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随着银行业务规模和产品种类的不断扩大,银行信息系统也越来越复杂。面对海量的版本程序实体,黑盒测试的复杂度也随之越来高。然而,在黑盒测试中,批量程序对业务人员更具有隐蔽性等特点,在黑盒测试尤其是在验收测试时无法通过显性方式统计出批量程序的分支覆盖情况,也就无法精确评测系统质量,确认软件是否真正合格。因此,如何正确全面评测批量程序测试情况对整个系统软件质量至关重要。  相似文献   

对于软件性能测试来说,流程是效率和质量的保障。规范的流程不仅可以使测试工作按照预期的进度进行,还可便于总结测试过程中的新思路、新方法和工作经验,使软件性能测试水平迈上一个新台阶。笔者希望通过本文与各位软件测试专家、性能测试工程师、项目集经理和其他专业人士共同探讨,更好地推进金融软件测试业务的发展  相似文献   

随着银行业信息化建设的逐步推进,银行经营管理对信息系统的依赖性日益加强,如何提高软件的质量成为银行IT人员关注的重要问题。银行信息系统绝大多数都涉及业务流程,确保业务流程功能的正确性对软件质量尤为重要。本文将重点探讨基于多分支、多环节银行业务流程的场景测试方法,以提高软件测试的效率与质量。  相似文献   

一、自动化测试的概念随着计算机软件越来越庞大和复杂,软件测试的工作量也越来越大。据统计,软件测试工作一般要占整个项目40%的开发时间,而一些可靠性要求  相似文献   

银行业务种类繁多,软件版本规模大、涉及专业多、耦合度高,因此,需要实现跨专业的测试协调与组织,打破不同专业的界限,实现测试工作的有效衔接和全面覆盖。目前,银行业软件测试的专业化发展已成为金融信息化发展的趋势之一。国内各大商业银行纷纷成立了专门的测试中心或测试部门,为提高软件开发质量,保障信息系统稳定运行等方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

高质量的系统必定能保障数据正确性,数据正确性的测试是金融报表系统测试工作的重中之重。但数据正确性测试中的待测数据往往是海量的,要做到全面覆盖难度极大。目前主要采用经验判断法,即业务人员依据经验有针对性地抽取部分数据进行数据校验,并以测试结果来推断系统数据的正确性。这一测试方法充分利用了业务人员的业务判断能力,但也存在以下问题:样本抽取过分依赖于测试人员的业务素质,无法保障每次抽取的数据能代表测试数据的各种特征;样本规模的确定没有精确的数理计量公式,从而产生冗余或过少测试的风险,若检测数据抽取过多会增加测试成本,降低测试效率,若检测数据抽取过少,则其代表性减弱,可能导致错误的结论;数据正确性判断过多依赖于经验,如果测试人员本身的业务经验较少,就难以得出可靠的测试结论。针对以上问题,笔者提出了基于统计规则的报表海量数据正确性测试方法。一。  相似文献   

近年来,金融科技创新成为推动银行业可持续发展的重要引擎,尤其是伴随一系列新兴且更为复杂的信息技术应用于金融领域,以新技术为依托的金融创新成果不断涌现,而快节奏的创新需求也在质、效两方面对金融领域的应用测试技术提出了巨大挑战,银行业测试管理亟待实现高质量转型。本期《视角》栏目特推出“银行业金融测试创新与挑战”专题,邀请多位测试领域专家撰稿,分享各家银行在测试工作中取得的创新成果与成功经验,共同探讨新时期银行业测试转型的趋势和路径。  相似文献   

由于我国商业化应用系统测评体系起步晚、发展尚未成熟,加之金融系统自身的特殊性,目前金融行业还没有一套体系化的应用系统安全测试方法,这使得金融应用系统的安全风险防范工作略显不足,因此金融机构需要建立一套应用系统安全测试体系,以有效提升金融系统的安全防范能力。一、系统测试的四个不足金融行业监管机构曾对应用系  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以前,软件测试的目的是寻找系统中存在的问题,找到Bug(错误和缺陷)就算测试有效。随着测试理论的不断发展,近两年金融业对软件测试工作的重视程度不断提高,测试的目的不再是系统检测并发现问题,而是根据一系列模型的功能需求描述,在系统整个生命周期内对软件脚本的维护和用例管理。  相似文献   

金融业务经营种类的细化和业务水平的提高,要求经营分析系统能准确、及时、全面地反映业务的运行情况,为各级业务管理人员提供准确的分析和决策的依  相似文献   

Price discovery in auction markets: a look inside the black box   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Opening mechanisms play a crucial role in information aggregationfollowing the overnight nontrading period. This article examinesthe process of price discovery at the New York Stock Exchangesingle-price opening auction. We develop a theoretical modelto explain the determinants of the opening price and test themodel using order-level data. We show that the presence of designateddealers facilitates price discovery relative to a fully automatedcall auction market. This is consistent with specialists extractinginformation from observing the evolution of the limit orderbook. In addition, the specialist's opening trade reflects noninformationalfactors such as price stabilization requirements.  相似文献   

