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Expatriate social networks constitute an under-emphasized area in expatriate literature. The current study contributes to the expatriate adjustment literature by empirically testing the relationship between expatriate personal networks and psychological well-being. The current study also investigates the hypothesis that expatriates from different cultural backgrounds will establish different social networks and adjust differently in China. A survey of 166 expatriates in China from North America, Europe and other countries in Asia showed significant support for the hypothesis that expatriate network characteristics have a direct and significant influence on expatriate psychological well-being. In addition, as predicted, expatriates in China from different cultural backgrounds (Overseas Chinese, other Asian, North American and European) established personal networks with different characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to extend and elaborate social capital approaches to organizational creativity by identifying different mechanisms that employees can deploy to promote the development of social capital through social interaction, relationship quality and network ties. The findings, based on data from a sample of 382 employees across different areas of expertise and countries in a multinational manufacturing firm, indicate that relationship quality and network ties play a mediating role between social interaction and organizational creativity. The findings of this study contribute to the development of a conceptual theoretical model for explaining the interrelationships among three mechanisms of social capital and organizational creativity performance.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the antecedents of expatriate work attitudes in terrorism-endangered countries. Applying a social exchange perspective, the study empirically analyzes which measures are qualified to achieve and maintain positive work attitudes among expatriates. Hierarchical regression analysis is applied to investigate this relationship, using data from 143 expatriates in high-risk countries. Data show that social support from co-workers as well as from the organization itself is essential. Moreover, the study investigates the expatriate's sensitivity to terrorism as a moderator and finds that companies should incorporate the sensitivity in their considerations for corporate measures.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the effect of social network position, structure, and ties on the performance of knowledge‐intensive workers in dispersed occupational communities. Using structural holes and strength‐of‐tie theory, we develop a theoretical framework and a valid and reliable survey instrument. Second, we apply network and structural holes measures for understanding its association with performance. Empirical results suggest that degree centrality in a knowledge workers' professional network positively influences performance use, whereas a highly constrained professional network is detrimental to performance. The findings show that social network structure and position are important factors to consider for individual performance.  相似文献   

In the field of international human resource management, studies have seldom examined organizational justice, social exchange, and psychological contract together as important factors in influencing the expatriate adjustment process. The purpose of this research is to fill the research gap by examining these factors and their relationships with expatriate adjustment. The researcher conducted a survey of Taiwanese business expatriates during the first quarter of 2007, collecting 219 valid samples for analysis. A hierarchical regression model was used to test the research framework hypotheses, which showed that expatriates' perception of organizational justice has a positive influence both on their perceptions of social exchange and on their psychological contract fulfillment. Expatriates' perceived that social exchange has a positive influence on their perceptions of psychological contract fulfillment and foreign adjustment. Finally, research implications are discussed and future study suggestions are recommended.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual model of the influence of terrorism on expatriates' work attitudes and performance. After briefly discussing the challenges connected with terrorism and the expatriation of employees into high-risk countries, we develop a causal model based on the stress perspective. Several stressors related to a specific situation and to interaction with other people contribute to an expatriate's individual stress level, which is then reflected in his or her work attitudes and performance. Then, propositions on the postulated relationships are derived, and moderating influences are discussed. The article concludes with managerial implications and directions for future studies.  相似文献   

While expatriates often face language barriers in host countries, relatively little research has focused on the influence of host country language proficiency on cross-cultural adjustment. We drew on social identity theory and conducted an interview-based study with 70 expatriates and their host country national (HCN) colleagues to provide a contextual account of host country language proficiency's effects on work and non-work-related adjustment in China. Our findings suggest that expatriate host country language proficiency has multifaceted effects on expatriates' HCN interaction, social support, and network-related work and non-work adjustment.  相似文献   

We test the relationships between corporate expatriate supporting practices, cross-cultural adjustment, and expatriate performance. Specifically, we propose that the facets of cultural intelligence moderate the expatriate supporting practices–expatriate adjustment relationship. Analyzing 169 expatriates residing in Singapore, we found that expatriate supporting practices were positively related to adjustment as well as performance. Further, we demonstrated that metacognitive and cognitive cultural intelligence negatively moderated the links between expatriate supporting practices and adjustment, while motivational cultural intelligence had a positive moderating effect. These findings have implications for organizations providing support for expatriates and the expatriate selection and training processes.  相似文献   

