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The buffering effects of supervisor support on the stressor–strain relationship have proven elusive in prior research (Beehr, Farmer, Glazer, Gudanowski and Nair (2003), ‘The Enigma of Social Support and Occupational Stress: Source Congruence and Gender Role Effects,’ Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology, 8, 220–231). We built on emerging work on source congruence and conservation of resource theory to test a series of hypotheses intended to clarify these mixed findings. Using a sample of 768 employees from 45 organizations in North America, results from moderated regression analyses, showed that the effects of supervisor support on the stressor–strain relationship depended on source congruence. In accordance with our predictions, although we found buffering effects for the physical stressors–strain relationship, we found a reverse buffering effect for the role conflict–strain relationship. These differential buffering effects did not emerge when considering coworker support. We discuss the implications of our results for shedding light on the mixed evidence regarding buffering work stressors reported in prior research.  相似文献   

This study examined how taking charge was related to job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and job performance among Hong Kong Chinese newcomers, and how emotional competence moderates the latter relationships. The results of a two-wave survey involving 137 newcomers supported the proposition that taking charge would be positively associated with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment, but not with job performance. In addition, emotional competence significantly moderated the relationship between taking charge and job performance, such that taking charge was positively related to job performance only when newcomers’ emotional competence was high.  相似文献   

Employee commitment is an important issue for both practitioners and academicians. Although antecedents of employee commitment have been examined in previous literature, organizational support, which is an important organizational characteristic to be developed by managers, and its relationship with employee commitment have not attracted enough academic attention nowadays. Meanwhile, enough empirical evidence of relationship between various dimensions of employee commitment, such as affective and normative commitments is not there. This article focuses on exploring the relationships among organizational support, affective commitment, and normative commitment, based on the data from the hotel industry of China. The results indicate that affective commitment has significant positive effect on normative commitment. Among the three dimensions of organizational support, i.e. managerial support, coworker relationship, and role ambiguity, managerial support has the greatest influence on employee commitment. Theoretical discussions and practical implications have also been provided.  相似文献   

This research examines the role played by an employee's supervisor and organization in the relationship between structural and content plateauing, affective commitment to the organization, and psychological distress. Our analyses, based on data taken from a sample of 575 hospital employees, reveal that there is a significant relationship between the two forms of plateauing and perceived supervisor support, whereas only hierarchical plateauing is related to perceived organizational support. Our results also highlight the mediating effect of perceived organizational support in the relationship between hierarchical plateauing, perceived supervisor support, and the consequences examined.  相似文献   


This study identified patterns of psychological contract (PC) and examined how these patterns were related to employee well-being and in-role performance over time (T1–T3). PC was measured at T1 based on cross-sectional data and well-being and performance longitudinally in two consecutive years (T1?T3) among university employees. Latent profile analysis revealed six different patterns of PC at T1. These were labelled (1) strong and balanced (n = 131), (2) average and balanced (n = 382), (3) employer-focused (n = 79), (4) employee-focused (n = 59), (5) balanced transactional (n = 224) and (6) employee-focused relational (n = 322). The longitudinal findings showed that the employees in PC patterns 1 and 2 experienced more vigour at T1–T3 than those in pattern 5, while the employees in pattern 2 reported higher proficiency at work at T1–T2 than those in pattern 6. Employee job satisfaction did not vary between patterns. Altogether, the PC pattern that included many different obligations on the part of both employee and employer seemed to result in better employee well-being and in-role performance.  相似文献   

心理契约与员工满意度关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过问卷调查收集相关数据,采用定量分析方法,分析心理契约和员工满意度之间的关系。研究发现心理契约与员工满意度之间存在高度正相关的关系,心理契约的各构面中个人发展因子、工作本身因子、人与人之间关系因子与员工满意度显著相关。最后本研究提出一些基于心理契约提高员工满意度的建议。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that human resource management (HRM) practices vary across cultures. However, little research has empirically compared the effects of various HRM practices on firm‐level or individual‐level outcome variables across cultures. Drawing upon psychological contract theory and the literature on cultural values, the present study examined the effects of three organisational‐level HRM practices on individual organisational commitment in a survey of 2424 individuals in 120 organisations located in four countries and three industries. Based upon the GLOBE study, we classified the four countries into two groups – high versus low institutional collectivism. The results of our hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) analyses found significant differences in the effects of organisational‐level HRM on individual organisational commitment across cultures for two of the three HRM practices included in our model: training and teamwork. We also found partial support for differences across cultures for the effects of the third HRM practice: employee involvement in decision making. Overall, our results support the utility of theoretical and empirical models that address multiple levels of analyses to better understand the mechanisms through which the HRM‐performance link takes place across national cultures.  相似文献   

