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The boundaryless career, which challenges the assumptions of the traditional hierarchical career, has proved to be a remarkably popular and influential concept. However, we argue that it remains theoretically and empirically undeveloped, which limits its explanatory potential. We draw on some New Zealand empirical research highlighting the issue of who gets studied. Focusing on women's career experience, local ethnic groups and collective cultures we argue that these experiences represent a challenge to boundaryless career theory. Some of the theoretical assumptions on which boundaryless careers have been built are also interrogated: freedom from boundaries, individual volition and minimal influences from societal structures. We conclude that the boundaryless career story/odyssey is in danger of becoming a narrow career theory applicable only to the minority, if there is no engagement with theoretical and empirical critiques.  相似文献   

This paper compares the opportunity model with the gravity model from a theoretical view- point. First, based on a reexamination of Schneider's model, the ‘perceived opportunity model’ is proposed as a generalization of Schneider's model. Second, the similarity of the opportunity and gravity models is examined. In particular the condition of the opportunity model behaving like the gravity model is presented. Third, the difference of these models is investigated in terms of certain general model-theoretic properties. The behavioral ‘sensitivity’ of each model to spatial configuration changes is revealed by these properties.  相似文献   

舞弊审计准则的国际比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文在借鉴国际和美国等的舞弊审计准则的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,论述了修订我国现行舞弊审计准则的必要性,并在对比分析的基础上提出了修订我国舞弊审计准则的具体建议.  相似文献   

中国城市化:水平测算与国际比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
城市化水平是衡量一个国家或地区城市化进程程度的一项重要指标,由于这一指标在测算我国城市化水平时,未能考虑我国隐性城镇人口,往往导致我国的城市化水平普遍低于世界其它国家.本文在充分考虑我国隐性城镇人口的基础上,对普遍意义上的城市化水平测算公式进行修正,并具体用于测算我国的城市化水平.通过与世界其它国家城市化水平的比较,得出我国的城市化水平并不滞后的结论.  相似文献   

本文从网络财务报告的内容、列报形式和监管的角度分析了网络财务报告在不同国家所表现出的多样性,并说明其存在差异的原因,同时指出了网络财务报告的发展趋势。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate in the literature on the long-term impact of international work experience on future career success. In this longitudinal study based on university graduates, we compare expatriates (n = 159), repatriates (n = 395) and domestic employees (n = 2697) with regard to their objective and subjective career success during the first five years of their careers. Results from propensity score matching and ordinary least-squares regressions show that expatriates and repatriates have a higher objective career success in terms of monthly wages. We further find a higher subjective career success for expatriates and male repatriates.  相似文献   

生态城市建设模式的国际比较与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外国生态城市建设主要采取政府导向型、科技先导型、项目带动型、交通引导型、组织驱动型、城乡互动型建设等模式。借鉴国际建设模式和发展经验,我国应采取如下措施加快生态城市建设:发挥政府职能作用,加强科技创新的基础作用,实施重点突破战略,构建生态城市交通体系,引导公众广泛参与,强化城乡融合建设理念。  相似文献   


This study investigates global career self-management behaviors of staff in an international governmental organization (IGO). The literature on global careers argues that individuals should maximize their career capital, operationalized in the intelligent careers (IC) concept as competencies, social networks, and motivations of persons related to their careers. The IC concept implies that career capital is transferable and argues that IC components are interrelated and self-reinforcing. We explored these assumptions through a case study in a United Nations (UN) organization. Using the IC framework we undertook 29 semi-structured interviews with international assignees, HR, and operational experts and conducted one focus group discussion with seven staffing coordinators. We found that the UN organization had high barriers to career capital transfer between head office and field stations. Therefore, the IGO staff experienced conflicting demands in terms of their career capital behaviors. Many staff did not focus on maximizing their career-relevant capabilities or social networks. Instead, they pursued international careers that intentionally sacrificed internal career progression in favor of their humanitarian aid duties. The research adds to the insights of the global careers literature and refines our understanding of the relationship of the organizational center to its foreign affiliates. The findings expose potentially contradictory behavioral implications of elements of the IC concept and call for a context-sensitive refinement. Managerial implications for resourcing, development, career management, and retention are discussed.  相似文献   

孙平 《财会月刊》2006,(6):49-51
与加拿大、美国、英国等已经开展绩效审计的国家相比,我国的政府绩效审计起步较晚,迫切需要开展政府绩效审计理论与实务的研究.本文对先进国家的成功经验作了归纳总结,以期为我国的绩效审计提供参考.  相似文献   

在分析莱茵-鲁尔城市群和辽中城市群概况的基础上,对二者的产业结构及其中的矿业城市就业结构进行了比较研究,并对二者之间的经济环境、发展水平等差异进行比较,发现二者在多个指征上呈现出很大的相似性.基于二者的比较,给出了辽中城市群及矿业城市学习和借鉴莱茵-鲁尔城市群成功经验的建议和措施.  相似文献   

With the trend of globalization, international human resource management has become more important than ever. In the globalization process, enterprises apply the approach of international assignment to firmly command the operating development of multinational enterprises and to improve operating performance. Therefore, how to select the core employees to carry out the international assignments for them is crucial. In addition, whether the international assignments succeed or not depends on the existence of a well-developed mechanism of career development in the organization, which is able to provide commitment to the employees before implementing international assignments; support the employees during international assignments; and have an arrangement for the employees after completing international assignments. This article adopts the resource-based viewpoint, systematic development viewpoint, and qualitative research method to discuss the dynamic cause-effect relationship between career development and international assignment performance. A career development mechanism is constructed for the international assignment personnel who can be used as a reference to draft and plan related practical operations for enterprises or conduct related research. This research aims to explore the cause-and-effect relation between career development and the performance of international assignments through resource-based view, system dynamics and case study. After a literature review, we construct three hypotheses and the successful mechanism of career development of international assigners. The mechanism can function as a reference for the business community to assist in the selection process and for further related academic study.  相似文献   

