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企业人力资源外包——定价策略和收益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述人力资源外包的概念、外包的动力及作用等基础上,对企业人力资源外包成本和收益决策进行了详细的分析和讨论。本文认为,人力资源外包收益的获得不仅体现在外包价格和外包监控成本之上,也同企业外包后由于人力资源服务水平的提升带来的收益增加和/或其他方面的成本降低相联系。因此,系统地分析并考虑人力资源外包后的整体优势,通过科学的人力资源规划和有效的员工激励来促使生产率提升将会是企业提升人力资源外包总体收益的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文在阐述人力资源外包的概念和作用基础上,分析了人力资源外包后在战略规划、外包工作能力、沟通技能、职业角色转换等四个方面给企业人事经理带来的挑战。本文指出,在有效应对人力资源外包的挑战方面,人事经理最为关键的应对策略是掌握好外包工作和内部人力资源管理核心技能培养方面的平衡艺术。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展与专业化分工,HR外包服务作为企业HRM战略变革的重要手段,逐渐被更多的企业所接受。新《劳动合同法》的实施又给企业HRM提出了新要求,如何专注价值、降低成本、灵活用工、规避风险已成为企业人事管理面临的现实课题。同时,新形势也给国内HR外包服务机构带来难得的发展机遇。本文以HR外包服务行业为着眼点,从行业战略格局分析入手,展开营销价值思考与营销模式设计,并提出HR外包服务机构营销策略要点建议。  相似文献   

张玮 《价值工程》2012,31(28):109-110
目前,人力资源市场比较流行"人事外包",这种做法能够将企业进行完美"瘦身",然后以最优的状态,迎接市场的考验。本文重点从建筑施工企业人力资源管理方面遇到的问题和"人事外包"针对这些问题所采取的措施和战略对策上入手,着重强调人力资源管理对建筑施工企业的不断发展起着决定性作用。  相似文献   

陆远权  唐颖 《企业活力》2011,(10):49-53
人力资源外包实施过程中,由于发包方与承包方相互的认识与理解错位,往往导致承包方无法高质量完成所委托任务甚至合作流产。发承双方应充分重视沟通问题,通过事前明确发包内容,事中人员相互渗入,事后及时反馈等方式保证沟通的有效性。  相似文献   

The influence of the family on human resource (HR) management structures creates important idiosyncrasies with potential implications in terms of firm performance. Based on the agency and socioemotional wealth perspectives, this paper examines the formalization and effectiveness of three basic HR practices – selection, training and compensation – in different contexts of family and non-family firms. Using a sample of 500 Spanish companies, the results show that a higher degree of HR formalization has a positive influence on firm performance, confirming the negative moderating influence of family involvement on the relationship between the formalization of training practices and the firm performance. In addition, the findings indicate that the mediating role of selection practices in the relationship between training and firm performance is smaller in family than in non-family firms.  相似文献   

Professional insecurity is a long‐standing concern within HR, with claims to expertise seen as critical to credibility. Considering HR as an epistemic community and drawing on the identity work literature, we examine an identity threat to, and subsequent response by, a training and development (T&D) team. Based on ethnographic exposure to their practice, we explore how team members experience the threat and follow their attempts to re‐establish their position in the local epistemic community, the HR department. We examine both individual and collective identity work, considering how both the identity threat and subsequent responses are embedded within T&D and HR practice more broadly. Through this analysis, we offer academic insight on the nature of HR practice and the construction of claims to expertise.  相似文献   

杨奡  赵一飞 《物流科技》2008,31(3):131-132
物流业务外包,即制造企业为集中资源、节省管理费用、增强核心竞争力而将物流业务以合同的方式委托与专业的物流公司运作。外包是一种长期的、战略的、互相渗透的、互惠互利的业务委托和合约执行方式.论文将探讨制造企业物流业务外包的原因、存在的问题以及如何正确外包,还将探讨成功建立外包联盟的因素。  相似文献   

以跨国公司全球价值链重构下的国际服务外包为背景,从发包方的角度出发,针对212家在中国的国际服务外包企业有效问卷的调查数据,探究来自服务提供商的信任与作为发包商的跨国公司合作之间的演化关系。实证结果表明:计算信任对关系信任有显著的正向影响;计算合作对关系合作有显著的正向影响;关系信任可以获取跨国公司的任何类型的合作,而计算信任需要通过关系信任等途径才能实现对于跨国公司合作的积极影响;外包双方均太注重利益计算,不利于合作关系的建立。在对跨国公司合作的影响效果上,关系信任高于计算信任,因此,为了获取跨国公司的合作,接包企业更应加强关系信任的培养。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化及信息技术的飞速发展,越来越多的企业将自己不擅长的业务外包,从而在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势地位。目前,大多数人力资源管理部门正在通过业务外包来达到提高效率、增强企业核心竞争力的目的。本文从外包的定义出发,探讨了人力资源管理外包的概念、内容,并比较了国内外企业人力资源外包的方式,分析了人力资源管理外包的优势和作用.从五个方面详细探讨了人力资源管理外包的过程和步骤。  相似文献   

