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Using family systems theory as a conceptual framework, this research study proposes and tests a preliminary model that explains spouse willingness to relocate internationally and manager willingness to assume a global assignment. Previous research from the global assignments, international job relocation and dual-career couples' literatures has found that spouse attitudes often influence the attitudes of expatriates. However, few research studies have been conducted to determine the factors that influence spouse attitudes toward both short- and long-term global relocation opportunities. The present study attempts to build understanding in this under-researched area of international human resource management. By understanding more about this important phenomenon, top decision-makers and international human resource professionals can better identify and select those candidates who have family situations that will predispose them to accept global assignments. Data from questionnaires completed by 427 global managers and 167 spouses were used to test hypotheses that examined the relationships between individual, family and organizational, factors and spouse criterion variables. An additional hypothesis was tested to measure spouse influence on manager global assignment willingness. The data in the study were analysed by conducting structural equation modelling. Theoretical, methodological and practical contributions from the present study are provided.  相似文献   

Previous research has generally focused on employees’ willingness to accept international assignments and the rewards that are often associated with them. Little is known, however, about the potential career consequences of declining an international assignment. In this conceptual paper, psychological contract (PC) theory is used to develop propositions outlining factors that are likely to determine whether employees who turn down an international assignment will be viewed as having failed to live up to their obligations, by both the organization and themselves. Our theoretical model suggests that when the PC is breached due to the refusal of an international assignment, it may lead to reduced investments in the employee and, in turn, lower levels of objective and subjective career success for those who have spurned the offer to work abroad. We also address how the consequences of declining international assignments will affect perceptions of choice and international assignment refusal rates within organizations. We close by discussing directions for future research that can further examine the ideas and propositions developed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new instrument to elicit individual willingness to compete (WTC). Experimental data corroborate the standard result according to which the average WTC of men is higher than the average WTC of women. However, our WTC measure reveals significant within‐gender heterogeneity: 10% of women are extremely competitive, and 13% of men are extremely averse to competition. Gender differences in WTC persist after controlling for ability, self‐confidence, tolerance for risk, and the gender of the partner.  相似文献   

This study examines the respective influence of individual characteristics and contextual factors on employees' willingness to accept major internal job changes – i.e. domestic relocation, international assignment and change of discipline – in their late careers. Data were obtained from a two-wave longitudinal survey of 584 management-level employees from different private-sector organizations located in France. Three separate hierarchical regression equations were run to test the relationships of interest in this study, one for each of the three internal mobility opportunities. The set of attitudinal variables was found to explain a significant proportion of the variance in the willingness to change discipline, but its influence was weak or null respectively in explaining willingness to accept an international posting or domestic relocation. Off-the-job embeddedness and spouse's unwillingness to move were confirmed as strong deterrents to relocation. As for the individual characteristics, openness to experience was identified as a major determinant of all the types of mobility included in this study. The results suggest that a much more dynamic role could be envisaged for late-career managers, at least for respondents corresponding to certain individual and contextual variables.  相似文献   

We test a job ladders theory of career progression within internal labor markets as developed by Lazear and Rosen (1990). The theory argues that gender promotion gaps are due to sorting of men and women into career tracks with different promotion opportunities based on ex ante quit probabilities. Analyzing US federal government employees using a dynamic unobserved panel data model, we find that job assignment is one of the strongest predictors of gender differences in promotion. We also find that women have to jump higher performance hurdles to promote across grades, but, within grades, their promotion probabilities are comparable to those of men. In this organization, women can be found in both fast- and slow-track jobs, based on their promotion history, suggesting that unobserved heterogeneity is revealed to the firm over the worker's career.  相似文献   

Few researches were involved in investigating the factors of commitment affecting employees' willingness to take critical assignment during a crisis. The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) event provided as a good arena for crisis research. The study focused on the impact of crisis on the employees' willingness to accept critical assignments and the influencing factors of their willingness. This empirical study of willingness is captured by comparing the nurses' willingness to take care of SARS patients during and after 2 years of SARS outbreak and investigating organizational commitment (OC) and professional commitment (PC) as the determinants of their willingness to care under SARS outbreak. Registered nurses were surveyed during (2003) and after (2005) the SARS outbreak. The results showed that crisis does not affect a change on employees' willingness to accept critical assigned jobs. However, the nurses had higher level of desire to stay at the job and lower level of professional identification during the SARS crisis. The determinants of the nurses' willingness to care for SARS patients with pooling data were organizational identification, and particularly willingness to work in extra efforts. To enhance employees' willingness to accept critical assignments during a crisis, improving their level of OC and PC is a direction for the management to work on.  相似文献   

