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Although many researchers have noted the widespread adoption of managerial intuition in choosing retail sites, few empirical studies consider the construct and those that do tend to examine it in isolation. Here, intuition is investigated in conjunction with the more quantitative variables typically used to model site selection and it is found to make a significant contribution to the choice process. Data collected from 253 individuals responsible for leasing/real estate decisions in the U.S. retail sector were analyzed. Findings confirm the widespread use of intuition in making site selection decisions, but further indicate that decision-makers may not be fully attuned to their decision making process. Counter to prior research, the use of intuition in this study does not differ based on the size of the retailer or the experience level of the decision-maker. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed and ideas for future research are explicated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the growth and impact of power centres and “big-box” retailers through the 1990s in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The data reveal that 72% of big boxes were added in the previous nine years and that twice as many opened in the suburban fringe as compared to the equally populated central area. Of all big-box locations, 59% are on industrial lands and close to expressways. Of all postal codes in the GTA, 11% account for 47% of the big-box locations and a 19% versus 7% of 1989–1995 sales growth. Average annual sales per store in the heavily dominated big-box areas is $2+million versus $1.4 million in non-box areas and market shares for the dominant big-box retailers range between 19 and 33% in their respective retail categories. In eight retail sectors in direct competition with big-box retailers, there is an overall decline of −7% in share of total stores. Between 1993 and 1997, the proportion of retail employment within 2 km of a big-box increased from 28 to 43%. This increase is accounted for by additional retail and service firms.  相似文献   

Online retailers seek to motivate their customers to switch from web-based stores to retail apps as using the latter as a shopping channel has many benefits for retailers compared to web-based stores. This study aims to examine the drivers of customers' intention to switch from web-based stores to retail apps by applying the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S–O-R) model. The moderating role of habit was investigated. Data were collected from 389 Malaysian individuals through an online survey and analysed using the partial least squares technique. The results indicated that performance expectancy has a significant influence on switching intention and is driven by mobile characteristics. Furthermore, effort expectancy has a positive effect on both performance expectancy and switching intention and is triggered by visual complexity and aesthetic quality. The moderating effects of habit on the associations between performance expectancy, effort expectancy and switching intention were not supported. The findings extend the literature on retail apps by exploring the switching intention drivers and testing the moderating effect of culture, which have received less attention. The results enable retail apps' developers and marketers to strategise retail apps development and marketing activities in a way that encourages current web-based stores’ customers to use retail apps as a better alternative.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of global food retailers into emerging economies has made the study of food retail modernization especially relevant at this time. We present a framework to analyze limitations to market share growth of retail formats based on diffusion across consumer segments and by product category. We then propose a measurement approach, based on consumer surveys, that quantifies the impact of these processes on supermarket market share. Food retail modernization is then examined in Hong Kong by this approach for two points in time. In a 1995 diagnostic study, we find that geographic and economic segment diffusion of supermarkets is complete, but that product category-dependent diffusion (specifically perishables) is not. The latter, thereby, becomes the major restriction on supermarket share gain. In 1999, a second study measures the impact of the introduction of superstores, a large modern format, on the perishable restriction to modern format share growth. Consumers perceived superstore perishables to be superior to supermarkets’, but these views had little impact on the ability of modern format to wrest additional share from traditional markets. We discuss diagnostic and monitoring applications, and extensions of the approach to other retail contexts.  相似文献   

This research takes a retrospective view of the COVID-19 pandemic and attempts to accurately measure its impact on sales of different product categories in grocery retail. In total 150 product categories were analyzed using the data of a major supermarket chain in the Netherlands. We propose to measure the pandemic impact by excess sales – the difference of actual and expected sales. We show that the pandemic impact is twofold: (1) There was a large but brief growth at 30.6% in excess sales associated with panic buying across most product categories within a two-week period; and (2) People spending most of their time at home due to imposed restrictions resulted in an estimated 5.4% increase in total sales lasting as long as the restrictions were active. The pandemic impact on different product categories varies in magnitudes and timing. Using time series clustering, we identified eight clusters of categories with similar pandemic impacts. Using clustering results, we project that product categories used for cooking, baking or meal preparation in general will have elevated sales even after the pandemic.  相似文献   

Despite extensive use of weather data to adjust replenishment and inventory strategies in the retail industry, these companies do clearly know the effect of weather on consumer behavior and retail performance. How does weather affect consumers' purchasing behavior and thus retail performance? We study empirically these questions by analyzing more than 6 million transactions made by more than 1.62 million unique consumers at 146 convenience stores in a convenience store chain in China. We choose sun, rain, temperature, and air quality index as the main weather variables. We use the average number of items per order and the average price of each item in each order as indicators of consumer behavior, and use store daily sales as an indicator of retail performance. We found that under rainy weather, people will buy more products with higher item prices in one order. When temperature rises, people will buy fewer products with a lower item price in one order. In addition, sunny weather and rainy weather have a positive impact on daily sales than cloudy weather. Air quality has a negative impact on daily sales, while temperature has a positive impact on sales. Finally, we study the impact of weather on different product categories. We find that the results depend on the product category characteristics.  相似文献   

Analogues are used by retailers as a forecasting method and as performance benchmarks for new sites. This paper outlines an innovative analogue method that uses the ‘intuitive’ field-level judgements of retail directors obtained through cognitive mapping to classify sites according to their similarity to store analogues. The paper also discusses the problems of existing methods of site assessment relating to their tendency to underplay managerial judgements; outlines an innovative qualitative clustering method that mirrors decision-makers' knowledge to identify analogues by their degree of similarity to a new site; and assesses its value with reference to user responses in a live ‘real-time’ decision situation.  相似文献   

