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This paper investigates the relationship between franchising proportion of a network and firm failure. Drawing from resource scarcity and agency theories, we show that franchising firms that overfranchise and do not structure their networks in congruence with these two theories have lower survival prospects. We test our arguments with extensive data from nearly 5000 franchising firms listed in Entrepreneur magazine. The findings suggest that franchising proportion has a U-shape relationship with network failure. Additional analysis shows that firm size and geographic scope moderate the relationship between the squared term of franchising proportion and network failure. For franchisors, our results highlight the importance of maintaining an appropriate mix of franchised and firm-owned outlets within a network.  相似文献   

Auntie Anne's Pretzels, the American Red Cross, and IKEA are franchises for a social benefit, but are they social franchises? There is a diversity of perceptions of what is meant by the term social franchising but no consensus on the precise meaning. Given that social franchising is a relatively new area of research and that a crucial first step in research on any topic is to define its parameters, this article derives a set of indicators for the phenomenon of social franchising by bringing together three strands of scholarship: social franchising, commercial franchising, and social enterprise.  相似文献   

Franchising has been and continues to be a very popular way to do business for a number of retailers and service businesses. However, the type of franchising that has been growing the most, namely business-format franchising, has not grown at the kind of phenomenal rates that the trade press often suggests. Since the Department of Commerce (DOC) canceled its publication Franchising in the Economy, we no longer have access to census-type data on franchising in the U.S. However, looking at the period during which the DOC did publish these data, one finds that the number of business-format franchisors is highly correlated with the number of units in these chains. Thus, we use data from recent issues of various franchisor directories to assess the number of franchisors in the U.S., and infer from this how business-format franchising has grown in the U.S. We find that business-format franchising has been growing over the last decade at a rate that is, at best, commensurate with the growth of the economy as a whole.We believe that the confusion about the extent of growth in franchising arises, in part, from the fact that many new firms enter into franchising each year, leading to the notion that this way of doing business is growing tremendously. However, we show that many firms also exit from franchising each year, for a net growth rate much below the entry rate.This paper shows that franchising is not a panacea for entrepreneurs, whether franchisor or franchisee. From the franchisor's viewpoint, the high rate of exits suggests that many firms fail despite franchising, and many others choose to stop franchising after trying it for a few years. Clearly, these firms have found that franchising is not right for them. Furthermore, the results show that the characteristics of the chain at the time it becomes involved in franchising, as described in the main franchisor directories—such as the royalty rate, the advertising fee, the franchise fee, the amount of capital required, and the sector of operation—have little capacity to explain “survival.” The main variable that affects “survival” among those that are typically reported in franchisor listings is the number of years that the franchisor has been in business before starting to franchise. Hence our results suggest this is one dimension in which franchisors can make decisions that affect the probability that they will be successful in franchising. Although we are unable to explain most of the variance in outcome, the results mostly imply that other, less easily observed or quantified characteristics of the chain and the franchisor, such as maybe the “innovativeness” of the product, the amount of support provided to franchisees, the financial backing of the franchisor, etc., likely influence “success” the most, and thus, are worth investigating further.From the perspective of franchisees, the amount of exit found here suggests that in the majority of systems, franchisees cannot expect that their franchisor will be around for the whole duration of their contract—which averages about 15 years according to the Department of Commerce. This does not mean that the majority of franchised businesses will find themselves in an “exiting” system—a small minority of very well-established franchisors accounts for the majority of franchised businesses, and these are likely to remain successful for years to come. But entrepreneurs buying franchises from less established systems are likely to face franchisor exit, either failure or departure. This paper confirms that franchisees should thoroughly investigate the franchise system they want to invest in, going beyond the information about royalty rates, advertising rates, rankings, etc., found in franchisor directories, and toward more product, market, and other less easily accessible information about the chain.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the survival patterns of Brazilian franchising firms for the period 1994–1999. First, we considered the (percentage) survival of newly created franchisors in the following years. Survival functions were obtained by means of the Kaplan–Meier estimator for the selected sectors and they indicated sharp declines in the survival rates over time but with differential patterns across sectors. Finally, an econometric analysis based on the Cox proportional hazard model considered the explanatory variables pertaining to size, age and support regarding the legal aspects, location choice and training. The evidence indicates that the supports provided by the franchisor have a positive impact on the probability of survival of new firms, whereas there is partial evidence favoring a positive effect of firm size on survival.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1133-1154
Current models of co-operative survival need to be modified to consider those national experiences where consumer co-operatives become ‘outsider co-operatives’; they cannot rely on a broader co-operative movement or network. The Nuriootpa Co-operative is a prime example of such a co-op. Its ability to deal with issues of capitalisation, ideological appeal and relationships with the local community has historically been central to the survival and growth of this Australian Rochdale co-operative. However, without the support of a broader movement or network, its adoption of the franchising model has proved to be a key to the success of this co-operative.  相似文献   