接轨国际绩效审计谋求中国审计发展机遇   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邢俊芳 《中国审计》2003,(15):61-63
在2003年的全国审计工作会议上,李金华审计长明确指出:“效益审计是更高层次的审计目标,是审计工作的发展方向。就我国目前的经济社会发展水平,对经济秩序状况以及审计工作质量和人员的总体素质而言,要达到这方面的要求,还有很长的路要走。在这个问题上,我们既不能操之过急,也不能裹足不前,应破除神秘感,积极探索,逐步实践。”广东、湖北等地已经在尝试开展绩效评估和效益比较审计,得到了有关领导的高度评价。可以说探索与中国实际相结合的绩效审计模式,是中国审计制度融入世界审计主流的重要条件,也是加快中国走向审计现代化的重要一步。  相似文献   

邢俊芳 《中国审计》2003,(19):65-66
三、中国发展效益审计的战略思考 在中国发展效益审计,可以说是为解决国民经济发展低效益、轻视效益问题,找到其中一条出路.人们称审计者是经济医生,我希望经济医生把效益审计作为中医药方,对中国国民经济低效益采用既治标又治本的中医疗法,而把财务审计作为头疼医头、脚疼医脚、应紧应急的西医药方,对经济活动中的违纪违规、经济犯罪,采用西医疗法.只要尽我所能,定有成效.  相似文献   

垃圾处理的国际比较与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了9个国家在处理城市生活垃圾方面的先进经验,并通过对这些经验的国际比较总结出6种模式,并以这6种模式为借鉴提出了我国改进垃圾处理和利用的建议.  相似文献   

创意经济时代与城市新机遇   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在分析全球范围内创意产业发展状况的基础上,探讨了新经济条件下创意产业与城市发展的关系,阐述了创意经济对现代城市的各种积极价值以及创意产业发展的机制与环境基础.提出当代中国城市发展应该紧跟世界创意经济发展的趋势与步伐,积极拓展创意经济的各种政策,培育创意产业发展的城市基础环境,力争在新一轮的城市化进程中,在全球创意时代,大力发展城市创意产业与创意经济,为城市寻找战略性机遇.  相似文献   

商业机会在某种意义上影响并决定着公司的发展及公司利益,为保护公司及股东的利益,必须要规范董事的行为,保护公司的商业机会,在大多数英美法系国家其公司制度相对成熟,均制定了公司机会准则,对商业机会加以保护。公司机会准则是英美公司法当中的一个重要原则,该原则要求董事不得谋取属于公司的商业机会。我国公司法规定董事负有不得利用职权谋取公司商业机会的忠实义务。但是,这一规定的执行力不够好。英美公司法理论对公司机会的概念、意义和判断标准等相关制度有比较完善的规定,这对我国公司法关于公司机会的立法和司法实践都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In the present study, similarities and differences between prototypes of successful managers were examined across four cultural groups: Americans, Europeans, Asians, and Latin Americans. Managers from the hospitality industry (N = 366) used an 84–item attribute inventory to rate a successful middle manager. In addition, Americans' stereotypes of ethnic managers were compared with prototypes held by managers from those ethnic cultures. Specifically, American managers' perceptions of Asian and Hispanic managers were compared against Asian and Hispanic/Latin American managers' prototypes. A high level of correspondence in prototype characteristics was found across the four cultural groups. In addition, American‐defined ethnic manager stereotypes also contained profiles similar to cultural prototypes. However, important differences were also detected on many managerial characteristics. Implications of the findings for cross‐cultural congruence and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Expatriate experience is not only a disconnected occasion for cross-cultural anxiety and adjustment but also an important event in the process of self-development and learning. Following this view and arguing for a discursive approach, the paper focuses on ways in which expatriates themselves tell and interpret their development and movement across expatriate career cycle. Meaning systems connecting expatriate job with previous and following work experiences in career stories of Finnish engineers and managers were identified using a combination of narrative and discourse analysis. No evidence was found of an autonomous expatriate discourse but, in contrast, expatriate career cycle was narrated using available organizational repertoires of development and career. Describing and discussing the meaning-making properties of three identified discourses - bureaucratic, occupational and enterprising - the paper emphasizes the organizational environment of expatriate experience while acknowledging the limits of these contemporary career vocabularies in addressing individual learning and change in cross-cultural settings.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the standard approach for measuring output and productivity in the trade sector has become obsolete. The key problem is that changes in prices of goods purchased for resale are not accounted for. We outline a consistent accounting framework for measuring trade productivity and provide new estimates, taking into account purchase prices of goods sold in a double deflation procedure. We find strong productivity improvements in the UK and US compared to France, Germany and The Netherlands since the mid-1990s. This finding is robust for various productivity measurement models.
Marcel P. TimmerEmail:

A dual representation of a technology, e.g., a cost function, may not contain all of the technological information, but it will contain all of the information about input vectors that would be chosen by a cost-minimizing firm. At least this much is clear for deterministic technologies. The main question addressed in this paper is whether the same can be said about stochastic technologies and their dual representations. Despite some pessimism expressed in the stochastic frontier literature on this question, we argue that there is no extra cost imposed in the stochastic case. Thus, the conclusion of this paper is: Just dual it!  相似文献   

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