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厚积才能“勃”发,联想手机快速成长的根本在于苦练内功公司名称:联想集团成立时间:1984年规模提升速度:五年中成为国产手机第一品牌快速提升之道:自主研发;快速更新,降低库存;以“客户”为中心发展目标:成长为具有国际影响力的知名手机品牌  相似文献   

早在成立之初,联想移动就一直致力于将最优秀的中国手机产品,提供给中国消费者、乃至全世界的消费者。2006年春,在公司的一次战略发布会上,总经理刘志军更是高调提出“创领中国风尚”。在这六个字的背后,是一个中国企业对本土文化的信任与坚持,更表达了联想移动对自身产品与品牌的信心。  相似文献   

俞越 《浙商》2010,(12):75-75
“快”已成为麦包包在精细化管理、物流时间和成本的控制方面的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

虽然背靠联想集团这棵大树好乘凉,但在波导、TCL、科健等风光一时的国产手机,大佬集体沉沦之后,被称为国产手机最后一面旗帜的联想手机也加入了衰退的行列。[编者按]  相似文献   

罗匡 《国际广告》2010,(7):45-47
2002年,联想与厦华合资成立联想厦华移动通信公司,联想占股份的60%,拥有控股权。同日,联想与德州仪器进行无线战略的合作备忘录签约,进行手机研发,共建DSP联合实验室等合作。  相似文献   

又逢“十一”黄金周,时下主流的内置30万像素摄像头的手机当然是大家游玩时最实用的伴侣了!尤其是那些拥有闪光灯的手机能够极大的扩展拍摄范围,即使是在光线条件不好的地方或者晚上,都可以随时记录下难忘的瞬间。这正是联想近期推出的“闪拍”系列——闪光拍照手机V830、摄像手机V858、连拍手机E810的精彩之处,这一系列的手机全部内置了30万像素的摄像头,并都带有闪光灯,是时下手机市场的中流砥柱。这里我们特收集了联想“闪拍三剑客”的详细信息,作为大家国庆出游的选购参考。  相似文献   

G818是联想在启用新标志后推出的一款新机型,椭圆形的银色外观,机身、外屏及装饰线,全部采用弧线设计,加上扁圆形的天线,整体给人一种灵巧圆润的感觉,乍看之下,你会不自觉地联想到汽车或坦克模型,感觉非常可爱。手机翻盖上方与轴之间的凹痕两端各有一个更深一些的槽口,使得手机打开后,翻盖与机身可以更好贴合,又不至因经常摩擦而掉漆,仅此一点,即不难体会这款手机在人性化设计方面的充分考虑。  相似文献   

<正>现在手机已不单是作为通话使用了,娱乐功能已成为主流。其中用手机下载MP3、MP4、电影等,只有手机专卖店及维修店作为招揽顾客的一种方式才有,而专业"手机下载"几乎是一个空白。杭州富达网络工程服务有限公司早在2005年上半年首先涉足此市场,不足一年加盟商遍布浙江各市、县、乡镇,如此业绩是没有经过任何宣传的,只是口口相传,现在,广东、江苏、北京、大连、昆明等地的个体从业者、下岗人员、学生、待业青年、手机销售维修专业人士纷纷慕名前来加盟.。该公司非常高兴能和大家一起分享这一巨大市场蛋糕。  相似文献   

实际上,联想推出手机租赁业务更深层次的目的在于,借环保的主题进行品牌宣传。[编者按]  相似文献   

陶昆 《商界》2010,(1):38-38
历时近2年,手机业务重新回归联想版图。 2009年11月27日,联想集团正式宣布,斥资2亿美元.回购之前出售给旗下弘毅投资等投资方的联想移动业务。联想集团CEO杨元庆表示.收购后的联想移动将专注于小尺寸移动终端产品.依旧保持独立运营。  相似文献   

冯昕 《国际市场》2005,(3):66-67
现代人的生活.似乎越来越数字化.我们几乎无一例外地被标上了号。这是我的手机号,这是我的座机号.这是我的Email地址。有空我们网上聊.你加我到Messenger吧。”相信每个人都经历过类似的场景。  相似文献   

针对室内定位技术部署复杂、成本高的问题,提出了一种利用手机接收声学信号通过脉冲压缩进行室内定位的方法。通过借鉴雷达系统中的脉冲压缩技术,将信号和噪声分离,并提取出信号到达时延估计。为了减小定位误差,研究了手机的声学特性,设计了声学超宽带信号的信道模型,将应答节点时延回传,进一步减小信号传播的时延估计。在停车场的试验结果表明:定位结果和实际位置相符,平均定位误差在30 cm以内。  相似文献   

