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基于信贷观点提出的新的货币传导机制理论,应用经济计量方法,我们对我国货币政策的变动及其对银行资产组合的影响做出了量化分析.目的是为了探讨银行信贷渠道存在的实证证据.研究结果表明:1992年至2002年期间,在我国货币政策传导过程中,独立的银行信贷渠道的存在对我国货币政策的效应产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

货币政策是否有效很大程度上取决于货币政策的传导机制是否顺畅,包括利率传导渠道、信贷传导渠道、汇率传导渠道等。本文主要讨论其中的信贷渠道对我国经济产生的影响,并用普通最小二乘法(OLS),对中国2000-2008年间的货币政策传导机制进行实证分析,结果表明货币政策主要是通过信贷渠道影响经济的。另外,我国的信贷传导机制还需要进一步完善,这样才能保证经济更好的发展。  相似文献   

我国货币政策的信贷传导机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币政策传导机制是中央银行通过货币政策工具影响货币供求,作用于实体经济的具体途径,其顺畅与否决定着货币政策效率的大小。我国的金融结构属于商业银行主导型,银行信贷是企业主要的融资形式,信贷资产在我国商业银行资产中占有重要地位,信贷传导机制是我国货币政策传导的主要途径。为了应对当前日趋严重的通货膨胀问题,人民银行正逐步转向稳健的货币政策,信贷渠道的作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

我国货币政策主要通过信贷渠道进行传导,商业银行的信贷行为是货币政策传导的微观基础。本文通过分析山东省的稳健货币政策调控效应,认为商业银行通过信贷行为调整传导了调控政策,同时也引致了对冲调控策略行为。为分析不同货币政策工具调控约束力的量级差异,本文以银行信贷期限配置行为和房贷行为为例,将利率和存款准备金政策工具纳入向量自回归模型,利用脉冲响应分析不同货币政策调控工具对银行信贷行为的影响。  相似文献   

表外业务的兴起与壮大是近年来我国银行业发展的显著特点之一。本文研究表外业务如何影响货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道,并且考察这种关系是否随着银行特征的不同而变化。使用2002-2014年中国24家商业银行的数据和双向固定面板数据模型,我们发现,货币政策对银行信贷的影响具有非对称性,扩张性货币政策的影响更大。另外,表外业务通过银行信贷渠道强化了货币政策的传导效果,而且这种关系在小规模、低资本和低流动性的银行中表现得更为明显。本文对于理解我国货币政策信贷传导机制的影响因素提供了一个新的重要视角,对于完善货币政策传导机制,健全金融宏观调控体系也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

朱磊  章杉杉 《上海金融》2012,(12):65-70,76,122
信贷渠道是我国货币政策传导的主要途径。银行、企业作为信贷渠道中最主要的微观主体,构成了我国货币政策传导机制中重要的微观基础。本文利用实证研究方法,分析在货币政策调整过程中,具有不同投资效率的企业的债务融资变化,具有不同产权的企业获得银行贷款难易程度,以及政府干预对银行债务融资-投资效率敏感度的影响,进而研究我国货币政策传导机制中信贷渠道传导效率以及货币政策有效性问题。  相似文献   

通过传统的货币政策传导机制理论来分析我国目前金融脱媒现象,同时研究金融脱媒对货币政策不同传导渠道效果所产生的影响,本文发现金融脱媒会导致银行信贷渠道的传导效果出现减弱,但是金融脱媒现象增强了资产价格渠道、利率传导渠道及资产负债表渠道的传导效果。总体上来说,金融脱媒现象对我国货币政策传导到实体经济的效果产生了削弱。  相似文献   

货币政策传导机制指的是中央银行的政策引起经济过程中各中介变量的反应,进而影响实际经济变量的方式和途径.实证研究表明,我国货币政策的传导机制以信贷渠道为主.本文通过VAR模型和脉冲响应函数,验证了作为我国货币政策主要传导渠道的信贷渠道具有地区差异性.在实证分析的基础上,本文进一步分析了我国货币政策传导的地区差异性的根源在于我国不满足"最优货币区"标准,提出推进生产要素自由流动,有效抑制地方保护主义,促进区域产业结构的协调发展和发行地方政府债券的建议.  相似文献   

我国的金融体系是典型的大银行主导型,银行信贷仍旧是我国企业外部资金供给的主要渠道。我国商业银行的资金来源绝大部分依靠存款,资产也仍旧以贷款为主,有价证券所占比重较小,商业银行对央行货币政策的变动往往较为敏感,信贷渠道在我国货币政策的传导中具有重要的地位。我国银行业的垄断型市场结构特征进一步产生了信贷配给问题,这种信贷配给机制会强化货币政策传导的银行借贷渠道效应。  相似文献   

《货币政策传导的信贷渠道研究》李安勇白钦先著本书以金融可持续发展理论为出发点,采用一般均衡的分析方法,对金融市场存在不完全性条件下货币政策传导的信贷渠道做进一步的研究。理论分析表明银行信贷渠道的存在放大了货币政策对实际经济的影响。当放松货币政策时,信贷渠道放大了经济向新的长期均衡调整的过程中名义利率和汇率的膨胀程度,强化了货币政策对经  相似文献   

