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Despite the wealth of literature on HRM and employee involvement, now there has been a remarkable lack of large-scale survey evidence on the diffusion employee involvement in work organizations in Europe. This gap in large-scale survey evidence on the diffusion of direct employee participation has now been filled representative sample of workplaces in ten major European Union countries which commissioned by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin (the EPOC project). It is by far the most comprehensive overview of the implementation and effects of direct employee participation of its kind. The paper shows that, on the basis of the EPOC survey results, there appears to considerable gap between the rhetoric and reality of direct participation. The paper shows that while the incidence of different forms of direct participation was widespread ten countries, the scope, in terms of number of issues involved and the number of given to employees, was relatively limited for most direct participation forms. The survey also showed that the introduction of direct participation posed little threat to trade representatives. Indeed, works councils and union representatives were in most 'agents of change' rather than barriers to the development of the more intensive practice of direct participation.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 812 employees in a major Korean electronics company, this study examines the predictors of acceptance of buyout incentives. As in the retirement research, the results here suggest that employees are more likely to accept buyouts the larger the size of the incentive, the older they are at the time of the offer and the poorer their health. However, in contrast to early retirement research, the results here suggest that it is the better performers, those whose spouses are still in the workforce and those who have already declined previous incentives who are most likely to accept buyout incentives in early and mid-career. This study also highlights five differences between American-based and Korean-based firms in their use of early buyout offers. Korean employees were more likely to accept buyout offers the higher their salary, while in the US salary and acceptance of such offers are typically inversely related. Also, while US firms focus on buyout incentives for older workers, Korean firms will often target workers in their thirties and forties. Korean firms typically offer one-time, lump-sum bonuses as departure incentives, whereas American firms are more likely to add years of age and/or service in calculating pension benefits. While US firms often offer some type of part-time employment contract to their early retirees, Korean firms often prohibit this arrangement. Finally, compared to the US, the greater stigma associated with interfirm mobility in Korea cuts against the acceptances of these offers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how performance appraisal has affected the wages of employees in a unionized Japanese firm over time, using firm-level wage and performance appraisal data. Data show that the wage and performance-appraisal systems have been shifting to a performance basis, and away from the heavy reliance on age and seniority characteristic of the old systems. In the process, wage differentials among employees are becoming wider, particularly among those 37 to 41 years old and those 49 to 55 years old. Management introduced the new wage system through a process of concessionary bargaining. Surprisingly, employees, rather than the enterprise union, were able to convince management to modify their initial plans during bargaining over the new wage system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the introduction of schemes aimed at employee empowerment within a context of strong industrial relations in India. The pressure put on profit margins by a competitive business environment is forcing an increasing number of Indian enterprises to view employee empowerment as a serious strategic option. Getting workers to take responsibility for shop-floor decisions over quality, safety, productivity and material use appears, at first sight, an alluring prospect. It would seem that men and women at the bottom of the pyramid cannot but be warmly appreciative of power-sharing arrangements from which they have something to gain, but there are forces at work which can actively obstruct or quietly subvert attempts at redistributing power. In this paper the focus is on some of the motives a trade union might have to do so.  相似文献   

This article looks at the response of a major British trade union, the Transport and General Workers Union, (TGWU), to changing circumstances. The paper focuses on the union's response to human resources management and looks at the debate within the union and the elements of the union's strategy for dealing with HRM. It also examines the attempt by the union to move from a ''servicing culture'' to an ''organizing culture'' in response to changes in the nature of work and in society in general.  相似文献   

Drawing upon a major British study involving over 300 interviews in fifteen case organizations from the private and public sectors, this paper draws out the essential elements of recent changes in industrial relations. In particular, it examines the significance of human resource management initiatives for the practice of industrial relations. The main thrust of the paper examines the ways, and the extent to which, mainstream organizations have transposed and absorbed concepts and practices from the highly publicized ‘lead cases’ into their own routines.

The central argument has three component elements: a whole array of managerial initiatives was launched in the period covered by the research; many of the more far-reaching of these were devised and driven from outside personnel or industrial relations management; cumulatively, these initiatives have impacted on the conduct of industrial relations.

