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Differences in retail store choice behaviour are examined for the purchase of fresh meat and fresh fruit and vegetables in Malaysia. In purchasing fresh meat, cluster analysis identified two groups of respondents who purchased the majority of the fresh meat they consumed from either modern retail stores or the traditional market. However, with regard to the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables, cluster analysis identified three groups of respondents (modern retail shoppers, transient shoppers and traditional market shoppers). Although the clusters were labelled using similar terms, several similarities and differences were identified in the respective clusters for each food item. The findings indicate that store choice preference was based on the food product that the consumer intended to purchase.  相似文献   

"技术边界线"是零售业态变迁的限制性因素.这蕴含着两个假设前提,又可引申出二个假设:价格、品种多样化和新鲜是生鲜食品消费者收入约束下效用最大化的购买选择依据;质量安全拐角解决定消费者购买行为,不存在拐角解时,消费者才采用综合评判标准来选择购买场所.因此,超市潜在的质量安全优势并未发挥出来;超市的便利和舒适的购物环境定位只是占权重较小的消费者评判指标.我们利用问卷调查资料证实了文中假设.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a qualitative, case study approach to examine the market and partner selection processes of retailers operating internationally via franchising. Despite the increasing prevalence of franchising as an entry mode for international retailers, little research exists that considers how these firms choose franchise markets and franchise partners. The paper proposes a conceptual framework of the market and partner selection process that exhibits opportunistic and strategic behavior. Firms adopting a strategic approach undergo a market screening process before market attractiveness factors ultimately lead to the market selection decision. In the strategic partner selection process that follows, finance, business know-how, local knowledge, a shared understanding of the business and brand, and, ultimately, chemistry between the partners are the key factors influencing partner selection. In the case of an opportunistic approach to market and partner selection, the process reverses, with partner selection directly influencing market selection.  相似文献   

卢晓 《财贸经济》2012,(8):105-112
本文选择3个具有典型意义的国际奢侈品牌,以交易成本理论和市场进入理论为框架,采用多案例研究方法,从品牌管理、分销零售和财务运营3个核心方面对国际奢侈品牌中国高端消费市场成功进入模式进行分析,提出奢侈品牌市场进入理论,其具体包括3种模式:(1)全直营模式;(2)直营和代理并存模式;(3)全代理模式。通过对其他多个国际奢侈品牌案例进行的确认性研究,验证了以上典型模式分类和奢侈品牌市场进入理论。基于研究发现,结论部分对中国品牌管理提出了适合中国国情的建议。  相似文献   

A person-situation segmentation framework is proposed. The demographic variable 'income' and the situational variable 'time pressure' were integrated and applied to grocery retail shopping. Using a combination of individual scanning data and a mail survey, we divided a sample of moderate to frequent grocery shoppers in a large Belgian retail organization into four grocery-shopping segments - 'money-poor, time-rich', 'money-poor, time-poor', 'money-rich, time-rich' and 'money-rich, time-poor'. Significant differences existed between these segments in several demographic, behavioural and attitudinal characteristics, including: demographic - age, composition and size of household, number of children at home, marital status, location, education and occupation; behavioural - amount spent in the store, buying pattern for different product categories and different task definitions; attitudinal - overall attitude towards grocery shopping and different grocery-shopping attribute saliences.  相似文献   

现有文献往往把中国地区市场分割的主要原因归结于地方保护主义。本文则试图说明,作为非政府因素的流通渠道及流通组织也会对统一市场构建带来影响。采用31省2000—2009年的面板数据,以“价格法”计算市场分割系数进行回归分析,结果说明流通企业规模的扩大反而有可能带来市场分割的加剧,并且这种关系主要体现在批发环节。流通改革形成了“分枝状”的渠道结构,且因为有助于制造商实现地区价格歧视等原因而在路径依赖中不断自我强化。划分经营区域的经销商不断发展,取消了批发流通组织自主实现商品跨地区流转的作用,并给生产商进入各地区建立销售渠道造成了阻碍。由此,统一市场的构建需要对流通领域给予充分关注。  相似文献   

