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This article examines the relationship between demographic diversity principles and evaluations of employee voice. An analysis of survey data from 707 employees working at 37 hospitality institutions with different star categories confirmed that trust in the employer, followed by the modest contribution of education, is of the utmost importance in the evaluation of voice systems by all employees. Employee evaluations of voice opportunities were found to display differences between male and female employee groups. While generational cohort was a differentiating attribute for the male group, job tenure had the same effect for the female employees. Implications for future research and for HR managers are discussed.  相似文献   

2005年信托公司年报披露,代表信息披露向规范化发展的有力举措。然而在年报当中理解财务报表所必需的要素披露尚不够充分,尤其是难以判断数额巨大的关联交易对信托公司、信托项目财务状况造成的影响程度,以及是否属于不当关联交易。其中信托业务关联交易的定价政策、关联交易对信托业务与信托公司盈利能力的影响、信托财产安全状况以及是否存在违规挪用信托财产的问题无疑构成当前迫切需要研究的问题。本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文从中国信托业的现状出发,从经济环境、社会信用、市场定位、法律法规等角度,分析信托投资公司存在的问题,并结合中国信托业的实际情况,提出解决问题、加速信托机构健康发展的途径——增强监管机制、创新信托产品、加强与其他金融机构合作等建议。  相似文献   

This study examines how individual purchasing agents function as boundary spanners with suppliers to influence trust development in themselves and the buying firms that employ them. Building upon boundary theory and supply chain cooperation research, we identify three boundary spanning capabilities of purchasing agents and empirically test how these capabilities shape buyer-supplier trust development. Using two samples of data collected from suppliers in the automotive industry and food industry, we found that a purchasing agent's effectiveness in strategic communication with suppliers affects a supplier's trust in the buying firm, while an agent's professional knowledge and ability toreach compromises with suppliers affect a supplier's trust in the purchasing agent representing the firm. Trust in the purchasing agent in turn affects trust in the buying firm. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that attachment styles are important antecedents of interpersonal relationship quality and psychological well-being. Despite this, the theory of attachment styles has been largely ignored by researchers interested in workplace phenomena. The present paper aims to explain the theory of attachment styles, why researchers have overlooked attachment styles as an antecedent of organizational behavior, and a possible means of reconciling attachment theory with current models of personality. Moreover, I will review what existing research has actually demonstrated in terms of linking attachment styles to leadership, trust, satisfaction, performance and other outcomes. Finally, I will explore what possible future directions may be taken by researchers in the future in order to broaden and deepen our understanding of the role of attachment styles in the workplace.  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have begun to examine organizational trust and its influence on the workforce. However, little empirical research has focused on the conditions that engender organizational trust – those that make managers more willing to accept the vulnerability inherent in certain managerial actions that are part of human resource management. This study evaluates the trust mechanism and the way HRM practices mediate its impact on improving organizational performance. One hundred and four HR managers from the leading companies in the Israeli industrial, service and trade sectors, based on sales and operating revenue, completed questionnaires. Overall, we found that HR managers are more likely to offer training and shape the internal promotion system when trust is high. In addition, we found that firms exhibited higher organizational performance when trust is high. The paper also presents some of the model's implications.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which the technical and social contexts of organizations independently affect levels of workplace trust. We argue that, in an organizational context, trust is not just a relationship between an individual subject (the truster) and an object (the trustee) but is subject to effects from the conditions of the work relationship itself. We describe the organizational context as comprising both a technical system of production (where work gets done through the specification of tasks) and a social system of work (where problems of effort, compliance, conformity and motivation are managed). We analyse the relationship between trust and these two aspects of workplace context (technical and social systems). We also operationalize this in terms of differences between industries, occupational composition and human resource management practices. The model is tested using data drawn from the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. The results confirm that differences in industry, occupational composition and HRM practices all impact on levels of workplace trust. We review these results in terms of their implications for future research into the problem of analysing variation in trust at both the workplace and individual levels.  相似文献   

Concerns about the relevance of management research and its impact on management practice have been ongoing for decades. We propose a novel angle to explain this research vs practice gap: instead of focusing on the content and language of management papers as reasons for practitioners’ limited interest in the majority of our results, we focus on the role of trust. We propose that management research is often seen as irrelevant by practitioners because of the shape and direction of trustworthiness-building institutions. Unlike in other professions, such as medical doctors and lawyers, the trustworthiness-building institutions in our field are directed inwards rather than outwards. Institutional arrangements governing the area of management research ensure that scholars can trust results delivered by other scholars, but they do not cover the interaction between scholars and practitioners. Thus, practitioners have few reasons to trust and reach for our results. We conclude that the issue can be addressed, albeit only partially. This is because, unlike in the case of established professions, the well-being of our discipline is not highly dependent on practitioners, neither is practitioners’ well-being particularly dependent on our research.  相似文献   

Supplier relationship management and supplier development initiatives assume a fundamental role in enterprise supply chain management. An important aspect of effective supplier relationship management is the role of trust. This paper seeks to understand whether supplier relationship management or supplier development initiative should be emphasized as a firm strives to achieve superior supplier performance. The analysis and discussion draws upon sourcing strategy literature and is based on empirical survey-data of mid to upper level managers with responsibility for supply management initiatives in their respective organizations in Denmark and in the USA. It examines the interrelationships among “relational norms”, “trust”, “supplier development initiatives” and ensuing “supplier performance”. The data analysis shows that firms must emphasize relation and trust building activities before investing in supplier development initiative. Supplier perception audits must be routinely performed to gauge the level of trust and strength of relational norms.  相似文献   

