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基于Panel Data模型的土地供应量对房价的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究目的:定量反映土地供应量对房价的影响及其作用机制。研究方法:计量经济学方法。研究结果:一年前的土地供应量对房屋供应量的影响是正的,对房价的影响是负的,两者在统计上都是显著的,但土地供应量增加对降低房价的影响力非常小。两年前的土地供应量虽然影响房屋供应量,但却不影响房价。研究结论:影响中国当前房价的因素非常复杂,增减土地供应量对调控房价有一定作用,但必须同时有其他工具的辅助,否则其效果很可能不够显著。  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical and conceptual insights in analysing the factors that determine the prices of farmland within Protected Natural Areas that are close to densely populated urban areas, the changes in land use experiences as well as the additional control policies needed to curb this unsustainable trend.The Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve nearby the metropolitan area of Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is the case study considered and its bordering non-protected rural area is used as a reference for comparison. A spatial hedonic farmland price model is estimated and the willingness of land purchasers to pay for different farmland characteristics quantified both inside and outside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. The main results are that: (1) residential development is taking place in all categories of farmland, (2) aside from neighbouring prices, farmland prices depend on different factors depending on whether the marketed plots stand inside or outside the Protected Natural Area, (3) the “reserve effect” on land prices is less powerful than the “proximity to the metropolitan area (and motorway) effect” observed from villages of the non-protected area located in the 3rd crown of Bilbao, (4) the reasons for farmers non-compliance with policy regulations is the necessary knowledge base for the farmland conservation policy design and (5) in the light of the results, three development-control policy instruments such as Payments for Ecosystem Services, Tradable Planning Permits and development-taxes are discussed considering the factors that could improve compliance.  相似文献   

We assess the spatial and intertemporal variation in farmland prices using per hectare minimum willingness to accept (WTA) sales and rental (shadow) prices in Malawi. We use three rounds of nationally representative farm household panel data from the Living Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS), collected in 2010, 2013 and 2016. The sample is split in quintiles based on distance from the nearest major city, building on the land valuation and transaction cost theory, and agrarian political economy perspectives on global and national land transactions. Generally, farmland shadow prices decrease with distance from urban areas. However, farmland shadow sales prices increased more sharply between 2010 and 2013 in rural areas (+100 % vs +30 % in urban proximity). The results indicate that the sharp increase in demand for large-scale land transfers following the sharp increase in energy and food prices also affected rural smallholders’ land valuation, even in remote rural areas of Malawi. Conversely, by 2016 land shadow sales prices were again, like in 2010, about three times as high in areas near urban centres compared to remote rural areas. Even though sales prices declined in remote rural areas from 2013 to 2016, rental prices remained high. Using farm household-level population pressure variable, we show that local population pressure is a driver of farmland shadow prices, indicating land scarcity challenges, growing demand for land, and poorly developed land markets. With increasing land scarcity, land markets are becoming more important and need to be factored in when formulating development policies that aim to improve access to land in both peri-urban and rural areas.  相似文献   

制度变迁理论认为:产权制度设计具有在体制内激励个人与集团的功能.中国的经济改革是"在解决现实问题中进行的渐进式经济改革",实践中的"产权"设计需要在法学理论层面对之进行梳理.我国的农村土地集体所有制度的利弊与农民财产的市场化问题一直在争议之中.在房价暴涨,危及居民基本居住条件的情况下,政府以金融、行政手段对房价进行调控,上海市明确"土地使用权限到期后由出让方收回",是否合法合理?在探索农村土地入市的过程中,重庆市户籍改革对农村的宅基地以"地票"制度入市交易,实现权利的变现,这一创新举措是否符合法理?文章立足经济法价值论,对土地产权设计的法理价值及上述政策得失进行述评.  相似文献   

住房问题关乎国计民生,房价成为影响城乡发展差距变动的重要因素。文章聚焦房价上涨对城乡家庭财产性收入差距变动的影响,并基于2005—2018年我国31个省级行政区域面板数据,采用固定效应模型与动态面板系统GMM估计方法,对房价如何影响城乡财产性收入差距变动进行实证研究。研究发现,房价上涨会显著拉大城乡财产性收入差距,并且这种影响存在区域差异性。文章认为应调整预防房价上涨的相关政策,落实中央"房住不炒"定位,以缓解房价上涨导致的城乡家庭财产性收入差距过大现象,助力推进社会高质量发展。  相似文献   