Although it becomes increasingly important for food retailers to understand what motivates consumers to use one retail format rather than another, research on retail format choice is sparse compared to store choice. This study examines the extent to which perceived acquisition value of shopping at a retail format and perceived transaction value of shopping at one particular retail format outlet in a specific situation have an impact on retail format usage intentions. In addition, we study the influence of different situation-specific factors on perceived transaction value of shopping at one particular retail format outlet. Taking discount stores as an example, the developed conceptual model is empirically tested using a structural equation approach. The results show that perceived acquisition value of shopping at the retail format plays a dominant role in explaining retail format usage intentions, while perceived transaction value of shopping at one particular retail format outlet, which depends on certain situation-specific factors, is of lesser importance.  相似文献   


More and more retailers have expanded internationally. Because of its impact on the success of a retailer's international operations, a critical aspect of an internationalisation strategy consists of choosing the appropriate entry and expansion modes. The phenomenon remains misunderstood as little research in international retailing has focused on this question and findings from international management literature find limited application to services.

This paper draws upon a literature review and six case-studies from French specialised retailers to provide an exploratory framework for examining key determinants of operation mode choice. It is found that retailers consider four underlying dimensions of operation modes. These dimensions are affected by situational, individual and marketing factors whose explanatory impacts are moderated by the motives for internationalisation and relationship networks.  相似文献   

Economic growth and a rising middle class consumer base make emerging markets an attractive prospect for many international businesses. Changing patterns of retail in these countries present opportunities for business expansion that many are keen to capitalize on, but also present challenges for reaching their ambitions. This article examines the growth of the coffee shop industry in China—considering its key dynamics and drivers—in order to address questions about successful retail expansion in emerging markets. We aim to explore how changing consumer cultures have contributed to a rapidly growing industry and what strategies businesses have used to enter the market and maintain growth, as well as considerations for potential retail success in the future.  相似文献   

An essential yet challenging decision that emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) must make when setting up a subsidiary abroad is whether to do it in developed or emerging market economies. The extant literature has rarely probed what influences the location choice of EMNEs' outward investments. This paper aims to address this gap and hypothesizes that large shareholdings by promoters or foreign institutional investors negate agency problems (due to managerial risk aversion) and enhance the propensity to pursue risky but value-accrediting upmarket strategies. Furthermore, this paper argues that these beneficial effects of large owners are significantly weaker for group-affiliated firms compared to their standalone counterparts. We test our proposed hypotheses using a proprietary, longitudinal dataset during 2007–2013 for 213 Indian multinational firms and find support for our arguments.  相似文献   

The healthcare industry continues to face substantial pressure to simultaneously improve costs and patient centricity. Much of the focus to date has concerned policy interventions capable of improving these performance measures for traditional healthcare providers, such as hospitals. But recently, nontraditional healthcare providers like Walmart Health and Amazon have made forays into the industry by establishing retail medical clinics (RMCs). These efforts constitute a redistribution of how services are organized across the macro healthcare delivery supply chain. While RMCs stand to bring innovative models of service delivery to patients, the policy environment can both enable and inhibit their involvement in the industry. We develop a framework that explains how structural and conduct regulations have historically influenced demand for and supply of healthcare services. We then describe how these regulatory factors can support nontraditional healthcare providers as they launch innovative service delivery models aimed at efficiency and customer centricity.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the effects of overweight and obesity on times to recovery among Canadian youth who have suffered one or more types of injury. The data source was the 2002 Canadian Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey. The study population included 7266 youth in grades 6 through 10 sampled from all Canadian provinces and territories. Of these, 2831 students reported an injury event and were included in the analysis. Kaplan–Meier curves and hazard ratios (HR) were used to profile survival functions and estimate relative hazards for non-recovery from injury events among normal weight, overweight and obese youth. Youth who were obese and suffered a combined injury (broken bone and strain/sprain) took longer to recover (HR: 1.81, 95% CI 0.99–3.32) compared to normal weight youth. HR for injury recovery in obese youth were not significantly elevated for broken bones (1.15, 95% CI 0.61–2.19) and sprain/strains (1.17, 95% CI 0.73–1.85) in isolation. Obesity was associated with times for injury recovery among injured youth. If these findings are confirmed in other settings, clinicians providing an injury recovery prognosis may need to take into account BMI status and allow for extra recovery time for patients in this age range.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to examine the joint influence of both organizational characteristics and individual personality on employee voice. Employing a multi-level design, data from a chain of retail stores were collected for hypothesis testing. A total of 267 employees from 59 stores participated in this study. The results offered support for the individual-level relationships among proactive personality, voice behavior, and individual creative performance. At the store-level, both transformational leadership and supportive peer relations exerted significant effects on voice climate, but not on store performance. In addition, negative cross-level interaction between transformational leadership and proactive personality was found for voice behavior. Lastly, implications for managerial theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the research on alliance management capability (AMC) has evolved in recent years, we still lack a clear understanding of its antecedents and performance outcomes in the context of family businesses, a setting that is inherently different from a typical firm-to-firm corporation. Collecting data from the Libyan family firms sector, we found that alliance experience, family culture (as internal antecedence), and political instability (as external antecedence) are crucial for AMC development, where the latter has a significant effect on the alliance performance of these firms. We also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study.  相似文献   

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