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This research investigates Internet connectivity in rural regions, looking specifically at four states in the US. Access to the Internet has assumed new significance for commercial and political reasons, and remote and sparsely populated areas typically lack the telecommunications infrastructure for reliable and fast Internet connections. Even as government programs such as the federal E-rate provisions bring Internet connectivity for institutions such as schools and libraries under the government's universal service umbrella, more general Internet access to a broader community constituency has not been addressed within policy circles. Even the deployment of so-called “national” Internet services favors urban regions.Research associates Kyle Nicholas and Lisa Parker were instrumental in undertaking this research, as was financial support from Southwestern Bell and the Rural Policy Institute. The comments of an anonymous reviewer helped greatly.  相似文献   

嘉宾:(以发言先后排序)吴用可国家经贸委培训司司长罗伊·雷顿里昂信贷银行欧洲顾问委员会主席迪格比·琼斯英国工业联合会总干事赵民北京新华信企业管理咨询有限公司合伙人克利斯·费兹吉博德勤会计师事务所中国区主席、合伙人洪廷安德勤会计师事务所合伙人崔铿泰晤士水务上海办事处首席代表崔建民中国注册会计师协会会长蒋黔贵国家经贸委副主任蔡廷基毕马威华振会计师事务所高级合伙人柯镇洪普华甬道上海会计师事务所合伙人伊恩·拉史比英国石油公司首席审计师、副总裁涂健德恒上海律师事务所主任、合伙人斯蒂芬·哈德英国高伟绅律师事…  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2005,29(5-6):367-386
A review of market trends impacting the development of the applications architecture of the Internet in general is presented, followed by an historical review of the subject and an analysis of regulatory aspects. It concludes with a review of the state of backbone interconnection in Latin America.  相似文献   

宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司成立于2002年11月。公司的前身宝鸡石油机械厂建厂于1937年,是我国石油行业最早、生产能力最强、规模最大的石油机械产品专业制造厂家。公司的主导产品为石油钻机、泥浆泵、防喷器及各类钻采配件等,现有员工2900余名,目前是我国石油钻井装备研制开发的主要基地。2004年,公司共生产成套钻机55台、泥浆泵323台,完成工业总产值10.08亿元,实现销售收入10.15亿元,  相似文献   

This article explores how the adoption of company sponsored smart phones inflicts upon the lives of professionals. Drawing upon qualitative interviews at a law firm in Brazil, the experiences of new smart phone users are reported upon in detail. Increased accessibility, accuracy and speed in exchanges gave the users a sense of autonomy and flexibility. However, the technology also helped to intensify the organisation's hold on employees outside of regular working hours, reaching into new settings, time slots and social contexts. Employees expressed concerns regarding demands from superiors that negatively affected their private spheres, yet many of them paradoxically requested more efficient smart phone connectivity. The article focuses on the justifications, the different narrative strategies, employed by professionals for their conscious engagement in escalating work connectivity. It is suggested that these justifications display users' attempt to ‘dis‐identify’ with the role and practice they perform.  相似文献   

Professor Arend's critique raises fundamental epistemological issues for strategy research, particularly the concern that pragmatist philosophy forecloses access to objective truth and scientific progress. This response discusses the empiricist underpinnings of pragmatism, and addresses Professor Arend's specific concerns about the connections between competitive advantages and firm performance. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Western economies, and the US in particular, are experiencing a dramatic diversification and proliferation of information activities which will effect all aspects of leisure and business. Against this background, Manley Irwin considers the nature of market entry, the reasons why markets are changing so rapidly, and the implications for both public and private sectors. He concludes that the blurring of market boundaries will defuse and decentralize economies, spur competition and encourage entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

Peering points between different Internet service providers (ISPs) are among the bottlenecks of the Internet. Multihoming (MH) and content delivery networks (CDNs) are two technical solutions to bypass peering points and to improve the quality of data delivery. So far, however, there is no research that analyzes the economic effects of MH and CDNs on the market for Internet connectivity. This paper develops a static market model with locked-in end users and paid content. It shows that MH and CDNs create the possibility for terminating ISPs to engage in monopolistic pricing towards content providers, leading to a shift of rents from end users and content providers to ISPs. Implications for future innovations are discussed.  相似文献   

