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It is widely speculated that the emergence of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) will boost political development in the developing world. This expectation anchors on solid foundation since, presumably, the ICT revolution would radically alter access to information, dislodge entrenched social cleavages, and unleash new patterns of citizen consciousness and civic engagement by hitherto marginalized mass publics, and orchestrate new and decisive political equilibriums. This research provides an empirical assessment of the impact of ICTs on political development in sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis suggests that speculation about the potential for ICTS to enhance political development in the sub-Sahara is not unrealistic. The levels of phone, computer, and Internet diffusion are associated with political development, although only the effect of the phone remains once other variables are specified. The phone is the most robust of all individual factors explaining variations in political development. However, the effect of ICTs on political development can neither be certified as revolutionary, nor can they be codified as panacea.  相似文献   

Using Rogers' diffusion of innovation model as the theoretical framework, this study examined the relationships between lifestyle orientations and the adoption of nine Internet-related technologies in Taiwan including IPTV, digital cable, emails, Internet instant messages, Facebook, scanners, notebooks, printers and personal computers. A telephone survey was conducted to collect data, and 506 valid questionnaires were obtained, representing a response rate of 58.6%. The results showed that lifestyle orientations were a powerful predictor for the adoption of information-oriented and entertainment-oriented technologies, but not for the adoption of interpersonally oriented technologies. Furthermore, this study found that while demographics were the most powerful variable that distinguished the adopters from the non-adopters, mass media use was not.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis of 60 municipal smart city plans drawn from countries around the world, with the goal of enumerating the specific policies and programs that are included under the general rubric of “smart city” initiatives. The objective is to identify the combinations of projects that are most often deployed together, and thus to define “archetypes” or “models” in smart city development. We follow an inductive method and conduct content analysis of 60 smart city plans, with each plan coded for the presence or absence of activity in 25 program categories. Cluster analysis identified four different models: an essential services model, smart transportation model, broad spectrum model, and a business ecosystem model.  相似文献   

Research summary: The study explores renewal in a novel but understudied context—an era of ferment with competing technological options. It focuses on IBM's transition from market leadership in a failed path (plasma) to leadership in the emerging dominant technology (LCD) in the 1980s. Interviews and internal documents offer two primary factors explaining renewal at IBM. First, IBM Research had a hybrid structure that captured the benefits of both centralized and decentralized R&D. Second, middle managers shaped senior management cognitive frames to focus on business‐related issues instead of specific technical issues, thus bypassing biases often resulting from failure. The study offers an integrated framework on what facilitates flexibility at the technology, organization, and decision‐making levels. This flexibility helps firms survive a turbulent era of ferment. Managerial summary: Firms facing technological uncertainty may need to recover from unlucky bets. But responding to failure is politically and organizationally difficult. This study explores how IBM recovered from its failed bet on plasma displays to lead the LCD display market. This study identifies six key factors, highlighting two. First, IBM's researchers received centralized funding, but could also receive funding directly from division managers. This structure helped preserve options and variety. Second, internal LCD champions focused on the business case for displays and not technology. This fostered technology agnosticism and helped avoid managerial biases from failure. For managers looking to use real options to maintain flexibility in an uncertain environment, this study offers clear suggestions related to design and decision making that can foster flexibility. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debates about technology theorising ‘the social’ solely on dyadic and fixed positional terms fail to grasp important ways that new financial technologies participate in work organisations. As an alternative, we build on the work of Michel Serres to propose that these technologies already inhabit triadic and relational parasitic universes in which they introduce interruptions that do much more than mediate between degrees of technological and social determinism. To understand the forms of agency this affords, we analyse two contrasting studies of workplaces where financial technologies were introduced. In a UK non-profit social care organisation, relations of care were fundamentally disrupted by disorderly, dysfunctional forms of agency, whereas in UK retail banking, management used disorder to strategically obscure their own agency. Technological innovation and ‘future of work’ narratives are shown to feed each other, in service to interests that benefit from the repurposing of technologies, people and organisations.  相似文献   

城市建设管理中环境问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展应该成为城市建筑设管理的重要战略,通过分析传统的城市建筑设管理观念,我们应该在更深层次上深化对城市管理与生态意识,环境规划之间关系的认识,从而达到城市管理现代化的目标。  相似文献   