关于内部审计外包形式的选择与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
内部审计外部化已成为西方国家普遍的形式,我国由于经济管理和审计发展水平的局限,尚未开展内部审计外部化的实践。本文重点对国内外内部审计外部化的各种实现形式及其优劣进行了分析,然后从我国的实际出发,探讨了我国内部审计外部化的具体实现方式。  相似文献   

The devolution of human resource responsibilities from human resource managers to line managers is both a growing and global trend. A number of authors has suggested that there are positive as well as negative consequences of devolution. The current study conducted a survey of US human resource managers to explore the effect of devolution on human resource managers' perceptions of people management effectiveness in their organizations. Results revealed a positive effect of devolution on perceived people management effectiveness. However, this effect was qualified by an interaction between devolution and line support. Contrary to expectation, this interaction revealed that providing line managers with training and support for their human resource responsibilities had a greater positive impact on perceived effectiveness in organizations that had not devolved (non devolvers) compared to those that had (devolvers).  相似文献   

上市公司服务外包:注册会计师面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术、财务等外包形式越来越被人们接受,人们日益关注这类服务外包对发包公司内部控制的重要影响。本文从注册会计师角度分析了上市公司服务外包对其内部控制的影响、服务机构注册会计师面临的机遇,以及发包公司注册会计师面临的挑战,并探讨了服务外包对我国的若干启示。  相似文献   

本轮国际金融危机已经严重影响到全球经济的健康发展。企业要抓住机遇做好人力资源(HR)管理现代化工作,调整人力资源战略规划,加大人才的招聘和储备,进一步做好人才结构优化等工作。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of three classes of determinants using a sample of 271 Canadian Organizations, namely: (1) strategic and organizational characteristics; (2) transactional variables; and (3) risk factors on human resource outsourcing. Using an ordered probit statistical analysis, the results show that a strategic implication on the part of the human resources department, support from top managers, prior experience with outsourcing and extensive use of benchmarking in human resources management are positively related to the intensity of Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO). We found some support for the transaction-specific variables, most notably for the complexity and the specificity of transactions. Finally, the study reveals that human and business risks appear to be important drivers of a firm's decision to outsource.  相似文献   

宋宏磊  李雪欣 《物流技术》2007,26(8):128-131
通过供应细分、"外购分析矩阵"的建立以及"成本-能力"矩阵的建立这三个步骤的分析,为企业采购项目的自制-外包选择提供新的理论模型,以帮助企业在进行采购项目外包时建立有利于企业长期发展的竞争优势。  相似文献   

文章探讨了军事物流外包原则,提出了军事物流外包的要求,结合我军情况,对军事物流外包的实施进行了研究。为我军物流发展提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

While human resource (HR) activities have traditionally been performed internally, the outsourcing of HR practices is a rapidly increasing phenomenon. The accelerated rate of HR outsourcing also corresponds to a sweeping change in which non-transactional activities, such as recruitment, selection and training, are among the most outsourced HR practices. This article investigates the outsourcing decisions of recruiting and selection (R&S). It develops a predictive model based on efficiency drivers, rooted in transaction cost economy (TCE), and competitive motivations, derived from the resource-based view. The model has been tested in a sample of 276 medium and large enterprises in two specific contexts: the outsourcing of administrative R&S practices (job advertisement and pre-screening) and that of the more strategic R&S practices (colloquia and selection). Findings confirm the relevance of both categories of predictors, but they reveal how efficiency motivations are more important for the decisions to outsource administrative R&S practices while competitive issues matter more for the strategic side of R&S activity. Theoretical and managerial implications are offered on the basis of such evidence.  相似文献   

After reviewing the literature surrounding the link between executive compensation and innovation activities of North American firms, we examine two gaps in the area. First, we analyze how contextual factors can affect CEO pay in high-technology companies. In particular, we study three contextual dimensions: political, economic, and social. Second, we consider the specific case of executive compensation in high-technology firms when family ties are present at the helm. Drawing on agency rationale and previous research, we develop a series of instrumental propositions intended to provide the theoretical basis for a future research agenda in the area.  相似文献   

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