This article examines the motives of expatriates and repatriates to accept international assignments and how these motives relate to individuals' perceptions of expatriation outcomes. Issues of adjustment, satisfaction, withdrawal intentions, willingness to relocate again in the future, and recommendation of an assignment to others were considered as outcomes. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews of 30 Portuguese expatriates and repatriates. The results indicate that a considerable number of participants relocated because they felt compelled to do so by their employing companies. Moreover, the extent to which organizations persuade these originally unwilling expatriates seems to have negative implications in terms of their perceptions of the adjustment process, general satisfaction with the assignment, and withdrawal intentions. Compelling behaviour also has career implications and impacts individual receptiveness to relocate in the future. Suggestions for further research and implications for organizations and prospective expatriates are also presented.  相似文献   

Countries’ image is a multifaceted construct. Its symbolic dimensions have shown to play an important role both on consumer behavior and on the attraction that organizations can have during the recruitment process. This paper offers a comprehensive model of international mobility decisions encompassing the antecedents and consequences of perceptions about emerging economies, proposing that country image depends on individuals’ background and social identities. In this context, countries’ evaluations can play a major role on influencing the willingness to accept expatriate job offers. We used a within-subject design asking for opinions about hypothetical job offers on six particular host countries: Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina, Chile, Angola and Mozambique. Survey results from more than 500 engineers, (125 French nationals, 121 Spanish and 131 Portuguese, with the remaining 138 coming from 42 different countries, yet working in 1 of the 3 above-mentioned European countries), evidence, that language proficiency influences the evaluation of specific expatriate locations. Our results also convey the critical role of the perceived level of safety and cultural attraction in predicting the willingness to accept expatriate job offers. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications for human resource management.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to better understand the antecedents and consequences of expatriate adjustment in an international assignment. The researchers surveyed Japanese expatriates assigned to the United States. Structural equation modeling was utilized to test our hypotheses and model. The results indicated that previous knowledge of the host country, language proficiency, willingness to communicate and perception of the novelty of the host culture were differentially related to expatriates' adjustment to the host country. General and work adjustments were negatively related to expatriates' intent to return early. In addition, interrelationships among the adjustment dimensions were examined and the results indicated that general adjustment leads to work adjustment, which, in turn, influences interactional adjustment. Implications for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Men and women are said to perceive justice differently, with women proposed to be more concerned with relational issues and men focused more on material issues. In this study, the potential for differential effects of justice on performance by gender was analyzed across the four contemporary types of justice. Respondents were 265 male and 113 female occupationally diverse employees in a single organization. The results show significant differences in how men and women respond to the four justice types with only one – informational justice – acting similarly by gender. The differential relationships between each of the justice types and the outcomes by gender highlight the utility of the four factor approach to measuring organizational justice. Women were more interested in maintaining social harmony than men. The results appear to strongly support the use of the justice judgment model over the group-value model as a means of explaining the gender differences. Implications for management include the importance of informational justice both generally and within the performance appraisal process.  相似文献   

The authors argue that international managers and researchers need to avoid an ostrich-like attitude of ‘gender and race blindness’ when dealing with diversity in the workforce. This issue is addressed specifically in the case of international assignments. The paper draws on previous studies investigating gender, race and international assignment, and considers a sample of regulations pertaining to gender and race in the context of international assignment decisions. The authors present the results of a preliminary study focusing specifically on the interplay of these variables. Based on the issues discussed, the authors examine selection, preparation and support activities as important avenues for meaningfully incorporating gender and race into the international assignment process.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of working time on women's willingness to go on expatriate assignments in the oil and gas exploration and production sector. The research draws upon an analysis of two case study firms' international assignment and working time policies, semi-structured interviews with 14 human resource staff responsible for policy design and implementation, and a survey of the views of 71 women expatriates, supported by in-depth interviews with 26 of the survey respondents. The research identifies an ‘expat factor’: assignees state that long hours are inherent in expatriation and necessary to further their careers. However, in practice, working time is not excessive and flexible working practices are utilised. Hours of work have little effect on women's decisions to undertake long-term assignments but alternatives such as short-term and commuter assignments are unpopular as their working patterns are disruptive to family life. This article contributes to theory development by linking two discrete frameworks that explain women's career choices when they strive to balance their career goals with their families and by identifying a career compromise threshold when expatriation is rejected in favour of family considerations. A model is proposed to link working time/patterns to women's international assignment participation.  相似文献   

Motivated by models of worker flows, we argue in this paper that monopsonistic discrimination may be a substantial factor behind the overall gender wage gap. Using matched employer–employee data from Norway, we estimate establishment-specific wage premiums separately for men and women, conditioning on fixed individual effects. Regressions of worker turnover on the wage premium identify less wage elastic labour supply facing each establishment of women than that of men. Workforce gender composition is strongly related to employers' wage policies. The results suggest that 70–90% of the gender wage gap for low-educated workers may be attributed to differences in labour market frictions between men and women, while the similar figures for high-educated workers ranges from 20 to 70%.  相似文献   