This study examines how the Chinese state-owned banks allocate loans to private firms. We find that the banks extend loans to financially healthier and better-governed firms, which implies that the banks use commercial judgments in this segment of the market. We also find that having the state as a minority owner helps firms obtain bank loans and this suggests that political connections play a role in gaining access to bank finance. In addition, we find that commercial judgments are important determinants of the lending decisions for manufacturing firms, large firms, and firms located in regions with a more developed banking sector; political connections are important for firms in service industries, large firms, and firms located in areas with a less developed banking sector.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of a new program of post-graduate studies in strategic foresight. It briefly describes how the program began and some of the ways it attempted to learn from other initiatives in order to develop what might be called a ‘second generation’ approach. A number of distinguishing features are briefly outlined, along with some of the early results. These include publications, research and work in the area of ‘methodological renewal’. Finally, an attempt is made to summarize ‘lessons learned’ that can be applied more widely.  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand what goes on in the black box of successful, joined-up ICT-enabled service transformation, where complex interactions and integration must occur among the horizontal processes internal to a joined-up service delivery network, the vertical top-down processes of the organizations involved, and the change processes caused by using ICTs. A new conceptual framework is developed and applied to an illustrative case study of successful, joined-up service transformation in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business and other accrediting bodies have been requiring evidence that universities are fulfilling their missions. One approach involves the use of professionally developed, standardized achievement tests such as the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Achievement Field Test in Business (MFAT-B). We studied MFAT-B performance for its relationship to GPA and to measures of general intellect to determine if the pattern of associations made sense, given that the test is intended to reflect business knowledge. As expected, a significant, moderately large correlation was observed involving Business Core GPA and MFAT-B performance, but contrary to expectations, other GPA's and measures of intellectual aptitude predicted the test scores equally well. Finally, no gender-based differences in MFAT-B performance were evident, but significant improvements in the test scores were found as a function of whether extra course credit was offered as an incentive.  相似文献   

作为一个新兴的职业,银行软件测试融合了银行业务和软件测试两个职业的知识体系,在国内银行业越来越受到更多的重视,测试队伍也在不断地发展壮大。目前.国内大型商业银行都有自己专职的测试队伍。  相似文献   

Breaking out of the innovation box   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In most companies, investments in innovation follow a boom-bust cycle. For a time, the cash flows. Then, as the economy sours or companies rethink their priorities, the taps go dry. But when research budgets are slashed, the strong projects are often abandoned along with the weak ones. Promising initiatives are cut off just when they are about to bear fruit. Expensive labs are closed; partnership agreements costing millions in legal fees are thrown away. When disruptive changes in the competitive landscape come, companies are caught flat-footed. Sustainable innovation requires a new approach: Instead of being largely isolated projects, innovation initiatives need to gain access to the insights and capabilities of other companies. To be protected from the ax of short-term cost reductions and the faddishness born of easy money, the initiatives must become part of the ongoing commerce that takes place among companies. But how can businesses traffic in such sensitive information without giving their competitors an advantage? The answer, the author contends, lies in a practice that's been common since the Middle Ages: the use of independent intermediaries to facilitate the exchange of sensitive information among companies without revealing the principals' identities or motives and without otherwise compromising their interests. Executive search firms, for example, allow job seekers to remain anonymous during the early stages of a search, and they protect businesses from disclosing their hiring plans to rivals. A network of innovation intermediaries would be in a unique position to visualize new opportunities synthesized from insights and technologies provided by several companies--ideas that might never occur to businesses working on their own.  相似文献   

Companies often begin their search for great ideas either by encouraging wild, outside-the-box thinking or by conducting quantitative analysis of existing market and financial data and customer opinions. Those approaches can produce middling ideas at best, say Coyne, founder of an executive-counseling firm in Atlanta, and Clifford and Dye, strategy experts at McKinsey. The problem with the first method is that few people are very good at unstructured, abstract brainstorming. The problems with the second are that databases are usually compiled to describe current--not future--offerings, and customers rarely can tell you whether they need or want a product if they've never seen it. The secret to getting your organization to regularly generate lots of good ideas, and occasionally some great ones, is deceptively simple: First, create new boxes for people to think within so that they don't get lost in the cosmos and they have a basis for offering ideas and knowing whether they're making progress in the brainstorming session. Second, redesign ideation processes to remove obstacles that interfere with the flow of ideas--such as most people's aversion to speaking in groups larger than ten. This article offers a tested approach that poses concrete questions. For example, what do Rollerblades, H?agen-Dazs ice cream, and Spider-Man movies have in common? The answer: Each is something that adults loved as children and that was reproduced in an expensive form for grown-ups. Asking brainstorming participants to ponder how their childhood passions could be recast as adult offerings might generate some fabulous ideas for new products or services.  相似文献   

邹志英 《新理财》2010,(5):54-56
只有提升并完善角色定位,才能充分体现财务工作的价值,同时也能通过多种价值输出、再辅以良好的沟通,来实现财务与业务角色之间的平衡。  相似文献   

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