Business-format franchising, which includes the product or service, the brand name or trademark, and the operating system developed by a franchisor, has experienced significant growth over the past few decades. International franchising also is growing at a rapid pace, in part, because of market opportunities that include new trade agreements. The debate over North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) increased the focus on North American franchising. In spite of this attention, there are few, if any, comparative studies of franchising in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.At the same time that international franchising growth is extolled, there is an argument over the extent to which franchising increases business success. A number of studies support the success thesis, however, recently critics claim that franchising does not significantly increase survival rates of franchisee-owned units.The objectives of this study are, first, to extend the study of franchisee success and failure by analyzing franchise executives' perceptions of the importance of a number of characteristics associated with franchisee success and failure, and second, to examine differences among the executives' perceptions of these characteristics based on the location of the franchisor—Canada, Mexico, or the United States. We also analyze the effects of franchise strategy, type of franchise business, and size of the franchise on executive perceptions of the characteristics associated with franchisee success and failure.Franchisor executives rated the relative importance of 39 statements, taken from previous research, that are associated with perceptions of success. Results from a factor analysis indicate that 30 of the variables load on 5 significant factors. Examination of the content of the factors indicates that the first factor (system quality), and the second factor (brand name) consist of variables that directly relate to the core of business-format franchising, the quality of the operating system and the brand name of the franchise. The third factor (local environment) consists of statements that represent general characteristics of the local franchise environment. The fourth factor (communication) consists of variables that link the franchisee with the franchisor and other franchisees. The fifth factor (franchise activities) consists of variables that represent idiosyncratic characteristics or activities of a franchisee. Franchise executives also rated the relative importance of 16 statements associated with franchisee failure. Of these, 6 statements, associated with franchisor activities, are combined to form a scale of franchisor failure, and 10 statements, associated with franchisee activities, are combined to form a scale of franchisee failure.The findings indicate that there are significant differences in most of the scales of success and failure among franchisor executives' perceptions based on country location. In addition, there is also a significant effect of franchise strategy on perceptions. There are no significant differences by type of franchise business or size of the franchisor.This research contributes to two important areas of research in franchising; the study of perceptions of the characteristics associated with franchisee success and failure, and international franchising research. The study also has practical applications. Knowledge about country differences in perceived characteristics of success and failure will help franchisors to identify aspects of the business system that require increased monitoring and investment. Awareness of country differences will also influence the selection of relevant training and development. Finally, knowledge of differences in perceptions may assist franchisors in adapting systems and policies that are likely to increase the success of their international sites.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the foundational intellectual structure of franchising research over the last four decades. Based on 1718 articles from a sample of 40 journals, we use co-citation analysis, employed in both multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, to evaluate 67,073 citations and determine the theoretical underpinnings of franchising research. As the results indicate, the retailing literature has had an integral influence on studies related to franchising. To advance this research domain, we develop a three-dimensional typology (franchise structure, consumer exchange, and strategic intention) based on established and emergent franchise-related topics. The typology indicates six suggested topics for examination to advance franchising research based on the domain's accomplishments to date.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evolution of the theory of international franchising over the past two decades, from its humble beginnings in the early 1990s. The theories are grouped into three time phases. Ten theory papers are considered. It is clear that apart from a basic decision-making model explaining whether to internationalize or not, the theory of international franchising has “borrowed” theory from mainstream marketing. In particular, international franchising theory has evolved by incorporating capabilities theory, relationship theory, stakeholder theory, and governance mode theory. The biggest opportunity for future international franchising research is to add a branding theory perspective. Four sub-topics are put forward as promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