This paper examines how competition influences the bank lending channel in the euro area countries. Using a large panel of banks from 12 euro area countries for the period 2002–2010 we analyze the reaction of loan supply to monetary policy actions depending on the degree of bank competition. We find that the effect of monetary policy on bank lending is dependent on bank competition: the transmission of monetary policy via the bank lending channel is less pronounced for banks with extensive market power. Further investigation shows that banks with less market power were more sensitive to monetary policy only before the financial crisis. These results suggest that bank market power has a significant impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy. Therefore, wide variations in the level of bank market power may lead to asymmetric effects of the single monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the cross-border transmission of monetary policy by comparing and contrasting the results for two major international financial centres: Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. We examine the effect of monetary policy in the USA, euro area and Japan, on banks’ domestic lending behaviour. Using individual bank-level data we find that financial connections – in the form of lending to and borrowing from the country which changes monetary policy - play an important role in the transmission of foreign monetary policy. We are able to establish evidence for both a bank funding and bank portfolio channel of monetary policy, for both Hong Kong and the UK. These results contrast to the largely inconclusive results from previous studies, whose aggregate nature may have masked offsetting individual bank effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between increased consolidation in banking and monetary policy transmission in eighteen Asian and Latin American economies, using bank-level data from 1996 to 2006. Our results provide consistent evidence that as concentration in banking increases, the bank lending channel is weakened, leading the monetary policy transmission mechanism to be less effective. We also investigate how this relationship between concentration and the strength of the lending channel depends on bank-specific characteristics. Using bank-level balance sheet and income statement data allows us, first, to better identify the effects of banking consolidation on the supply-side bank lending channel from those of the demand-side interest rate channel, and second, to test for any systematic differences in the impact of consolidation on monetary policy transmission across banks of different size and financial strength. We also discuss potential explanations for and policy implications of the main findings of this paper.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of foreign banks on the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the Korean economy during the period from 2000 to 2012, with a specific focus on the lending behavior of banks with different types of ownership. Using bank-level panel data of the banking system in Korea, we present consistent evidence on the buffering impact that the foreign banks, especially foreign bank branches including US bank branches, on the effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in Korea from the bank-lending channel perspective during the global financial crisis of 2008–2009.  相似文献   

We make a novel attempt at comparing the strength of the lending and balance sheet channels of monetary transmission. To make this comparison, we use loan-level data to determine how borrower balance sheets and bank liquidity are related to bank lending decisions and how monetary policy can affect these relationships. The key innovation in this paper is the use of loan-level data. This enables us to measure the independent effects of the two channels and directly account for borrower balance sheets and lender liquidity instead of using proxies. Our results show that the balance sheet channel is the main mechanism through which monetary policy shocks are transmitted to the economy and that the lending channel does not play a significant role.  相似文献   

Using balance sheet data for a panel of UK listed firms, we find evidence of a bank lending channel of monetary transmission. A higher interest rate induces more bank lending to listed companies, but this effect diminishes if monetary policy becomes tight enough to impose severe constraints on bank loan lending. The dynamic behaviour of bank debt versus non-bank debt shows that the lending channel works through cutting back loan supplies to small, bank-dependent firms while restricting the bank’s ability to provide financial assistance to other firms. We see cross-sectional differences between bank-dependent and non-bank-dependent listed companies, and between listed and non-listed companies: Both can contribute to the size effect of investment. Small firms bear most of the reductions in bank loan supplies, and since they do not have many alternatives to bank finance, they suffer more from monetary tightening than big firms. This is consistent with inventory behavior. Furthermore, we have found that big, non-bank-dependent firms can benefit more from the bank–firm relationship than small, bank-dependent firms.  相似文献   

金融体系在货币政策传导过程中起“中介”作用,货币渠道过程是通过金融市场从货币政策冲击到市场零售利率的价格传导过程,信贷渠道是通过商业银行从中央银行到商业银行的数量传导过程。完善我国金融体系有利于提高货币政策传导效果,同时也是市场经济体制改革的要求,我国中央银行实施货币政策时应该考虑区域金融差异的客观事实。  相似文献   

This paper studies the international transmission of monetary policy through banks in small open economies using the examples of Switzerland and Canada. We assess the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy for Switzerland and the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy for Canada. In both country cases, we focus on the international bank lending and the international portfolio channel, which make opposing predictions about how monetary policy transmits internationally through banks. Our results on the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy through banks in Switzerland are consistent with a role for the international portfolio channel, but we find no evidence for the traditional international bank lending channel. The results on the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy in Canada suggest that foreign lending by Canadian banks is affected through both channels, which work as predicted and largely balance each other.  相似文献   

This paper looks at internal capital markets in financial conglomerates by comparing the responses of small subsidiary and independent banks to monetary policy. I find that internal capital markets in financial conglomerates relax the credit constraints faced by smaller bank affiliates. Further analysis indicates that those markets lessen the impact of Fed policies on bank lending activity. The paper also examines the role of internal capital markets in influencing the investment allocation process of those conglomerates. My findings suggest that frictions between conglomerate headquarters and external capital markets are at the root of investment inefficiencies generated by internal capital markets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess evidence on international monetary policy spillovers to domestic bank lending in Chile, Korea, and Poland, using confidential bank-level data and different measures of monetary policy shocks in relevant currency areas. These three emerging market economies are small and open, their banking systems do not have significant presence overseas, and they can be considered as price takers in the world economy. Such features allow for better identification of binding financial constraints and foreign monetary policy shocks. We find that the monetary policy shocks spill over into domestic bank lending, modifying the degree to which financial frictions tighten or relax, and this evidence is consistent with international bank lending and portfolio channels.  相似文献   

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