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Following the FCC's decision to partially deregulate radio, attention is now focusing on the possibility of television deregulation. The authors review the radio deregulation decision and apply similar criteria to television. Debate centres around government v marketplace control; the extent to which stations meet FCC standards for information, local and total non-entertainment programming; and, the effect of deregulation on provision of non-entertainment programming. The real question is when should deregulation take place. The authors suggest that the FCC and Congress should pave the way for deregulation by encouraging competition.  相似文献   

本文的分析表明“小灵通”现象的发生是市场需求结构、管制放松的路径和管制权力安排共同作用的结果。以拆分原有在位者为主要手段的电信业管制放松,所造成的需求与价格的矛盾为“小灵通”的发生提供了市场机会,而高盈利业务的被剥离,迫使原有在位者利用尚存的垄断势力或优势,以及和管制者的“拆分—补偿”关系,向新运营商的市场进行了局部的渗透。这种行为表面上加剧了中国电信业管制的无序和混乱,但却提高了市场的可竞争性和消费者剩余。  相似文献   

Waves from the tide of deregulation that first started to rise in USA over a decade ago have washed on many distant shores, as far apart as the UK, Australia and Japan. Hong Kong is no exception. Geographically tiny, the territory of Hong Kong is a throbbing dynamo, a financial and trading centre of immense importance in the Far East. With a telephone penetration of 36 per 100 population covering over 95% of all households, it is the most developed telephone country in the region, apart from Japan.  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization - By applying the Bresnahan-Reiss empirical entry threshold model on Census data for the waves 1981 to 2011, we study the evolution of entry conditions in Italian...  相似文献   

This study assesses empirically the relationship between business strategy and wages within the context of a significant environmental change—deregulation of the airline industry. Regression results provide limited support for the hypotheses that firms' business strategies would lead to systematic differences in average earnings levels of airline carriers, depending on whether or not the industry was regulated, and that these strategies would operate over and above firms' ability to pay higher wages. It appears that business strategies may be linked to their human resource outcomes even in a heavily unionized environment.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of regulation and deregulation on strategic choice and performance in the U.S. banking industry. Drawing on literature from strategic management, industrial organization economics, and organization theory, we develop a framework which suggests that regulatory scope and regulatory incrementalism influence strategic choice and performance. A path analytic model is used to empirically examine these influences. The results suggest that deregulation has direct effects on firms' strategic choices and both direct and indirect effects on risk and return.  相似文献   

Although the debates challenging monopoly in telecommunications, and promoting deregulation as the alternative, have become the classic method of analysing the industry, deregulation trends in France cannot be approached so simply. This report focuses on some of the features of the French monopoly, and presents a hypothesis on the direction deregulation could take in France.  相似文献   

The financial defaults of suppliers in a supplier network are significant risks and causes of uncertainty for buying firms. Hitherto, it has been largely neglected that default probabilities of suppliers in supplier networks are not independent of each other. We aim to overcome this shortcoming by studying negative supplier default dependencies: situations where a surviving supplier may benefit from the default of another supplier, resulting in a lower default probability. We use empirical data from the automotive supplier industry and copula functions, a method of representing joint distribution functions with particular marginals, to capture the default dependency between automotive suppliers and simulate various scenarios with negative default dependency. We also conduct a comparative static analysis illustrating the significant impact of negative default dependence. Our findings should spur managers to analyze their supplier networks with respect to default dependencies, and to take this phenomenon into consideration when making sourcing decisions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how economic deregulation impacts firm strategies and environmental quality in the electric utility industry. We find evidence that the deregulation introduced to this historically staid industry has stimulated environmental differentiation. Differentiation is most likely to appear where its point of uniqueness is valued by customers, and we confirm this relationship in our sample. Specifically, utilities that served customers who exhibited higher levels of environmental sensitivity generated more ‘green’ power. The tendency for firms to differentiate in this way is lessened if they are relatively more dependent on coal‐fired generation or relatively more efficient. Thus, there is evidence that firms sort themselves into either differentiation or low‐cost strategies as the competitive realities of a deregulated world unfold. Deregulation and the ensuing environmental differentiation illustrate how utilities exploited formerly unmet customer demand for green power. The result has been greater levels of renewable generation and, hence, a cleaner environment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2004年12月11日,中国开始全面开放成品油零售市场,随着《成品油市场管理暂行办法》的颁布实施,有人预言:中国成品油市场主体多元化时代即将到来。不过,不少业内专家认为,在2006年12月11日中国成品油批发市场开放之前,以石油、石化两大集团为主体的市场格局不会改变。其原因,一是油源仍控制在两大集团手中,二是“十五”期间加油站的发展规划都已经审批完毕,大规模新建加油站的空间并不大。为此,专家建议民营企业调整心情和心态以实力应战,走集约化、规模化发展之路,着力于搞好优质服务。与内资企业相比,外国石油巨头采用了“借船入市”的策略,在建立合资加油站的模式中,以投资换市场,以市场促发展;而中国石油巨头则以市场换管理,以管理促效率。对于中国政府来说,在成品油市场开放的进程中,需要协调和平衡诸如公平与效率、垄断与竞争等一系列问题,因而面临推动市场化与保证能源安全的双重政策考验。面对市场开放以后真正的挑战,专家建议中国石油石化企业进一步加强自身建设特别是内部管理,走集约化经营的道路,增强抗风险能力,走竞合之路,共同发展壮大。  相似文献   

