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进军香港市场意味着快速而粗犷扩张模式的终结,中国本土家电零售商该如何自我调整?  相似文献   

Given its geographical advantage and economic integration with mainland China, Hong Kong has naturally become a major communications centre in the Asia-Pacific region. A growing number of international telecommunications and broadcasting companies are establishing business relations with Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also become the first place in the world to launch video-on-demand service. Although these companies are equipped with new technology, their developments have been impeded by the policy inertia of the Hong Kong Government. The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of the regulatory issues posed by the new technology and to make policy recommendations for the removal of the structural barriers impeding Hong Kong’s information infrastructure development.  相似文献   

Organised by Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC),HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/ Summer 2009 is not only an important sourcing platform for the global fashion industry,it is also a showcase for design excellence.  相似文献   

Most studies of technological change in telecommunications have researched incremental shifts within the analogue switching paradigm. This paper takes the case of the shift to digital switching in Hong Kong's public telephone network. It focuses upon how this change was managed and the consequential changes in labour relations.  相似文献   

To boast for getting listed on market,International Trademarks Agent Traders(Abbreviated as ITAT) has spent large amount of expenses to hold royal entertainment parties in Hong Kong,XiAn,ShenZhen and BeiJing. In ShenZhen,where the headquarters of this company is located,you could see their TV advertisement,print advertisement and outdoor bus advertisement around everywhere.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Sang Ma Trust Fund, aiming at Promoting Textile Industry by Technology, unveiled its 2009 annul awards on a ceremony in Donghua Univer-sity on Nov. 6th. Five programs  相似文献   

香港海关近日从一间玩具供应商处检获共二百六十八套塑胶鸭套装玩具。海关已向有关供应商及进口商、连锁超级市场发出禁制通知书,禁止他们出售有关产品。调查工作仍然继续。  相似文献   

香港公共房屋政策层次性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了香港公共房屋政策,并对其层次性和动态性进行了分析,对我国住房框架的建立与完善提出建议。  相似文献   

Since the early 1960s, the Hong Kong Telephone Company (HKTC)—the dominant firm in Hong Kong's local telephone market—has undergone several regulatory reforms. The company has been subject to price control, rate-of-return regulation and price-cap regulation. This paper estimates the total factor productivity (TFP) growth of HKTC. The empirical results show that the estimated TFP growth of HKTC was 2.31–3.56% per year between 1964 and 1998. TFP growth varied substantially under different regulatory regimes, and the importance of the scale effect relative to the technological effect diminished over time.  相似文献   

麦兜与麦太蜡像20日在香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆揭开帷幕,该蜡像将在“世界首映”展区永久展出。这是杜莎夫人蜡像馆首次推出香港本地原创卡通人物的蜡像,宾客可与他们面对面坐在港式茶餐厅内共享下午茶时光。揭幕礼上,香港旅游发展局田北俊表示,麦兜憨厚乐观的性格和屡败屡战的精神不仅启迪了香港的青少年,还吸引了内地和台湾的小朋友。  相似文献   

罗滨 《中国纺织》2004,(4):47-47
国内棉花的缺乏,再加上限制棉花进口,以至于国内的棉花比全世界的棉花都贵,对纺织厂形成很大的负担.我们为什么要限制进口棉花?可能是为了保护农民,但是拿纺织业来支持农民我们认为并不合理.棉花的价格应该让市场来控制.国内棉花价格高,纺织品出口会出现问题,所以我们认为今年棉花进口应该完全放松.  相似文献   

作为经济界、纺织服装界的委员,香港预发控股集团主席陈振东上交的提案达6份之多.他对中国经济形势和香港、内地经贸发展的特点以及合作有很多建设性认识.其提案的关注点不离这些方面.  相似文献   

An Analysis of the Deposit-taking Market of Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the deposit-takingmarket in Hong Kong prior to the deregulation ofinterest rates in 1994. We argue that bankingregulations, in the forms of branching restrictionsand interest-rate ceilings, had created amonopsonistic market for short-term bank deposits. Asa result, banks in Hong Kong had earned asubstantially wider interest-rate margin than banks inother Asia-Pacific countries and the United States. We provide procedures to estimate the economicsignificance of the foregone interest and find themonopsonistic rent to be in the order of 1% of theGross Domestic Product of Hong Kong for the period1987 through 1994.  相似文献   

作为香港制造业的一大支柱,香港玩具及相关产品2010年前7个月出口总额达380多亿港元,位居全球第二,仅次于内地。1月10日,在香港玩具展盛大开幕的当天,一本记载香港玩具“发展史”的访谈录正式发布,这本名为《玩具港》的新书,图文并茂地回顾了香港玩具业成为全球第一和香港经济繁荣支柱的发展历程。  相似文献   

CPSC召回中国产eebee的冒险系列之《Have a Ball》布书。布书内的小球的绳子容易被立体篮框缠绕住,有勒死儿童的危险。书的白色吊牌上印有ISBN号13:9781-4027—5771—6。eebee的冒险系列的其他布书不在此次召回范围。  相似文献   

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