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This paper unpacks the dominant conceptualizations of talent management (TM) in contemporary academic publications, and considers these in relation to the increasingly important workforce population of skilled international migrants. It postulates that TM approaches are generally built from a relatively narrow human capital-based perspective wherein organizations focus on readily accessible and immediate skills, ignoring the longer term strategic potential of the international workforce of skilled migrants, particularly for multinational enterprises and other international organizations. Through a series of propositions, the paper highlights how organizations, in strategically using a more comprehensive TM lens rather than a human capital lens in approaching the TM of skilled migrants, could benefit from improved HRM performance over time. It also proposes a research agenda, by which future studies might test, explore, and further develop understanding on a more strategic utilization of skilled migrants in organizations.  相似文献   

We draw on Bourdieu's theory of practice to examine a group of Indian academics' accounts of their careers in a research-intensive university. Using the concepts of habitus and capital, we argue that international staff are very well placed to craft a career in the increasingly market driven UK academic context, challenging the discourse of disadvantage associated with the careers of international academics as well as other highly skilled migrants. Central in our analysis is the transferability of capitals between different fields and the importance of understanding capital as part of the multiple fields that agents belong to. However, drawing attention to the changing rules of the research-intensive university system, we also suggest that these academics' career trajectory may not continue to yield positive results.  相似文献   


While temporary workers’ specific employment circumstances strongly suggest negative consequences for their well-being, research on temporary workers’ well-being shows serious inconsistencies. To identify possible reasons, we provide an overview of previous well-being research in the temporary work context. The mapping review shows that inconsistencies are caused both by the use of the umbrella term temporary work to describe a wider range of employment forms with divergent characteristics and the use of the buzzword well-being for various well-being indicators. In addition, the portfolio of employment-specific antecedents used is insufficient to gain a comprehensive view of temporary workers’ well-being situation. Based on these findings, we propose an agenda for future well-being research in the temporary work context. A first key implication is that analyses considering country-specific circumstances and employment-specific characteristics of particular atypical employment situations are needed. Secondly, a more comprehensive portfolio of employment-specific and individual antecedents would help with gaining deeper insights into temporary workers’ well-being situation. In addition, effects of well-being on attitudinal and behavioral outcomes should be analyzed to demonstrate the return on investment of organizations’ well-being enhancing activities. Finally, well-being oriented HR practices and their implementation in the temporary work context are part of the proposed research agenda.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the limited but growing body of research on international skilled migrants and examine to what extent knowledge generated in adjacent research streams—specifically, work on assigned and self‐initiated expatriates—can be meaningfully applied to aid our understanding of the challenges, coping strategies, and acculturation dynamics of skilled migrants. We develop a framework that explains how variables and processes at multiple levels (individual, organisational, and societal) influence migrant acculturation and coping and result in integration‐related outcomes in the domains of personal/family life and workplace/career. We discuss directions for future research and implications for practice.  相似文献   

人力资源管理就是对社会人力资源的管理,是政府的一项重要管理职能,它立足于社会经济发展的总体规划,保证人力资源整体结构的适应性与合理性。文中论述了公共部门人力资源管理的内涵及特性、内在运行机制,提出了进一步完善公共部门人力资源管理的措施。  相似文献   

本文在总结国内外人力资源管理效益测量相关研究的基础上,结合定性和定量的测量方法,构建了更加全面、系统的人力资源管理综合测量指标体系,为人力资源管理效益的测量提供了新的依据和方法。  相似文献   

Managing diversity is a relatively new domain within HRM. Theoretical debates around the issue have not matured yet. This case study examines in detail the diversity management practices of Rabobank, a major bank in the Netherlands, which has applied diversity concepts in its management practices. Through interviews with managers and employees of the bank we contrast theoretical premises on diversity management with praxis at Rabobank. Findings show that diversity management has been used primarily to attract ethnic customers to the bank, rather than to advance the quality of working life and career prospects of ethnic minority employees. The latter remain segregated in lower positions and not allowed openly to express their culture and religion.  相似文献   

何晓梅 《价值工程》2013,(20):298-300
本文从人力资本视角对农民工培训问题进行了研究,着力研究如何提升农民工人力资本问题及对我国经济和社会发展具有的意义。  相似文献   

Representativeness and diversity in the composition of public institutions is an explicit goal of Public sector reform programmes. But the principle of diversity poses many challenges for the practice of human resource management, not least of which is maintaining confidence in the system and, by extension, morale among public officers. High morale and motivation contribute to performance and output, which are vital If the public sector Is to be results-oriented. Thls article takes the view that managing diversity is the equivalent of managing unproductive tensions that threaten to diminish performance and output. Trinidad and Tobago is a small multiethnic state In which ‘the public sector has become the theatre of inter-ethnic drama, as the two main groups compete for scarce resources and employment opportunities. The article considers the human resource management function within the Trinidad and Tobago public service and specifically the role of the pubtic service commission, and examines the key areas of recruitment, ptomotions and avenues available for resolving conflicts and grievances stemming from subjective perceptions of discrimination.  相似文献   