浅谈电量电费核算管理创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力是一项公共事业,电量反映社会实际发展情况。而供电企业是我国维持社会供电的主要场所,在日常运行管理中,设备的管理、维护和投资建设以及电力科研项目均需要投入较大的成本以维持正常运行。电费是供电企业收入的主要来源,也是供电设施基础建设的物质保证,因此电量电费承载的不仅是供电企业的生存与发展,更是整个国家电能质量的管理与发展。为了实现供电的可持续发展,电量电费的核算管理成为了供电企业基础管理中一项重要的基础工作,也成为考核企业和客户电量电费的一项指标。鉴于此,文章重点分析了电量电费基础核算管理创新的相关问题。  相似文献   

This study advances both psychological contract (PC) and psychological capital (PsyCap) research by testing a novel theoretical model predicting likely worker response, as a joint function of an individual's level of PsyCap and PC type, to perceived failure by the organisation to meet its obligations to the worker–organisation relationship. With a large emergency services organisation using volunteer workers as the research context, the study presents the first empirical evidence from a sample of 592 volunteers that the integrated application of PC and PsyCap theory can contribute to a better understanding of individual responses to an organisation's failure to affirm ongoing support for the volunteer–organisation relationship.  相似文献   

文章认为,创新文化建设对于提高企业自主创新能力具有重要作用,企业全体员工是企业创新文化建设的主体。只有大力加强以人为本的创新文化建设,我国的创新型国家战略才能实现。  相似文献   

根据螺旋装药的工艺特点及现有设备状况,为提高TNT的利用率,文章通过修复与改进现有设备、改进钻头与钻孔工艺及优化装药螺旋杆等措施,实践证明改进后大幅提高了TNT的利用率。  相似文献   

This study aimed to advance our understanding of inclusive human resource management (HRM) in freelance employment. We examined organizational needs and freelancers' psychological contracts with a qualitative interview study among eight dyads of HR managers and freelancers. Although the findings showed that organisations and freelancers have different interests, both parties agreed on what inclusive HRM entails in freelancers' employment relationships. However, within the dyads, the content of the psychological contract was not always viewed the same by HR managers and freelancers. Hence, negotiating mutual expectations when implementing inclusive HRM to avoid psychological contract breach appeared important. Furthermore, organizational needs did not seem to be considered when designing inclusive HRM. Due to this lack of strategic fit, organisations may waste opportunities of tapping into the full potential of hiring freelancers. The findings provide organisations insight in considering freelancers as potential sources of competitive advantage.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how mass layoffs impact surviving employees in organizations. More specifically, this study ascertained the relationships between mass layoffs and employee work behaviors. It was theorized that mass layoffs will be negatively related to employee performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) through its relationships with job insecurity and psychological contract breach. Moreover, it was expected that perceived manager support would buffer against the negative relations of contract breach with employee performance and OCB. A study among 615 employees in multiple Chilean organizations showed support for the hypotheses: job insecurity and psychological contract breach mediated the relationships between mass layoffs and employee performance and OCB. We also found moderating relationships of manager support, but the relations of breach with performance and OCB were particularly negative when manager support was high, indicating feelings of betrayal among high-support employees in response to contract breach. Moreover, the relation of contract breach with performance was positive for low-support employees, and non-significant for high-support employees. Our study advances understanding of the processes underlying how mass layoffs influence employee behavior in the workplace, through introducing the psychological contract as a way of understanding the relationships.  相似文献   


For this study, we adopted a psychological contract-based perspective to investigate whether the fulfillment of perceived developmental promises made to employees is positively related to their willingness to accept internal job-related changes when needed by the organization, a construct we refer to as the willingness to be internally employable. We also examined the role played by line managers in facilitating employees’ willingness to be internally employable by fulfilling perceived developmental promises. We tested our conceptual model with data collected from ninety-eight recently hired employees in a Norwegian organization under an initiative emphasizing employee development. We found that developmental promise fulfillment is more important for employees’ willingness to be internally employable in this context than any perceived provision of developmental inducements in isolation. Further, we found that employee perceptions of the developmental support provided by their line manager related positively to their willingness to be internally employable by way of developmental promise fulfillment; however, this was not the case with perceived developmental inducements. Our findings support the importance of developmental promise fulfillment in fostering employee willingness to be internally employable and the critical role played by line managers in fulfilling developmental promises that employees believe have been made by their organization.  相似文献   