在商品日益趋近同质化的今天,企业通过产品质量和技术优势等来赢得竞争已变得越来越困难,因此从顾客方面来入手越来越受到企业的重视。从顾客方面入手,即是让顾客满意,顾客满意主要是通过顾客感知的服务质量来衡量的。而服务的提供者是企业的员工,从而企业要使员工满意。  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed and tested a dual process model in which cognition-based trust and affect-based trust mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and followers' task performance and job satisfaction. Data were collected from 175 sales and service employees and their supervisors in two private companies located in Southeast China. The results show that cognition-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' task performance, while affect-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' job satisfaction. Implications for the theory and practice of leadership are then discussed.  相似文献   

Are trust development processes in settings of blurred organizational boundaries different from those in conventional organizational settings, and if so, how? Taking the crowdfunding campaigns of the Fin-Tech Monzo as examples of settings of blurred organizational boundaries, we analyze how the three main trust forms (individual, organizational, and institutional trust) emerge and interact in the campaigns’ online discourse and develop a process model that captures distinct trust development dynamics. We contribute to the trust literature by highlighting increased dynamics and co-existence of trust forms, and by showing that the validation of extra-organizational boundary spanners is crucial to compensate for a missing personal interaction in settings of blurred organizational boundaries. We also contribute to the crowdfunding literature and derive managerial implications.  相似文献   

Service organizations commonly achieve job satisfaction through internal service quality (ISQ), job standardization, and enhanced customer orientation. However, unlike employees working at headquarters, branch employees do not have access to timely responses and organizational support. This study, using flight attendants working offsite as research samples, looked at how workplace supervisor and co-worker support mediate ISQ and job standardization that contribute to job satisfaction. The results indicated that ISQ and job standardization in branch offices may, directly or indirectly, affect job satisfaction through support from supervisors and co-workers, which strengthened customer orientation. ISQ had a higher impact on supervisor support than on co-worker support, and job standardization had a higher impact on co-worker support than on supervisor support. Based on these findings, a customer-oriented model was established for the branches, and a number of suggestions on theory and managerial implementation were proposed.  相似文献   

Who responds most strongly to supervisor social undermining? Building on self-verification theory (Swann, 1983, 1987), we theorize that employees with positive views of the self (i.e., higher core self-evaluations [CSEs]) who also maintain higher trust in workplace management are more likely to experience heightened stress and turnover intentions when undermined. We argue that this subset of employees (high CSE, high trust) are more likely to feel misunderstood when undermined by their supervisor and that this lack of self-verification partially explains their stronger responses to supervisor undermining. We find initial support for the first part of our model in a study of 259 healthcare workers in the United States and replicate and extend our findings in the second study of 330 employees in the United Kingdom. Our results suggest that the employees Human Resources often wishes to attract and retain—employees with high CSE and high trust in workplace management—react most strongly to supervisor social undermining.  相似文献   

周清  王静 《价值工程》2015,34(9):266-267
本文从酒店的服务现状出发,分析酒店服务质量存在的问题及存在问题的原因,并针对存在的问题提出提升酒店服务质量的具体对策,以不断满足顾客优质服务的需求。  相似文献   

张玉惠 《价值工程》2014,(14):208-210
学生满意度是高校教学服务质量评价的重要内容。文章对青海省高校教学学生满意度情况进行问卷调查,围绕6个结构指标和23个单项指标进行评价,从指标的满意程度和重要性两个方面对各单项指标进行归类,指出目前青海省高校教学服务质量中存在的问题,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the factors affecting joint venture employees' loyalty to supervisor in the People's Republic of China. The trust framework and justice framework are employed to develop two competing models for studying the antecedents and consequences of loyalty to supervisor in the context of Chinese joint ventures. The direct effect model proposes that there is a direct effect of employees' perception of interactional justice and of trust in supervisor on their loyalty to supervisor, while the mediation model considers trust in supervisor as a mediating variable between interactional justice and loyalty to supervisor. Additionally, the two models suggest that loyalty to supervisor affects the in-role job performance and organizational citizenship behaviour of workers. The results showed that the mediation model was better supported than the direct effect model. It has been found that trust in supervisor mediates the relationships between interactional justice and loyalty to supervisor. In addition, loyalty to supervisor has significant effects on both employees' performance and organizational citizenship behaviour. Practically, the findings of the present study provide considerable implications for managing Chinese workers in joint ventures.  相似文献   

各类服务属性对顾客满意感的影响有明显差异。本研究以上海市三家三级甲等医院的医疗服务为对象,采用因子分析及多元线性回归方法进行实证研究。研究发现在给定环境条件下,不同服务属性在服务质量管理中的重要性程度存在着差异。  相似文献   

新时期我国社会主义经济实现了飞跃性的发展,全国各地人民生活水平得到了显著的改善。自十一五计划以来,国家对农村经济建设给予了更多的优惠政策,这为新农村建设的改革创造了更多有利的条件。但在农村变革历程中也存在许多潜在的问题,若不及时解决将制约农村未来的发展。农村"用电难"是当前新农村建设困境之一,电力供应不足直接影响了农民的日常生活。基于此,文章主要分析了提高农村电力服务满意度的相关策略。  相似文献   

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