Utilizing theories on social capital, business networks, social networks and relationship value, we explore the aspects that provide specific value in relationships with different actors in the software industry. The motive for the study is the assumption that some relationships are regarded as more important than others, and companies strive to focus on fewer relationships with greater outcomes. The study is guided by the premise that social capital is a foundation for relationship value, and its identified elements differ among relationships. We take the perspective of software companies and classify their relationships with business partners into three distinctive types according to their function in the value creation process. The findings of our empirical analysis, based on a qualitative case study of eight software SMEs indicate that the aspects of social capital, like the sources of relationship value, vary systematically by the types of relationships. Thus, we are able to provide some theoretical and managerial implications on the management of small- and medium-sized companies.  相似文献   

Corporate sponsorship of events that support social values (e.g., human rights) help firms infuse their products with symbolic meaning, prolonging their life cycle. Yet, higher product prices might spark perceptions that the firm invests in social values for calculative or opportunistic motives, in which case event sponsorship is unlikely to deliver the expected benefits in the form of product longevity. This study explores this potential tension empirically, using data related to sponsored social events, entry prices, and product longevity for a U.S. cosmetics producer. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the post‐entry implications of pre‐entry technological choices made during the uncertain period before a dominant design. Building on work on technological dynamics and organizational inertia, I argue that too early commitments to the winning technology may impede the ability to bring the best product to market, but delaying investment too long limits the ability to accumulate useful knowledge. Using data from the evolution of the flat panel display industry from 1965 to 2005, the study shows empirical support for the two theoretical mechanisms and offers the surprising result that firms starting in the losing technology before switching outperform other firms in terms of product value. Switching, while difficult behaviorally in recovering from failure, both delays difficult‐to‐reverse technological commitments and develops market knowledge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information technologies are very important to transform the agricultural sector and improve economic performance. Nevertheless, does the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) improve agricultural households' welfare? To answer this, the study used a nationally representative household survey, the Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) carried out in 2017 in Benin. The survey covered a sample of 15 000 households, however, the analysis focused on the 6502 agricultural households. An endogenous switching regression model was employed to control for selection bias and endogeneity issues. Results indicated that the use of ICT increases households' consumption expenditure by 89.6%. This implies that the use of ICT improves agricultural households' welfare. Other variables that affect agricultural households’ welfare include age, marital status, farm size, access to credit, ownership of livestock, membership in a farmer-based organization, and region of residence. Furthermore, the decision to use ICT in agricultural households depends on the level of education, age, sex, marital status, farm size, access to credit, ownership of livestock, membership in a farmer based organization, and location. These findings suggest that policies that promote the use of ICT are key to improving welfare of agricultural households in Benin. These policies must consider demographic, socio-economic, and institutional characteristics of households.  相似文献   

The effect of social conflict on relationship loyalty in business markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the impact of perceived social conflict on existing buyer-seller relationships. The results indicate that as the level of social conflict increases, perceptions about the loyalty of the relationship decrease. Perceived importance of the relationship had no impact on conflict or relationship loyalty. Ramifications of these findings for selling, sales management, and sales training are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the absence of social enterprise responses to food insecurity in Australia. Continued growth in demand from chronically food insecure consumers and criticism of the dominant food bank model of gifted food support has led to the development of ‘community supermarkets’ that charge consumers for donated food in countries including Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Italy, but not in Australia. This research investigates barriers to the development of community supermarkets in Australia through in-depth interviews with senior staff within seven organizations involved in the food relief supply chain, as well as a pilot survey of 38 food insecure consumers. The results of this research are analyzed through the lens of ‘voluntary failure’ theory and highlight systemic barriers to the reach of social enterprise as a mechanism for addressing food insecurity.  相似文献   