In the field of international human resource management, studies have seldom examined organizational justice, social exchange, and psychological contract together as important factors in influencing the expatriate adjustment process. The purpose of this research is to fill the research gap by examining these factors and their relationships with expatriate adjustment. The researcher conducted a survey of Taiwanese business expatriates during the first quarter of 2007, collecting 219 valid samples for analysis. A hierarchical regression model was used to test the research framework hypotheses, which showed that expatriates' perception of organizational justice has a positive influence both on their perceptions of social exchange and on their psychological contract fulfillment. Expatriates' perceived that social exchange has a positive influence on their perceptions of psychological contract fulfillment and foreign adjustment. Finally, research implications are discussed and future study suggestions are recommended.  相似文献   

角色外行为可以分为归属性行为和挑战性行为两类。员工变革行为属于挑战性角色外行为。学术界重点关注员工变革行为的影响因素和形成机制。关于员工变革行为的影响因素,以往学者主要从个体和环境两个层面来分析。文章着重探讨前瞻性人格(个体因素)、组织公平气氛(环境因素)分别对员工变革行为的影响,以及环境因素在个体因素与员工变革行为之间的跨层次调节效应;关于控制变量的分析结论表明,任职年限、职务级别、教育程度等人口学变量对变革行为具有显著影响;关于主效应的分析结论表明,前瞻性人格正向影响员工变革行为,组织公平气氛也正向影响员工变革行为;关于交互效应的分析结论表明,组织公平气氛正向调节前瞻性人格对变革行为的影响。  相似文献   


Firms strive to innovate and enhance their competitive advantage. However, firm innovation relies on employee willingness to innovate. Therefore, how job satisfaction motivates employees to innovate has become a crucial topic. Additionally, for firms implementing a downsizing strategy to achieve a competitive edge, employee perception of downsizing may moderate the effect of employee job satisfaction on innovation commitment. To investigate the relationships between critical variables and employee innovation, we studied 277 nonsupervisory employees and three groups of stakeholders in a company and employed quantitative and qualitative methods to examine our research construct. The results revealed that job satisfaction regarding direct supervisors, pressure at work, peer relations, support of family, and health substantially affected employee innovation commitment. Employee perception of responsible downsizing strategy altered the influence of these factors. The findings of this research construct can guide organizational research and managerial practices.  相似文献   

Gossip is a common phenomenon in the workplace, but yet relatively little is understood about its influence to employees. This study adopts social information theory and social cognitive theory to interpret the diverse literature on gossip, and to develop and test hypotheses concerning some of the antecedents of gossip, with an aim of developing knowledge of the relationship between gossip and employee behaviour in the workplace. The study analysed survey data in a two-stage process, from 362 employees across a range of industries in Taiwan. The findings revealed that job-related gossip predicted employee cynicism and mediated the relationship between psychological contract violation and cynicism, and that non-job-related gossip showed a similar but weaker effect to employee cynicism. The contribution made by this paper is of value to both the academic subject domain and managers in Human Resources. First, we have identified two constructs of gossip, job-related and non-job-related gossip not previously reported and a validated scale has been created. Second, we have confirmed that these different constructs of gossip impact differently on employee behaviour and therefore HR managers should be cautious about gossip in the workplace, as it can cause cynical behaviour amongst employees.  相似文献   

Over the past decade conceptual and empirical research in operations management has embraced the idea that collaborative supplier-buyer relationships are a source of competitive advantage for manufacturing firms. Anecdotal evidence from the Japanese and U.S. automotive industry and emerging research suggests that inter-organizational identification of suppliers with their buyers, termed supplier-to-buyer identification, is an unexplored factor of relational advantage. This study presents a model and empirical test that supplier-to-buyer identification fosters superior operational performance by enhancing trust, supplier relation-specific investments, and information exchange. Through a survey of 346 automotive supplier-buyer relationships, the findings show that supplier-to-buyer identification directly impacts supplier relationship-specific investments and information exchange, although most of the latter effect is mediated by trust. The findings also indicate that supplier relation-specific investments and information exchange play different but complementary roles in influencing operational performance. The results suggest new directions for supplier-buyer relationship research in operations management and important managerial implications.  相似文献   

中国古代兵家通过教化为先,爱抚士卒,同甘共苦,身先士卒等途径,强化将帅与士卒的情感纽带,铸就出一支支战斗力极强的军队。  相似文献   

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