论土地价格的本质及其来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:论证土地价格的本质及来源,凝练土地经济学规律。研究方法:归纳与演绎法,文献研究法。研究结果:土地作为自然资源和生产要素,在人类社会出现土地私人占有以后就出现了土地价格;土地价格是在交换过程中形成的,是土地占有或放弃占有的对价;土地价格是土地利用能力的标尺,是土地财产价值量的经济表征;土地的本质属性决定了土地价格变化的特殊性;土地价格最终取决于土地利用能力,土地价格是其预期收益的购买价格。研究结论:土地价格最终来源于土地产出品价格,应遵循这一基本规律认识和解决土地经济问题。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse how institutional sellers within the privatisation process shape price formation in agricultural land markets by taking the German reunification as an example. These institutions sell the formerly state owned land within first-price sealed bid auctions, publish calls and obtained prices, and are hypothesised to exploit their market power. Based on the conceptual framework of hedonic pricing models, we use a spatio-temporal modelling approach to empirically quantify these impacts. We thereby control for land productivity characteristics, potential buyers and whether farmers purchase the land. We find that privatisation agencies sell at significantly higher prices, while one agency sells at lower prices to farmers.  相似文献   

Based on a graphical analysis, we investigate the impacts of the Fischler Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on land rental prices and the capitalization of single farm payments (SFP) into land values. The model shows that the degree of capitalization mainly depends on the scarcity/surplus of SFP entitlements relative to eligible hectares, the implementation model (historical versus regional) and the land supply elasticity. If there are more SFP entitlements than eligible hectares, the degree of capitalization into land values may not decline and may even increase due to the inclusion of other supports such as animal premiums in the SFP. We test this hypothesis with an empirical analysis of cross-section data on land rental prices in Bavaria for 2005. Empirical results indicate that decoupled SFP are capitalized into rental prices to a larger degree than the coupled direct payments of the time prior to the reform.  相似文献   

A price on carbon has the potential to drive significant land use change through reforestation. Understanding the likely locations and extent of these changes is therefore a key focus for researchers and policy makers. Models of reforestation based on net present values (NPV) typically compare the economic returns of carbon forestry to alternative land uses. However, these models often neglect the impact of uncertainty. Two sources of uncertainty highly relevant to carbon forestry are the opportunity cost of the land on which the trees are established (i.e. future returns from alternative land uses) and carbon prices. In addition to foregoing the current land use, a landowner making a permanent land use change such as carbon forestry is also giving up the opportunity to change management in the future, for example by changing crop mix in response to commodity price changes. We develop a Monte Carlo model to demonstrate the value of management flexibility, based on a case study property in Australia. While in the absence of management flexibility carbon forestry is more profitable than the current land use, under uncertain future commodity prices it is less attractive to a landowner. We go on to show that, even if the returns from carbon exceed those from more flexible agricultural land use, uncertainty over future carbon prices is likely to delay the adoption of carbon forestry. Overall the models presented in this paper demonstrate that the adoption of carbon forestry is likely to be substantially lower, and slower, than models based on static values would suggest.  相似文献   