Contemporary imaginations of the impact of new digital technologies (NDTS) are dominated by utopian visions of a ‘revolution’ in productivity and efficiency, contrasted with dystopian views of declines of work and human skills, and distrust of artificial intelligence's efficacy. This article explores imaginations of digital futures in the infrastructure sector through case study research of a global engineering organisation. Drawing on a practice approach, a typology is generated from interviews with engineers and managers to reveal that three broad imaginations compete within the organisation: technodeterminism; technoscepticism; and human-centric, all with utopian and dystopian variants. Clear relationships exist between the diverse imaginary positions taken by employees with their different roles, biographies and levels of the organisational agency. Those with relatively higher levels of agency tended towards technocentric utopianism while those with lower levels of agency displayed a resolutely dystopian version. Conversely, while the outward-facing image of the organisation promotes a utopian imagination of a technologically driven future, those with the very highest levels of the organisational agency remain technosceptic. This means that real change is slow. However, an encouraging manifesto for the future is suggested by those who are innovating NDTS to reimagine alternative infrastructure futures through improved human-centric social outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of social relationships in the organizing of a business network in the case of an international joint venture (IJV) developing over time. The organizing process and the multicultural setting of the international joint venture emphasize the actions of and interactions between individuals from various organizations. The IJV-managers' use of their social relationships in business organizing is explored through analysis of narratives of IJV-managers in a longitudinal single case to provide empirically grounded theory. From the in-depth interviews with IJV-managers the business relationships are identified as characterized by four possible levels of interpersonal relationships whose type influences the functions of the relationships and visa versa. One business relationship may contain only one or many of these interpersonal levels and an effective business relationship contains the appropriate interpersonal level for the business issue at hand.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):1056-1067
The Internet of Things (IoT), as a new growth engine of the information and communications technology industry, has sparked global enthusiasm. However, academic deliberation has concentrated on technological aspects, discounting the multifaceted nature of IoT. Therefore, we reviewed non-technical papers to examine the current status of scholarly discourse and applied analytic hierarchy process models to assess the priorities for future IoT research. Although papers in science and engineering fields were excluded, analysis of 300 articles showed that a considerable number of papers were written by engineers, mainly concerning industrial content. Experts perceived that systematic methods and tangible subjects were the most necessary to motivate research in the social sciences sector. Multidisciplinary research was considered important regardless of the research disciplines, and user study was assigned a particularly large weight. According to the results, implications and suggestions for future IoT research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on networks emphasizes the importance of bonds between actors. Social reciprocity strengthens network bonds, which is assumed to have positive effects on business relationships between firms. However, the importance of weak ties is also stressed in network research. An important policy issue is therefore if more attention should be devoted to the creation of bridges to other social groups and loosening bonds between network actors. The difficulty in doing so is described and analyzed in this article focusing on a regional strategic network, which is viewed in three network perspectives. Interview data were collected from all participating managers in a regional strategic network in 2004 and 2010. The findings shed light upon the paradox of using a regional strategic network to counteract over-embeddedness and freeing the involved actors from existing network lock-ins instead of further strengthening such social institutions.  相似文献   

中药中农药残留分析技术进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献调研,对中药中农药残留分析技术作了较全面叙述,主要包括3部分:1)中药中农药残留的提取与净化;2)目前我国常用的农药残留检测技术;3)近期发展的农药残留样品前处理新技术(如固相萃取、超临界流体萃取、基体固相分散萃取等)以及检测新技术(如超临界流体色谱、免疫分析和生物传感器等)。  相似文献   

With growing urbanization worldwide, urban sprawl is leading to the extension of peri-urban areas in most countries. These dynamic areas, subjected to pressure from urban planning, are contributing to the uncoupling of consumption and local agriculture. In this article we study the feasibility of recoupling production and consumption within the agri-food system of the peri-urban area of the Saclay plateau near Paris.By using a nitrogen flow analysis based on the concept of territorial ecology, we analysed quantitative and qualitative data providing information in terms of system performances. By calculating two local efficiency indicators (one production-based indicator and one consumption-based) and a self-sufficiency capacity indicator, we assess the current and potential coupling between production and consumtion. A typology of farming systems was constructed to assess the more efficient type of farms in terms of “localisation within the agri-food system.The Saclay plateau has many assets to increase local agri-food system efficiency and to work towards “agricultural symbiosis”. However, a number of obstacles remain on both the production and the demand sides. Our study illustrates the lack of consideration of the productive function of urban and peri-urban agriculture in urban planning projects. The methods developed and the results achieved are a step towards a better integration of food issues in land planning.  相似文献   

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