This study investigates expatriate compensation from the under-researched perspective of host-country nationals (HCN). HCNs are typically compensated at lower levels than expatriates are, even when they hold similar jobs and possess similar qualifications. Such pay differential may provoke HCN perceptions of pay unfairness, which can in turn affect other HCN outcomes such as performance and turnover. The study identifies a number of factors that may offset or attenuate the negative influence of pay differential on HCN's perceived pay unfairness, namely awareness of expatriate contributions and special needs, expatriate interpersonal sensitivity, HCN pay advantage over other locals, and HCN contact with expatriates. Data from HCNs working with similarly qualified expatriates largely supported the hypotheses. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the notion of adjustment to careers involving international assignments needs to be developed further than the current literature reflects. An expatriate assignment is an expatriate's opportunity to build career capital and a company's opportunity to generate social and intellectual capital. The extent of the capital gains will depend considerably on the expatriate's adjustment during and after the assignment, which is influenced by the psychological contract. We argue that our understanding of the career impact of expatriation will be enhanced by a more refined picture of the adjustment that expatriates experience during the assignment and during repatriation. In particular, we examine adjustment as process rather than as event. We propose a broad conception of expatriate adjustment and its link to careers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is an extension as well as a test of Caligiuri and Lazarova's model (2002) for the influence of support provided by different network partners (supervisors, co-workers, friends, spouses) on received socio-emotional and instrumental support. We extended this model by examining this relationship in connection with company size. Ninety expatriates were questioned during their foreign assignment: 45 from small and medium-sized enterprises and 45 from large companies. Consistent with our hypothesis expatriates who received support from their co-workers during their foreign sojourn also received more instrumental support. In addition, the type of company moderated the relationship between the network partner friends and socio-emotional and instrumental support. Implications for expatriate adjustment research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


This study takes a micro standpoint to quantitatively verify the extent to which local interactions affect the expansion of dynamic social networks. By reviewing and synthesizing the theoretical literature in this article, we seek to establish a pragmatic analytical framework to capture the underlying functioning of local interactions. It then aims to produce findings on seven distinct marketing campaigns in which the real-world virtual communities offer intact time-series connections. In our considered cases, the firm-to-consumer interactivity plays a pivotal role in social media marketing while the customer-driven influence advances individual information transmission. The significant positive relationships demonstrate features of interactivity within subgroups including reciprocal edges and directed 3-cliques associated with the evolution of the virtual community by electronic word-of-mouth (WOM) of both firm-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer interactions. More importantly, the attenuation of local interactions to a large extent leads to the cut-off point of the growth of the dynamic social network.  相似文献   

Non-traditional expatriates, those expatriates whose assignments tend to be shorter, involve specialist work and often do not involve families relocating, have not been the subject of sustained research. What we do know about this group of expatriates has been mainly derived from research on Western multinational enterprises (MNEs). The current study explores the trend towards, and the management of, these non-traditional expatriates in South Korean MNEs operating in China. Using a qualitative case study approach involving in-depth, semi-structured interviews with expatriates and local managers, this study reveals that the use of non-traditional expatriates has been on rise in the sample MNEs and that they undertake similar roles to the long-term expatriates including control, problem-solving, management development and knowledge transfer. This shift towards non-traditional expatriation has been brought about by the decreased need for long-term assignments and the desire to gain more organizational flexibility. We conclude that such changes represent a strategic response to the longer term issues surrounding traditional expatriates such as family, career and expatriate failure. Such a shift is not without problems as the research found that there was a lack of formal recruitment and selection processes and that training for non-traditional expatriates was limited.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the influence of involvement in internal and external social networks on HRM capabilities. We distinguish between technical and strategic HRM capabilities and focus on the capabilities of the HR department relating to four HRM practices – recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and performance appraisal. The study is based on data from dual respondents, general managers and HR managers, in 66 European MNC subsidiaries located in China. The results indicate that contact with other MNCs in China regarding HRM issues is positively associated with both technical and strategic HRM capabilities whereas contact with local Chinese companies does not have any significant influence on either strategic or technical HRM capabilities. Contact with MNC headquarters is positively associated with strategic HRM capabilities.  相似文献   