提出了无断开(闭合)金属边框情况下平面手机天线的模型,解决了在闭 合金属情况下导致的传统平面天线带宽变窄的问题。通过天线折叠技术,将其面积缩小至手 机应用的尺寸内。然后,进一步的阻抗匹配使在smith圆图上将天线的阻抗带宽调到了最 大,使天线能够覆盖GSM850、GSM900、DCS、PCS、UMTS 5个频段。采用开槽天线将金属边框 作为天线的一部分能解决金属框对天线的影响。实测结果表明,低频部分带宽为142 MHz,高 频部分带宽有480 MHz,满足了常用频段的需要。同时,为了避免发生手握的影响,金 属框和地的接地点置于电路基板顶段,从而降低了手握的影响。  相似文献   

3G时代:手机媒体将引发广告市场变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“忽然间,你会发现全世界最强大的公司突然成了自己的竞争对手,这的确令人难以置信,我们的竞争对手已经变成了苹果、谷歌和微软。”诺基亚CEO康培凯如此感慨。相信康培凯会在中国找到很多共鸣者,因为随着3G的到来,这种情况也正在中国发生。  相似文献   

The use of cell phone is a significant source of driver distraction. Phone use while driving can impair a number of factors critical for safe driving which can cause serious traffic safety problems. The objective of this paper was to investigate the frequency of using cell phones while driving in Iran's roads through an observational survey with a random sample of drivers, to recognize contributing factors to cell phone usage and to understand the magnitude of the problem. A total of 1794 observations were collected from 12 sites at controlled intersections, entrance and exit points of highways. The cell phone use rate among drivers (talking or texting) was estimated at 10% which is significantly higher than that in other countries such as Australia, USA and Canada. Rate of cell phone use among younger drivers (14.15%) was higher in comparison with other groups. In order to identify factors affecting cell phone use while driving, a binary logit model is estimated. Variables which significantly contribute to the rate of using cell phone were found to be the age of driver, number of passengers, presence of kids under the age of 8, time of observation, vehicle price and type of car.  相似文献   

Perceived product size is a key concern in online retail, particularly in fashion and grocery. The screen on which consumers view a product (e.g., desktop or mobile) might constitute a frame that biases size perception, on the basis of assimilation and contrast effects (pool and store theory). The rise of mobile commerce exacerbates this issue, as framing effects might be stronger versus desktop settings as screens are smaller. Further, as mobile phone's screen orientation varies situationally (vertical vs. horizontal), the perceived product size might vary, depending on the interaction of screen and product orientation. By introducing the framing ratio as a means to predict extent, dimensionality and symmetry of size biases, we generalize specific findings from extant research. Empirically, four experimental studies demonstrate that contextual frames (i.e., vertical vs. horizontal screens) and product orientation (e.g., jeans vs. shoes) interact to bias the size perception, in that sizes are overestimated on the dimension that approaches the frame (high framing ratio), compared with conditions where the frame is distant (low framing ratio). If product size is misperceived, willingness to pay might be affected (e.g., for groceries). Thus, size perceptions have a direct impact on managerially relevant variables.  相似文献   

The central fact underlying all relations is the question of power and how it can be used to get one's way. When power does not work, we move to compromise. This paper questions the validity of compromise as an effective means of settling differences. My standpoint is that compromise debases relationships, is wrong in principle and does not work in practice either. There is a better strategy: integration, when the contending parties find the wider solution that includes both their interests. Ethically right, integration also works better in practice, for it leads to longer-term, more productive and happier relations.  相似文献   

With the rise of the 4G technology, TV or video services based on mobile devices have received increasing attention from consumers. Using means-end chain theory, this study examines the cognitive structure of mobile internet protocol television (IPTV) users. Here, the cognitive structure refers to the attribute–consequence–value linkage that consumers consider as important in mobile IPTV services. The study classifies consumers based on two dimensions (their gender and occupation) and presents hierarchical value maps of mobile IPTV services. For this, the study collects data on 112 potential users of mobile IPTV services by using the association pattern technique. The results indicate as the representative cognitive structure of men and students; as that of women; and as that of office workers.  相似文献   

Corporate planning systems that, when developed, promised to solved all corporate ills have fallen far short of management expectations. The major reason for this is a lack of communication which results in different problems being solved by planners than those that management views as most important. The author explains how Planning Trees can help focus both the CEO and the planners on the same important issues and defined the key assumptions behind those issues.  相似文献   

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