The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) has made it possible to experience high levels of visibility, control and connectivity across the entire supply chain. However, in road transport logistics, wireless ICT applications like cellular networks, Wi-Fi, UMTS, 4G and WiMax have not entirely solved reliability and connectivity problems due to difficulties associated with limited range, scalability and security. This paper examines the feasibility of using a vehicular network technology, dedicated short range communication (DSRC), in a multimodal logistics environment as means of providing enhanced visibility and connectivity using a secure access architecture. The secure access architecture is necessary to provide a high degree of security to the detailed visibility involving road haulage feeding port operations using a centralised port service.  相似文献   

Xilinx和Altera为夺取PLD市场霸主而战除了英特尔和AMD之间波澜起伏的市场争斗,半导体行业的竞争都比不上Xilinx和Altera之间的冲突来得有趣、刺激。  相似文献   

徐荣生 《中国纺织》2001,(11):44-45
江 苏大圣集团(原名江苏省棉 纺针织厂)原是一个名不经传、只有40万元总资产的农垦小纺织企业。如今,经过31年的风风雨雨,已发展成为拥有纺、织、染和成衣多功能生产能力,拥有总资产2.2亿元,年创利千万元,产品远销世界20多个国家和地区的中型企业。31年来,这个集团在人均收入年年递增的情况下,无一年出现亏损,企业年年盈利。最近,盐城市人民政府把这一现象称为“大圣现象”,并于近日在该企业召开了“学大圣、调结构,建设纺织强市研讨会”。这一举措,引起了许多企业、尤其是纺织企业的广泛关注。 团结务实,无私奉献,“…  相似文献   

今年以来,中国与美、欧发生的贸易摩擦的本质,是美、欧的贸易保护主义者不愿意接受世界纺织品回归自由贸易的事实,抱着被配额体制扭曲的世界纺织品贸易格局的既得利益不放的必然结果.于是,取消配额后,面对中国纺织工业明显的比较优势,迫不及待地抓住中国纺织品在取消配额初期的短期释放效应,出于政治目的,以强加于中国身上的、所谓的造成了对欧美相关行业秩序的威胁性扰乱的罪名,来滥用中国加入WTO时承诺的242段,达到限制中国纺织品出口合理增长的贸易保护主义的目的.  相似文献   

SanDisk公司在快速发展的存储卡市场挺立潮头以前,如果SanDisk公司获得一笔价值10万美元的订单,就会有员工喜气洋洋地拿着铃铛在办公室里跑来跑去,告诉每一  相似文献   

德州仪器(TI)的传感器及控制器业务利润丰厚而稳定.这也是TI在近几年即使出售了其国防、打印机以及其他业务而专注于数字信号处理和模拟芯片的情况下,仍然保留这一产值为12亿美元的部门的根本原因.  相似文献   

贾玥  李丽 《汽车观察》2009,(8):72-74
地方政府出面的企业重组中,政府应起到怎样的作用?集中企业力量却又重拾老国企的弊病,只能改变企业发展轨迹,让“冠军企业”轰然倒塌。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the agricultural commodity price surge globally experienced in 2007/2008 and thereafter on income growth of agricultural producers and non-producers using recent panel data from Indonesia. First, during this period, producers experienced significantly higher earnings and total income growth than non-producers (narrowing their income gap). Second, the negative effect on non-producers’ real incomes was smaller in spatially well-connected areas, where, to mitigate the impact, private transfers (such as remittances) as well as employment incomes increased among non-producers. In contrast, government programs did not effectively cushion the income shock. Therefore, informal insurance was more effective than formal government-funded social protection programs to mitigate the crisis shock.  相似文献   

Despite the Internet's increasing importance, there is little social scientific work that addresses its diffusion. Our knowledge is especially limited with respect to the conditions that encourage its spread across nations. This paper takes a first step in explaining the differences in Internet connectivity among OECD countries. After examining the impact of economic indicators, human capital, institutional legal environment, and existing technological infrastructure, the empirical analyses show that economic wealth and telecommunications policy are the most salient predictors of a nation's Internet connectivity.  相似文献   

Collie 《中国纺织》2005,(6):54-55
以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题的2005《财富》全球论坛已于北京的五月结束。论坛深入讨论了发生在中国和亚洲的变化,以及这些变化给跨国公司和本地区国家所带来的机遇和挑战。在论坛期间,法国经济财政与工业部部长帕特里克·德维让(PatrickDevedjian)率领法国工业部及工商业界代表团30多人访华。据悉,帕特里克·德维让一行是应中国信息产业部王旭东部长的邀请访问中国的。这  相似文献   

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