农民建房占地即农宅占地是建设用地的重要组成部分。随着经济发展速度加快和农民生活水平的提高,农宅占地也逐年增多,已占建设用地的近四分之一。国家在不同时期制定了不同的农宅占地政策,近期加上土地利用总体规划限制,造成农宅占地乱、管理难、规范难,越权批地、违法占地建农房屡禁不止,已经影响到了农村稳定和农村经济的健康发展。以唐山市为例,应以农宅用地的历史和现实状况为依据,分析农村宅基地建设和管理中出现的问题及问题产生的原因,进而从规划、管理、制度等方面采取措施规范农村宅基地管理。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于2008—2019年长三角城市地价数据,实证分析地价增长及空间分异格局、机制。研究方法:计量经济和社会网络分析方法。研究结果:(1)长三角城市地价历经复苏增长、相对企稳、快速增长和平稳增长4个阶段;(2)城市间地价差异整体缩小,并且呈现出一定的空间依赖性;(3)不同层级城市地价受到核心城市地价变化影响而呈现出相似变动和关联特征;(4)长三角区域地价空间关联格局成因主要是要素流动聚集效应与市场联动。研究结论:当前一体化发展背景下,长三角城市地价一体化效应还不强,应进一步出台区域协调发展政策,促进土地要素流动、土地市场整合与地价协同发展。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for the impact of an urban growth boundary (UGB) on house prices. The study employs a two-stage quantile spatial regression method on a dataset that inventories sales transactions of single-family houses within two miles of either side of the eastern boundary of the primary UGB in King County, Washington. The results show that while the UGB decreases house prices across the entire house price spectrum, the impact is uneven; it is most pronounced for houses in the 5th to 8th decile of prices. These findings should encourage policy makers to adopt sub-housing-market-level policy approaches to address UGB and other urban and regional development policies’ potential impacts on house prices.  相似文献   

研究目的:对武汉南湖景观的存在对其周边住宅价值的影响作用进行定量化的分析。研究方法:特征价格法。研究结果:在南湖周边700 m的范围内,住宅到南湖的距离每减少100 m可为其带来5.65%的增值,即315.41元/m2(以亿房网上公布的南湖板块住宅房地产均价5582.53元/m2计算)。研究结论:(1) 景观的存在确实会对周边住宅的价值带来正的影响;(2)采用特征价格法能很好地将景观对住宅价值的影响作用进行量化。  相似文献   

研究目的:推导中国的土地投资函数,解析土地价格对投资的影响因子,并以北京、上海、宁波、广州、天津、沈阳6城市为样本进行地区影响分析。研究方法:计量经济法,模型分析法。研究结果:土地价格每上升1个百分点,工业投资就会下降0.00765个百分点。上海、宁波、广州、天津4个城市的医药、电子和食品制造业投资对土地价格变化最为敏感。研究结论:土地价格对工业投资有一定影响,工业投资对土地价格的弹性有明显的行业和地区特点。  相似文献   

Neoliberal land policies such as land administration seek to improve property rights and the efficiency of land markets to boost rural economic production. Quantitative studies of pre-existing land markets can help planners to tailor these policies to local conditions. In this article we examine an extra-legal land market currently being modernized by a World Bank-sponsored land administration effort. Specifically, we use a hedonic-type revealed preference model and household survey data to estimate the factors affecting extra-legal land prices along an agricultural frontier in Petén, Guatemala. Our model indicates that land value is significantly affected by land attributes including location, tenure status, presence of water, distance to roads, and distance to landowners’ homes, and that land prices in the northwestern Petén are estimated to have risen on average 26.5% per year between 1977 and 2000. We contend that this rate of increase provides a strong incentive for colonists to speculate in land rather than invest in state sanctioned property rights. We conclude that if frontier development programs, such as land administration, are to become attractive to settlers in Petén and elsewhere, they must compete favorably with economic incentives associated with land speculation, or alternatively, target landowners who are not interested in playing the land market.  相似文献   

We examined how environmental amenities, particularly views and open space access, impact residential home sales prices in Ramsey County, MN using a hedonic pricing model. Home sale prices increase with closer proximity to parks, trails, lakes, and streams. Proximity to lakes produced the greatest impact on home sale value of these distance variables, followed by parks, trails, and streams. Increasing view areal extents as well as increasing the amount of water and grassy land covers in views also resulted in increased sale prices. Increased view richness in terms of the number of different land cover types in a view reduced home sale prices. These results illustrate the importance of these environmental amenities to single-family homeowners and can be used to inform land use planning and policy decisions aimed at their preservation.  相似文献   

