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为解决石长铁路运能与运量之间十分突出的矛盾,石长铁路有限责任公司按铁路建设相关程序和规定推进并开通三官桥缓开站扩能工程项目,该站路基及线路铺轨工作已基本完成,道岔已预铺到位,封锁拨接施工条件成熟,为确保施工安全,特制定本开站道岔拨接工务施工组织。  相似文献   

The host of statistical data on labour organization from the 2004 Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo (2005) will be used as a basis for using factorial analysis to identify the factors that determine how ‘modern’ companies organize their work according to business management literature. Workers' identification with their company seems to be the essence of a good part of business managers' objectives. The results of the research point to a continuity in a worker profile that largely corresponds to the Fordist model, with a few significant changes: the domain of some non-conflictive industrial relations which is settled on the value that is given to the good relationships with mates and managers and the flexible work-class positive assessment that allows to harmonize other life aspects.  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of bureaucratic organizing in a grassroots volunteer organization, which emerged during the so-called refugee crisis in an emergency refugee shelter in Germany. Most research agrees that this type of organization is by definition counter-bureaucratic. In the organization I studied, however, volunteers adopted, accepted and acclaimed bureaucratic organizing as the only, natural and self-evident way of making the grassroots work. Drawing on ethnographic research, my analysis unravels how bureaucracy became a common frame of reference that allowed the volunteers to self-organize despite their different motivations, attitudes and social backgrounds. To theorize these findings, the paper draws on the concept of a cultural trope. In so doing, it offers a more nuanced understanding of bureaucracy in grassroots volunteer organizations that might stimulate scholars to rethink its role in other fluid, dynamic and value-driven organizations.  相似文献   

社区民间组织作为政府在社区开展各项工作的依靠力量,它诞生于社区,在社区建设中发挥着驱动器的功能,以南京鼓楼区社区民间组织的发展状况为例,针对社区民间组织推动和开展社区文化、服务、维权和体育、娱乐等工作中存在的问题,进行分析并提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

The emerging employment system characterized by a high degree of employment security with flexible job assignments, employee involvement in problem solving and continuous improvement, and continuous training of employees is discussed. This model is called the SET system (for Security, Employee involvement and Training) and it is examined by means of case studies of five US firms that are attempting to establish or maintain a SET system. It is found that SET systems are difficult to implement in a gradual and partial manner. The three elements of SET reinforce one another and firms that are successful in adopting SET have made an investment to implement all three SET elements simultaneously. Four factors that impede implementation of a SET system are then identified.  相似文献   

以深圳市为例,分析了转型社会中社区组织建设中的新动向,讨论了社区管理体制转变的动因,指出社区组织建设的目的并不是要强化国家权力对基层社区的控制,而是要在社区层面形成法治框架内的新型社区政治.  相似文献   

We analyze the intranet communication behavior of members of a company that was deeply committed to the principles of non-hierarchical communication structures and of post-bureaucratic organization. We observe a split between the symbolic activities for creating a non-hierarchical network organization and the actual intranet communication behavior of the organization members. In their daily communication on the intranet, they persistently reproduced hierarchical structures and official channels—elements typically associated with bureaucratic organizations. Further, we find many signals in the content of the intranet messages, reflecting a social hierarchy that has evolved within the organization. Thus, despite rhetoric to the contrary, our findings regarding this communication behavior show that, to all intents and purposes, this particular organization displayed characteristics similar to those of a traditional bureaucratic organization.  相似文献   

In recent years the learning organization has become popular in the management literature but the extent to which staff typically obtain access to the information they need for enhanced learning is not well understood. This paper examines the access to information experienced by staff within a New Zealand company in terms of the topics on which information is received and the sources from which information comes. The results show significant divisions within the company on status grounds for information that is currently received. Nevertheless, no such divisions were found for the information that is sought. Limitations appeared more obviously with regard to formal information sources (for which the company is responsible) than for the informal sources (which the individual finds it easier to access). Implications for companies aspiring to strengthen their capacity to learn are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Pressure is increasing on traditional organizations to transform by moving away from old hierarchical structures towards more self-management in order to respond to nimble and agile entrepreneurial ventures and start-ups. In order for organizations to succeed in such transformations we need to know more about how radically self-managing organizations function, and what makes employees thrive and struggle in such settings. In this paper, we delve into an innovative peer coaching system used by Nitor, a self-managing digital engineering company, which challenges the mainstream belief how profitable companies should be organized and managed. In our study we explore the key characteristics of this peer coaching system, the mechanisms through which it enables employee proactivity and well-being, the key organizational outcomes and the challenges of successfully implementing it. The study suggests that peer coaching is especially helpful in self-managing firms as it is able to replace some of the key roles that middle management plays in traditional organizations.  相似文献   

通过设计、发放调查问卷,分析、评价我国城市出租车市场公司经营与个体经营的优劣,进而就目前采取的限制进入出租车市场组织形式的管制方式进行分析,提出放松个体进入限制措施、提高司机执业标准、强化进入退出机制等管制制度与政策的改革措施,以纠正市场失灵,提高资源配置效率,促进公平等管制目标的实现。  相似文献   

Earlier studies have investigated the hollowing-out phenomenon of the Chicago economy, in which the manufacturing sectors in Chicago have decreased their intermediate dependency within the region while the service sectors have increased their dependency. In this paper, a series of annual input–output tables for the Chicago metropolitan economy during the period of 1980–1997 was again employed for a further investigation of the structural change using an alternative tool, the temporal Leontief inverse analysis, that can assist in exploring trends and uncovering tendencies in individual sectors or groups of sectors within the context of an economy-wide system of accounts. The results are compared with the earlier studies for examining the nature and details of the hollowing-out phenomenon.  相似文献   

In 1987–8 a large attitudinal survey covering all twelve Member States of the European Community was carried out by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin which focused on various aspects of participation by employee representatives in new information technology. This paper presents evidence on one of the central trade union concerns about technological change – that of work organization.