This study investigated risking-taking and network ties and their impact on an individual's intention to quit from a relational perspective. Using the social identity and social capital as the theoretical foundation, hypotheses were developed to examine how internal instrumental and external ties as well as ties with higher ranked individuals and their association with turnover intention. These hypotheses were empirically tested using data collected from 126 full-time employees in a Chinese setting. The results showed that high risk propensity was positively associated with turnover intention. Not only internal ties that binds, but external networking also matter in turnover decisions.  相似文献   

This research tests the role of perceived support from multinational corporations and host-country nationals for the adjustment of expatriates and their spouses while on international assignments. The investigation is carried out with matched data from 134 expatriates and their spouses based in foreign multinationals in Malaysia. The results highlight the different reliance on support providers that expatriates and their accompanying spouses found beneficial for acclimatizing to the host-country environment. Improved adjustment in turn was found to have positive effects on expatriates' performance. The research findings have implications for both international human resource management researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

In this research, we disentangle the relationship between several key aspects of a team leader's experience and the likelihood of improvement project success. Using the lens of socio-technical systems, we argue that the effect of team leader experience derives from the social system as well as the technical system. The aspects of team leader experience we examine include team leader social capital (a part of the social system) and team leader experience leading projects of the same type (a part of the technical system).We examine four different, yet related, dimensions of a team leader's social capital, which we motivate based on the social networks literature. One dimension, team leader familiarity, suggests that social capital is created when team leaders have experience working with current team members on prior improvement projects, and that such social capital increases the likelihood of improvement project success. We develop three additional dimensions, using social network analysis (SNA), to capture the idea that the improvement team leader's social capital extends beyond the current team to include everyone the leader has previously worked with on improvement projects. Contrasting our SNA-based dimensions with team leader familiarity enables us to better understand the impact of a team leader's social capital both inside and beyond the team. We also examine the effect of a team leader's experience leading prior projects of the same type, and consider the extent to which organizational experience may moderate the impact of both team leader social capital and same-type project experience.Based on analysis of archival data of six sigma projects spanning six years from a Fortune 500 consumer products manufacturer, we find that two of our SNA-based dimensions of team leader social capital, as well as experience leading projects of the same type, increase the likelihood of project success. In addition, we show that organizational experience moderates the relationship between team leader same-type project experience and project success. However, this is not the case for the relationship between the dimensions of team leader social capital and project success. These results provide insights regarding how dimensions of team leader experience and organizational experience collectively impact the operational performance of improvement teams.  相似文献   

This paper applied the grounded theory method in a study of the expatriates' spouses' relocation adjustment process and the impact of such adjustment problems in expatriate failure. A qualitative enquiry approach using open-ended questions in the form of personal interviews was adopted. Iteratively, the questions were changed to reach theoretical saturation and we allowed the respondents to lead us through the data collection process during our eventual theory development process. An action diagram technique was used to help structure and process the data. The study was conducted with 26 Indian origin spouses who had to encounter relocation issues one time or the other. We found the spouses' perceived gender role ideology to play a critical part in their adjustment process. Other factors that influenced the adjustment process in expatriate assignments were personality factors such as extraversion, organizational and family support, country demographics and pre-departure training.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a hybrid collaboration recommendation method that accounts for research similarities and the previous research cooperation network. Research cooperation is measured by combining the collaboration time and the number of co-authors who already collaborated with at least one scientist. Research similarity is based on authors’ previous publications and academic events they attended. A weighted directed graph is built to discover new collaborators by using direct and indirect connections between scientists. Moreover, a consensus-based system is built to integrate bibliography data from different sources. The experimental results show that our method improves the recommendation performances over other methods.  相似文献   

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