The worldwide growth of franchising has been phenomenal during the past decade. At the same time there has been increased media attention to questionable business practices in franchising. Similar to some trade associations and professions, franchising has sought self-regulation by developing codes of conduct or ethics. This study examines the codes of ethics covering franchising activities in 21 countries. The results reveal that there is considerable variation in the activities/issues covered by the codes. Specifically, the codes cover most stages of the franchising relationship, focus on a narrow set of stakeholders, are short on ethical guidance, and offer few enforcement provisions. The implications of these findings for international franchising and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Franchisee selection is a major input for franchising success. In this article, we argue that franchisee selection criteria do not differ between social and commercial franchising. They may be even more relevant for obtaining social franchising success. We discuss criteria for franchisee selection and present details of our multiple case study research to support the argument. Our study finds that evolved social franchisors do adopt similar selection criteria as commercial franchisees. In addition, constraints faced with franchisee selection among commercial franchisors are reflected also among social franchisors. We contribute to franchising literature by extending commercial franchisee selection criteria to social franchisee selection. A major managerial implication of this research is that existing franchising professionals could easily assist new social franchisors in developing their social franchisees. Future research could be study criteria weights and methodology adopted for making final selection. A new research direction could involve studying if selection criteria would differ based on (a) social cause and (b) franchisee location.  相似文献   

In this essay, we explore the relationship between franchising and entrepreneurship in general, and their research domains in particular. We begin by categorizing the focus of various representative definitions of entrepreneurship as: (1) traits, (2) processes, or (3) activities, and adopt the view that identifying the unique research domain of entrepreneurship is a more worthwhile endeavor than attempting to reach definitional consensus. We subsequently discuss the differences between entrepreneurship in the manufacturing and retailing contexts, and the particular features of franchising as it relates to the study of retailing entrepreneurship. Specifically, four areas are examined: the franchisor’s role in creating an innovative concept, the franchisee’s role in bringing the franchisor’s concept to new markets, the franchisee’s acceptance of risk, and the special issues surrounding the pervasive practice of multi-unit franchising. We conclude with a brief discussion of the reasons for including the study of franchising, franchisors, and franchisees as integral areas within the distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research, and similarly exhort franchising researchers to explore the implications of their work for the study of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine what factors underlie the choice of organisational form when franchisors add new franchised units to their networks. Franchisors may grant new units to existing franchisees (multi-unit franchising (MUF)) or to new franchisees (single-unit franchising). We find that this choice depends on the existence of contractual problems (namely adverse selection and moral hazard) and several network characteristics influence the magnitude of these problems. In particular, we found a positive relationship between the intensity of the use of MUF and network size, geographical concentration of the units of the network, and industries where customers tend to be non-repetitive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore and understand the motivations and challenges of franchising in an African economy. While interest in franchising is increasing in African markets, there is a paucity of research on franchising from the perspective of local African firms participating in these international relationships. The motivations and challenges of franchising from the perspective of African businesses have not been largely investigated so far. Using in‐depth interviews, we allow motivations and challenges at play to emerge. Convenient and snowball sampling techniques were used for choosing the unit of analysis, which resulted in four respondent firms. A thematic approach was adopted for analyzing the data from the field. Support services, brand name, and franchisor's experience are identified to be the motivations for franchising. Financial assistance from the franchisor, demand, and competition also play a key role in an African firm's decision to franchise. Legal constraints and infrastructure constraints were the key challenges faced by franchisees in Ghana. The findings of this study may hold for franchisees in other African markets. However, contextual differences may be considered in the application of these findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the present state of international franchising research. We consider the origins and evolution of franchising as an enterprise form and summarize relevant research in this area. We advance and substantiate the premise that franchising research in the global arena has largely followed the geographic expansion trajectory of the franchise industry. And, based on these themes, we conclude by identifying a series of significant research topics in the international franchising domain.  相似文献   