基于面板数据的省会城市居住地价的差异及成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:基于2000 — 2006年面板数据,分析省会城市居住地价的差异、主要影响因子及其影响程度。研究方法:混合OLS估计方法、固定效应模型和随机效应模型。研究结果:(1)中国省会城市居住地价存在明显的时空差异,2005年及以后地价增长明显,且东部地区地价与中、西部地区的差距进一步拉大;(2)将城市间居住地价的影响因素分为全国宏观经济因素、区域整体差异因素和城市个体因素三个层面,并基于引致需求理论,构建更具实效性的城市居住地价影响因子体系;(3)建成区面积、城市人均GDP、国际旅游收入、2004年8月31日之后土地供应方式的重大转变(正向关系)和房地产开发投资(负向关系)对居住地价有显著影响。研究结论:面板数据模型是中国城市间地价问题定量分析的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

Land speculation by cattle ranchers is considered a principal cause of deforestation in Latin America, in particular in combination with (previously) widely provided interest rate subsidies. Proof for the hypothesis that land speculation leads to inflated rates of investment in land is, however, relatively limited and invariably related to the question of whether land prices tend to rise over time. Based on the Neoclassical investment theory with adjustment costs we develop a stochastic cattle ranching model in which land prices are modelled as geometric Brownian motion, to evaluate the effect of expected fluctuations in land prices on land investment decisions by cattle ranchers in Latin America. For a case study in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica, results show that the expected rate of investment is almost 35% underestimated in case land prices are assumed constant instead of fluctuating according to the standard deviation, while abolition of interest rate subsidies leads to an almost 15% decrease in the expected rate of investment. Consequently, it is shown that variability in land prices alone is a sufficient condition for land speculation, inflated rates of investment in land, larger farm sizes and, thus, higher rates of deforestation in agrarian frontier areas, while this process is further promoted by subsidized livestock credit or any other form of agricultural subsidy that increases the marginal production value of land.  相似文献   

目的 探究土地“三生”功能与土地利用碳排放的耦合协调关系,提出低碳导向下国土空间结构优化路径,构建“三生”功能土地利用社会经济生态长效发展机制。方法 文章构建“三生”功能评价指标体系,系统分析武汉城市圈“三生”空间格局演变特征;运用直接/间接碳排放测算方法测算“三生”功能土地利用碳排放并分析时空分布特征;运用耦合协调度模型探究“三生”功能与土地利用碳排放耦合协调关系并划分协同发展区。结果 (1)2000—2020年武汉城市圈“三生”功能空间格局均呈现出明显的空间分异特征和演变规律,土地生产、生活功能空间分布具有较好一致性,土地生态功能呈现南北高中间低的梯度变化格局。(2)研究期间,武汉城市圈土地利用碳排放总量增加,土地利用碳排放强度空间上表现出显著的“生产—生活功能同向性,生态功能异向性”的空间布局特征。(3)2000—2020年武汉城市圈“三生”功能强度与土地利用碳排放耦合协调度提高,根据研究结果将研究区协同划分为4类协同发展分区:生态低碳保障区、生产高碳控制区、生活高碳引导区和双生高碳优化区。结论 未来武汉城市圈“三生”发展应根据分区发展特征,针对性地优化土地利用结构和功能,完善行业要素投入配置机制,遵循生态宜居化建设原则,减控“三生”功能土地利用碳排放,实现“双碳”目标下土地利用“三生”功能的协同发展。  相似文献   

Hedonic property models are commonly applied in the environmental economics literature to estimate values of environmental amenities or hazards. Most hedonic property models are estimated using linear regression techniques where the coefficient on the environmental variable of interest is the “marginal implicit price.” Linear regression estimates one coefficient for the entire distribution of the dependent variable, and thus in hedonic property models a single marginal implicit price. In contrast, quantile regression estimates a range of marginal impacts for different quantiles of the distribution for the dependent variable, consequently providing a significantly more “complete picture” of the true impact of the explanatory variable (Koeneker and Hallock, 2001). We contribute to the existing hedonic property literature by estimating the impact of repeated wildfires on house prices in Southern California using quantile regression. We find that the impact of a wildfire differs significantly across the distribution of house prices, with estimated coefficients varying as much as 73% from the 25th quantile relative to the 75th quantile. We also find that OLS results under-estimate impacts relative to the median quantile, yet over-estimate impacts for lower quantiles. Our results indicate that a quantile regression approach can provide policymakers and researchers more information about the marginal implicit price in hedonic models as it relates to the distribution of the dependent variable.  相似文献   

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