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This paper examines how national culture relates to the ways that individuals define career success. Data are drawn from interviews with 269 professional services employees in 15 countries. Interviews are content coded and linked with country‐level Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness measures of cultural values. We test our hypotheses using a multilevel multinomial logit model. The results demonstrate that the ways in which employees define career success vary across countries, due in part to differences in cultural values after controlling for gender, occupation, job level, and national economic development. We find that employees from countries high in future orientation, uncertainty avoidance, and performance orientation are more likely to define career success in terms of interpersonal outcomes, and those from countries high in collectivism (institutional and in‐group), humane orientation, and gender egalitarianism are more likely to prefer intrapersonal outcomes. We find that employees from countries that are high in assertiveness, uncertainty avoidance, and performance orientation are more likely to define career success in terms of achievement‐oriented outcomes. Finally, we find that employees from countries high in power distance report career success definitions in terms of safety and security outcomes. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of cultural differences in careers across countries.  相似文献   

This paper integrates the economic and sociological literatures on market intermediaries to examine the ways in which a labor market intermediary, executive search firms, alter career outcomes for executives who move across organizations. Analyses of the proprietary dataset of a large multinational executive search firm show that executives whose moves are mediated by the search firm are more likely to obtain a promotion or move to a larger and more reputable new employer than those who move without such mediation, but they are not more likely to move to a developmental assignment: one in a new function or in a new industry. The results suggest that the search firm constrains executives' options by matching their existing knowledge and skills with open positions.  相似文献   

The relationship of mentoring and network resources, the two components of social capital, with career success was investigated in a sample of 113 Chinese white-collar workers. The findings suggested that the prevalence of mentoring in the Chinese workplace is substantially higher than in the Anglo-Saxon workplace, and that Chinese employees do not distinguish their network ties or Guanxi into expressive and instrumental. These results were in line with the presumption that mentoring is an integral part of the Chinese culture and with the view that network ties or Guanxi in the Chinese society cannot exist in a purely instrumental form. In contrast to hypotheses, however, the findings suggest a limited relationship between social capital and career success. In particular, the amount of mentoring, participants reported they had received, was related to their intrinsic career success but not to their extrinsic career success; and the amount of network resources or Guanxi was related neither to extrinsic nor to intrinsic career success. These results were largely at odds with the accumulated knowledge on the benefits of social capital for career success. The findings are discussed with respect to the changing nature of the Chinese business and organizational environment, and their implications for human resource practices.  相似文献   

Although mentoring has been identified as an important career resource for protégés in the Anglo-Saxon cultural cluster, pertinent research in other cultures is still scarce. The relationship of mentoring and expressive network resources with protégés' career success and emotional exhaustion was investigated in a sample of 104 Hellenes (Greek) bank employees performing frontline service jobs. The number of mentors that respondents reported they have had was related to their extrinsic career success. However, currently having a mentor was not related to intrinsic career success and was marginally related to emotional exhaustion. In contrast, the amount of expressive network resources was strongly related to both intrinsic career success and emotional exhaustion. The results are discussed with respect to extant research, the national cultural context of the study and the cross-cultural transferability of human resource systems. The general tentative conclusion is that relationships with mentors and expressive network resources appear to be important resources for employees across cultures, but the relative potency of their benefits is influenced by the national cultural characteristics.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate in the literature on the long-term impact of international work experience on future career success. In this longitudinal study based on university graduates, we compare expatriates (n = 159), repatriates (n = 395) and domestic employees (n = 2697) with regard to their objective and subjective career success during the first five years of their careers. Results from propensity score matching and ordinary least-squares regressions show that expatriates and repatriates have a higher objective career success in terms of monthly wages. We further find a higher subjective career success for expatriates and male repatriates.  相似文献   