The virtual assistants' market is drastically growing and is expected to reach $2.1 billion by 2020. Nonetheless, the quick expansion and high penetration of e-retailers’ AI ecosystem into the shopper's journey is still under-researched in the extant literature. Amazon's Alexa in particular has been fast proliferating into the customer's journey, favoring the development of captive audiences given this new ambient environment. Through a mixed methodology using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study examines Amazon's captive relationship strategy on shoppers, brands and competing retailers. The research findings show that Amazon's AI relationship strategy with its customers is based on forming a multi-faceted identity for the AI that would later on facilitate a captive situation that would lead to an addictive relationship. This study is amongst the first to examine the rapid development of e-retailers’ AI ecosystem into the shopper's journey. Taking the pioneering case of Amazon's Alexa powered devices, this research presents a working framework upon which scholars and practitioners alike could base their future studies and strategies on in the fast-growing field of interactive voice assistants and AI led conversations.  相似文献   

在ECFA背景下,大陆与台湾之间的经贸合作必将进一步深化,此时研究台湾证券市场对大陆企业的制度开放问题具有重要的现实意义。本文认为,同属于"亚洲四小龙"的香港在经济发展历程、经济发展战略上与台湾都非常相似,而资本市场从一开始就是附属于实体经济的,是为了满足实体经济资金融通需求而发展起来的,因此,香港证券市场的成功发展策略对台湾证券市场具有很好的借鉴意义。本文研究了内地与香港CE-PA协议及其附加协议中对大陆企业融资开放的规制,认为大陆与台湾可以在ECFA附加协议的框架内达成台湾证券市场对大陆企业的融资开放,并进一步研究融资开放过程中相关法律法规的协调、有效监管体系的构建等制度构建问题。  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区对台湾地区经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年7月,中国与东盟开始实施《货物贸易协议》,从而使中国-东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)进入了全面的实质性运作阶段。CAFTA的建设究竟会对台湾地区的经济产生什么影响是一个值得关注的问题。本文在介绍了建立中国-东盟自由贸易区的背景之后,考察了台湾地区与东盟自由贸易区及祖国大陆的经贸关系,分析了CAFTA对台湾地区经济的影响,并在最后提出了建立海峡两岸共同市场的建议。  相似文献   

谭晶荣  邓强  王瑞 《财贸经济》2012,(6):131-137
本文通过Johansen协整和Granger因果关系检验,分析了2005年1月至2011年9月国际大宗商品期货价格指数(CRB)与批发价格指数(AWPI)之间的关系,结果表明:CRB对AWPI具有直接或通过CPI的间接传导作用,滞后期越长,表现越显著,并存在长期均衡关系;VEC模型结果表明短期对CRB与AWPI之间长期均衡偏离可以加以修正。此外,研究发现CRB对批发价格具有预警作用,并从中得出政策性启示。  相似文献   

按照GB/T 23383-2009利用反相高效液相色谱法对肉制品中双乙酸钠含量进行分析,建立数学模型,对测量结果的不确定度来源如标准物质、校准工作曲线、样品处理、回收率等各不确定度分量进行分析评定及量化。按数学模型计算得肉制品中双乙酸钠含量为0.460g/kg时,本方法的标准不确定度为0.022g/kg,扩展不确定度为0.044g/kg,最终结果的不确定度主要由样品溶液中双乙酸钠含量和样品处理过程产生。  相似文献   

Although industrial economists and strategy theorists provide a considerable amount of research regarding market entry barriers in the context of industrialized countries such as those in North America and Western Europe, few studies focus on entry barriers in the business context of China. Consequently, an understanding of the barriers to entry to Chinese markets as perceived by Chinese business executives is limited in the marketing literature. This research, based on the development and administration of a self-completed survey of one hundred and ninety three Chinese executives, attempts to ascertain the dimensions and order of importance of market entry barriers in this context. The findings of the research indicate seven dimensions of marketing entry barriers and show that business executives in China perceive advertising effects as the most important entry barrier and capital requirements as the least important.  相似文献   