This study used a sample of 405 managers and their spouses from twenty Fortune 500 multinational corporations to document the availability of American managers for international assignments. Aside from their spouses' feelings about international relocation, managers' willingness to relocate internationally was also predicted by their own attitudes about moving in general and their willingness to relocate domestically. Implications for human resource policy suggest that corporations must increasingly focus on human resource policies targeted toward the spouse. Results suggested that monitoring managers' intentions to relocate will enhance the organization's ability to adequately staff international sites with experienced managers. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the past decades, the number of female employees and managers has strongly increased in most developed countries. This demographic development emphasizes the importance to investigate gender dissimilarity between employees and their supervisor and how it can be managed to elicit beneficial gender dissimilarity effects on employees’ attitudes and interpersonal interactions. Past gender dissimilarity research often assumes women and men to have different values. Due to these value differences, women and men should be less satisfied with a supervisor who has a different gender. However, past research reported inconsistent gender dissimilarity effects on employees’ satisfaction and other work-related satisfaction variables. To clarify gender dissimilarity effects on employees’ satisfaction with their supervisor, we analyze the moderating role of an employee’s beliefs in gender equality. We further draw on social identity theory and investigate value fit with the supervisor and identification with the supervisor as underlying mechanisms of gender dissimilarity effects. To test our research model, we conducted a three-wave survey study with 463 employees. Value fit and identification with the supervisor mediated the relationship between gender dissimilarity and employees’ satisfaction with supervisor. This indirect relationship was only significant for employees with low beliefs in gender equality. This means high beliefs in gender equality can offset dysfunctional gender dissimilarity effects.  相似文献   

This article examines the tension between population‐level and individual‐level interests regarding childbearing, from Malthus's concern for overpopulation to the contemporary issue of son preference, and argues for an understanding of individual‐level interests that distinguishes parents from households. In making this distinction, we draw attention to how gender norms can play an important role in shaping reproductive interests. Survey data and previous work show a wealth of differences in the number of children men and women would like to have, and in their behaviors toward the children they have. We argue not that gender norms cause women to want more children than men, but that they cause women to want children more, for reasons that include time spent with children, old‐age support, women's proscribed opportunities for achieving social standing, and the relationship in many contexts between honorable female adulthood and bearing children at the right time and under the right circumstances. We further argue that a just and effective population policy must consider fertility outcomes at multiple scales, including that of the welfare of individual women.  相似文献   

We examine if a gender gap persists in executive compensation and if the composition and the determinants of executive compensation for men versus women are the same for the S&P1500 listed firms during the period from 1992 to 2004. This analysis is also extended to high tech firms, where high scholarship is required both for male and female executives. The results reveal that the gender gap in executive compensation is reducing essentially after the year 2000. Also, the factors that explain the variation in executive compensation are not all the same for men and women. However, firms continue to pay women, who are considered more risk averse than men, a similar proportion of risky compensation components, such as stock options and restricted stocks, than they pay to men. In terms of technology firms, we find that the gender differences in total compensation are not statistically significant. Our study offers insight into recent data for executive compensation. The finding that the gender gap diminishes is a sign of a better functioning market for executives. Our findings could be potentially useful for compensation committees in order to develop compensation packages that take into consideration the degree of risk aversion in order to enhance performance. Compensation adjusted for risk aversion can produce a higher level of satisfaction for the employees and can lead to better performances. Future research should focus on international comparison of various dimensions of executive compensation.  相似文献   

Women are, on average, more often absent from work for health reasons than men, but live longer. This conflicting pattern suggests that the gender absenteeism gap arises partly from factors unrelated to objective health. An overlooked explanation is that men and women might have different preferences for absenteeism due to different attitudes to, for example, risk. Using detailed administrative data on absenteeism, hospitalizations, and mortality, we evaluate the existence of gender‐specific preferences for absenteeism and analyze whether these differences are socially determined. We find robust evidence of gender differences in absenteeism that cannot be explained by poorer objective health among women. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions by studying a range of socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. Furthermore, we aim at analyzing these differences in three groups of countries depending on the stage of economic development of each country according to the Global Competitiveness Report. Using a logistic regression analysis and data from the 2008 APS (Adult Population Survey) database which is part of the Project GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), results show the existence of gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions. The model proposed in the study has decreasing explanatory power as the degree of economic development increases, and is also more conclusive for men than women. An important methodological innovation we implemented in the current study is the use of the variable gender as a dependent variable rather than a variable of a socio demographic nature.  相似文献   

The article examines the experience of women compared to men in the new Polish job markets with special emphasis on their participation in the explosion of entrepreneurship that has occurred in the country since 1990. Tightening laws related to gender discrimination would have some limited impact on women's employment opportunities. Promotion of entrepreneurship is proposed as an important solution to joblessness – especially for women with general secondary education living outside major cities  相似文献   

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