近年来澳大利亚煤层气探明储量增长迅速,2008年底煤层气经济可采储量达15.1万亿立方英尺,占澳天然气经济可采总储量的12%以上。目前澳大利亚已经规划了澳大利亚太平洋项目(APLNG)、渔夫项目、格拉德斯通项目(GLNG)、昆士兰柯蒂斯项目(QCLNG)等8个煤层气制LNG项目,合计产能超过5000万吨/年,占澳大利亚所有规划LNG产能的40%。其中格拉德斯通项目和昆士兰柯蒂斯项目发展较快,气源和市场已经基本落实,开始进行EPC招标;其余部分项目已完成前端工程设计,正在陆续推进。虽然项目发展速度很快.但要顺利投产仍面临储量的落实、煤层气资源开发的技术和经验不足、严格的废水处理要求、销售市场的落实以及政府政策的影响等各方面的挑战。澳大利亚煤层气制LNG项目的开发成功,不仅能部分满足中国、印度等潜在天然气市场大国对LNG资源的新增需求,也将进一步加快亚太地区包括煤层气、页岩气、致密气等非常规天然气资源开发的步伐。  相似文献   

Integrating elements from industrial organization economics and the resource‐based view—coupled with path dependence as firm resources evolve over time, this paper suggests that deregulation may not always provide greater opportunities for incumbents, and the extent to which incumbents differentiate on the green dimension may be constrained by their prior resources, in particular, capabilities with respect to brown technologies and experiences with green technologies. Using data on U.S. investor‐owned electric utilities from 1992 to 2008, this paper finds that deregulation is associated with lower entry into the renewable generation market by incumbents compared to regulation. More capable firms using brown technologies, for example, coal‐based generation, are less likely to enter the renewable generation market. Also, incumbents are responsive to actual, not latent, demand for renewable energy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The business strategy literature offers apparently opposite views of the ability of vertical integration to cope with the uncertainty related to changing regulatory environments. In this paper, we analyze how the process of retail deregulation affects the comparative efficiency of governance structures, which range on a continuum from fully vertically integrated structures to market transactions. Based on the analysis of 177 U.S. electric utilities from 1998 to 2001, our results show that the process of retail deregulation has a negative impact on firms' productive efficiency, as measured using Data Envelopment Analysis. Furthermore, firms that are vertically integrated into electricity generation, or that rely on the market for the supply of their electricity, are more efficient than firms that adopt hybrid structures combining vertical integration and contracting. This research has important implications because it shows the coexistence of different types of governance structures that cope efficiently with regulatory uncertainty through different mechanisms. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of deregulation on thedemand for casino gaming in Atlantic City. Specifically, the paper analyzes the impact ofexpanded operating hours and floor space devoted toslot machines. Using monthly win data between June1978 and July 1996, the analysis reveals that expandedfloor space had a significant, positive impact on win,resulting in an average monthly increase of over $2million. This shows the importance of developing aregulatory structure rigid enough to ensure thehonesty and integrity of the gaming industry, butflexible enough to allow management to respond tochanging market conditions.  相似文献   

IC设计服务业是一个拒绝胆小者的行业.当行业景气时,你要疲于应付大量的业务订单以至于会白日做梦般地希望克隆公司的高级工程师;但是当芯片业下滑导致行业不景气时,你又会首当其冲成为受害者.基于对IC设计服务市场巨大不稳定性的认识,你一定认为大多数公司都会退避三舍,尽量不涉足此项业务.然而,这次你却错了.  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - Learning about design and learning through design have emerged in the literature and important works show heuristics and matrices for...  相似文献   

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