使股东权利.同时,以突出法人治理结构、高效运转为突破口,以建立市场导向的业绩考核体系、风险导向的资本分配制度和人尽其才的员工流动机制为抓手,重点从战略协同、风险管控、业绩考核、信息管理四个方面开展管理工作,提升金控公司的整体价值. 相似文献