The theorization of the relationship between organizational investments in career development and individual success remains underdeveloped, and empirical tests of this relationship, which have been dispersed among several disciplinary areas, have produced inconsistent results. Addressing these issues, the purpose of this article is to propose a theoretical framework that illustrates why and how organizational career management practices translate into career success and under what circumstances the relationship is effective. Using a systematic review of empirical studies on career management practices and objective success, we identify three theoretical mechanisms - developmental, informational, and relational - and two groups of contingency factors that explain this relationship. Our framework advances the extant literature on organizational career management and provides suggestions to companies for designing effective career management systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the career histories of the chief executive officers (CEOs) affiliated with the 500 largest organizations in Europe and the 500 largest in the United States. Our purpose is to determine whether frequent career moves across employers, a phenomenon we label an “external labor market strategy,” brings greater career rewards than moves inside the same organization. The results reveal that an external labor market strategy is negatively related to career success. On both continents, CEOs who have spent a smaller fraction of their career in their current organization or have changed employers more often have taken a longer time from the start of their career to be promoted to the most influential corporate positions. The labor market institutions in the 22 countries sampled do not influence the relationship between an external labor market strategy and career success, while the specific geographic region in which the employers are located has a limited impact on this relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Compared with the extensive research on managerial career in the west, little has emerged from Asia. This study reports an investigation of the determinants of objective and subjective career success of managers working in the Malaysian public sector. Surveys were received from 288 managers of various managerial grades. The findings revealed that managers' objective and subjective career success were predicted by different variables. Objective career success was predicted by human capital and demographic variables. Subjective career success was predicted by structural variables, individual variables, and demographic variables. The implications for research and practice are highlighted.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how perceived overqualification influences employees' career distress and career planning. Specifically, we drew on role identity theory to hypothesize that perceived overqualification is positively related to individuals' career identity. Based on internal self-processing dynamics of role identity, we further hypothesized that career identity predicts reduced career distress and increased career planning. We expected career identity to mediate the effects of overqualification on career distress and career planning. Based on the symbolic interactionism perspective of identity, we hypothesized that this mediation is moderated by leader humility so that overqualified employees exhibit stronger career identities in the presence of a humble leader. We found support for our hypotheses in a multi-wave time-lagged study of 220 supervisor–subordinate dyads from 50 groups. Overall, our studies highlight that perceived overqualification can have positive effects on employees and organizations under appropriate management conditions. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these results.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of emotional intelligence (EI) as a mediator in the relationship between salary at early career and personality. The longitudinal data was collected from a selected sample of 130 university graduates, who were in the early stages of their professional careers. The results of a path analysis indicated that salary was indirectly predicted by personality traits, as measured by the Big Five model. Salary was predicted by neuroticism (both positively and negatively), extraversion (positively), and openness (positively) via the EI dimensions following the causal chain: perception, understanding and emotional regulation. Our findings have suggested the advantages of using EI measures as a complement to more dispositional measures, such as ability or personality measures, for personnel selection and people development in organizations and have provided real practice with clear suggestions for improving HRM.  相似文献   

This research indicates that typologies covering multiple types of entrepreneurs are applicable within the realm of entrepreneurial personality. Four such personality types - personal achievers, real managers, expert idea generators, and empathic supersalespeople - are identified, and shown to be related to subsequent entrepreneurial success. The evidence indicates that entrepreneurial talent may be gauged in terms of the number of these patterns present in a given individual. Those with more patterns are more likely to achieve a substantial level of success. These results have implications for anyone whose work touches upon the field of entrepreneurship. This paper is concerned primarily with how the typology was developed and how the relationship of each type to entrepreneurial success was established. The career routes that fit each type (and which must be followed to obtain success) are considered.  相似文献   


Gender diversity is generally recognized as relevant in microfinance, and the relationship between gender diversity and firms’ performance has received attention in academic literature. The above-mentioned relationship has not been addressed until now in the microfinance industry specifically. This study seeks to explain the role played by gender diversity in the workforce of microfinance institutions (MFIs) during turbulent periods in the firms’ performance. The study analyses data from 555 ratings of 185 MFIs from MicroFinanza Rating, a leading microfinance rating agency. The analysis shows that the number of women on the staff of MFIs is significantly and positively associated with both the Return on Equity and Operational Self-Sufficiency of MFIs, indicating a positive impact of gender diversity on firms’ performance.  相似文献   


Drawing on institutional theory, this study gives voice to Arab women entrepreneurs. Through contextualization and in-depth, semi-structured interviews, I examine Lebanese women entrepreneurs’ conceptualizations of career success, the mechanisms they use to realize it and their overall awareness of it. According to the findings, the entrepreneurs experience career success as an act of disobedience against socially imposed cultural and gender mandates. Furthermore, career success evolves as a contextual, dynamic process that is culturally dependent but individually negotiated, interpreted and constructed using external and internal conceptualizations. In turn, these conceptualizations are intertwined with agency and unfold as a process at the intersection of gender, patriarchy and cultural values. Accordingly, I argue against reducing career success to static, objective and subjective criteria. Doing so undermines the complexity and processual nature of the construct and neglects the importance of cultural values in shaping the understanding and experience of career success in different societies. I also stress the importance of contextualizing women’s entrepreneurial experiences and demonstrate that Lebanese women entrepreneurs’ conceptualizations of career success reflect both Arab social-cognitive and normative institutions and their own agency.  相似文献   

Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this research investigates how and when supervisory support for career development relates to subordinate career outcomes. Using data collected from 228 supervisor–subordinate dyads across 3 phases, we proposed and examined a mediated moderation model in which the interaction between supervisory support for career development and task proficiency was mediated by work engagement in predicting career outcomes in terms of career satisfaction and promotability. Results showed that supervisory support for career development was positively related to career satisfaction and promotability. Results also supported the mediated moderation model. We outlined the theoretical contributions for future research and discussed the practical implications.  相似文献   

在目前专业技术人员流失率居高不下的背景下,管理专业技术人员职业倾向对有效发挥专业技术人员作用具有重要意义。本文围绕专业技术人员职业倾向与职业成功关系展开实证研究,发现专业技术人员呈现多样化的职业倾向,并不是以技能型及其相关的职业倾向为主导;同时发现专业技术人员的一些个人因素会影响其职业倾向和职业成功,不同的职业倾向会影响职业成功的不同方面。论文依据专业技术人员职业倾向特点及其对职业成功的不同影响,提出了保留和激励专业技术人员的建议。  相似文献   

We propose a career model that focuses on the antecedents of career success for managers and professionals within organizations. The model includes constructs rarely represented in the literature, and is based on conservation of resources theory. Testing our model with a sample of 545 managers, we found significant effect of positive and negative social capital, perception of organizational politics, professional vitality, and protean career attitude on internal and external career success, mediated by organizational commitment and met expectations, and moderated by chance event effect. This original contribution includes incorporating new constructs and concentrates upon factors enabling support for successful careers.  相似文献   

Changes in patterns of long-term employment make understanding the determinants of different career forms increasingly important to careers research. At the same time, the rise of dual-earner families demands greater attention to the ways in which gender and family characteristics shape careers than has been paid by traditional research. This paper addresses these issues, examining the determinants and consequences of intra-organizational and inter-organizational mobility, using a sample of employees from dual-earner couples. We find significant gender differences in these different types of career mobility, and in the effect of family relations on different forms of mobility. Women experience more inter-organizational mobility, while men experience more intraorganizational mobility. Having more children positively influences men's intra-organizational mobility, but increases inter-organizational mobility for women. Marital instability increases intra-organizational mobility among women, but has no effect among men. Each form of mobility has distinctive effects on objective and subjective indicators of career success for both men and women. Moving between organizations tends to depress earnings, but has no effect on how successful people feel in their careers. Job changes within an organization increase earnings, but have a negative effect on perceived success.  相似文献   

Employee job satisfaction is a strong predictor of pivotal individual and organizational outcomes, e.g. commitment, productivity, retention. This study examines the mediating role of workplace racial harassment in the association of employee racioethnicity and job satisfaction in the South African context. Furthermore, this study investigates the moderating effects of career-related variables, i.e. career orientations and managerial rank. Results of a survey of 154 employees in South Africa indicate that black South Africans experience more workplace racial harassment than white employees and thus show lower job satisfaction. Moreover, the detrimental effects of workplace racial harassment on job satisfaction are more pronounced among highly career-oriented individuals and/or among employees with no or low managerial rank. The implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Fundraisers play a crucial role in helping arts and culture organizations obtain the financial resources they need to carry out their missions and support their causes. However, research on fundraisers' careers is still in its infancy. As the profession gains importance, understanding the main motivating factors of fundraisers' career paths is key. This study investigates the effects of three variables that emerged as relevant motivations for fundraiser careers, that is, education, career promotion and sector experience, on fundraising executives' tenure and career switching. In addition, this research identifies profiles of fundraising executives in the arts and culture organizations in the United States. Moreover, this study explores the role of non-profit orientation as a moderator of the relationship between career switching and tenure, and parallel titles as a moderator of the relationship between sector experience and tenure. Managerial implications are outlined.  相似文献   

With the trend of globalization, international human resource management has become more important than ever. In the globalization process, enterprises apply the approach of international assignment to firmly command the operating development of multinational enterprises and to improve operating performance. Therefore, how to select the core employees to carry out the international assignments for them is crucial. In addition, whether the international assignments succeed or not depends on the existence of a well-developed mechanism of career development in the organization, which is able to provide commitment to the employees before implementing international assignments; support the employees during international assignments; and have an arrangement for the employees after completing international assignments. This article adopts the resource-based viewpoint, systematic development viewpoint, and qualitative research method to discuss the dynamic cause-effect relationship between career development and international assignment performance. A career development mechanism is constructed for the international assignment personnel who can be used as a reference to draft and plan related practical operations for enterprises or conduct related research. This research aims to explore the cause-and-effect relation between career development and the performance of international assignments through resource-based view, system dynamics and case study. After a literature review, we construct three hypotheses and the successful mechanism of career development of international assigners. The mechanism can function as a reference for the business community to assist in the selection process and for further related academic study.  相似文献   

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