In this article several aspects of human resource management (HRM) in Chile will be examined. Initially Chile will be analysed in the context of Latin American culture and history, as it shares a number of common features with the rest of the countries of the region. Secondly, the arrival of HRM to Chile is explored, as well as how it is affected by the particular characteristics of the country. Thirdly, HRM research literature in the specific context of Chile is reviewed and analysed. Finally, some consequences are discussed, and it is concluded that Chile shares a unique history, culture, social particularities and problems with the other countries of the region, affecting the way in which HRM is deployed in organisations. It is also concluded that more research in this context is urgently needed.  相似文献   

The devolution of human resource responsibilities from human resource managers to line managers is both a growing and global trend. A number of authors has suggested that there are positive as well as negative consequences of devolution. The current study conducted a survey of US human resource managers to explore the effect of devolution on human resource managers' perceptions of people management effectiveness in their organizations. Results revealed a positive effect of devolution on perceived people management effectiveness. However, this effect was qualified by an interaction between devolution and line support. Contrary to expectation, this interaction revealed that providing line managers with training and support for their human resource responsibilities had a greater positive impact on perceived effectiveness in organizations that had not devolved (non devolvers) compared to those that had (devolvers).  相似文献   

罗鸿儒 《价值工程》2012,31(14):122-123
中国石油企业加强战略人力资源管理对企业持续有效发展起着至关重要的作用。从战略人力资源管理的含义入手,结合石油企业当前人力资源管理现状,分析中国石油企业战略人力资源管理存在的问题,提出当前中国石油企业战略人力资源管理对策。  相似文献   

文中针对现阶段我国公共部门人力资源管理中存在的主要问题,引入战略人力资源管理理念,提出了更新公共部门人力资源开发观念、建立人力资源管理体系、健全职位分类制度、加强培训教育等对策建议。  相似文献   

基于信息不对称的企业人力资源风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李中斌 《价值工程》2009,28(4):126-132
信息不对称是人力资源风险产生的重要原因,为了有效规避人力资源风险,企业需要设计出一系列的合约安排,来约束和激励人们的行为。首先,对企业人力资源管理常见风险进行分析;其次,分析了人力资源风险产生的原因;最后,提出了基于信息不对称的企业人力资源风险应对策略。  相似文献   

Our study examines the interaction of human resource policies and practices with the implementation of teamworking. Put simply, do certain human resource policies and practices support the implementation of teamworking? Do certain human resource policies and practices work against the implementation of teamworking? It utilizes an illustrative case from the UK public sector – the Inland Revenue, the UK tax assessment and collection agency – to address the research question. The case of the Inland Revenue gives support to the argument that it is necessary to identify and understand the differences between a variety of forms of teamworking. With the variation in forms of teamworking that are implemented, there may be variations in the human resource management context. In short, a contingency approach to the interaction of the implementation of teamworking with human resource policies and practices may be appropriate. In the case, teamworking was implemented to facilitate the introduction of a new tax regime in the face of reduced numbers of middle managers and clerical employees, and certain human resource policies and practices had an effect upon its implementation. These were front line manager selection and development in particular, while team member selection and development and employee relations appeared less important.  相似文献   

郑少芳 《企业活力》2012,(10):55-58
心理资本关注开发人的积极能量和潜能,成为人力资源管理的新取向,是组织竞争优势的核心要素。心理资本具有很强的投资收益性和可开发性,通过把心理资本引入人力资源管理配置体系、建立目标导向的绩效管理体系、建立重视员工心理资本提升的培训开发项目、引入心理资本增值计划等人力资源管理策略,不仅能增进组织公民行为、提高组织绩效,而且可以提高员工的工作场所幸福感,帮助员工实现家庭工作平衡。  相似文献   

企业人力资源风险管理问题探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘成勇  李中斌 《价值工程》2007,26(5):120-123
人力资源是现代企业中最重要的资源。然而,面对新的企业内外部环境的挑战,企业在进行人力资源管理的过程中,面临着各种各样的风险。文中揭示了人力资源管理风险的内涵,分析了人力资源风险管理的研究现状,提出在整个人力资源管理流程中系统研究人力资源风险管理的观点。  相似文献   

The appropriate management of construction projects presupposes a clear comprehension of the structure of the temporary multi‐organization (TMO); however, most of the work on the structuring of TMOs has concentrated either on procurement strategies or the structure of individual organizations. Current approaches, therefore, do not fully consider the roles of all project stakeholders, the informal communications, and the complexity of the client organization. Instead, we argue that the contingency theory contributes to the understanding of the structuring of TMOs. The analysis of 27 recent construction projects allows us to identify two contingency factors and patterns of configuration of the TMO.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a model of e-human resources (e-HR) focusing on the relationship between HR strategy, e-HR goals and architectures, and positive and negative e-HR outcomes. This relationship is moderated by a number of key factors, including the organization and resources of the HR function, the absorptive capacity of HR, the skills and preferred styles of HR professionals, the levels of technology acceptance among employees and line managers and the models of change used in implementing e-HR programs. We illustrate certain features of this model using data from a case study of a leading international oilfield services provider. These data provide a partial confirmation of the model's validity but show the need for a more dynamic understanding of the links between e-HR variables and the importance of context in explaining differences between line managers' acceptance of e-HR.  相似文献   

李博 《价值工程》2013,(36):164-165
人力资源规划问题已经成为了企业管理者需要思考的首要问题。建议企业从岗位的设置,人员的设定,如何开展人员的招聘,有效控制人员的流动等等这些问题进行改善。  相似文献   

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