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This article investigates whether past absence behaviour is a predictor of present absence duration in a large Danish municipality with 17,499 individuals observed from 1996 to 2004. Past absence behaviour is measured in both absence days and absence spells. The article also investigates a number of confounders such as gender, age, seniority, wage, contracted number of work hours and season. The results of the empirical study show that there is a significant positive relationship between employees' absence duration and past absence spells and past absence days, respectively. The study thus confirms that past days and past spells have an equal potential of predicting present absent. Past absence behaviour can thus be used as an early warning for managers. The study also confirms that personal characteristics such as age and seniority also influence absence duration. Moreover, job characteristics such as wage and contracted number of work hours also influence absence duration. Finally, the season of the year seems to influence absence duration.  相似文献   

We develop a model of labor productivity as a combination of capital-labour ratio, vintage of capital stock, regional externalities, and total factor productivity (TFP). The skewness of TFP distribution is related to different growth theories. While negative skewness is consistent with the neo-Schumpeterian idea of catching up with leaders, zero skewness supports the neoclassical view that deviations from the frontier reflect only idiosyncratic productivity shocks. We argue that positive skewness is consistent with an economy where exogenous technology is combined with non-transferable knowledge accumulated in specific sectors and regions. This argument provides the framework for an empirical model based on stochastic frontier analysis. The model is used to analyse regional and sectoral inequalities in Denmark.
Arnab BhattacharjeeEmail:

We investigate the determinants of bank interest margins in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC). We assess to what extent the relatively high bank margins in CEEC can be attributed to low efficiency or non-competitive market conditions, controlling for the macroeconomic environment and the influence of foreign and state-owned banks. We systematically compare CEEC banks with Western European banks. Our results indicate that banking in the CEEC is on a virtuous path, at least in the EU accession countries: Increased efficiency benefits customers, while capital adequacy supports systemic stability. In the non-accession countries, important policy actions are required.  相似文献   

This study examines similarities and differences in employee motivation management between Korean and Japanese executives of Japanese-affiliated companies in Korea, based on questionnaire surveys. The respondents' views of employee motivation factors were analysed, by contrast with motivational factors and hygiene factors (maintenance factors) developed by Herzberg. The survey results reveal that both Korean and Japanese executives realize the importance of employee motivation management, and that Japanese executives have a stronger awareness of it than Korean executives. Both recognize it for the sake of high corporate performance, employee job satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Seeing motivation factors: the majority of Korean and Japanese executives regard ‘wage and bonus increases’ as a strong motivational factor; ‘employment stability’ is recognized as a motivational factor by Korean executives; and ‘clarifying company policy and job objectives’ is the most important motivational factor to Japanese executives. Their views of these three factors are not consistent with Herzberg's theory. We also found a recognition gap between Korean and Japanese executives: ‘esteem and praise for job performance’ is a hygiene factor to Korean executives but a motivational factor to Japanese executives.  相似文献   

文章对一个600MW超临界机组除氧器上水管系(轴封加热器出口至8号低加入口之间的管系)振动情况进行分析,并提出了处理方案,可供同类电厂借鉴。  相似文献   

山地型地貌占城市边缘地貌面积的比例达一半以上,对山地开发的研究是城市边缘规划研究的重要组成部分。山地由于自然地理条件的限制和处于城乡交界区域所带来的社会经济问题,使得它的开发有着比平原地区更高的难度。本文从歌乐山生态旅游产业带的规划实践出发,运用景观生态学的原理对山地开发中存在的主要矛盾进行分析,着重研究水文单元和景观单元在开发项目选址和规划决策中所起的决定性作用。  相似文献   

In this study, using dynamic panel data, we investigated the influences of the home country economic environment and parent bank condition on the credit risk of foreign banks in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. We concentrated on the international transmission of credit risk through the internal capital market of multinational banks. Our theoretical assumptions follow studies that document how the parent bank condition and home country macroeconomic environment affect lending in subsidiaries in CEE countries. However, our results go one step further. We provide evidence that these relationships are reflected in subsidiaries’ credit risk in CEE countries. Our results suggest that the size and profitability of the parent bank have negative influences, while the liquidity and credit risk of the parent bank have positive influences on the subsidiaries’ credit risk. Moreover, the GDP growth in the parent bank’s country has a negative effect on the credit risk of the subsidiary, while the lending rate and liquidity in the parent bank country cause growth in the credit risk. These results indicate a new channel of international risk transfer from parent bank countries to host countries through foreign-owned banks.  相似文献   