The paper first sets out an explanatory framework which is based on much of the literature, surveys and case-study evidence on the impact of new technology on work and employment. Second, the explanatory factors are used to explain the wide diversity in the levels of participation in work organization across the Community. The paper concludes that there is a significant North/South divide, with the northern EC Member States, particularly Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium having much higher levels of participation in work organization than their Mediterranean partners.  相似文献   

Drawing on the current research in general leadership, we propose that a process ontology is relevant and rewarding for project leadership studies. We argue that project leadership can be studied as the ongoing social production of direction through the construction of actors’ space of action, involving continuous construction and reconstruction of (1) past project activities and events; (2) positions and areas of responsibility; (3) discarded, ongoing, and future issues; and (4) intensity, rhythm, and pace. Through an ethnographic case study of an organizational change project, we show how space of action and hence the project direction are in constant flux and becoming.  相似文献   

Real-life experiences of corporate mergers often tell of disappointment in terms of the synergistic benefits that fail to appear, or the severe organisational problems that arise. Although many studies have provided empirical material on internal divisions among actors coming from the previously separate organisations, we still know little about the sociopolitical forces at work in the upper echelons of corporate hierarchies. It is suggested in this paper that an examination of the emergent role identities in the upper echelons of a new corporate hierarchy can help us to understand the nature of these sociopolitical forces. The empirical analysis concentrates on a revealing merger case where Finnish Ovako and Swedish SKF Steel first joined forces, but where their organisational marriage broke down five years later. This analysis illustrates how behaviour consistent with the enacted role identities can create contradictory sociopolitical forces, and how this can lead to increasing tension and severe open conflict. The analysis suggests that a favourable turn in the business cycle is a condition that can easily hide such divisions with dramatic consequences later on.  相似文献   

We propose and test a theoretical framework concerning the relationship between transformational leadership behaviour and affective commitment to change in a public sector context. We apply change management theory to explain how direct supervisors contribute to processes of organizational change, thereby increasing affective commitment to change among employees. While the change leadership literature emphasizes the role of executive managers during change, we conclude that the transformational leadership behaviour of direct supervisors is an important contribution to the successful implementation of change. Furthermore, the results show how the specific context of public organizations determines the transformational leadership behaviour of direct supervisors.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread calls for in‐depth case studies on adoption of the International Integrated Reporting Council Framework, in practice, it appears to be underexplored, above all in the public sector. Our aim is to explore how and why a public health care organization (PHO) has chosen to adopt the practice of integrated reporting, and we then delve into whether the PHO's perception of the document's value coincides with that of the stakeholders, who are its recipients. Often, society's perception of value can differ considerably from an organization's. Thus, for our research purposes, a case study was examined, adopting a qualitative approach and action research methodology. Our findings demonstrate the centrality of the value created for patients and of the “normative” scenario that takes place during the implementation of an integrated report in a PHO. Moreover, the concept of legitimacy was found to be virtually synonymous with institutionalization.  相似文献   

Despite being regarded as a critical psychological process influencing the effectiveness of change initiatives, concerns about change have not received empirical attention in the organizational change literature. The present study addresses this issue by examining the relationships among employees' concerns about change (conceptualized as including concerns about the contents and benefits of change, and concerns about mastering the change), commitment to change and innovative work behavior. First, in a hospital undergoing a major administrative change (N = 435), concerns about change were generally found to be negatively related to affective and normative commitment to change and positively related to continuance commitment to change. These results were replicated in a chemical and pharmaceutical company undergoing a technological change (N = 113), except that concerns about change were unrelated to normative commitment to change. In addition, employees' innovative work behavior moderated the relationship of concerns about change to affective commitment to change such that the relationship was negative when innovative behavior was low but nonsignificant when innovative behavior was high. This study provides scholars and practitioners with a theoretically and empirically grounded framework for assessing employees' concerns about change, and moves research a step forward into identifying the behaviors that organizations should support to counteract this psychological threat.  相似文献   


The study of intellectual capital has gained interest in today’s highly competitive landscape. Using intellectual capital as a mediator, this paper developed an integrated model to examine whether organization learning affects and increases the capacity for new service development (NSD). The results from the study of 598 hotel managers support this model across multi-dimensions of intellectual capital and show that intellectual capital plays a mediating role between organizational learning and NSD. This paper also finds exploitative organization learning enhances the positive effect of organization capital because it fosters a positive link between relational capital and human capital. The study also discusses how this intriguing pattern of mediation could be explained by using theory and research with a regulatory focus.  相似文献   

Organizational memory research has developed from the 'storage bin' model of memory towards emphasizing collective remembering. We advance this view by proposing organizational remembering not just as the process of evoking past events to reproduce traditions but also as a projection into the future using imagination. Empirically this is illustrated through the qualitative analysis of 27 episodic interviews with employees of a global financial institution, documents and the media coverage of the organization’s involvement in two well-publicized financial scandals. We explore the impact of the episodic memories of those events on employees' readiness for the cultural change programme launched by management after the scandals. The analysis shows how the negative media coverage of the organization generated a powerful dis-confirmation of its working practices among employees and how this was amplified by the strong emotional reactions remembering those events provoked. Management used both to re-frame the past in a narrative used to increase receptiveness to change. Yet the past was brought differently into the present by different organizational groups depending on the future each group imagined, counteracting the impact of the generic management narrative. The findings illustrate the collective, emotional and imaginative qualities of organizational remembering and provide new insights into the process of cultural change through the lens of memory showing how while memories may be shaped by management to respond to crisis, they can also become part of prospective and transformative change processes.  相似文献   

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