Contemporary retail markets have experienced and are experiencing an important digitalization shift in the form of computers and associated technologies. Among a large array of digital innovations, Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) deserve particular attention. ESLs, despite their long history and many benefits, have not become ubiquitous. The purpose of this paper is to account for this “resisted evolution” of digitalized prices. It draws theoretically upon science and technology studies, infrastructure studies, market studies, and previous literature on price representations in retailing. It draws empirically on a combination of ethnographic and historical methods. The paper shows that ESLs do not replace paper prices, but, rather, work together with them: on one hand, they compete to represent prices with their respective features, and on the other, they co-operate in order to reinforce the visibility and attractiveness of products and promotions.  相似文献   

市场群落理论研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,市场群落作为一种新兴的市场形式在中国出现,并在促进各地特色产业发展中扮演了重要角色。目前,国内的学者广泛探讨了关于市场群落的特点、形成因素以及对于经济发展的作用。然而,对于其运行的理论机制、效率与效益以及与地方产业的互动关系上却没有作深入的探讨。本文正是从这几个问题出发,力图充实市场群落理论研究上的缺憾。  相似文献   

The buying function of Taiwanese and US retailers differs in several areas. The consingment method of selling is very prevalent in Taiwan but rarely used in the US. Taiwanense retail buyers were found to have less buying and retail experience than their US counterparts. However, neither buying nor retail experience were found to be significantly retaled to taiwanese buyers' attitudes about product procurement. Significant differences were identified between Taiwanese and US retail buyers' attitudes about country of origin and perceived value of imported merchandise. Taiwanese buyers were found to be more likely to rely on country of origin as an information cue than their US counterparts. On the other hand, as compared to Taiwanese buyers, US buyers were found more likely to percieve foreign apparel as having value than domestically manufactured products.  相似文献   

陶钊 《商》2014,(11):81-81
儿童是社会的未来,是民族的希望。儿童福利是社会福利的重要组成部分,在经济高速发展的当今社会,福利体系的建设中儿童福利的发展与完善显得尤为迫切。笔者通过对儿童福利事业发展较为先进的台湾地区进行研究,从法律和政策、行政体系、发展趋势等几个方面进行剖析,最终分析台湾地区儿童福利发展对我国相关问题上的启发,以期对我国儿童福利体系建设起到积极作用。  相似文献   


This study contributes to the literature on international retailing by addressing a gap in the literature regarding how retailers from emerging markets expand internationally. This historical case study analyzes the growth and internationalization process of Chilean retailer Falabella, which is one of the largest retailers in Latin America and has been able to compete with multinationals from developed countries. The research is based on primary and secondary data sources including 33 oral interviews with company managers and family executives, as well as industry data, corporate reports, and trade journals. Drawing on institutional theory, the findings show that belonging to a family conglomerate, engaging in networks, partnerships, and organizational learning, and having an experienced management team helped Falabella gain legitimacy in all international markets.  相似文献   

融资难是台资企业在武汉经营活动中遇到的突出问题。近年来,武汉台商资金需求不断增加,而融资渠道却较为有限且受到诸多限制。造成武汉台资企业融资困境的主要原因有台资企业与大陆银行间信息不对称以及大陆融资环境不完善等多种因素。在当前两岸关系迅猛发展的关键时期,武汉市应着力于加大对台湾金融机构的引进力度,加强两岸征信合作,完善金融环境,在合理框架内不断创新业务合作模式,最大限度地满足台商融资需求。  相似文献   

专业市场品牌是专业市场发展进入高级阶段的必然产物,是中国传统专业市场转型和国际化过程中极其重要和关键的一步。首先界定了专业市场品牌的内涵并分析其作用机制,接着对其与专业市场和产业集群互动的机理进行了分析。并以义乌"中国小商品城"为案例,探讨了专业市场品牌的形成路径。最后提出了打造专业市场品牌的政策建议。  相似文献   

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