A key concept which is identified and explored is that of HRM/IR ‘dualism’. This is the attempted bolting-on of HRM techniques and language alongside prevailing, albeit to some extent diluted, IR proceduralism. Many of the significant changes in labour management practices stemmed from initiatives taken by general managers, manufacturing directors and line managers. Transformative initiatives in the guise of culture change and structural change often carried profound implications for industrial relations even though these initiatives would not traditionally be regarded as part of industrial relations proper.  相似文献   

This article examines HRM in joint ventures (JVs) in Shanghai compared with those in Beijing using a case-study approach. It focuses primarily on issues relating to labour contracts, rewards and benefits, social insurance, trade unions and personnel policies, and describes current developments in China in each of these areas. In order to place these JV human resource practices in context, we also draw on interviews in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Shanghai and Beijing. Taking as a starting point a summary of traditional SOE 'iron rice-bowl' ( tie fan wan ) practices in the management of personnel, we ask to what extent HRM in the present JV sample differs from traditional methods and to what extent 'iron rice-bowl' practices continue despite foreign ownership. The extent to which HR practices in JVs are distinct from those in contemporary SOEs is also examined. We conclude that, although, as one would expect, foreign ownership has modified traditional practice, the degree and extent to which this is true varies widely. There is strong evidence of institutional and organizational continuity in 'iron rice-bowl' practices in both JVs and SOEs. Finally we propose a framework for categorizing the companies investigated in terms of their distance from traditional 'iron rice-bowl' HR practices and proximity to 'imported' practices. This consists of two 'pure' and two hybrid categories: pure 'iron rice-bowl'; hybrid I (predominantly local); hybrid II (predominantly imported): and, finally, pure imported. In this schema, the companies examined do not however group neatly according to whether they are JVs or SOEs.  相似文献   

While it is well recognized that US metropolitan areas are polycentric, there is little consensus as to the appropriate method for identifying concentrations of employment within them. Existing methods suffer from strong assumptions about parametric form, misspecification, or reliance on local knowledge to calibrate model parameters. This paper introduces a new nonparametric method for identifying subcenters. Results indicate that this, more flexible, nonparametric approach yields greater accuracy with regard to both urban and suburban centers compared with other approaches. This approach should provide better data for the numerous topics that depend on the spatial accounting of employment within metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to contrast the existence of a significant relation between good human resource practices and business results. The empirical analysis is applied to strategies implemented by Local Development and Employment Officers (LDEOs) with regard to the management of social integration and job placement programs within the context of Local Development in Spain for both the universalist and contingent perspectives of Human Resource Management. The novelty of this study lies in the impact local development programs are having on social integration and job placement, and, in particular, the effects of project management.  相似文献   

工业贸易结构变化对我国就业的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对我国工业制成品贸易结构变动的就业效应进行了系统的研究。首先建立了一个简明的理论分析框架,在劳动市场需求方短边均衡的假设下探讨了贸易结构的变动对我国就业的影响。在随后的经验研究中,本文采用了投入产出分析方法,并建立了贸易结构变化影响就业的偏差分析模型,对1992-2003年我国工业制成品贸易结构变化对劳动力使用的影响进行了测量。研究表明,1992-2003年我国工业制成品贸易结构变化对就业产生了不利的影响。  相似文献   

This article introduces a symposium which 'revisits' the Asia-Pacific HRM model, much discussed in recent literature. It argues that, while the IR/HRM systems of the countries in the region are prima facie heterogeneous, there is both commonality and diversity. It posits the four logical cases of 'hard convergence', 'soft convergence', 'soft divergence' and 'hard divergence'. It argues that the most probable outcomes are likely to be the middle options. 'Soft convergence' may have occurred as a result of broader responses to broad economic trends such as globalization; 'soft divergence' may still be de rigueur , as the devil is always 'in the details'. Institutional and legal changes may also take place more slowly than enterprise-level or organizational ones.  相似文献   

In some EU countries the trade unions are centrally involved in the administration and distribution of unemployment benefits. This institutional relationship is held to play an important role in accounting for the relatively high level of union density in the countries concerned. However, there has been very little systematic, empirical research designed to demonstrate this alleged effect. This paper analyses a large-scale body of survey data for all the EU countries in 1993 to test for this effect, with the results strongly confirming the role and strength of this institutional relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract This article argues that the impact of globalization on labour markets and human resources on the Asia-Pacific economies may be recognizable but is as yet relatively limited. The sheer variation of geography, population, economies, labour markets, IR and HRM systems there, as well as of values and the like, makes it difficult to talk of 'hard convergence'. We thus emphasize the notion of 'soft convergence'. The article develops a number of empirical propositions regarding the uneven impact of globalization on economies in the region. It concludes that any generalization on this theme should be greatly qualified.  相似文献   