文章从目前中国集体土地征地拆迁补偿定价中存在的问题及其根源出发,运用模糊数学理论,基于主成分分析的方法,在考虑构成补偿价值的物质因素和非物质因素的基础上,讨论了特征定价模型在征地拆迁补偿中的应用。并以重庆市的实际案例进行检验,建立了完整的补偿价值构成体系和合理的定价方法,为实现真正的等值补偿,改进现行的集体土地征地拆迁补偿模式提供了一定的参考和依据,进一步促进城市化的进程和社会的发展。  相似文献   

Drawing on the example of the airline industry, this paper explores in a longitudinal comparative case study the question of how firm-level changes and national institutional environments interact in shaping employee and union relations. Adding to previous research in comparative institutional analysis and comparative employment relations, we illustrate that the way in which industry pressures and national-level effects play out to influence employee and union relations depends on firm-level changes, mainly in the form of firm growth, acquisitions and the foundation of new subsidiaries. We show in particular that depending on firm-level changes, the very same firm might engage differently with a given institutional context at different points in time. Hence, our work illustrates the importance of firm growth, acquisitions and the foundation of new subsidiaries in explaining the shifting interaction between the firm and its institutional environment, and its implications for changing employee and union relations within firms.  相似文献   

国有企业员工退出行为的博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了国有企业员工退出行为的过程模型,提出了员工退出行为的两个过程即员工心理体验过程和员工与企业的互动过程,并对互动过程进行了博弈分析,指出了现实中员工与经理人博弈的低效率均衡,提出了解决这种不合理均衡的对策建议。  相似文献   

The paper considers how to measure capital in a model where technical progress is embodied in new units of capital. This embodiment model also assumes that once new units of capital are installed, it cannot be “unbolted” and sold on the second hand market. A significant difference between this Solow–Harper model and the traditional capital services model due to Jorgenson and his coworkers is that rising real wage rates will generally induce early retirement of assets; i.e., this model can provide an explanation for obsolescence. The paper studies how to aggregate over vintages and how to measure depreciation in the context of this embodiment model. These problems are more complicated than the corresponding problems in the traditional capital services model because the age of retirement of an asset is endogenous in the embodiment model. The paper uses duality theory to simplify the exposition.
Erwin DiewertEmail:


Spatial heterogeneity, spatial dependence and spatial scale constitute key features of spatial analysis of housing markets. However, the common practice of modelling spatial dependence as being generated by spatial interactions through a known spatial weights matrix is often not satisfactory. While existing estimators of spatial weights matrices are based on repeat sales or panel data, this paper takes the approach to a cross-section setting. Specifically, based on an a priori definition of housing submarkets and the assumption of a multifactor model, we develop maximum likelihood methodology to estimate hedonic models that facilitate understanding of both spatial heterogeneity and spatial interactions. The methodology, based on statistical orthogonal factor analysis, applied to the urban housing market of Aveiro (Portugal) at two different spatial scales, provides exciting inferences on the spatial structure of the housing market.

RÉSUMÉ L'hétérogénéité spatiale, la dépendance spatiale et l’échelle spatiale sont des caractéristiques clé de l'analyse spatiale dans les marchés de l'immobilier. Toutefois, la pratique habituelle de la modélisation de la dépendance spatiale comme étant le résultat d'interactions spatiales par le biais d'une matrice de poids spatiaux n'est souvent pas satisfaisante. Alors que les estimateurs existants des matrices de poids spatiaux sont basés sur des données de panel ou des ventes répétées, la présente communication adopte le principe d'un cadre transversal. Plus spécifiquement, sur la base d'une définition à priori des sub-marchés de l'immobilier, et de l'hypothèse d'un modèle multifactoriel, nous créons une méthodologie de probabilité maximale pour estimer des modèles hédoniques qui facilitent les connaissances de l'hétérogénéité spatiale et des interactions spatiales. Cette méthodologie, basée sur une analyse des facteurs orthogonaux, appliquée au secteur de l'immobilier urbain à Aveiro (Portugal) à deux échelles spatiales différentes, fournit des inférences excitantes en ce qui concerne la structure spatiale du secteur de l'immobilier.