Franchising is one of the most dynamic forms of organization for retail networks. Conceptualized as a hybrid form by transaction cost theory, franchising outlets are supposed, in the long run, to be bought by franchisors in order to capture residual rents. However, franchising persists a long time and still represents one of the favorite means to cover territories. This article suggests that this persistence of franchising in the organization of retail networks can be explained by institutional theory. The article also argues that institutional forces exert their influence at multiple levels. Based on this, a set of seven research propositions are developed, setting out a research agenda in this area.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive review of social franchising literature and an integrated framework highlighting factors and theories driving the concept. Bibliometric and content analysis are used to analyze 111 articles between 2002 and 2018 from ISI Web of Science and Scopus. The following three research streams are identified: motivations for social franchising, how social franchising work, and impact of social franchising. These are integrated into a conceptual framework of five factors providing insights into value creation, performance improvement, and minimization of failures among social franchises. The review responds to calls for theoretical explorations in the field and provides bases for further studies.  相似文献   

The article examines the network dynamics from franchising to licensing due to the increase of contractibility of the franchiser's system-specific assets as determinant of the allocation of decision rights between the network partners. Based on the property rights approach, residual decision rights must be allocated according to the distribution of intangible knowledge assets between the franchiser and franchisee. Our analysis derives the following hypothesis: The more contractible the franchiser's system-specific assets, the higher is the tendency from franchising toward licensing. In addition, we investigate the impact of strategy change on the standardization (contractibility) of system-specific assets and the network governance. We argue that a change of strategy may increase the contractibility of system-specific know-how and consequently the tendency toward licensing. This study presents empirical evidence from company Getifix on the network dynamics from franchising to licensing.  相似文献   

This brief paper summarizes the sweeping changes taking place within the North American franchising reality and extols franchising researchers to venture forth into novel arenas of investigation. In the process, it also offers commentary on two articles appearing in this issue of the Journal of Small Business Management . In general, this polemic invites researchers (1) to look beyond the North American contexts for data and original theoretical development; (2) to investigate new phenomena associated with franchising; and (3) to examine extant ontology of franchising research topics from novel perspectives. Illustrative frameworks for executing this research agenda are presented throughout.  相似文献   

In many professional and services industries, firms try to scale up their operations by reproducing practices in new locations through franchising arrangements, especially business format franchising. The classic but still prevailing explanations for franchising related phenomena, especially the initiative of franchising, the propensity to franchise, and the franchise performance, are mostly based on two orders of reasons (or a combination of them): franchising is either explained as a means to deal with resource scarcity or (and) as a mechanism for franchisor and franchisee to align incentives between themselves. However, empirical studies have shown limited support for both such claims, especially in face of the so called plural form, where proprietary and franchised units of the same franchisor co-exist. It may also be argued that the traditional literature on franchising has assumed a high level of homogeneity within and between franchising “networks,” possibly due to the perception that they tend to be “dominated” by a high level of standardization and replication of practices, both operative and relational. However, learning processes in such “networks” have recently been brought in as an attempt to capture other mechanisms that may underlie their operation and sustainability. This article seeks to explore a third perspective to look at franchising “networks,” by drawing from the literatures on capabilities and industrial networks. Seen from this perspective, business format franchising may involve more than the mere replication or exploitation of a recipe, especially if we take into consideration the partly idiosyncratic nature of both the relationships between actors and their capabilities and intentions. Within this perspective, variety preservation, and not only uniformity, may be recognized by participants as relevant for the performance of the franchise chain. In other words, variety may reflect the need for the refinement of the “package” throughout time, in more than one ways, together with the gradual development of the network and the learning experiences that take place in that context.  相似文献   

Prior research has examined why franchisors expand abroad, but no paper has empirically examined the role of franchising in the macroeconomy of developing nations. In this paper, the pattern of franchising development is statistically analyzed within the context of the general economic development of Latin America. It is found that franchising leads, rather than follows, economic development. Implications for theory and policy are considered.  相似文献   

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