The employment interview continues to be a prevalent device used by organizations and a popular topic of study among researchers. In fact, over 100 new articles have been published since Posthuma, Morgeson and Campion's [Posthuma, R. A., Morgeson, F. P., & Campion, M. A. (2002). Beyond employment interview validity: A comprehensive narrative review of recent research and trends over time. Personnel Psychology, 55, 1–81] review that are selectively examined and critiqued. During this timeframe, three main areas that have received considerable research attention are discussed: (1) understanding why “structured” interviews predict, (2) examining the constructs interviews may measure, and (3) investigating the applicant and interview factors that may affect the interview process. Despite advances made in our knowledge of employment interviews, numerous ideas for future research are advanced. Three key areas that deserve immediate research attention are: (1) establishing a common model and measurement of interview structure, (2) focusing on what constructs could be or are best measured, and (3) formulating consistent definitions, labeling and measurement of applicant factors. In this way, employment interview research can be advanced.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines extent to which variances in flexible employment practices across fourteen European countries may be attributed to cultural variances. Data were gathered through a survey of human resource practices in 4,876 companies. The results indicate that national differences between flexible employment practices were explained by cultural differences. Specifically, we find use of part-time work is related to power distance and individualism; contract work is related to uncertainty avoidance and individualism; shift work is related to uncertainty avoidance, power distance and individualism; and telework is related to femininity.  相似文献   

The movement of the Chinese economy towards a market orientation has been characterized by high levels of foreign direct investment, the diversification of forms of public ownership and the growing economic significance of the private sector as the PRC joins the global economy. These changes have clearly had a significant impact over time on the Chinese labour-force. This study, based on a geographically dispersed sample of sixty-two enterprises, both state-owned and joint venture, examines the effect of these economic reforms on industrial and labour relations, and in particular on the role of trade unions at plant level.  相似文献   


In organizational settings, employees learn mainly through performing their jobs and by attending training programs. Empirical evidences that compare on the types and extent of learning occur from these two methods, however, are lacking and thus worthwhile examining. Hence, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted among one hundred seventy-five employees from various firms in Malaysia. This paper reports findings from the survey which addresses two main research questions: (1) What are the differences and similarities in learning outcomes of job experiences and formal training programs? and (2) Which method is superior? The respondents were asked to rate, using a five-point scale, five learning outcomes attributable to formal training programs and job experiences: recognition, job knowledge, communication and interpersonal skills, job quantity and quality, and independence and flexibility. The mean rating shows communication and interpersonal skills as the first-ranked learning outcome from both methods. On the other hand, recognition was ranked the lowest. T-test results indicate a significant overall superiority of job experiences over formal training programs. These and other findings imply important considerations in designing job and training in organizations. This paper calls upon organizations as well as individual employees to re-examine their approaches to workplace learning in order to obtain a synergetic learning impact from both job experiences and formal training.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a new panel data set of workers employed by the Canadian Pacific Railway between 1904 and 1929 to analyse the incidence of long-term employment and reasons for changes in job durations after World War I. The hazard function estimates indicate that individuals have only a small probability of staying for more than ten years at the firm, although at any point in time long-term workers constitute a sizable fraction of employees. Increasing post-war spell lengths reflect the changing composition of the workforce rather than differences in macro-economic conditions or changes in employment relationships. Specific human capital and job matching were also important: Long-term employees were shielded from both firm-specific and economy-wide downturns.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is important to capitalistic economies, and in management studies. Additionally, organizations recognize that human resources are imperative to survival. Although human resources is an important field, sparse theory has been applied to human resources in emerging organizations. Recognizing that emerging organizations are different from established organizations, we expand prior work in human resources and emerging organizations to introduce a human resource architecture of emerging organizations. We introduce a model for the employment mode of emerging organizations based on intentionality, resources, boundary, and exchange. We present propositions drawn from our theory, and conclude with implications and suggestions for research.  相似文献   

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