EXTRACTO La heterogeneidad, dependencia y escala espaciales constituyen características clave del análisis espacial de los mercados de la vivienda. No obstante, la práctica común de modelar la dependencia espacial como algo generado por interacciones espaciales a través de una matriz conocida de pesos espaciales, a menudo, no es satisfactoria. Aunque los estimadores existentes de matrices de pesos espaciales se basan en ventas repetidas o datos de panel, este estudio lleva el planteamiento a un marco de corte transversal. Específicamente, basados en una definición a priori de los submercados de la vivienda y en la presuposición de un modelo de múltiples factores, desarrollamos una metodología de probabilidad máxima para estimar modelos hedónicos, que facilita la comprensión de la heterogeneidad espacial y las interacciones espaciales. La metodología, basada en el análisis estadístico de factores ortogonales y aplicada al mercado de la vivienda urbana de Aveiro (Portugal) en dos escalas espaciales diferentes, proporciona interesantes inferencias sobre la estructura espacial del mercado de la vivienda.


谭侃 《企业技术开发》2004,23(9):33-34,52
文章分析了我国由于政策、市场和银行自身等因素影响,导致了中、外资商业银行中间业务的巨大反差,这种反差在一定程度上正说明了我国商业银行中间业务发展中的问题所在,并提出制度创新、市场创新、管理创新等是解决这些问题的有效对策。  相似文献   

This study examines the culture of a medium-sized community bank based in the Western United States. The study aims to identify the organization's culture and then measure the level of cultural cohesion that exists three years after a major cultural campaign was launched. The cultural characteristics the organization valued most highly were integrity, willingness to serve the customer and teamwork - all components of the official bank document on culture. Interestingly, the analysis uncovered some significant value differences among different employee groups and also employees and management; differences which can affect firm performance levels. The analysis also revealed that changing the culture in an organization does not necessarily lead to cultural cohesion.  相似文献   

This study investigates interest rate pass-through convergence for the eight Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) that joined the European Union. Based on a unifying empirical pass-through model that allows for thresholds, asymmetric adjustment, and structural changes, we find that the pass-through in many CEECs has become faster over time and is generally more complete than in the euro zone. We find evidence for convergence across CEECs with market concentration, bank health, foreign bank participation and monetary policy regime as conditioning factors. No convergence of the CEEC pass-through is found vis-à-vis the heterogeneous euro zone.  相似文献   

重庆即将迎来物流发展的大好时机,而发展物流的关键在于对物流园区进行科学合理的宏观布局。文章选取了重庆市各区县与物流业发展相关的指标,在进行因子分析和聚类分析研究的基础上,结合影响物流业发展的其他因素,提出了重庆市物流园区宏观布局层次分类的科学构想。  相似文献   

The variables characterizing entrepreneurship in various contingencies and the dynamism between contingencies are explored in order to identify the entrepreneurial strategy which will succeed in open European markets. A model containing five types of entrepreneurial strategy is developed based on an analysis of entrepreneurial behaviour and tested in a survey of Scandinavian small scale companies.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a new algorithm for selecting the input–output (IO) coefficients of a Leontief matrix in order of importance, so providing an analytical method for decomposing an IO matrix. It avoids the choice of arbitrary thresholds for eliminating flows or coefficients, and allows for circular relationships. For this purpose, a simple inverse-important criterion has been chosen, which is consistent with the logic of the Leontief model. A procedure that greatly reduces the computational burden is then devised. This method permits new comparisons of IO structures of different countries or regions, for identifying their different degree of internal integration and their reciprocal influence through the exchange of intermediate goods. An application to an IO model for seven European Community countries for 1980 is then presented.  相似文献   

Building new production facilities abroad poses a huge challenge to the human resource practices of a firm. This is because reaching the required level of competence and commitment is not possible without adjusting these practices to the characteristics of local personnel. However, there are few empirical studies that highlight how such situations have actually been handled. This paper makes a contribution through an examination of the initial phases of a Finnish-owned greenfield paper mill in East Germany. The evidence used in the study includes documentary analysis, interviews and discussions with actors at the different organizational levels. The case study demonstrates how managerial subdivisions and the absence of local actors from the higher levels of the managerial hierarchy impede development of competence and commitment among the new employees. The evidence presented suggests that the involvement of various organizational actors in human resource management processes should be given more weight in further research.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the potential role of entrepreneurship in public sector organizations. At first, we present a review of the entrepreneurship theme in the political science and public management research streams, comparing these ideas with the mainstream business literature on entrepreneurship. Thereafter, we illustrate empirically how Stevenson's classical framework of entrepreneurship can be applied in a European local government context to explain the recent initiatives to compete for and utilize European Union structural funds. The empirical basis of the study is comprised of ten in-depth case studies of local government organizations, five in the UK and five in Italy. Finally, we propose five distinct types of entrepreneurial agents in the public sector: professional politician; spin-off creator; business entrepreneur in politics; career-driven public officer; and politically ambitious public officer.  相似文献   

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